What Red Flags Pop Up Immediately at a Job interview?

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redditors in hiring positions what small things immediately make you say no to the potential employee why i just look for honesty and some self-respect the roles i hire for unfairly entry level so you don't need to be amazingly qualified or anything i get a lot of young people for interviews and what annoys me the most is when they arrive dressed in casual clothes i don't disregard their application over clothes but i do sit and wonder why their friends or parents or partners let them come to an interview in such sloppy clothing that said i did have a weird one i hired a guy from a group like session as he was probably the best and most confident person on the day after hiring a few weeks and he starts to become unreliable with his late finishes when i ask him what's up with that he comes in one day on his day off and says he needs to speak to me he then tells me that he will be resigning because he can't make the later working hours and that he's sorry for letting me down and appreciates us giving him a chance then he lifts up his jean leg and shows me an electronic tag on his ankle turns out he was released from prison two days before my interview and said he never brought it up because in a room full of people why would anyone employ the x-con when i thought about it he's probably right me and my colleague who were interviewing probably would have influenced our decision on him if we knew and he said he just wanted a fair chance so the tag prevented him from being outside his home after 7pm as he was charged for supply when younger i ended up calling the parole officer and the hmrc and eventually altering his curfew on the basis that i said he would have to be jobless if they didn't and if you don't allow him to have a legitimate job what are the chances of imrae offending gonna be ended up being one of best employees for a while thanks for being a good person i don't have a criminal history but goodness people mess up in society some seems to root for them to never get back on track for phone skype interviews don't google every question i ask you to get the right answer it's a dead giveaway when after every question there's 10 seconds of coming and then a textbook answer you'll be surprised how often this happens i did the lot of phone interviewing of programmer candidates at my last job there's nothing like hearing the tickety tack of a keyboard after each question like holy crap dude get a quiet keyboard if you're gonna do that crap the most fun is hearing other voices whispering in the background i guess it at least shows the candidate is all about teamwork when the interviewee ignores the person who asked the question and instead talks to the person they think has the most power in the room this has happened in entry-level positions but i also helped interview for a position that would be working at my same level as a partner my manager told me the decision was ultimately up to me because i knew what i was willing to work with and what was needed for the role i had a man come in and he wouldn't look at me didn't shake my hand and every time i asked a question he looked to my manager for approval yeah hard pass i don't want to work with a guy who has no respect for me yeah when i became the co-manager at a wendy's hiring was completely done by the co-manager although the first five interviews i had the gm sat in with me to see how i handled things and had one guy trying to suck up to him even though i was asking the questions like if there is someone present at your interview assume they have something to do with your potential of being hired showing up late for an interview already puts you in the hole not addressing it or apologizing for it will make it complete turn a negative into a positive and show you have accountability not addressing it shows you don't have respect for me and my time this much more this than the more upvoted comment saying being late is a deal breaker i don't care if you're a little late if you are apologetic and seem embarrassed or regretful when you turn up that shows me that even though you've met a challenge and made an error you can be humble about it apologize and move forward people that showed up to an interview in dirty sweatpants and a hoodie or whatever and had no idea what the position really was pharmacy tech assistant it happened more than once idk man i just want money one check your grammar and punctuation over and over correspondent via emails should be professional too it's not a time to use shorthand like you would in a text message to friends bad grammar and emails usually catches my attention right away in a negative way there was a young woman interviewing for a position with me who was very creative and extremely qualified however her written correspondence was so poor with me that i knew she'd do the same thing with external clients and she didn't get the position because of this two i'll usually hire someone who is coachable and has a great attitude over someone who might have more experience but doesn't get along well with others one's attitude really is a game changer and i'm more prone to hire those with a positive outlook on life three if you want an in with a company don't always go straight to the top maybe reach out to a lower level employee and learn from them and get tips i always take a look at candidates referred to me by internal employees no matter how high they rank in the company 4. be genuine and authentic i love candidates who straight up tell me look the last few years have been really hard for me i jumped around jobs and looking back i realize i could have stuck them out longer but i learned from the experience and i want to do better we are humans too we get that life can be tough so i appreciate people who are real and authentic five and lastly don't be an excuse maker and go on and on about issues this makes me think you'll do the same in our corporation during the interview process be open and authentic yet to the point and matter of fact i believe every