What CRAZY Things Happened at Your Sleepover?

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nsw what nsw thing happened at a sleepover when you were younger when I was younger I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night my friend's mother was sitting on the toilet door wide open loved her to death but she was basically built like the Cryptkeeper who smoked two packs of Virginia Slims a day I've had that image seared into my brain for years friend of mine came up to my room all stone-faced your mom is taking a bath with the door open I walked in while she was bent over the tub this was 1990 or so and my mother was a single mom needless to say it was still the 1970s down there also I hear when I was in fourth grade my best friend and I were playing this game where insults were compliments and visa-versa well after some back-and-forth between us I said yeah well you have a big dong as soon as his dad opened the door I stumbled on my words trying to explain the situation and my friend couldn't stop laughing his dad looked at me and his son in disappointment and shut the door talk about bad timing a friend had a sleepover she invited me to for her birthday one year we were in middle school and she was the only girl I knew I didn't know any of her other friends one of them suggests a game of truth or dare they started daring each other to do physical things it started with making out and progressed to dares to perform fellatio on the other girls if you refused to participate they got to punch you in the arm as hard as they could I was a very good girl I didn't participate in anything performing or receiving my mom asked me where the Frick I had gotten bruises all over my body I told her we'd been jumping on the bed and I kept getting accidentally kicked I went to the wrong sleepovers sixish seven ish sleepover at a friend's house his dad apparently went to the bar and picked up some hood rats while we were supposed to be asleep we hear al green and smell smoke look out his dad's going to town on this one [ __ ] while another is sitting there topless calmly rolling joints on an album cover so freaking cool distant chasms would visit us when I was younger female cousin and I were at that age while he weren't exactly sure what was going on with our bodies we slept together thinking nothing of it but being the frisky kid that I was i spooned her with my preteen boner rubbing up on her but she wiggled back and we pretty much dry humped only happened once and never mentioned at all my cousin used to sit on my lap every chance she could get I could never figure out why she wanted to sit on me but I hope she didn't notice that I'd get rock-hard every time we were probably around 10 11 my best childhood friend and I were left home alone to our own devices for a while at his house while our parents got piled at my house we were next-door neighbors and our families were close we were [ __ ] around in his older vivacious high school-aged sister's room when my friend pulled a tampon out of her drawer and started to wave it around I said something like you know how do those things even work dog so real really into M&M when my friend decides to show me and shove said tampon up his butt he pulled it out slowly and we both realized with horrible words in facts covered with crap he did the sensible thing and threw it at the wall while we both screamed like schoolgirls and were too grossed out to clean it up our dad still tell this story to our new girlfriend's just to warn dem that we might be gay you introduced his sister as vivacious then you give the most bone a killing story 14:15 why oh I've stayed the night with my best friend his younger sister was friends with a girl a little older than her we were downstairs on the living-room couch watching Adult Swim and she asks if I want to give her a massage of course I do so she laid down and I started massaging eventually she took off her bra and got some lotion so our massaging would be less hindered I eventually worked my way down and started feeling on her side boob I ended up finding her and she gave me what was I'm pretty sure my second [ __ ] ever the whole time my friend is trying to watch and I'm motioning to him to get pho we all go upstairs and go to bed after that of course she tells my friend's little sister little sister tells her older cousin and older cousin tells my friend's mom his mom calls into her room one night not in the way you're thinking in so many words she tells me to feel free to jerk off in the bathroom if I feel the need to that she understands that it's an awkward time physically but to please refrain from finger-blasting her daughter's friends on the living-room couch I turned a million different shades of red his mom handled it really gracefully and skillfully looking back I am impressed by her level-headedness about it all my parents would never have handled it that well in so many words she tells me to feel free to jerk off in the bathroom if I feel the need to that she understands that it's an awkward time physically but to please refrain from finger busting her daughter's friends on the living-room couch I really really really hope she used those exact words slept over at my friend's place while in eighth grade his sister was a year older and was always flirting with me well it is late one night and she is watching a movie on the floor while I sleep above her on the couch I wake up to feeling my hand being guided underneath some clothing turns out this is my first boob action I ever had we kept this going on throughout our high school years she used to give me rides home from school and I would fondle her the whole way home things escalated as we got older I still miss those days my friend had a bunch of friends over for his birthday his parents