"After ___ Happened, I Never Spoke to My BFF Again"

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reddit is no longer on speaking terms with their former best friend for life due to one incident what happened she stopped talking to me after i wouldn't buy anything from her for her mlm she eventually escaped the mlm but it's been about eight years with no communication knew a girl for five years and every single time she broke up with whatever boyfriend she was dating at a time she'd take it out on me that doesn't seem so bad but she had close to six boyfriends a year or something like that the last straw was when my grandfather died and i was very torn up about it but turns out she'd broken up with her boyfriend the very same day so after telling me what a horrible friend i was and how i am never there for her i just completely ghosted her she lives one street over from me so i constantly see her driving by and staring at me ugh rented an apartment together went off to basic training and kept funneling money to him to pay for my half of the rent he decides to move out and doesn't let the landlord know i get a 900 collections item added to my credit report we haven't spoken since he refused to pay it our dads got in a verbal fight and we just kinda stopped hanging out the worst thing is that our dads are cool now but since i haven't talked to this friend for years we are now strangers to each other the old folks know it's easier to forgive an otherwise agreeable person than it is to make a new friend borrowed my pc found all of my passwords auto saved in chrome he deleted as many accounts as he could sent inappropriate emails to business contacts deleted personal files he did it out of nowhere and with no real reason i just recall him saying i am gonna play a prank on you at some point and i just laughed i guess that is what he was referring to scumbag worst part is that he is my cousin and he did this for no reason a few months after he borrowed my pc he took a picture of the passwords my dad died unexpectedly and she wasn't there for me at all her response was basically aww at least you have a boyfriend his wife decided she loved me wanted me i don't blame him one bit for cutting ties though i miss them both very much we were all young and stupid and not up for maturely dealing with that situation at the time to make it worse his last girlfriend before getting married made a similar decision a couple decades later we chatted online for a minute it was like old times same feel same instant click same easy conversation and understanding between us and guess what he was getting married again he linked me their facebook page and they looked great together without thinking i said she's really lovely i can't wait to meet her he went silent and then dropped offline never talk to me again still don't blame him my mom went overseas for a year and before she left she gave me one of those yellow ribbon magnets that said keep my mommy safe i hung it up in my locker at school that my friend and i shared one day it went missing and she never admitted to it but only her and i knew the combo to our locker did someone just run by the locker when it was open one day and snatch it for no reason i doubt it she was a compulsive liar and most likely she got pee at me for something pointless and threw it away yes it's just a magnet but i was 16 and my mom was just sent halfway across the world to an unsafe country every single day i thought whether i'd ever see her again the magnet meant everything to me frick you amy what a bee we were best friends since grade school and kept in touch despite going to different middle and high schools she ended up dating a cousin of mine and they got married we were still pretty close but i ended up going away for college and during that time she cheated on my cousin and they divorced i still don't know all the details i know that i bumped into her brother a few years ago and he was really payoff when i asked about her my childhood best friend was at a restaurant having dinner with his girlfriend and invited my roommate and i to join them for after dinner drinks we arrived at the restaurant and ordered a single pitcher of pbr afterwards the waitress dropped off the check which included my friend's dinner and the picture of pbr my friend insisted we split the check four ways i said no way and asked to see the receipt so i could figure out how much we owe for the beer he made a loud ordeal about it saying sarcastically oh yeah the guy who went to community college is going to tell me how to divide the check my roommate and i gave him some cash for our beer and then left the next morning i called him to say how crappy he had acted and he brushed it off saying we were both so drunk we can't drink that much next time he never owned up to it and i haven't seen him since what a freaking sheepskate douche had a huge friend explosion which resulted in my wife and i losing several friends i'll try to keep this simple names changed to protect the innocent and the guilty we had a large group of friends from our church for several years we hung out virtually every weekend went to the beach hung out at each other's houses etc so one of the couples in the group we'll call them dave and betty were gasp a bit physically intimate without being married note that we're all adults in our 20s with jobs and stuff anyway betty's dad didn't like dave somehow betty dave and her parents ended up in church counseling to resolve these issues at some point in counseling it comes out that they're physically intimate and bet his dad blows up demands she stops seeing him makes a big deal about it to the pastor dave's a piano player in the church and they demand he stops playing etc so basically my wife and i were 100 on dave's side in all of this and no one else was so we got dave in the breakup blow out and lost everyone else funny epilogue a few years later it comes out that betty's dad had been having a secret affair for years so you know he comes out super credible in his condemnation of his daughter's pre-marital