question can and should be answered in 30 seconds or less i once received a resume where the person misspelled proofreading of all the words to screw up i still wonder if it was meant as a joke i'm reading this thread as a hiring manager for more or less janitorial position and we are so badly hurting for employees at that spot that we'll pretty much hire anyone that applies so long as they clear the background check and drug screen raggedy clothes you're hired don't really have great answers to questions you're hired can't really explain or give a reason for the stuff on the application you're hired you physically showed you to the interview hyatt it's crazy that the people that interview the best show up dressed as well as they can be in their means and clearly what the any job are more often than not the ones that get shot down because of background sucks that the ones getting hired over them quit two weeks and because they don't like cleaning things up it's not my idea to have the drug screen and it is a one-time thing it's no minimum wage it's not the best but it's competitive for the area from a post on 4chan i saw once be me hiring manager first thing i do when i get a stack of applications is throw half of them in the trash i don't want any unlucky people working here take one resume out of the trash and hire that person they are the luckiest applicant of the bunch the biggest one for me was always whether they were responding thoughtfully and specifically to prompts or just using vague interviewee language related if they answer one question in a condescending tone it's not a good sign everyone will hate them and you for hiring them if they show bad attitude in an interview wait till they've been on the job for a few months if you have something on your resume it's fair game for me to ask you about it if you struggle with basic questions about it game over unfortunately in software if we did this we have no applicants left almost everyone lists a lot of programming languages that they barely know treating everyone but the hiring manager disrespectfully i was in a management position in fast food i didn't do the hiring but one minor responsibility was accepting applications that people brought in and answering any initial questions the hiring manager always listened to the other managers initial impressions of the applicants so many applications were thrown out of the stack without ever being considered because the applicant didn't think anyone mattered but the person that made the final decision i even had one lady come in and basically tell us that she would definitely be hired and be placed over us in management and that she planned on cleaning up our act we had a good laugh with the hiring manager before tossing her app in the trash there was the guy who when i walked into the conference room to interview him told me to have a seat and said let's talk no he was not joking you're probably wondering why i brought you here i have a small exteriors remodeling company and do all of my interviews on site if someone gets out of their vehicle and flicks their cigarette in the yard it's pretty much over for some reason people interviewing have regularly looked at the tools we're using and talked condescendingly about them and explained they learned on another brand style and their way is better done i'm open to discussion about tools and methods but the interview isn't the place and leads me to believe i'm going to have to work hard to make you use my methods on jobs cigarettes people are trusting us as a business to come to their homes usually when they are not there don't litter in their yard or in their neighborhood tools methods we are all open to discussion about methods and tools but talking down to the interviewer is a bad move there's a difference between making sure we're on the same page and trying to prove you no more than the guy you're trying to get the job from and it's never about the actual tools i've done hiring for other businesses before my own it's about showing a specific attitude those guys may do well in the industry but my business prides itself on bringing positive attitudes to projects for homeowners and those guys can't help with that how seriously do you take the position i hire for an admittedly very easy job i had a guy tell me he only wanted the job because it was really easy and he wouldn't have to take it seriously he was one of 100 applying for six spots he didn't get it and every time he interviewed for that spot after i knew i wouldn't hire him for the people asking why honesty mattered so much the job is very easy but we work with extremely valuable equipment and a mistake can cost us hundreds someone who's going into the position openly not taking it seriously when a hundred are going for the same spot isn't something i want since you'll naturally take the job less seriously over time also i've only interviewed him once a semester it's totaled maybe three in his place we hired awesome employees europe for management positions i have no regrets not a hiring manager self-employed now but my last paycheck job wouldn't hire anyone who was rude or dismissive to the receptionist this should 100 percent be a criterion because if he or she is in butthole to the support staff during an interview they will be twice as much of an butthole while they work there just because you make more than the receptionist doesn't mean you should treat him or her like crap because they are the ones that keep everything running embellishing job applications like dating profiles a little embellishment is expected to make yourself look good and most people can read between the lines but i once had a dude when writing down his responsibilities at his previous job put a bunch of things like used whisk spatula and other kitchen utensils to circulate sources and ingredients to bring all food to adequate cooking temperature when being prepared it was all written like that this guy supposedly had like five plus years experience and best he could give me was a fancy way of saying he stirred crap i got a text message response to a voicemail