The Length You Go to Avoid Mild Inconveniences

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what's the farthest you've seen someone go to avoid a mild inconvenience my cousin lives in a shed in his mom's yard and has two dogs the yard is covered in that red rubber background cover he spray paints the dog crap the same color as the bark instead of picking it up i hate that side of my family i thought the story couldn't get better after lives in a shed and then it did several times my cousin needs full meals on paper towels to avoid doing the dishes i've seen him eat things like ice cream and spaghetti he should buy tortillas they're like paper towels you can eat i came home from work one day last week to find my modem had stopped working no cable no netflix no video games no working from my home office and it was raining so no yard work i sat on my couch for long enough to drink a beer and then got up and went to bed i wasn't about to deal with my life in those circumstances i do this when i'm left at home alone i get bored with nobody to harass my tv is at the foot of my bed and if i can't read the descriptions on netflix i take a picture with my phone and zoom in instead of getting up or squinting get glasses it's not necessarily the farthest people go but i see it often people who circle parking lots looking for a spot closest to the store so much so that we could have already been inside if they had just parked in a father spot it's a parking lot not the sahara desert it's even worse at the gym you're going to the gym to get exercise but you don't want to walk to get it when my friend was in high school and living at home her room was right next to her sisters one day the sister texted my friend asking her to come to her room my friend had been out of the time and replied as such a few hours later my friend got home and headed to her own room stopped by her sister's room to see what she wanted turns out the sister had wanted something on her dresser by the door across the room and out of laziness hadn't gotten out of bed to get it in four hours opting instead to wait patiently until my friend returned home still the laziest thing i've ever heard anyone do ever that's when you say no and walk out my roommate and i will drive to get food and if the drive-through line is too long he'll drive ten plus minutes across town to the other place which usually has a line just as long not joking i've done this before i particularly enjoy driving and if there is someone else with me i don't mind hanging out for the extra 10 minutes of driving it's always a good time my aunt goes to church every sunday she gets the one full hour ahead of time to take the best parking spot so that she can get away the quickest after communion imagine the service is under one hour but she won't be inconvenienced to stay until the conclusion waste an hour to save 10 minutes makes sense there is this teacher i used to have nice guy tbh i never worked that hard and he was always shouting at me and helping me etc when i bump into him in school he always asks how i am doing and stops me for an awkward talk about my studies which is nice but as i said awkward i sometimes walk the whole way around the school to avoid bumping into him even though i end up late to class i had a teacher freshman year just like that she was creepy as heck and always asked the weirdest questions while checking in a guest at a hotel i open the form for a new guest and start taking his information he hands me his and i quickly record all his info i then ask him for his credit card and member number for the rewards card he says i've been here before it should be in your system i don't want to have to get them out of my bag i can visually see his wallet sitting right there in the bag on top of everything i explained that in order to look it up i'd have to cancel out the in-progress check-in and manually search to find his info which takes a few minutes we also were in the middle of a thunderstorm which almost always disrupts the satellite connection our network goes through and cuts us off from our host i explain that it may be extra slow to retrieve information at this moment he just stares at me so i exit out of the reservation i begin the search under the name on his id it takes at least three minutes for my software to bring up results due to the storm his name is not there as a past guest he then informs me that they always normally stay under his wife's name get back into the search screen search his wife's name connection is totally lost i can hear the rain pouring outside very hard and know exactly why i tell him this and he simply says it'll be back up in a minute right i explain that only search functions that need to connect to our host are held up by this and i could just check him in quickly by taking his information from him nope guy insists on waiting several more minutes with now very annoyed guests behind him waiting to check in just because he did not want to remove two cards from his wallet the entire check-in took over 15 minutes when i could have had it done and him in his room in one that is supreme laziness coupled with a thick slathering of stubbornness our system no longer stores this information for security reasons i will need to enter it again i lost 45 pounds in about 8 months 180 pounds to 135 so a significant portion of my body weight someone asked me how i did it i'd eat out for lunch breakfast but i basically didn't keep anything ready made to eat at the house if i wanted to eat something at night i would have to get up and do something frick that i'd rather just lose the weight that's not a bad idea actually when i was in high school i used to run track after school sometimes i would run six miles get back to school and wait for my parents to come pick me up sometimes it would be a few hours then i would ride home a half mile away i never understood myself why i wouldn't just walk home i joined track in high school about a weekend we were halfway through the run which was a block away from my house i didn't feel like running that day so i slowed my pace and when i got to the back of the group i ran home and never went back my old place had a concert service basically you could email requests and if they were easy they'd be done immediately i once got a picture printed so the dude would bring it up he had his own card to open the door so when he knocked i said come in he comes and leaves the picture and just when he is about to leave i reveal my true purpose hey man could you turn on the lights on your way out and he doesn't i