College Students Reveal The Most Insane NSFW Dorm Stories (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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college students graduates have read it what's the craziest thing you ever witnessed in your dorm residence hall nsfw a guy i knew used to hook up with girls and then throw their clothes into the hall outside his room then lock them out of his room making them get dressed in the hall in front of whomever was around i think he works for comcast now which fits one of my friend's girlfriends had a roommate that would masturbate almost every night she said it sounded like someone vigorously stirring macaroni i remember the story every time i cook macaroni one guy peed on a cookie sheet and let it freeze outside in winter he took said frozen sheet of pee and slid it under another guy's door when he wasn't there all the rooms in that dorm were carpeted two things same dude we had a guy whose room was at the end of the hall so it had a little extra space next to his door a little alcove we had two groups come through our dorm with prospective students and their families well on one of those days he tore out a bunch of pics from his playboys and posted them all over his door and on the walls outside his room he took three chairs from the common room and put them outside his room as well he then had a sign that said the itches and hoes waiting room mother went absolutely ballistic when she saw that he got into deep it for it too a few months later when another tour group came through our bill who was a total [ __ ] was giving kind of a speech to the high schoolers and their families so our buddy fell out of his room in just his boxes and his hands tied behind his back with a sock in his mouth he spit the sock out and started yelling bill untie any this isn't funny aura was humiliated the parents went absolutely nuts over it our buddy was kicked out later that day lived in a 21 floor tower something like 1600 students lived in it four guys decided to have a jam session in an elevator and go up and down the building had drums guitar saxophone and vocalist i think every single floor wanted to murder them i was in ra i had eight residents trap a raccoon and bring it into their dorm to domesticate it guess what happens when you let a raccoon in the dorm ducks it up boarding school here mp3 phones etc were prohibited but a few people including me still had them one of them was caught and expelled and all the charging points were covered up there was one uncovered socket left but it was 18 feet above ground and was for a big appliance the solution we came up with was to steal stuff from the physics lab and make a voltage regulator then make two stacks of three people standing on top of each other the top two guys worked the wires and got us a connection one stack went up every day for almost a week before we were able to get a wire extender with a socket and get a permanent connection it is still the craziest most innovative thing that i have personally witnessed so last winter in boston there was about 102 of snow over the winter being college kids we proceeded to build an igloo on the roof of our dorm and proceeded to hotbox it good times guy down the hall was just nasty smelled bad slovenly but very friendly he never went to class you might be thinking gamer but nope he was a day trader always told us about his wins losses for that day anyway this was before mobile devices and he hardly ever left his computer as a result traded in movements of pennies so he had milk jugs to pee in he told us proudly about how much time he saved by peeing in milk jugs i presumed he'd dump them out routinely but the first time i caught sight of his room i learned the truth it was as messy as you'd imagine but then i saw the jugs all over his room the floor windowsill computer desk my memory is hazy by now but i'd say he had at least 21 gallon milk jugs full of piss in his room to be fair i couldn't verify that they were all actually full or just waiting in reserve but at a glance at least some of them were clearly topped off and honestly how many gallons of piss is really acceptable to keep in your room we had a dude moved on to our hall because his roommate was hitting and pissing in the corner of his room my dorm had a secret santa thing where your santa would give you a task to do and if you completed it you'd get a gift in the packed dining hall one night shortly before christmas break a huge hairy completely naked man jumps onto a table tucks his junk between his legs and screams daddy only likes me when i'm a little girl my roommate was his santa and as a reward for completing the task she gave him a teddy bear wearing overalls a guy that was wasted in tripping balls went into the wrong room in the middle of the night and was thrown out of said room across the hall and through the wall into my old room turns out there had been a giant hole there that was cheaply patched up years ago otherwise there should have been no way he could have gone straight through the wall it was a cold night but my roommate and i pushed his dresser up to attempt to cover the hole until someone could fix it good times the slip and slide we had on the ground floor was pretty epic but probably not as epic as this one girl for some reason she decided to duck 12 guys on her floor and turn the peephole backwards reverse peephole seinfeld style for everyone to see i'm fairly confident she didn't graduate i lived on the ninth floor of the dorms my freshman year one win was males and the other wing females one of the girls on my floor received a giant 10 plus inch black dildo with a suction cup attachment as a gadget gift from her friends on her 19th birthday the guys on my floor thought it would be great fun to periodically steal then chase each other around with said dildo and beat the living hell out of each other with it i was in my neighbor's room one day when his dorm made busted open the door and threw this thing full force at him fortunately my friend was able to react quick enough to dodge out of the way unfortunately for us though the dildo went careening full bore into the window behind him smashed through it and proceeded to fall nine stories we watched in horror and shock as this dildo fell and hit a freshman girl on the head who immediately collapsed and began convulsing cops and paramedics came and took me my two neighbors and the poor girl who owned the dildo down to the campus police station they put us all into an interrogation room where we waited until a detective came in with the dildo in hand he then proceeded slammed down