i left responding to an application saying hey i'm at the steelers game so i obviously don't want to talk about a job today how's monday looking for you i'm available 8 am to 10 am i didn't even respond i called an applicant who answered who is this frick you want and i went on to further embarrass him by informing him i had wanted to talk about an application but never mind he proceeded to tell me i was a lying b and that my area code on his caller said i was in a different city and he's no idiot literally the neighboring area code so the small things i won't hire total buttholes how can people be this dumble mayo we are the company you applied for you line b when i was a hiring manager it was quick edit fluffy and bs kinda quick not a good kind of quick responses to my questions good example of things i did like to see when i asked one person a detailed question the interviewee said that's not a question i get too often but it's something i want to be tactful about if i were to think about it for a second q response it really impressed me how they were honest and very professional about not having an immediate answer which happens day to day in the industry i was formally in i wanna add that i don't hate quick responses not sure where that was seen but neither myself nor any interviewer hates quick responses we just like the thorough and clear ones so answer quick or slow whatever floats your boat that's a relief to hear usually i only take a second or two to think of an answer but i just recently had an interview where i took around 5-10 seconds to answer most of their questions sooooo painful at least i can look at it as being honest and thoughtful lol one last thing if you have an objective on your resume make sure it applies to the job at my company i can tell you how many times people have an objective about getting a job in xxx that is not my company remember to update this once had a guy apply for a job advertised as just call center because we needed to be discreet in the ad his cover letter and resume talked about his previous call center experience selling mobile phones and all the people he had saved and converted to his church he kept telling us that mission work is basically just sales because you're selling jesus he somehow got through to the reference checking stage there weren't many applicants i called his employer and found out he was asked to leave after six months of formal performance management because he kept telling people who had called up that they could either enter a two-year contract for a new mobile phone or go to his church every week for two years to make it up to him for the lost commission he has access to their addresses so he would confirm their address and say he would meet them out the front of their houses at 8 a.m on sunday to take them to church after dozens of complaints and six months of performance management he still couldn't understand how that was inappropriate and creepy the job i was recruiting for was a domestic violence crisis intervention call center to help people experiencing extreme domestic violence to relocate i'm so glad we didn't put him there i cannot abide rudeness please thank you excuse me pardon you're welcome are basic disparaging comments about other people just tell me you have no substance of your own and i would hate working with you arrogance is just another way of telling me i'm going to have to manage your ego and i cannot be bothered you can have the best experience and qualifications in the world but if you come across as a bell end i don't want you sorry on a side note it makes me sad how many people get passed over for their age family situation medical needs etc you can't outright save legally but it's super obvious that this happens with a generic excuse thrown in their faces the best employees i've had come with a little baggage don't write them off they tend to be super grateful and while you have to make some accommodations flex hours for child care extra breaks to administer medication can't do certain things because of a disability etc they usually go above and beyond for an employer and their clients that treats them right and that attitude is really the number one thing in my book you can teach skills and knowledge but you can't teach that as someone dealing with a chronic condition that requires me to take a half day every few months to deal with a specialist doctor i couldn't be more grateful to employers who think like you do when i ask a relevant question pertaining to the job they're trying to get hired for and they say why do you think you need to know that those were the exact words from the guy i was asked to interview he did not get the job the question i asked was about bfd bi-directional forwarding detection and whether he'd used it in place of a routing protocol's inherent link failure detections it was relevant because we do it for some customers and it's kind of important you are familiar with it i'm just imaging ron swanson asking questions in this interview i've hired well over 200 people mostly for jobs that involved medium heavy-duty machinery operation some on the public road but mostly on private grounds these positions paid anywheres from 30 000 canadian dollars to 120 000 canadian dollars a couple things i did find out that surprised me as i learned the position spelling grammar errors in resumes or shortage of description really did not end up meaning anything at first i would throw these ones out but later on kept them in the shuffle and found more or less the exact same success as well written resume clothing super sharp super sloth none of it ever really seemed to matter i found diamonds and trash wearing both what i ended up basing most of my decision on in the past couple years parking lot behavior i didn't care what vehicle they showed up in but as time went on i discovered that if it took someone more than 20 30 seconds to find a parking spot and get parked they were useless with the machinery i needed them to operate regardless of qualifications likewise with guys that thought they nailed the interview and then gunned it down