People Who Won The Lottery, Did People Beg You For Money? (r/Askreddit)

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ah / ass credit by reddit and chill serious redditors who suddenly came into a lot of money what was your horror story of people begging for money I once took second in a poker tournament and won $150 K there was an audience of about 200 people when it finished common practice was ppl ask winners for a lucky chip I was almost mobbed by people begging for lucky chips as I left the casino had to be escorted by security and paid a friend $300 to follow me in their car and we drove all over town for two hours to make sure nobody was following me home wouldn't have thought of the driving part that's pretty smart god knows what kind of desperation lives at the fringes of those events so I wouldn't consider it a lot of money but I won $5,000 on a scratch off that was given to me on my birthday by my art it was just a $2.00 scratcher and obviously nobody thought I would win that much I scratched it in front of everyone and they were all super excited for me except my aunt who demanded the ticket back because she paid for it I even offered to split half with her long story short she took me to small trains where the judge pretty much laughed and she didn't get [ __ ] haven't talked to her since I even offered to split half with her row that's really generous and it sounds like she still insisted on taking it all what a piece of [ __ ] I unexpectedly inherited about 4 years worth of take-home pay before I knew how much it would be I told my best friend I'd be getting a few thousand dollars she immediately asked me to take her on a trip to Europe that was the biggest thing she asked for but she made other small requests as well when the money came through and it was a lot more than I'd anticipated I did not tell my friend instead I started distancing myself from her I also did not tell any of my other friends I did tell my boyfriend he did not ask for anything I took him on a trip to Europe edit my first gold yes this is the best story my grandma died a week before Christmas and she left her house and one stroke four of her small fortune to me the rest of the money went to my brother and my two cousins my uncles and aunts have been a pain in my back ever since claiming that the money house are theirs etc' and I've also been approached by people who I haven't seen or talked in a while even my ex who dumped me for some doubts a bag rugby player started talking to me again and inviting me to places and she's still dating the same guy anyway I'm not naive enough to lend those people money or befriend even luckily I have good friends and my brother as advisers if you got one stroke for and there are four cousins including you and your brother why do they think they deserve more sounds even to me duck that Beach so a few years out of college my girlfriend and I were living in a sort of large communal apartment with five other people two bedrooms two couches in the common area I had just gotten a significant promotion at my job in that situation was exceptionally below my means but my GF was convinced that these were her people and they were all going to become great philosophy writers and poets by living together and sharing experiences they were all unemployed or underemployed and experienced moochers so I was very careful not to let him know I was saving large sums of money with the intent of moving out soon and taking my gf with me or not one day the other couple had an argument about Renton to try and keep them from coming to blows my GF promised them that I'd cover it for them and showed them one of my pay stubs which I guess they showed everyone else I got home from work and walked right into an apartment meeting ambush where everyone else informed me that they wanted me to contribute more meaningfully and they'd put it to a vote before I got back I told them that I was already paying for their food that they kept guilting my GF into buying for them topping up the apartment emergency fund instead of stealing from it like the rest of them and many other things and that I wasn't going to cover other people's rent as well the next day when I was at work someone went into my room and destroyed my laptop which was the only thing of value I owned at the time I collected the few things I wanted to take told my gf I was breaking up with her and walked out the next day when I was at work someone went into my room and destroyed my laptop brilliant move that was bound to convince you spend more money on them I can give an answer although it is developing at this stage all throughout school I was a bit of a loser didn't do well in class and never really cared I used to go out all the time with my friends and would hang out with them all the time after school I didn't do much other than waste time until I found my wife and wanted to start being better for her I did a one-year software development course and then got a pretty shitty job making almost nothing in my country South Africa when my wife got pregnant all my friends basically guested me as I wasn't going to be going out partying with them anymore they wouldn't return my texts or even answer my calls a few years down the line I landed a very high-paying remote job $200 K plus for a SF based company of the average salary for a software developer in South Africa is around $30 K per year my wife was very proud of me I think and posted a picture of me on her Facebook standing next to my new car that I had just bought there was one guy I always had a soft spot for and decided that I would go have dinner with him and see how the last four years of his life treated him we hadn't even ordered our food yet when he dropped the bomb on me that he felt that I owed him a lot of money for always being there for me and that I would be selfish to not give him some money as I had so much I quietly just got up and left I eventually changed my number and deactivated my social media accounts but people still Harris my wife and mother to try and get some money out of me this doesn't even go into the absolute [ __ ] I had coming from my dad's side of the family who are basically here I'm curious about the hillbillies not exactly horror story but I've always made more money than most of my friends some of them would hit me up for cash but usually I only agreed to small amounts or said no I did however have a very close friend who I really enjoyed the time we spent but we like to drink so bars were our go-to hangout I usually ended up paying for the entire night to the point where he said he wasn't comfortable hanging out because he never had the money but I genuinely did like just hanging in the always always bought the first round that's respect respect for true homies the obv enjoyed your company too to not have felt good about you financing every outing it means he cared about your well-being dope so I knew this girl who was a sex worker had known here for years and we had even briefly dated before she got into that line of work she was always really open about what she was doing and that she enjoyed it which I believed because this woman was a freak in a good way in fact one of the reasons things hadn't worked out was that she was way too kinky for me and I'm pretty open-minded she always explained it to me like this I would be a total slap either way so why not get paid for it and not have to work fair enough I didn't question it fast forward like ten years and I had inherited a bunch of money not like obscenely wealthy but enough to really change my lifestyle and I