Fight For Your Life - Federal Express Flight 705
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Channel: X Pilot
Views: 3,754,199
Rating: 4.4998899 out of 5
Keywords: federal express, express, flight 705, fedex 705, federal 705, federal express 705, federal express flight 705, 705, flight, FDX, FDX705, crash, DC-10 crash, DC-10, mcdonnell, douglas, mcdonnell douglas dc-10, fs9, fsx, p3d, p3dv3, p3dv4, v3, v4, air crash investigation, mayday, fight for your life
Id: j_akKKf2o3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Can we make this shit into a Movie.... Samuel L. Jackson as the lead. That MF can play anybody
I was on the edge of my seat watching this story (no pun intended).
Thatβs some badass piloting!
This is both incredibly boring and fantastically interesting.
That plane deserves a pitcher of beer.
I remember that day well.
i remember watching this story on an episode of Aircrash investigations
What a fucking scumbag!
Shame the FAA didn't mandate cockpit security after this hijacking attempt.
Agreed my friend