the road when they hit the street i found hiring those guys always became huge safety concerns no word of a lie parking lot behavior ended up providing me with about 50 percent of the info i wanted on hiring a guy once saw the guy park in about 15 seconds flat he also left the parking lot in the exact same manner he came in totally bombed the interview and the homer simpson tattoo didn't help but the guy ended up being my train the trainer on a few pieces of equipment if i'm gonna trust you with five zero zero zero one hundred and twenty 000 lbs of machinery i better see that you can operate your own vehicle i hire for very specialized positions i know that most people won't have direct experience with this kind of material and i don't expect them to but i want them to show some level of personal interest like give me any indication that you care about this anything at all i won't hire people who are instantly resistant to feedback i made that mistake in the past i hired someone extremely talented who didn't require much oversight but the smallest thing would make her so defensive and it made things very adversarial and uncomfortable she was awesome at her job but that dynamic was terrible and i had to spend insane amounts of time just trying to shape our relationship into something positive and collaborative show me you're smart and want to work together and that we can create cool things as a team the whole point is to combine talents bring out the best in each other and support each other to help each person grow creatively and professionally not to go isolate yourself do your work and insist it's perfect just the way it is 100 of the time i also used to work in a different field and had someone significantly inflate their own experience involvement in a particular project i know that because i had worked on that project and what they were saying was bulls they had no idea so definitely don't do that and don't assume you know more than the person who is interviewing you that assumption is going to be wildly off-putting to anyone whether it's correct or not one more thing my industry is small if someone i respect and trust says you're crappy to work with i'll believe them regardless of how great your interview is so it's important to not burn bridges i know so many people who could have had way better careers than they do but they did stupid things in the past and now everyone knows about it these things probably seem so minor to that person and they don't even think about them but they can make a sustaining impression on others always try to maintain good relationships always try to leave on a good note always be professional when someone comes for the interview and doesn't say hello or is rude to the secretary the receptionist or the cleaning worker we will not hire them if i'm hiring someone for a leadership role i will immediately say no to anyone that doesn't seem to care about developing their team for example a few weeks ago i was hiring a site manager our talent acquisition team sent me six candidates to interview this particular site has an area where a lot of line level employees tend to slack off so i asked all six candidates what they would do if an employee was underperforming in that area five of the six immediately said they would write up the employee the sixth candidate said that depends on why the employee is underperforming are they properly trained if not i would make sure they receive adequate training before jumping to any form of disciplinary action if they're properly trained i would make sure they have a clear understanding of what their objectives are and coach them on that if they have been given all the tools to succeed and continue to underperform i would then move on to disciplinary action i hired the sixth candidate he started last week and was an instant hit with his team i worked for a chain pizza place as my first job when i was 16. we were one of the only places around that still accepted paper applications instead of online one day a dude came in with his application and he had eyes only for my manager the only one wearing a button-up shirt instead of a standard uniform and wouldn't talk to anyone else my manager told him to walk over and give the application to me as i was the hiring manager i wasn't i just made the pizza dough and grated the cheese his attitude changed immediately kept trying to shake my hand and call me sir she later told me that she only did so because she wanted to see how he would treat the people he would be working with every day not just the people whose butt he had to kiss it really made me appreciate her as a boss and though i don't work for her anymore we're still friends there aren't any small things that make me immediately say no i want to see how you'll be at your job everyone makes small mistakes i don't care if your resume has a typo in it i care if you lied on it automatically dismissing people because of something small is like throwing away half the resumes because you don't hire unlucky people ha that unlucky thread was a fun one during an interview i spotted a kettle and tea in the corner i jokingly said i'd love a cup of tea then to my horror the interviewer got up boiled the kettle and served me tea i ended up getting the job i hired someone who talked so much throughout the interview i didn't get a word in i gave her a second interview and she did the same thing but there was something about her that made me think she'd still be good at the job she was and still is an awesome employee working in kids entertainment but is hopeless at interviews meetings paperwork etc never judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree as they say ps big nose for me would be swearing no eye contact and being late if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: interview, interview tips, interview questions, interviews gone wrong, job interview, job interview tips, job interview funny, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, sub
Id: aSJFh4aT-RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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