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welcome to a bunch of scary games in one video and I get you are you scared are you ready are you pumped do you have your little scare puck it's open ready to put a whole bunch of booze in there I hope so the first game that we have is oh god it's cold oh it's cold oh it's chilly it blows blizzard it was a game of which it likes you've never seen before there's actually quite a cool-looking blizzard effect but this is a game called penumbra which is confusing because there's a game called penumbra already made by the guys who made amnesia so I don't think you can call your game penumbra but either way it actually reminds me a lot of penumbra as well so let's go into the deep down dark deep down scary maze game oh yes slide on down there bucko always pressing forward make me go left I don't want to go left I'm not Beyonce of course yes pillar makes light shadow thing I know that means I should have no idea what this game is about these are the these are the top rated top rated horror games well the world of this operator games an itchy oh right now but some of them are spooky all right cool yes this big thing has a shadow what's happening what's going on today unlock the secrets aah okay now if to go around it oh it's just a game ringing around a Rosie okay actually that's kind of cool I give it this game [ __ ] but no it's actually decent all right don't fall off the edge okay cuz penumbra means stuff about shadows penumbra based shadows are like the way the shadow the length of them and the harshness of them and things like that so walk around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel oh god oh god am I going up are you going down I am exactly where I meant to be just like a wizard okay there's just floating fire in the middle of the air that's nice to know there's a coin on the ground finally I can go get my chicken nuggets then did i black out or did you black out or did both of us black out did we see the same thing just now okay I'm gonna hide here okay bye thanks thanks for stopping in mom the hell is going on in this game okay get ready for it again if you see big shadow face people on fire you fight I do some with the flames something made a noise I thought I picked up another coin but there was no coins there now am I going to afford my chicken no geez whoa whoa what the hell is going on where am I Who am I what do I do is this the thing I just claimed there's a concert going on inside this it's a mini concert inside the mini house I won't have some mini enjoyment in the mini house concert okay there's teeny tiny boats in the water it's adorable it's actually not scary at all the scariest thing is that I am giant I'm taking all your coins by the way and there's probably a whole lifetime supply of economy for your tiny tiny village but my big giant man hands are gonna steal your money maybe I'm the monster and that's the serious part about this game do I wanna go through white light or warm light I know what's that what's behind door number this one it all leads to the same area cool oh wait did it hold on it doesn't me been havin to do experiment I'm gonna go explore like a Baggins I'm going on an adventure okay give me all your money you're not talking backwards there's no what they're saying the [ __ ] is going on I don't know what that means I can't read that mind mind accounts lay in the cabinets don't burn your tiny tiny little feet actually no I have giant feet don't burn those giant moccasins okay Oh mother of [ __ ] Jesus all right do I just keep going this direction this is very confusing so far not very scared oh it's getting brighter and smaller oh I don't like this I'm a dumb am I going to dead [ __ ] there's no more forward forward no there's no more back back Sears thanks God appreciate it man thanks for connote g-money people keep knocking on my door but I'm not answering surprise it was just a surprise party a surprise death party anybody home come on you guys work with me look I know I bring her boiled eggs into the office every day and I peel them in front of everybody and they smell real but that's no reason to ice me out it's my birthday okay I'm I'm gonna leave now Oh God okay do not make fun of the game the game will make fun of you back now I'm all tense and scared I can't go any further what that [ __ ] is a giant spider hey you [ __ ] run from that [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god don't oh spider don't look okay don't look at this fight it just keep looking down keep looking at that mind your own business keep your head down No that's probably telling me the way out but I don't [ __ ] know I'm just gonna keep walking until I can't walk no more good follow the candles and the yellow brick road look at the spider the spider if you look at the spider II bouquet okay I looked at this but I didn't look at the spider we [ __ ] kill me anyway okay have to be smart about this apparently I don't like having to be smart about things I don't know what pattern he goes in ok ok ok am i safe am I eat today I might do it son of a [ __ ] ah he can't get you in you're under these things oh I get it that's what that meant not to not look at him did did I live to fight another day oh so he comes over ahead he can't get you when you're here ok got it got it oh [ __ ] can I make it to another one I don't know I'm scared don't test your luck jackaboy no shitty buddy boy [ __ ] hi boy big [ __ ] can I just leave I hate the surprise party oh I just need to get there how do I get there though oh it's so far away I want to go mommy to the place where the bad people act oh so [ __ ] lost hey stay away from okay stay away from [ __ ] giant spider-man over here yes haha victory take that just spider dick for some reason walking forward makes the character slightly walk a direction that you don't think it should be walking in okay now we go around look I'm doing it oh god Dwight did I just start it all again but what did it all mean see what I think it