Doctors of Reddit: You Are NOT The Father. What Happened Next?

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doctors and nurses offered it have you ever witnessed a couple have a child that was obviously not the father's if so what happened i worked labor in delivery had a very young mother come in accompanied by her parents she was just 12 13 and parents looked stuffy and kept telling her should have had an abortion she was too young etc her mother was silent the whole time but leaked hairs for her constantly while she labored i received a call from a very young boy who said he was her boyfriend his trembling voice explained that her father wouldn't come to the hospital i explained that i couldn't give out information but he could talk to her afterward i went in told her he had called and she showed me a picture of him he was white straight red hair pimply and tiny the runner of the litter about an hour later her phys ed teacher stopped by to check on her which i thought was odd we didn't get many teachers checking on students he was as opposite of the boyfriend as he could get tall very muscular beautiful smile and rich chocolate brown skin the girl's father accompanied her to the delivery room odd but okay the more she pushed the louder she cried in between she kept say sorry daddy finally outslid a very beautiful chocolate brown baby boy i thought her father was going to pass the frick out on my delivery room floor i did my usual it's a boy and said nothing else i handed him off to a nursery nurse and god daddy chair the new mom said i'm sorry daddy over and over again her mom now frowned up came to see the baby took one look started asking god for forgiveness and left i sent her dad home a short bit later admonishing him to react at home not here i set up a time for our counselor to meet with him before i left after talking to new mom she admitted her gym teacher had been giving her special treatment i explained sex to her and she said she'd only kissed the bff but had stayed after school to be with her gym teacher i'm stayed mandated to report child abuse so i did two weeks later with her world shattered her baby was given up for adoption i wish her the best of note this was 1989. ugg i've been reading this thread every now and then today and this one is seriously one of the worst ones i've read it seems like the poor thing didn't even realize that something bad had happened to her i hope she's okay and not suffering too much my husband and i were visiting our friends who just had a baby we are the god parents and we were standing in the hallway talking to both sets of grandparents well apparently the hospital has a rule that only five visitors may be present in the hallway but the security guard had let all six of us in for some reason and we didn't realize it this nasty nurse comes up to us notes that there are six of us tells us someone will have to leave immediately and then turns to my husband and says oh are you the daddy without missing a beat he says that's what we're all trying to figure out here she gets a look of horror on her face and backs away well he's got that dad jokes ready to go lol worked in the army hospital on featuring lewis a woman came in for belly pain and we found out and told her she was 10 weeks pregnant the husband at the bedside started laughing grabbed his coat and left the room explaining to us that he had been in afghanistan until three weeks prior he looked back at her and just said well that's that brittany i always liked how classically he left her while she just silently stared off into space when my son was born they took my blood and his for a paternity test my wife flipped the nurse explained that if my son came back not mine they would have to ship her off to a local civilian hospital for whatever regulation they had to follow army hospital she still talks about it to this day i had a vasectomy while chatting with the doctor he told me about another patient this guy had three kids and came in for the snip snip because he and his wife decided they were done having children the doc opened up his sack and found nothing to snip this guy was born without the ability to have any children the poor doctor had to explain to him what happened imagine finding that out that way this is hardcore one of my favorite cousins just did 23 and with her dad and discovered that they were not biologically related at all this is especially horrible because my aunt her mother is one of the most ridiculously zealous and judgmental people i have ever met she screams at the baby cousins when they don't behave perfectly she literally threw a pocket bible at a woman in a grocery store after the woman was on the phone and said crap or something and she likes to send me unsolicited long letters about god's plan for my life surprisingly her husband is the most fun and laid-back person i've ever met he did not deserve this or her i learned about hitler a paternal superfication from a friend of mine she is a five feet zero blonde white girl introducing me to her six feet five black twin surprises for everyone that day that's the term for the twins in my elementary school they were born the same day as twins and raised as brothers but one was black as night and the other white with blonde hair not in the hospital but a friend and his gf were on again off again and she got pregnant she swears it is he wants a paternity test he moves in with her into her mum she has the baby take the test test is taking a while to come back him and his family are over the moon with a baby kind of forget about it mentions it to gf's mom one day and she says oh yeah she didn't tell you came back a while ago totally your baby awesome all is well a few months later they're moving out and he finds the test in a box not his baby eta he left tried to stay in the baby's life but she wouldn't let him oh man i'm so late to this thread i used to work in the newborn nursery at a hospital we got the babies right from delivery cleaned them up footprinted them checked vitals etc dads usually came in with the newborns this dad comes in with this baby dad is white mom is white baby is very obviously not white the dad was very quiet standing next to this baby watching us clean it up he says quietly i don't think this is my baby you could tell he was absolutely devastated we advised him not to sign the birth certificate until he was sure not sure what happened after we sent the baby back out to mum but i felt awful for the guy i can feel his sadness through the text my best friend was dating a girl and knocked her up they got