didn't even have to move an inch my brother had a great introvert moment drive to coffee shop stranger walks in and asks for help jumping their car to avoid awkward social interaction my brother says he walked gets coffee goes outside to find needy stranger parked next to his car to avoid possible conflict my brother walks 20 minutes home i could see myself doing that i used to live in an area where three different mcdonald's locations were all within a 10 minute drive from my house i really liked their iced coffee and would buy one every other morning i kept rotating locations because i did not want to become too much of a regular at any and possibly deal with small talk i wait in the bathroom stall until there's no one else in the bathroom or someone enters another stall the longest i've waited was around five minutes because two guys decided to have a conversation we have a bathroom at my university that is pretty old and isn't used very often it has a movement sensor so the light only turns on when you enter and turns off after a few minutes often while crapping red lighting the lights turn off and i just sit there in the darkness if someone else comes in while it's dark i don't make my presence known so they never realize i was sitting there in the dark my college roommate was taking a final in the computer lab when he decided he needed more time to study he got up slide his finger down his mouth and started puking all over the floor mind you this in front of a few hundred people and a good bit of people we knew he goes go the guy and get two extra days to take his test i come home to him wrapped around a bong and a beer in his hand so excited to tell me how he got of taking edc 1000 final education studies common sense gets una on that final i saw some kid punch himself in the nose and get this horrible bloody nose during a final he went to the year and claimed some elaborate story to our professor and got an extra week funny thing is he didn't have health insurance i've had teachers call me by the wrong name for all four years of high school simply because i can't be bothered to correct them haha my own name has a slight twist on an otherwise common name and like 90 of the time people get it wrong and use the common spelling i never bother to correct them i owed my lawyer major dollar sign after a protracted divorce and i was paying him off in installments one morning i walked to the post office to mail him a check for another installment on what i owed him this involved walking right past his office which i didn't want to go into personally because i'm socially awkward and i felt like everyone there knew how bad my finances were and i was ashamed fortunately things have got better since then in french we have two sorts of you the formal one vu and the casual one two during my first job as a trainee i had to work with a consultant and didn't know which one i should use instead of simply asking was too shy at the time i just spent six months talking to him without using the word you now i wonder how quick it must have been for him and if he found out what the deal was or if it was just something that felt weird with me but that he couldn't identify this is pretty easy one to solve always use vu those who don't like being called that will jokingly say are you don't have to be so formal or i'm not old enough to be a voo but no one gets angry or disrespected by being called vu on the other hand calling an authority figure or an older person who can be seen as very disrespectful always go with vu first if you're unsure i used to take the back door to work which is well around the block because of a very aggressive pigeon that would cool loudly and fly at my face to my knowledge i've never done anything to anger him to this day i believe it's a race thing frick you fascist pigeon he probably had a crush on you a previous job was across town from home there was a reasonably straight line to get there in 12 minutes in average traffic but i hate traffic so i went out of my way to circumnavigate the city the long way took 30 minutes but it was 30 minutes of feeling free i said goodbye to a friend and she started to walk the direction i desperately needed to go so i took the entire different loop from campus a good mile just to avoid the awkward next time just check your phone for five minutes or go to the bathroom so she gets far enough ahead of you in sophomore year of college i was too lazy to go to the grocery store or cook so i ended up using using those free wendy's halloween coupon books to live off junior frosties for nearly every meal for about two months this is not the farthest by a long shot but sometimes i'll be on the couch and the remote for the fire tv is like three feet away so i'll whip out my phone and use the fire tv app on that then the volume is too high and i'll have to get up to get the tv remote anyways what a life i didn't want to get down from my top bunk to pee so i grabbed my blender from a nearby bookshelf and filled it up after it was full it was too heavy to put back so i balanced to precariously on the side of the bed i knocked it off in my sleep and the next morning i forgot and jumped down into a pile of pee covered glass i wondered why the frick you had a blender next to your bed but then i remembered my college days and it made sense if you've ever done competitive swimming you'd understand this i swam three thousand meters of a distance workout to avoid 900 meters of kick with a flutter board you're right i don't understand that my cousins go to an orthodontist about 100 kilometers away to save about 50 dollars a visit but they go every few weeks and their entire family misses days of school i don't know if a lot of dudes do this but here it is i spent a summer in northern alaska on a field project we stayed in tents dug a latrine primitive stuff we each had our own tents i would wake up in the middle of the night to pee and sometimes i was too lazy to exit the barefoot and go to the latrine one day i was talking to my co-workers and sheepishly admitted that i sometimes pee inside the bare fence my male co-worker laughed and said that he peed into his vestibule every night the area between his tent and the rain fly the area he has to crawl through every time he gets into his tent he would just unzip the tent stick his penis out and pee my female boss and i let him know this was disgusting but he shrugged and didn't seem to care whatever not my tent the next morning he informs us that's in his hazy state he had missed the vestibule and peed into his own tent the previous night gross