actually meant was that what you really should be doing is holding the people closest to you even closer and telling them every day that you love them because you never know when the game will just disappear and it's all over it's a good message it's a good message for the kids anyway that was that game do you hear that the splishy-splashy sounds of the ocean coming in on a wave there it is the next day there was no wave oh that was sewage oh god oh that's in my eyes I could taste it Oh chicken curry um but this next game is called filth pretty good I have no idea what it is I have no idea what any of these games are I just saw them I clicked on them and I was like yeah you know what let's surprise each other for this Christmas let's play some games get some bugs and have a good time click playing where you go welcome to fill three would you like to read surreal yes Victor fine slideshow narration use arrow keys to move the man slow as a firearm throw up in the mouse wheel to draw your going and then click the heads to kill you can't interact with objects in your surroundings if you've already if you're ready to open fire lower your Garrett and holster your weapon by scrolling down okay okay hi homeless shelters all across the state have reported to disappearance of several people in the past few months investigators are pointing to Michigan truck driver Louis Burton as a prime suspect having a well-documented track record of smuggling cocaine across the border he is nowhere to be found his former partner has confirmed Burton's involvement in the case but remains adamant that he's not absconded according to his testimony Burton's been recruited by a local cult and held captive in an unknown location while these claims have yet to be verified a transport truck watching a transport truck matching that of the suspects has been located next to a warehouse in the outskirts of Detroit higher-ups remain skeptical but you've been tasked to search the area for any evidence pertaining to the case you turn back straightaway and tell your superior you found nothing your quick return and short report raises some eyebrows in the office but nobody was buying that cult nonsense anyway you feel like an absolute coward and quit the force shortly after the trail goes cold of the cases eventually I got the ultimate war ending oh man no you give it back to me I did send me back in coach they can do better this site all right don't turn around like a little [ __ ] ass [ __ ] this time stick your dick forward and go ooh very fancy some nice house deck or here all right I'm searching the area it was a fan the fan is covered in blood you were right Sully we should have never trusted these crazy [ __ ] to keep us all down here in the dark trapped like cattle we're just animals to them some of us are even starting to act the part there's this Lucas guy who walks on all fours and bites you when you're sleeping I miss you Sally I miss the gang back home I miss [ __ ] Brightmore who's bright more and why do you like [ __ ] them I hear them chanting again it's time to the doctor did it I did it at a duel I took the gun right out of his pocket and the idiot didn't even flinch if only I'd had the balls to do it before it's too late for me now whoever's reading this my prey you can make better use of it just don't bother aiming for the head I've seen those freaks last well over a week without it so what should I that was freaky some is plain we will rock you in the background every time I wake up there are roaches in my mouth cut my life into pieces are they getting in are they coming out it actually sounded like it goes with that song clever little buggers pulling out my teeth laying eggs under my tongue so I can't chew and spit every time I wake up there are roaches in my mouth are they getting in are they coming out I can't take it wake up you someone's pissed another the door do that what time is it what day is it it all just blends together after a while I can't even tell dreams from reality anymore no matter if I open or close my eyes it's only this pitch black shroud around me remove the bottom you scream what's worse is the things I do here I wish I didn't there's crawling hands and feet all over the ceiling of the can't be all mine cuz I only have two hands alright whatever's going on in that room I'm just gonna leave it to its own devices what dog [ __ ] man Jesus Christ I am out of ammo Oh Lord this [ __ ] thing is so gross cut my toast in two pieces this is my last French toast looks like some kind of sacred book language is that it's the language of Mordor I can't read any of it connect more mo I'd be delighted to have more Hannibal thus Spoke the slumbering prophet Gor Goren I think link killed him one time it took a sick God to imagine a world this filthy it took a vile God to shape a world this cruel it takes a world this filthy to shelter us all in its putrid bosom it takes a world is cruel to nurture us all into an existence of agony we are but mold on the rotting Apple we are but the shadows of a madman's dance in the fire man is not doomed but destined to ruin man is not to purge but to fester the world which innards reveal the part the path bring forth the lice mother Semmy my life's mother I don't think I have lice I don't think I'm a mother either this house sucks I'm sorry okay somebody had to see you see what I mean expect Jesus no doubt this is the guy his good is burst open and full of maggots but the body shows no signs of rotting yet were they nesting inside of him are they coming in or going out though oh oh I am getting some [ __ ] alien vibes here man can I have a flamethrower please bring the lice mother oh god it's all festering [Music] and it closes the game are you shitty my titties right now go through all of that again one big when I got more [ __ ] bullets to spare this time [ __ ] who wants to go who wants a tussle with the muscle was to finagle this bagel huh y'all [ __ ] want to mess around you take way too many bullets I have to kill him