left us alone for the most part anyhow we were wrestling in the basement where his older sister came down to see what's going on she was a year older than him and she hung out with us for a while however another friend accidentally ruined the birthday cake before it was brought out so the mother went with my friend to pick out a new cake they left his sister in charge of the house anyhow while they were gone this guy convinced her to give him a blow job and all of a sudden everyone wanted one she went around giving six guys BJ's when her mother walked into the basement and started screaming at her in Hindi when she saw what her daughter was doing but we were all sent home and never allowed back when I was in second grade my really good friend had a sleepover for his birthday and invited around ten kids from school his parents had got him an Xbox for his birthday with Halo two and four controllers so all lovers freaked out and played it in his room all night well as things usually go with second graders halo got super intense and when someone would ask to pause the game to go to the bathroom we would unpause it and kill him a few times before they got back well there was this one kid named Josh who was really good at the game and would beat all of us almost all the time so at some point in the night Josh tells us he has to go to the bathroom we all snicker because we know that we're gonna freak his crap up when he leaves but he doesn't go to the bathroom so we keep playing we play for a while longer and josh has a pained look on his face so we tell him that he can go to the bathroom and we will all put our controllers down he refuses again after a couple minutes we hear a loud farting noise and immediately after her crap just starts falling out of Josh's pants all over the floor we all start freaking out in Josh who hasn't stopped playing takes this as a sign that he should poop even more hearing a commotion my friend's dad comes in pauses for a second to taking the picture of Josh unleashing the Kraken all over his son's room and just walks away as soon as I read unleashing the crack and I absolutely lost it when I was in middle school one of my friends had her party at a hotel and we were supposed to stay overnight there chaperoned by her mom of course or none of us would have been able to go however once we got there her mom had checked in and took off leaving us to our own devices one of the girls had brought glow-in-the-dark body paint and they all decided to strip naked and paint themselves while drinking some beer that the mum had supplied us with we were only 13 some tame lesbian activity occurs then they decided that it would be a good idea to go to the hotel pool which was officially closed at the time and skinny dip me and one other girl were the only ones who refused to participate I was pretty sheltered as a kid so all of this was really shocking to me hotel manager ended up kicking us out of the pool area but surprisingly we just got to go back to our rooms I'm attended her mom must have known the owner or something if my mom would have known what was going on at that party I just told her I had a good time and left it at that the manager probably just didn't want to spend the time to contact all of your parents nor did he want to babysit you stayed at a friend's house his sister also had a friend stay over she woke me up and wanted to talk to me and wanted to give me a [ __ ] took me to the couch and went at it pulled her titties out and used them went to the freezer got an ice cube and crushed it in her mouth and started sucking again then there was an awkwardness and she stopped and looked over and my friend's dad was watching he mumbled something and went to his room and we went to the basement to finish I can just imagine being the dad here walking to the bathroom walks past living room only to find his daughter's friend giving a bj to his son's best friend after staring in disbelief for a few seconds the friend sees him he mumbles this did not just happen I just had too much to drink at my birthday sleepover in a sixth grade or so one kid Cody woke up in the middle of the night to discover that another kid max had managed to pull his pants down in his sleep and his dong was hanging out so Cody took his Game Boy Advance SP the kind that folded shut and closed if a max's dong I awoke in the morning to find the rest of the kids discussing the event I was never quite sure what to make of that Oh W the first time I slept over at a girl's house I was in 6th grade and it was the group from an extracurricular activity it was her birthday the parents thought it it'd be innocent but we were old enough to be little shoots we spent most of the night contriving a makeup scheme on the girls one of them expressed interest in that stupid game where you press on someone's chest until they pass out we didn't press very hard nobody pass out but everyone pretty much touched all the boobs the birthday girl puked but being a kid rallied immediately we played some version of hide-and-seek in the dark but instead I made out with one of the girls under a pool table something always goes wrong with the birthday boy girl camped out the back for my friends 14th birthday with a few of my mates birthday boy suddenly got uncontrollable diarrhea House was locked we all managed to catch him crapping himself while desperately trying to get into the house good times I don't get locking the house when kids are camping outside that's how you get crap and pee in your yard truth or dare at a sleepover got four girls topless at one time one used a doorknob to demonstrate how she cradles and licks a ballsack during a bj I got stuck dry humping a mattress at another sleepover I had to take a shower with a very obese girl we had to scrub one another at