engaged and planned to get married right after the baby was born there were about 10 of us in the waiting room waiting for her to crank out the baby it was essentially her parents his were in another state some of her friends and some of ours after sitting there for about two hours he walks out with a smirk on his face and says let's go we all thought something horrible had happened her friends ask how the baby is and he said fine but black he motioned for us to go so we followed him in the parking garage he tells us to follow him to his apartment then sends me a text asking i could put him up for a while we literally moved him out of his apartment and into my spare bedroom in like an hour tops her parents didn't know who to be mad at the confusion on their faces when he told them the baby was black was priceless ro till it's not only in american tv shows where all the friends wait at the hospital for the baby to be delivered i didn't realize that it happened in real life i was blood typing a newborn once mom was an o plus baby was up plus which is more or less not possible i immediately panicked because jesus god they mixed up the babies someone has the wrong baby we're gonna get sued they're gonna have to genetic test the entire nursery what if they subpoena me for being the idiot who discovered the problem i don't have insurance what if they sue me after repeating the test three times i called the floor and told them that they'd either drawn the wrong baby's blood or they'd switch to babies because mom couldn't be the baby's mother lol no it was a donor egg the redraw matched fine everyone was where they were supposed to be oh god my heart though you'd think they might mention something important like that i work in anaesthesia one of my colleagues had someone vaginally deliver a baby with steve's lunchbox tattooed above the birth canal the ob gyn said to the father after the delivery congratulations steve the guy replied that his name was indeed not steve don't know if that counts due in five days never have cheated on my so but now i am terrified thanks riddit woman here i have one five yo didi who is the spitting image of her father and looks nothing like me i can't imagine how terrifying it must be to be a dude sometimes good luck in delivery i wish you all health and happiness my wife is an rn hospital supervisor code yellow is the code over the intercom for security large male nurses needed it rarely ever happens but every now and then over the speakers you hear a code yellow labor and delivery you know the reason from reading other subs i'd guess sometimes it's also family grandmas to be who won't leave the delivery room or labor ward i used to work with a guy whose wife was pregnant near time for delivery everyone at our place of business had a big party with gifts money etc so big day comes water breaks they get in car to go to hospital she breaks the news on the way their agenda is the kid is another race and if he could just drop her off at the hospital and then leave that would be great he took a few days off work found a new apartment moved out filed divorce etc he called in to work and told someone what happened news spread pretty fast all congratulations cards etc were cleaned up and thrown away everyone was very sensitive to his pain except somehow i don't know how i did not get the news so on his first day back i walked into the office he shared with six seven other guys and said hey hey daddy oh how's fatherhood so far getting any sleep got some pictures let's see the little tyke he slowly lifted his head to look at me with a painful look the room was dead silent one of his workmates stood up grabbed my arm and walked me out of the room shushing me what happened i asked did it die what's the problem when he told me i about died myself i still feel bad for the dude and it's been 30 years hey hey daddy olmayo nice one i'm not a nurse my professor was an l d nurse and she once saw a man running between two delivery rooms both women he had impregnated went into labor and gave birth the same day supposedly the one he was married to was angry because the woman he cheated with was impregnated after the wife but had her kid 10 minutes before the wife l d is apparently the most drama-filled section of hospitals myso is planning to be a nurse and he's going to work in ellen d neonatal this year and i'm excited to hear any dramatic stories this happened when we went in to wait for my sister to give birth both families were there and it was super awkward fortunately he was not even dating either girl that was in there having his baby my grandmother was a nurse once she was assisting with delivering a baby and the ostensible father commented that the child looked good for a premature baby without thinking my grandmother told the truth that baby is not premature so i guess i know where i get my social obliviousness from i don't think that's social obliviousness like there's no obligation to sit there and consider how someone could possibly be lying so you could cover it up for them if they're dumb but lies about something that easily blown open they deserve to get it blown open a co-worker's aunt just found out her dad wasn't actually her dad so she was really big into genealogy and had mapped out her family tree as far as she could go she took one of those ancestry dna tests about two months ago and her father's side didn't line up with what she was expecting in fact she didn't recognize a single name that she was matched with paternally she casually asked her dad if he knew any of the names and he recognized the surname of the maintenance man at the apartment complex where he and his wife aunt's mom lived shortly after they had gotten married claimed he was a lousy repairman who always flirted with his wife etc aunt's mom had passed away a few years ago so she decided to not tell her dad the news my mom's friend knew her parents had a third child and gave it away so she and her sister used an online dna test to find them they ended up learning they have different dads had a lesbian couple come in one of them was pregnant neither knew judging from all the screaming this information was poorly received nurse here once had a couple come in just them the father was black and the mother was white the father was so involved so ecstatic about him becoming a father for the second time with this women nothing really seemed off until she started pushing the baby girl came out completely white blonde hair and blue eyes usually black babies come out a little pale but this was just straight out white we had to escort