cuz you can't dodge him they just please just go you blocked the old iron door and take a moment to bask in the Sun out of reach of those creatures back at the station you debrief your superior on everything you found you don't even bother trying to not to sound crazy after a moment of awkward silence he finally congratulate you for the good work he didn't struggle he then suggests you take a couple days break you go home and try your best to get some sleep good morning you wake up to the news of a fire at the warehouse the place went up in flames while before a team could be dispatched to check on your findings it's all gone 12 bodies have been recovered so far but police are hesitant to identify them as human they're hardened Hollow like man shaped shittin shells pest control you know what it takes a herd carrying a man a real alpha to go in there and just stick his balls out and shoot everything in sight you know what but somebody had to do it and I will be that big bald alpha to go in and do that but yes thank you very good nice game Curtis sorry dark in here can we can we turn it can we turn on the lights ah there we go ah there's the game ha ha get it cuz this game's called dim yeah it's a wonderful joke I like the style of this one though it's got a cool aesthetic going on all this film grain and everything but Oh can I have some cigarettes here's a playable demo for an upcoming horror game the devil takes place in a small part of a house where you play as an unnamed protagonist with a very specific backstory that makes him know what is going on well him not you explored the house look for clues 10 to 15 minutes okay but how am I supposed to do if I don't know what's going on the ball you probably find that cross first okay I can't let me let me go through I want it cheap [ __ ] I want to go through I guess it's locked there's the cross now oh god please I think God's gonna save you buddy but whatever you want save the ball really want the ball there's a door here but it looks weak maybe I could push through it oh yes the door is weak but I am not present the toggle your flashlight press f to pay respects to my sanity where did that lady go she was hot come back y'all want to smoke some weed okay hello the scheme has Mouse acceleration on my toes acceleration is the worst thing in existence why would anyone want - acceleration maybe the water is behind this door I should find a way in okay I don't know what you're saying but okay where it belongs wait that's where I started are you pointing at the football is the football what I need okay you could push the other door the other door was weak now your body's weak come on buddy you're stronger than this fight back cigarettes everywhere the ball is gone ah what do we got here the ball all right oh yeah let's go play [ __ ] football dude I'm just a regular old Iranian wait is it I think so I'm a Oh the doors open I'm a genius it's cuz at the ball it's cuz I know I'm sucking to cheer no no no no no no no get the ball back out oh the ball is stuck it's the most fun I've had all day oh no they're like oh god the lights are out it's very dim in here back David that's the opposite of back that's not what I said I said back and you ran through me no water here why am I getting water across and you're looking for water do you are you looking for Jesus are we looking for water holy water vampires is that what we're dealing with no no I'm very confused maybe the ball is the answer again Navy fridges get the ball and kick it around a little it'll solve all of my problems great general intergeneration went down you see that's what you have a flashlight why do you keep turning off the flashlight every time the generator goes down yes to open where's the generator you're not going anywhere you know that right the root of this super cross don't make me angry hi look at those legs in hell okay to be continued that was it that this was more of a football game than it was a horror game okay well that's Jerry got out of our lives it was in our lives as quick as it was gone okay so you know what that's sometimes that's life see what I think that this game means is that sometimes people come into your life and sometimes they leave just as fast but that's okay does it mean that it's a bad thing it just means that sometimes the best things are gone fast I don't know what I'm saying lights off whoa what was that whoa there it goes again Jesus was that the last game again cuz it was over so fast wait it's coming it's coming back it's coming back it's a little fast that's okay cam don't aim this is the game called blame him don't blame me okay it was the game that did it it wasn't my fault funny thing blamed that other guy all right we're gonna see who were blaming though in a game called blame him graphics gameplay I think these are all gonna be solid all right who are we blaming and why are we blaming him is it you know it's not Roger again is it [ __ ] had sex with me and got me pregnant and then left if I can't okay I can move the camera with my mouse I was just about to say oh [ __ ] hell find a way out okay sick all right can I just get the hardest part is getting out over my [ __ ] couches and [ __ ] right now can I jump I can't do I oh wait no can't do anything wait what are my buttons I don't I don't know how to do I can crouch ah there we go can't jump on over it must jump under it can't move this jerk must be a weak boy okay move it out of my way I'm a busy man I got places to be why is there a cave in your house I've heard of like hoarders and everything some people hoard comic books some people hoard clothes some people hold a hoard like baseball cards or something you just hoard cavernous spaces in your house what's Marie Kondo gonna come in and say about this does this spark joy it's not what you're keeping it you really should ask yourself though what sparks joy this this does not spark joy okay not not for me anyway now personally let me on disco though a house within a house now this sparks joy hello