Crazy Things People Saw At Parties (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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what is the most ridiculous thing you have seen at a party [Music] we threw a party that got way out of hand and too many people showed up I go in my living room and togethers and the couch petting a dog I ask whose dog is this she says the people who live here I reply I live here this isn't our dog a stray dog had been walking by and noticed a party happening and just walked inside and got on the couch and was being pet all night by drunk people some jackass did 14 jello shots in the span of an hour thinking they weren't all that strong then that jackass decided to puke in the kitchen sink and all over the front porch the vomit was this nasty congealed mix of vodka jello and beer then that jackass left the party and walked home with only one shoe no phone and missing his driver's license that jackass was me walked into my bathroom to find my friend who is a dwarf blowing his load on the birthday girl's face he had a bigger peepee than I expected big house party many years ago and we notice a guy going through the fridge as we're watching him from across the room he grabbed a full bottle of Italian dressing and chugged the whole thing he walked out like it was completely normal behavior drugs are bad a drunk guy in a full gorilla costume sitting on a couch outside sees a drunk guy in a full banana costume riding by on rollerblades they both immediately stop and turn towards each other and without a single word spoken charge full speed at each other and begin wrestling about a minute later both get up wounded and the banana guy rolls off into the sunset never to be seen again arrived late to Rach s party walk up the driveway to a chair being thrown out enough a floor window walk into a split entry dudes are upstairs holding potted plants dropping them onto the heads of anyone going downstairs Gil whose parents owned the house is passed out I go up friend hands me a beer don't even get a sip before cops are everywhere ran out back buddy hit the beer in a pile of firewood walk around front cop checks me out but I am sober and had no booze on me I drove my buddy's car we went for pancakes after we ate we went back to get the beer someone had taken an axe and cut the deck off of the house we found our beer and hauled ass Monday morning there was a huge investigation into who was at the party trying to figure out who did the damage 1990 was a simpler time I've seen someone uninstall the sink of a bathroom at a house party back in high school they brought their own tools and took the time doing so edit I know a video of the party exists if I find it I'll post it for you fine people three guys tag-teaming a 40 year old overweight woman who was married with children and she was the manager at the local dominos shortly after arriving at her party the sensitive guy with the acoustic guitar shows up 15 minutes later someone took the guitar and smashed him over the head with it creating a large gash that bled profusely the attacker then proceeded to run off into the night with the guitar and was never apprehended it wasn't a good night for the musician guy starts hooking up with a girl he asks his roommate for condoms this guy's about to lose his virginity to this girl everyone's happy for him he goes into a room and starts going at it one of his friends busts open the door and asks the girl if she wants a third first guy's screaming no girl says yes so the skies first time he's having to share with another guy at some point a third guy enters the entire party stops and everyone's just watching these guys rail this girl eventually the first guy draw saltan just sits down and watches while the other two guys bang the first girl he's ever had hanky-panky with felt bad for him edit one a bunch of people mentioned green text in tepee and snake I didn't know what any of you were talking about until you yell sue 135 linked me I'm actually going to check with the person and my story to see if that's his post will update edit to no that's not him they are talking about it in that thread to apparently I posted this before him and the guy copy pasted to fortune from fortune I don't know what green text is so I'm not sure what direction that's going in half the part ago has gathered on the roof ceremonially destroying a 4 feet tall statue chandelier thing they throw it off the roof and then everyone in the backyard either took a piece to commemorate the event or further destroyed the pieces of the statue at another party some guy set off a firework in an empty beer bottle and held it while it went off blood and glass everywhere from what I heard the guy was found an hour later passed out in the front yard clutching his hand edit there was another time at a house show where 50 people ended up huddling in the basement in silence for 20 minutes because a neighbor had called in a noise complaint and the cops showed up half the partygoers left off the but the band went back on all in all it was a fun time I went with my girlfriend and her friends to what was later revealed to me as a gay frat house my girlfriend went to the bathroom for a while and a bunch of dudes hit on me I felt special nice guys someone I know spent two hours trying to put a pumpkin in someone's mailbox he wasn't just pushing it in he started punching it couldn't believe the stamina on that person it sounds boring compared to the stories here but it was one of the funniest things I've ever watched of course everyone spent the first twenty five minutes trying to get him to stop but after we gave up and just watched it became hilarious you've heard of strip poker we were playing strip Red Rover we were all in our 30s send one poor girl to the hospital with a busted knee I was sitting on the roof and the guy said he wanted to dive through the window to get back into the house so he would look like James Bond he ran to the window and oaf right into a closed window cut his arm pretty bad and he just said Oh poop I thought it was open I should stop doing cocaine edit poop tee spelling kids smoking a cat nip joint the house owner was also selling rolls of toilet paper to the guests if they had to use the bathroom I was at a house spiti where this guy called Nate was sleeping on a carpet eventually he somewhat woke up said name Nate Cody name unknown pooped on the carpet had lied back down straight into his vomit he then fell asleep again probably the girl with a four year old son who still breastfed him she said she could squirt milk across the room then proceeded to show us I will forever know her as lactating Tracy invited to the party by a furry we didn't know that she was a furry we didn't know that it was a party for furries we get there and there's a guy getting a tail butt plug put into his ass in the middle of the floor inches from people who aren't paying attention to it at all those people were playing Magic