my ex-roommate and i got in pretty nasty fight about something stupid next day my bf and i are in his truck which is parked right in front of the house i share with said roommate windows to the truck are pretty tinted so no one could see us in there unless they really looked we see her pull up into the driveway she gets out of her car and completely bypasses the front door and walks to the side of the house where she proceeded to climb through her window she thinking i was inside climbed through the window to avoid seeing me we made up a couple of days later when i mentioned i saw her climb through her window we both started laughing i watched an episode of extreme couponing one lady got one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars worth of stuff for free oh wait that's not right for zero dollars and fifty six cents yep 56 cents she was freaking out because it wasn't free years ago i worked in a god awful call center for a large telco one day i got a call from a woman who was on her way to work and realized that she left her home phone off the hook this was back when owning a cell phone branded you as a yuppie so she didn't have a way to let her husband or children know what she'd done she wanted a service tech dispatch to hang it up for her so she didn't have to drive home again i created a keyboard shortcut instead of learning how to correctly spell definitely now i just typed f and it spells the word i always spelled it wrong and autocorrect spell check never fixed it and i got tired of googling it every time i needed the word the coolest freaking officer i have ever worked with is walking to the bx myself and a group of other brand new young men are walking the opposite direction he just knows we are all stupid and skittish and going to salute him individually so instead of holding a salute for five minutes he just crosses the street and nods at us to avoid the situation completely he ended up doing that for the rest of the time we were there together i spend weeks as a kid getting super good at aiming with a knock-off nerf gun so i could turn the lights on and off from my bed without getting up i even got so good i could kill a fly in the air from a two-three meter distance but i only ever had like three nerfs to shoot so i had to get up a lot to reload found this gem on quora if you ever installed microsoft windows in the 90s or early 2000s you probably remember the interminable weight which happened after the os was installed the computer booted up for the first time the scads of little applications which the os included the calculator the calendar notepad and so on which let's face it hardly anybody ever actually used had to initialize themselves in their registry settings for the first time each one was individually trivial but collectively this little ritual added a long time i remember it as being 30 40 minutes but perhaps my memory exaggerates to the process of installing a new copy of windows my informant told me that it would have been simple to include the initial files with the windows he said however that this was not done because the person s at microsoft who did the final build of windows release candidates didn't like waiting 30 or 40 minutes every time the release candidates were built and tested so they decided to save themselves half an hour a few times during the release cycle by not including the settings thereby sentencing every one of the tens of millions of people who installed windows during that decade or so to an extra half an hour of waiting my guess is that this system affected something like 50 millions installations of windows at half an hour apiece that totals a bit more than 2 891 years of wasting other people's time including leap years it's a great pyramid of time wasting the taj mahal of using other people's precious moments on earth like disposable handy wipes my usual method for doing assignments for subjects i don't care about that is i already know the subject the teacher doesn't care about it etc is googling it in italian and translating it to the working language and then procrastinate the rest of the month since it's my own wording plagiarism software won't catch on and no teacher is paranoid enough to look it up in other languages obviously for really important work i actually do it but there's sometimes it's not worth wasting my neurons and the translation practice is always handy genius and all i need to do to avoid writing a few papers is learn to read and write another language fluently my husband drinks a lot of sparkling ice and leaves the empty bottles all over the house i don't like cleaning up after him but i don't want to be constantly complaining that he needs to clean up after himself i will collect all the empty bottles around the house and pile them on his head while he's lying on the couch so he has to pick them all up and take them to the trash can does it take longer yes is it unnecessary yes does he ever learn number but it makes me feel so we will do much better when i was about three i noticed i could pee on the ground and a few minutes later it would be dried up that night in bed i decided to put my newfound knowledge to use i have on occasion downloaded illegal copies of movies i actually own on dvd just to keep from having to get up and walk across the room to put the disc in once i had this styrofoam cup in my room it sat there for a week filled with mountain dew one day it started to leak instead of throwing the cup away i put a towel under it pure genius in high school i would often bring lean cuisines in for lunch there was always a line for the microwave so for about two years i ate those dang things while they were still frozen the method was simple but time consuming you had to chip at it with a fork or chopstick until a shard of whatever broke off then suck on it until it melted mac and cheese was palatable so was meat lasagna but anything with veggies particularly squash was very strange frozen rice is pretty vile still so are lean cuisines so i don't think i lost a whole lot in flavor your commitment to not committing to do the slightly less convenient thing is an inspiration to us all and you have our continued support if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 14,693
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: mildly inconvenient, mild inconvenience, the lengths we go to, try to avoid, inconvenience, inconvenient truths, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: N8W0_7ToMwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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