house it is me your master and commander Liu tuna wet floor caution was it cause of the tuna let it leak yes okay I press tab and there is nothing oh wait no there's a key not really just the key for that door boy I even have a key why not just leave the door open okay sim okay that's racking joy as much as it any more if I think it's actually kind of freaking me out I don't like to be freaked out I crouch down and I get scared [ __ ] my pants door or silent squeaky old man fart you be doesn't you be too guesser decider that was just a pair of legs I've heard about getting legless trunk part this is taking the piss yes hello I would like to file a complaint with everything yes just put just any boxes that I can tick for complaints just bookmark all of them I can hear my own thoughts it's locked [Applause] well what the jizz how am I supposed to get that key from before this is as fast as I can walk okay [Music] I can't hear anything anymore I just throw this on stairs is there a secret key in this go-go piano go ah I know what I have to do have to use the piano to knock open the door I don't need a key keys are for [ __ ] okay why are you moving it back I let go of click alright let go yes it just kind of floats on its own okay here we go get ready get ready it's bobsled time Cool Runnings yes thank you piano sama very good very nice caution wet for everything's wet that's not wet for that's a glass floor actually this is a wooden floor BAM but damn Purdue pew boom boom don't bump bump buh buh buh buh buh buh buh I can't put this song in because it's copyrighted so I just have to put in my weight I could put in as this much that's all you're allowed gay that's that's all of the Seinfeld that I can give you even that's already gonna get copyright claim so if this video never sees the light of day you know why Sneha hmm what does it mean join us I'm good you know I'm not into cults I just like walking through schools way beyond after hours cuz I live for danger this is this is not realistic at all because it's not saying you had sex with someone's mother on the wall or call this number for [ __ ] or someone is gay that would that would really be how you'd know that this is a real school note I swear I'm going to kill that [ __ ] carried the rest cuz my flashlight for what she did to me okay we're still trying to find out who were blaming we're blaming him but I look there I am right there right down at the bottom of bottom in England right Dona Brighton bites he's back pack there's a nice backpack I want this day there's I carried that only have her human eyes the ball is back foot yeah you used to call me hoops McLaughlin back in the day oh I have to hide from things oh no all right all right what you got for me can't hide in these ones no just the red ones got it this is as fast as I can run though Wally Wally Wally [Music] all right Kevin fagner 12th grade I feel like the statues eyes are following me just take that with you whatever is gonna come out you just beat it over the [ __ ] head or use a globe use a globe of beat someone's head in and go like his war flat now [ __ ] no just your head is drug abuse resistance trained keep kids off drugs yeah I'm a doubter I'm gonna keep kids kids off drugs or take those I don't like this I don't like this do not like this I don't know what the code for that there's blood in the floor missing Anthony Isaac 8:17 Mayo race white air brown height 510 weight hoarder 235 pounds have you seen em er of any information please call it the BT PD I only called the DA RT against drugs I do hugs not drugs I make the jokes to hide the pain that was broken when I broke it what is going to be the thing that kills me in this game I'm pretty uneasy up please no I'm out I'll do it can I sit in the urinal what the hell what was that this opens out now I hate myself in the face Oh God ouch okay type up a strongly worded letter to that guy's my mother oh oh oh oh oh oh this is working out very well for me I might just hide down here I am I'm [ __ ] there's literally nothing I can do or is there that's no okay that's done Jesus okay perfect Oh are you dragging me back to the wine cellar I'm feeling a little woozy chief now I'm in the elevator yes down hell please where I belong longest death sequence in a video game [Music] am i watching it oh oh my oh my this is intense there was way more intense than what I just played blame him don't blame me blame him okay over there yeah he's running away he's run away he's got no pants on get him get up that's why chasing him down he's too fast he was way faster without his pants on it made him like aerodynamic like a slipstream I tried to get up behind him a draft but I felt really weird so I decided to give him a little bit of head sir okay I can't relate that anymore well that was four scary games in one video I hope you guys got some super hope you guys got some scarce at least somewhere and there but there are some games and there have some decent ideas so maybe you'll see what the food games have to offer whenever they come out but for me that's going to be it it's all over it's done for now there is no more I have no more games these are all the ones they downloaded so go play them for yourselves it's gonna be linked to the descriptions because fun anyway thank you guys so much watching this video if you liked it punch that like button in the face like you boys and ladies a rope [Music] that guy that was there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lights off
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,551,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, gameplay, 3 games 1 video, funny game, download, download link, indie game, random games, random indie games, random funny games, random jacksepticeye games, scary games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, horror games, indie horror, penumbra, filthbreed, dim, blame him
Id: xmkY9VxJV3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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