still talk to my friend regularly even though we live in different parts of the country she was one of the few people who was there for me consistently through some really dark times and I was there for her in the same way and I really valued her friendship she started talking about how she wasn't young anymore and she wasn't happy anymore doing what she was doing and wanted to change directions you probably can guess where this was going she had a plan that seemed pretty good I was also in the midst of intentionally drinking myself to death and I was pretty sure I was going to die soon I came very close so I did and really care about money I ended up giving her $10,000 that she needed to go back to school not alone just gave it to her that really sucks I'm sorry you lost your relationship with her what a shitty thing to do I inherited my beloved grandma's house alongside with some other properties as the house and the properties are near a very rapidly developing city prices have skyrocketed and lead to me inheriting about 1.5 million dollars in value that may sound Olsson at first but it truly isn't the house is a very old brick house built in the late 1700s and the properties are so small and widely distributed I can't really sell them for a good price as the house is a listed historical building every little repair has to be done by state approved professionals for restoration and conservation of old buildings which basically doubles if not even triples the costs I rented it out but the rent I get is barely enough to cover the costs of repairs insurance etc I am lucky if I get even by the end of the year but as this house is where my family used to live for the last four generations before my dad bought the ranch and moved there with my mum I want to keep it in the family as long as possible I have now learned who to trust and to support telltale signs of vultures don't let an old house control your life the amount of time and money you spend on it will leave you one out the first log cabin on our farm was built in 1780 by the time I sold it was a 15 room farmhouse with five outbuildings I sold in 2006 and was able to take early retirement 10 years later had I kept the place I would have had to work well into my 70s loved the place but just not that much my mom has this ugly football team van every since I was 10 we would go around in circles about how it will be mine one day but I told her from the start I'll pass I hate vans and football bought a different car and the van broke down after she put over 300k miles on it I get my first income tax almost three K and she tries to sell me the van for two K I tell her no and she drops it to 1004 did I still refuse and less than an hour later she sends me a picture of a 1200 point zero zero dog for sale with this is what I want from my birthday he's in Kentucky I'll send you the address she wanted to use my money to get a dog and was hoping to be sneaky and trick me into buying a broken ugly van to fund her multi-state trip to pick up a dream dog she didn't speak to me for months after and still tries to sell me that post for more than it was worth when it ran not that you should spend anything on her but I heard you like vans and dogs so I got you this van old friends would only want to meet on the condition that we go out to eat and that I pay for it I wouldn't call them friends my friend got a 7k settlement from a car accident I accidentally left the check on the corner table in the living room my dad walks into my bedroom and asks if I can lend my mum any money I work minimum wage retail and ask him how much does she need he says how about half of that 7k check it has been almost 8 years I haven't seen any of that money back I think you already know what I'm about to say but you will probably never see any of that money back when parents borrow money from children I think in the back of their mind they sort of see it as payment for all the money they spent on you growing up at least I think that's how they justify it edit sorry for the confusion I shouldn't have wrote this in a way to make it seem like all the parents feel this way what's crazy is I grew up in a very poor family and when my parents borrowed money they always tried to make sure and pay it back when they could so why I worded it that away I don't know I guess I was just focused on that one person's comment I apologized before the recession hit my dad had a pretty lucrative small business and we lived comfortable middle-class lives he would often lend his family money since most of his sisters didn't amount to much in their lives they would never pay him back and often hassle him to give the money since he was so well-off after the recession hit we took a big dive and still were able to live okay but had to sell a lot no more insurance and basically lived paycheck to paycheck one my dad worked seven days a week to make ends meet after all he's done over the years not one of them would help when we needed it one of my uncle's has even been even more well-off with a car dealership and refused to aid my father with a loan even though my father always pays his debts regardless of if others do the same none of his sisters have every paid a cent of his generosity I have a lot of terrible stories about them through the years and finally he's cast them all out of his life after almost losing my mom through divorce last year partly b/c of his horrid family and how they treated her and nearly drinking himself to death the past three years they are truly terrible greedy people and it's all taught me a lot about the kind of person I want to be and who I want to surround myself with why did your uncle not want to give your dad alone not sure if it really fits as we never actually received the money in the end and I'm not too clued in all the details but anyway about 10 years ago or so my grandfather called my mother one day exclaiming that he'd finally netted in excess of 1 million pounds worth of property a big deal for my family of course he wasn't doing anything with it he was always a frugal man and remained that way until the day he died as the years went on his health deteriorated in more ways than one progressing to the point where he needed to have full-time care and ultimately ended up being put in a home now we currently live in Australia my family is mostly still in the UK my aunt who still lives there was responsible for sorting out all of his needs time went on and sadly he ended up passing away as all of this was happening she was looking into his financial details and his will and whatnot what was peculiar was that's in his state of dementia he had apparently at some point closed all of his bank accounts and withdrawn any money in cash how I don't know but as a result of that what with all of the costs of supplying care to him in his home and worked at the banks believed that we had hidden the money somewhere and refused to help ducking like and subscribe [Music]
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Views: 780,438
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Keywords: askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, askreddit stupid, askreddit, top posts, r/, r/askreddit, best of reddit, top posts of all time, toad films, tz reddit, updoot reddit, reddit and chill, Redditors who suddenly came into alot of money, what was your horror story of people begging for money, People Who Won The Lottery, Did People Beg You For Money? (r/Askreddit)
Id: 5TaINqq2s-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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