that same sleepover I got a handy from a friend's girlfriend I think he actually dared her to do it but it was still awkward it was like a quick five-second okay I jacked your dong type of handy one of mine on blood cousins put his hand under my shirt and I stopped him from anything else that seems tamers had compared to the rest of this thread oh this seems true as heck compared to the rest of this thread ftfy I was riding the bus to school with a gay friend and asked him how and when he knew he was gay since he'd never done anything physical that I knew of with anyone I was curious how he was so sure kind of stupid these days but this was a while ago and I was young and dumb we were both 15 16 something like that this was over 20 years ago now and nbsp he told me well the last time I had a sleepover after everybody went to sleep I took out Robbie's dong and kind of played with it and put in my mouth and stuff and you liked it I guess yeah I mean he stayed soft but it was really fun to play with dongs are awesome that's freaked up man you shouldn't do that to people you totally violated Robbie no number he was asleep he doesn't know I did it so it doesn't count it still counts you can't freaking flick someone who's sleeping and just say it's okay I didn't flick him he barely got hard it was mostly just soft and squishy and you know I flipped it around it was fun that doesn't make it okay you having fun doesn't stop it from being flicked up well it wasn't just him I tried everybody out I wanted to see different ones Sam got hard oh my god how many guys were there for but I didn't do anything to Eric but you like Eric he had a major crush on him exactly dude you raped three guys but left the one you're actually attracted to alone I didn't rape them I just you know played with them and put them in your mouth that doesn't count and then BSB this conversation continued for the entire bus ride to school I know he didn't mean anything bad by any of it but it's still pretty frickin Fricks up I wonder how many pretended to be asleep because like your friend said it's not gay if you are pretending to be asleep I would just say I was sleeping over her house and she would say she was sleeping over my house and then we will drop acid and walk around town all night I miss the 90s nothing like getting high as Bulls on LSD and taking the archetypal acid walk around late night suburbia I had a bunch of sleepovers with my best friend in high school we were both gay in the closet and solely using the sleepovers to frake I don't know why but for a second I imagined you both didn't know the other was gay either my friend replaced the batteries in a flashlight with his Pope here is the full story there were three of us myself X&Y our other friend said much earlier in the week made plans for us to come hang out if we ever went to his house it was an implied sleepover so we showed up and said his parents let us in they knew he went out for band practice and just like us assumed he would be back later so we had dinner and talked with them for about two hours Zed's never showed up so we went up to his room after dinner his parents went straight to bed another hour went by and it was getting late so I called said he forgot he invited us over and lied about being at home really sick we were standing in his room so XY and I decided to get back at him it started out harmless we just wanted him to know we had been there so we got onto his computer and managed to get into his World of Warcraft account we named changed his main character to something like slack s but sex or something we then sent all of his good stuff to X's Wow account we then decided to plays Ed's xbox this was back when the 360 had just come out and he was the only friend we had with one but Z power cable was missing so Y and I started looking for the cable our search took us to Z's closet where X started being annoying Zed's closet was the size of my bedroom and the lights did not work so Y used his phone to light our way I downed the soon-to-be notorious flashlight on a shelf and tried to use it the batteries were dead index the soon-to-be purpos'd was being really obnoxious trying to help us look by throwing random things at us over his shoulder I threw the flashlight at him he then looked at me and said there me too crap in this I replied with the fateful two words no balls X then slammed the closet door locking Y and me inside Y was still looking for the cable and I figured X was just kidding I heart the toilet lid slam then I heard a hefty splash then anurag X then came back and enclosed the door so it was pitch black once more he said yeah I couldn't do it you were right I saw his outline and the dark reach out to hand me the light so I took it and said see why he's a [ __ ] no bar why turn to face us with his cellphone screen lighting up the hora coming out of the flashlight was about four inches of turd I screamed in disgust and threw it at x.x caught it like some sort of ninja and threw it end over end as hard as he could back at me I ducked and why jumped to the floor the pool I'd then splattered all over the back wall of the closet we left like ghosts on the night hopped into my truck and drove to Weis house in silence where the sleepover continued and we finally began to cackle about our evil deeds strip poker at a cast and crew party for a middle school production of The Secret Garden that was the first time I saw boobies out in the open glorious the nudity lasted maybe all of 15 minutes but 40 years later I can still see every second of it in my mind we all paid heck for it in school and with our parents over the next couple of weeks but the detention and grounding were well worth it a ten times the price when I was about 13 my buddies and I was staying at Steve's house for his