the Gathering the people in the backyard were playing with the high-power laser identifying stars we didn't stay long some dude thought it is okay to throw up on my best friend cat during the party cat was actually kind of cool with it my friend wasn't I remember someone heard some cops at the front door and decided to jump out the window leading to the backyard to get away probably should have made sure the window was open first from what was to be just a noise complaint turned into an ER bill and paying for a new window I thought butt chuggin was just a joke from some frat bro movie I'd never seen no people do it voluntarily whoo and pledges or rookies or in any way being hazed someone pouring washed soap on the floor in front of the back door sick dude sat on a la-z-boy sipping margaritas and watching people slip and fall a totally uninterested guy sitting on a chair reading a paper and drinking a can of beer while a very drunk couple were having hanky-panky and a bed a few feet away from him he kept trying to talk to them about funny stuff he was reading and they kept shouting at him to freak off as you can imagine I only saw a few seconds of this and heard more about it later this was ridiculous but honestly ridiculously cool this dude showed up to a big house party of like 125 of us with his service dog not just any service dog though a giant ass Great Dane with a makeshift army pack thrown over him that carried beers around for people at the party he brought me a beer or two what a good dog definitely watched my friend feed the dog at least five hamburger patties at the end of the night in our drunken haze girl masturbating with a beer bottle on the hosts little sister's bed friend had a party in high school and walked in on a guy pulling his pants up quickly after clearly attempting to poop in his cat's litter box a girl fell through a ceiling at a house party when I was in college that was pretty wild [Music] I was once at a big indoor techno concert in Spain imagine this place was packed good vibes people dancing and having a good time we're having a good time too suddenly we all felt small drops of liquid on our legs we stopped to look around and we see this drugged up dude pissing all over the dance floor and behold an hour later we see the same dude from distance being dragged out while lying on the floor for doing the same thing again I swear people do the most freaked up things under influence my buddy was throwing a New Year's party and it was pretty wild some people he didn't really know where their friends have friends that sort of thing a dude and a girl he didn't know went into his bedroom and locked the door he was not having it he bangs on the door and the guy yells freaked off my buddy's a pretty mild-mannered guy but without a second's hesitation he takes a step back and kicks the door right open we pulled them out and walked them out the front door he replaced the door frame the next day edit for the people asking why he didn't just unlock the door I honestly can't remember if it was possible to unlock from the outside with my buddy definitely has a bit of a door kicking fetish once I saw him accidentally close his locked front door behind him with the keys in the house still he realized immediately turned on his heel and kicked the [ __ ] in he'd already had someone out to unlock it after doing the same thing a week before and didn't feel like waiting long back in high school we went to a junior house party as seniors there was a junior football player who was hitting on one of the senior football players girlfriends while he was out back in the pool when the senior kid came back his girlfriend told him what happened everyone overheard and started yelling fight fight fight the junior kid heard all the commotion and came running over to see what happened and all the people at the party pushed him into the center of the group and made a classic fight circle around him he started crying instantly when he saw the senior boy and his girlfriend walk up and got on his knees and started kissing the senior kids feet everyone stopped yelling fight in the entire house went silent as everyone was confused what the hell just took place I couldn't tell you what went through the senior kid's head but he started laughing and walked away and everyone had a WTF look on their face and then went back to the party like nothing ever happened so land sharks are pretty common you carry a naked person through a party with a frisbee clinched between their cheeks normal except one time one of my friends was on the fence a sort of do i or do I not dangle my dog throughout the whole throng kind of thing so his condition was that the four people carrying him one per limb also had to be naked and so four naked people carrying another naked person with a frisbee in their butt threw a party was probably the craziest or close enough edit people seemed a little baffled by my partially tongue-in-cheek use of common and normal you see my freshman year of college but the class men managed to convince the freshmen that it was in fact common and normal we believed them which in turn made it pretty common and pretty normal one of my friends pulled down his pants slipped a condom on and just started taking a wank in the living room this one redhead girl would always take too many shots and wind up stripping down naked and freaking somebody on their car outside every time saw a guy snorting coke on a dorm room floor someone said something funny and he laughed spraying a cloud of coke he started licking the carpet edit this was in the 80s and he was using a small mirror that said I also know some of what happened on that carpet and I wouldn't have walked on it barefoot I've told this story before but when I was in college I was in a fraternity at some point we started partying with some international students because we met some of the matter campus event 90% of them were Brazilian so I was one of the sober bras watching the door talking with one of these Brazilian guys and a chick came up the stairs and without even saying anything she grabbed his hand and dragged him into our little code supply closet next to the door about 10 minutes and some uncomfortable sounds later they both come out and he gives me a wink she continues downstairs of the guy and I resume talking not even five minutes later a completely different comes up and does the exact same thing to this guy I thought this was hilarious but I was also slightly jealous of this guy's apparent affinity with women hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to Reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and I look forward to seeing you next time
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 14,065
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, party stories, craziest parties, facebook party, party fails, funny askreddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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