the father out for fear of him becoming violent but he just sat outside the room on the ground with his face in his hands that was one of the saddest moments i think i've ever seen with a father besides stillbirth odd thing after though the mom didn't want the baby and wanted nothing to do with the father probably out of guilt so she left the responsibility of this baby and their other two-year-old boy to this man who didn't even question taking on this child my brother was doing his a gin rotation his story is that in the first birth he assisted the woman had her husband leave the room seems odd these days but he had the husband step out for the comfort of the patient the baby is delivered and the color was not even close lily white parents and very black baby she wants him to stay to talk to her husband who is about to come back and he bails on the whole situation she was playing the odds all the way to the end comma she was playing the odds all the way to the end seems to be a theme in this thread had a college buddy whose fiancee was pregnant they were the perfect couple both had just over a year with great careers starting out everything was butterflies and rainbows fast forward to the delivery room they are in there and out comes a very black baby he's quite the pale redhead and she's a blonde blue eyes texas girl he made sure everyone was okay waited for her parents to arrive and left without saying a word he moved all his stuff out of the house while she was in the hospital and cut her full communications with her just walked out of their lives in the most stone cold act i'd ever seen they were together for nine years and he just left cold turkey she tried to contact him at his job a few times but he quickly moved up the ladder and eventually got a job in another city he told me once that he took solace in the fact that her family had already dropped about 10 k in a wedding that never happened he's a gent for waiting for her parents my son came out and looked really tan my ex-girlfriend and i are pretty white i thought for a second she cheated on me we are now separated for different reasons and related to our child and he is pasty white as heck got one heck of a suntan in the uterus though not a doctor but a distant cousin of mine definitely has children that don't belong to the father my cousin was adopted as an infant and was essentially a crack baby she struggled with some developmental issues and has a low iq compared to most but can still live on her own with little to no issues she a white woman married the latino guy really dark brown skin several years ago and they had a son together who has dark hair dark skin and dark eyes he is easily identified as their son the real trouble happens years later her husband who we'll call javier has some iq issues of his own just a little slow when it comes to tasks and reasoning anyway javier is in the military and gets deployed internationally for about six months when he comes home his wife is four months pregnant you do the math he still believes the baby is his own even after it's born with pale skin and blonde hair and blue eyes if that wasn't bad enough it happens again two years later with another baby same blonde hair and blue eyes everyone knows she slept with a different man it was actually her high school boyfriend but javier still thinks the children are his it's kind of sad but at this point there's not much you can do he has raised the kids as his own javier is a good man your cousin certainly isn't a good woman i'm a nurse but this didn't happen to me friend of mine got pregnant in high school she claimed it was our local doctor's son's kid so he agreed to deliver his grandchild for free child delivered and it was obviously half african-american doctor son and girl were both white i think he still delivered it for free as he was relieved his 14 year old son wasn't a dad lpt to avoid paying a 10k plus bill at the hospital i'm too young to have witnessed it but back in the late 50s or 1960 my uncle had an affair with a woman who later divorced her husband and became his wife she had two children with her first husband or at least that was the official story that everyone maintained however it was extremely obvious based on appearance that the second of my aunt's two children while married to her first husband was my uncle's biological child she looked nothing like my aunt's first husband or her older half brother and exactly like my uncle as the years went by the pretence was dropped and was never mentioned again both my sons came out with barrel chests red hair and huge hands and feet so they look exactly like me my wife looks at them all loopy on drugs and says that's not my kid the whole room went silent for a minute and then we bust out laughing my wife has a wicked sense of humor my sister got pregnant in high school and later met her now husband when she was five months pregnant she is white and boyfriend is black the baby daddy was white and not present i was with our entire family including my now brother-in-law visiting the baby my sister was still in recovery from her c-section brother-in-law picks up my knees the nurse looks at him and says she should darken up in a few days but we all had a laugh we knew he wasn't the father but she didn't i always wondered if she felt bad assumed adultery they have two more girls together and he was able to adopt a three years later this might be the most wholesome post in this thread i am seriously considering stopping reading while i'm ahead kinda happened to my mom my biological father is greek with very pale skin and my mom is a white western european mutt when i was born i had very dark skin and a full head of thick black hair he didn't seem concerned but his mother freaked out called my mother and grandmother not so nice names and left my father ended up splitting on us when i was about three weeks old with no explanation a couple months later my skin lightened all of my black hair fell turns out he was the father we've never tried to reach back out to his family because in that first year of my life they went through a lot of drama including arrests rehab stays drive-by shootings an affair followed by a divorce another baby mama my mother didn't know about the list goes on my father and i tried to form a relationship when i was in high school it went okay at first and then he got weird very quickly he insisted i called him dad insisted on regular visitation routinely showed up at my friends and boyfriend's houses causing a scene insisted i get family pictures with his new lady and his five