birthday being the little punks we were we had an earth fight in his mom's basement which was full of nice knickknacks naturally they got broken along with Jimmy's foot after he fell down the stairs as our punishment we had to turn out the lights around 8:00 Jimmy beings as if he was slept with his bad foot out of his sleeping bag while a couple of the others played less swordfight with PVC pipes in the dark naturally Jimmy's ankle was hit and he woke quite quickly being the stupid kids we were at some point a China figurine fell behind a cabinet and Jimmy was instructed to get it out he try as he might he couldn't reach it the idea of using an item from the bathroom to grab it out was brought up to which Jimmy replied I can't find anything longer than a half inch in here since we were 13 year old boys Jimmy's new nickname Hal Finch was born as soon as he fell back asleep here's the real kicker Jimmy was a sleepwalker and around 4:00 a.m. Jimmy got up went into the closet and started caressing the vacuum jibbering about shaving cream and sleep in natural Jimmy got continual crap about this older way through high school where he eventually became a loner and graduated with only a few friends one hour here the best part I'm Jimmy name isn't actually Jimmy also I did go to a hospital the next morn we found out my ankle was actually rolled but I did need crutches for a few weeks WTF you guys are real dongs too Jim oh ah when I was 16 I was at a sleepover with two other girls at one of their houses when they thought I was sleeping they started making out and then eating each other out and I kept my eyes closed and never told anyone and then I acted surprised when one of the girls came out as gay a month later not so much a sleepover as a party that ended and we all kind of just crashed where we were anyhow I had just graduated high school and was about to leave for Marine Corp boot camp in a week I wanted to get laid before I left of course there was this girl that was going into senior year that kind of liked me for a while we found this little room with a couch in the basement and get to talking things progressed pretty quickly and I had some of the best freaking I have ever had in my like that night three times well each time I did not have any condoms so I would pull out and see em in her socks her idea after all was said and done I took her home in the morning and then proceeded to tell my friends what I had done the poor girl became known as Socko for her senior year so I think we were 12 at her someone's birthday sleepover well me and my two best friends were invited but not close to anyone including the birthday girl we broke off from the group to go talk about an hour later the birthday girl parent found us and brought us back to the group and told everyone to call their parents apparently the other girls had been watching Internet P female cousin and I decided to streak noob around the house in the middle of the night I remember being cold as Frick because her parents turned down the heat at night we were young at the time old enough to know it was physical young enough to be clueless on what to do with my raging hard-on I guess it wasn't that cold then was sleeping over at a friend's house and was having trouble sleeping so probably about an hour after he fell asleep and me tossing and turning I got up to use the bathroom when I walked past his parents room I clearly saw his parents freaking his mom was actually pretty attractive so I stood there watching for a solid minute I've never looked at her the same way since they knew my campfire group would regularly swim topless in our leaders backyard pool we were like 11 12 and just starting to develop our leader lived just off-campus of a major Midwest university looking back we were did lobate completely unintentionally we were just embracing our emerging T and very lucky nothing ever happened to one of us s p-- considering these sleepovers often involved sneaking out in the middle of the night it was my eighth birthday party and my two best girlfriends were staying the night at the time my mother worked the night shift so my father was watching us but he had to get up early so he was in bed when we were playing truth or dare and dead one of my friends to take off all her clothes and run to the bottom of the lengthy front steps and back being 8 years old we didn't really have a concept of nudity as a physical thing just that it was funny then when she was at the bottom of the steps and headed back up we shut and locked the door because we were mean and because children we didn't realize how dangerous what we were doing was we were howling with laughter while our friend pleaded with us to let her in she was crying that she was cold so we grabbed some paper towels and handed them to her through the mail slot when my dad was roused to the living room and came in asking what in the world are you girls doing he opens the door and finds our friend on the stoop naked as the day she is born trying to cover herself with paper towels and my other friend and I were collapsing in hysterical laughter on the floor my dad chap that he was just gave us a quick no more locking your naked friend outside it's not safe then went back to bed ha ha ha to be fair in retrospect we are all 33 now and still friends and we all laugh when we reminisce about that moment mostly because my father's reaction was so priceless but just complete WTF no more naked children in front house please lol the 80s were a fun time to be a kid if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
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Id: 6h4-1B5lqds
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Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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