the suction cup end of the dildo onto the middle of the interrogation table we all lost our it we couldn't stop laughing due to the fact that this thing was slowly wobbling back and forth during the whole interrogation and don't worry the girl who got conked in the head with this thing was fine in the end one naked drunk duke jumped through first floor window as in broke the window with his bare skin ra here seen some it but the worst was when i was a freshman i had this roommate like mike was a hit head came from money parents bought him a decently nice car at 16. he modified the it out of it he thought he was yet and he could do anything he wanted one night mike decides he's gonna get very drunk maybe take some pills at some point during the night for a reason we still don't know he decided he did not like the plate glass window in the hallway of our dorm so he dropped his shoulder and plowed into it spider webbed the entire thing at some point later that night he wanted to talk to some people we knew on a balcony down the hall instead of walking down the hall and into their room he opened a window and headbutted the screen out so he could lean out and yell at them at some point later in the night he did sugar and i woke up to a bunch of my duck tape to the wall of our room freshman year i had a gay roommate let's call him wally we got along pretty well we had different social circles but they overlapped a bit so we would hang out on occasion while he had game dude would bring guys back a fair amount and sexile me but that was fine cause i did the same to him and that's just how it works right but eventually he found a boyfriend i figured that meant morris exiling for me but oddly enough well his boyfriend would stay over every now and then but wally would never text me to ask if i wouldn't mind bailing for a half hour or whatever then one night one fateful night i awoke to the sound of a creaking bed and there it was wally having butt sex with his boyfriend apparently they'd been banging while i was asleep for months and being a relatively deep sleeper i was none the wiser but there it was my very own brokeback mountain oh did i mention that his boyfriend had the same name as me and when i awoke to find wally plowing him ali just happened to be moaning his boyfriend's name my name tl doctor i awoke to my roommate moaning my name while he gave to his boyfriend dodgy style a bunch of guys in my hall collected some masks and dangerous looking items pocket knives mostly i think someone had a saw for some reason and pretended to have tied a dude to a chair with a bag over his head catch up for fake blood and everything they spend half the night on chat roulette with a sign that said tits or he dies they didn't actually get any tits but people's reactions were pretty great that in the time one of the engineers dented a wall by firing a custom nerf gun he built down the length of the hall are my only really crazy stories one day i woke up to a sink sitting in the hallway like a sink that is built into a countertop or something someone must have just ripped a sink out of a counter top from a different building and put it in the hallway on the fourth floor i was a sophomore at university of iowa on the engineering dorm the problem was that the main cafeteria of the campus was downstairs so drunk people would get confused and wonder do it even though it was closed then start having fun on other floors it was saturday night and pretty miserable outside so most people were staying in when we heard a scream then a loud crack when we checked on it there was nobody in the hallway there was however a large smear of blood along the wall and the exit sign was broken one of the guys decided to investigate and found a huge guy in the bathroom bleeding from the face and drunk turns out he had the brilliant idea of running down the hallway leaping into the air and headbutting the exit sign it since a few hawkeyes have asked yes it was burge one time my roommates and i hatched quails in our dorm room we started out with growing plants then breeding better fish and from there we kind of escalated to birds ordered a cheap incubator and the eggs online and kept it in the corner of our room without having any real hope that any of them would hatch three of them did somehow and they lived in our dorm room for a whole year without the ra finding out helps that they only grow to be about three inches tall i lived on the fifth floor of a monstrous six-story building one night in february the fire alarms went off at like 2 a.m and the building was evacuated no fire no nothing we all went back inside the next tuesday the alarms went off at the same time this time someone had taken out the fire extinguishers and thrown them from the top of the stairwells where they exploded when reaching the ground obviously you can't use elevators in a fire situation and the stairwells were a disaster it wasn't so much fun running through that this type of thing then happened every tuesday night for at least a month they eventually caught the people when they tried to hit two dorms back to back edit grammar my roommate a girl who lived across the hall we will call her sarah and myself were sitting in the common room which is situated right between the two dorm rooms studying chatting together we were talking about placed we'd traveled or something when the other girl's roommate comes down the stairs wrapped in a towel presumably from having taken a shower and into the common room as she's walking toward the room she casually says hey sarah i'm going to bed now sarah says okay and continues the conversation she was having with my roommate and i her roommate stops in her tracks and repeats i'm going to bed now sarah gets an embarrassed look on her face gets up and silently follows her roommate into the room and shuts the door when my now husband was in college the thermostat to the whole building was in his room he discovered he could make the fire alarm go off simply by moving it one degree up so he made the alarm go off at 2am he did this three times in his same suite he had a roommate who once asked him to shave his head my husband did not oblige the girl left one day never to return after a month the janitorial staff came in with shovels literally and shoveled out ungodly amounts of porn from his room [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Avengers Stories
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Id: RernKwRj9u4
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Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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