other kids none of us have the same mother and this is not including the baby he had and ditched before he got together with my mom i regret ever trying at all he and his family were and are still trashy hot messes and i'm glad my family decided to keep me away from them cherry on top he was working for my now husband's parents when my husband and i first met once his parents found out who he was and what had happened they fired him so i would never have to run into him at their business he had it coming anyway so they we glad to finally stop making excuses for him and let him go i was doing epidurals in residency this caucasian couple was a more rural part of the country and they don't look or sound particularly educated anyhow wife is particularly antsy asking when she can go home even though the baby isn't out yet husband looks bored and uninterested like he's been there a whole bunch of times i usually don't stay in the rooms during delivery but this one i just happened to be nearby to give more in the epidural because of a tear immediately after delivery anyhow when i get to the room the wife is holding her eyes shut and doesn't want to see the baby i look at the baby and he's obviously black now the husband is paying attention and he sees what i do he keeps repeating when that baby gonna pink up louder and louder the odd tries to diffuse things by reminding everyone that this moment is critical and suggests a baby should be taken to the resuscitation area in the niku and that the father should step out while the ob repaired the laceration we called the social worker and security and i was called elsewhere so i don't know what happened afterwards so i can't imagine it was good as a medical social worker i can tell you the story probably ended with one very payoff husband storming out of the hospital but families storm off all of the time when they can't get the answers they want usually hipaa prevented answers the mother either denied denied denied or tearfully admitted she cheated and requested no one tell her husband i worked as a lab tech before i became a nurse we had a set of twins in the niku that were super early and the mom was still in the or getting sewed up from the caesarean i was drawing baby b's blood when mom was wheeled over to baby a's isolate she was crying and said oh thank god you're not black i have been so worried the last seven months so newborn babies especially when they are born early are very pink almost red so even if a baby was part black their skin isn't necessarily dark yet but looking at these babies it was obvious they were going to be black the shape of the face the texture of the hair and baby b that i was working on had an intense mongolian spot a few weeks later my nikoo nurse friend told me that the babies were now no info status meaning security alert can't give anyone information about them can't refer to them by name etc she said there was a huge fight because the mom's husband white guy obviously noticed that the babies were half black and that mom had cheated on him and got pregnant the real dad black guy came in and didn't realize the mom was even married those poor babies i was surprised at how red my 33 weeker was one of the nikoo nurses gave me a mean look when i told my husband that she looked like her old man alien but she totally did random note from the side of academia this is why they don't do blood tests compared to your parents in my college martial university to teach basic genetics too many were finding out they didn't have any chance of being their father's child i only heard the horror stories second hand but the results spoke for themselves they used to do this in our grade 7 science class one bad case ruined it for the whole school i had a test done on my son when he was about seven months old baby mama constantly told me he wasn't mine but then came after me for child support got a test done and he was mine so i hired a lawyer and we sat and chilled four months later she's arrested on charges of distribution of m where my son lived and he's been with me for the last eight years now she pays me cs my wife works for health and human services turns out dad has full custody as a great shorthand for describing how fricked up a case is i had the opposite happen sort of my wife and i are both brown skinned dark-haired half-mexicans and our moms are both 100 white blondes with blue and green eyes so we sort of knew it was a crap shoot with our baby but the nurse who was assisting with delivery had no idea at one point she gets sort of nervous and calls for help and another i guess more senior nurse came in and nodded and came over to talk to me i thought there was something wrong with the baby as she comes over and stumbles through some questions so i was the father and no one else was coming etc then finally she awkwardly asks if either of us happen to be blonde growing up i said yeah i wasn't both the baby's grandparents are blonde as they come and this wave of relief went over her and she brought me over to see this blonde as heck crowning baby head it's funny because he looks just like me if you applied a gringo instagram filter we often get awkward questions about his heritage and my wife always hits them with yellow not sure if he's mine it's always funny to see people nod for a moment and then go wait what sometimes the copier is just low on toner kind off topic but i gotta give my friend credit for doing something i don't think i could ever do found out after being married and having a three and one year old his wife had been cheating on him multiple times with multiple men everyone is white though so no obvious signs anyway when he finds that there is the chance neither of the kids is his he buys two paternity tests he brought them home but then the horrible conclusion hit him he was prepared if they were his he was prepared if they weren't he had no freaking idea what he would do if one was and one wasn't so he threw tests away they divorced she keeps seeing people for short times and he is now remarried to a fantastic person i hope your friend was able to share custody so he could still remain in his kids life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 57,462
Rating: 4.9307876 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, brainydude, just, karma, brainy, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, you are not the father, doctors, nurses, doctors of reddit, medical, doctor, hospital, parents, dad
Id: hnp7sBf_dWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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