carnal activity but you know how that goes sounds like you wound up getting to keep the good one whenever he would contact me he would always want something usually money he didn't contact me just to hang out or do something with our spouses i began to dread seeing his name come up on my phone one of the last times we did get together he asked for some money and then insulted my wife i have ghosted him hoping he changes but not feeling confident he will he became more and more religious as time went on and started to expect me to follow the same laws he was starting to follow as an orthodox jew i have nothing against the religion and actually find it quite fascinating i just was not interested in participating in it when we lived together i wasn't allowed to store meat in the house wasn't allowed to play music among other things eventually he met a girl and even though orthodox jews are not supposed to even touch a girl before marriage they decided that because they had not been raised orthodox they could let this one slide lol so she moved in with her two elderly dogs which would have been fine if they didn't leave them in our apartment unattended for 24 hours every friday night through saturday night yep they did not have anyone to take care of their dogs during that time because all of their friends were also jewish and participating in the same holiday i can't remember what it's called and expected me to do it but they didn't tell me this i literally came home on a saturday afternoon to the dogs whining no food or water and having crap all over the place nope frick that i ended up moving out and got shafted out of a month's rent in the process i called him some names and we haven't spoken since we were like sisters in high school her family was a second family to me because mine was pretty crappy we went to college together and something changed she met a new friend group and treated me like every little thing i said or did was the most annoying thing in the world she'd go out of her way to ditch me for group events with mutual friends conveniently forgetting to invite me until other mutual friends mentioned it so i became a doormat for her to try to win her favor back she had no car so i drove her everywhere she got ditched by her friends when it came to campus housing after planning to ditch me but not telling me anything leaving me to a random room to simon because by her plan i'd only find out when it was too late to pick someone and i pulled her back in to be my roommate so she would have a place to stay after which she continued to treat my presence like the most annoying thing ever her cat got sick and she had no money so i paid for her cat's emergency treatment and if it were fresh in my memory i could list so much more and truth be told i'd be willing to give a shirt off of my back to any of my friends i value them so much for her it was no different she took advantage of that but it was never enough to win back her friendship then after college we drifted apart i tried again to rekindle our friendship we were once like sisters and i thought it was worth trying to save it she invited me to her house for a dinner party with her friends we were watching some show with a character that looked familiar i asked to use her computer to look up the actor and open on the desktop was a chat with her boyfriend about how she wished her high school friends would just stop trying apparently i stopped being a friend to her in high school so i did as she wished and i stopped trying i told her i saw the chat and that we were done i haven't spoken to her in nearly 10 years i'm sorry you had to be on the receiving end of that that sounds really unpleasant she didn't show up to my wedding because her husband couldn't get off work to attend with her she had a car and plenty of warning and it was 15 minutes away she was just really codependent with him [Music] still my identity and used it to get me charged with a dui in another state was helping me plan my bachelor party and gladly accepted being best man while i was still trying to figure out what happened took two years to get my license back unreal how slow the court systems work in general but when you need them to admit they made a mistake it goes on the back burner big time wedding took place after i figured it all out so luckily he isn't in any of the memories pictures you haven't spoken since it was my brother she told me that i spent too much time with my husband she also told me i was too depressed when my mom died that she was depressed because her boyfriend didn't call her that morning to say hello to her and she's the upset one oh and there was the time she asked if we could open my mom's urn to see the insides and then said it was so cute and totally matches my purse while flailing it around who the frick picks up and earn of someone you don't know there's lots of little things too i guess we just kinda grew apart because she was a drama queen and i wanted to go spend time with my dying mother then she got engaged to her butthole and i told her i didn't agree he has put his hands on her and that was that we got married and one day i found him in our bed forking a punk woman who maybe had never bathed in her life we had an awesome relationship and i doubt i'd have been angry enough to end it on the spot if it hadn't been that particular individual in my dang bed god i hope you burnt the mattress my best friend and i both joined the marine corps at different times we ended up being stationed near one another and maintained a strong friendship he got out and i stayed in when i would go home to visit him i noticed that he began hanging out with our old friends that i had refused to be around eventually he developed some substance abuse habits and i shut him out completely it wasn't because of his drug use but the company he kept one day i get a phone call that he overdosed and died in his parents house i had never felt so bad in my life for blowing off his phone calls and attempts to hang out when i was home i named my first son after him he's still the best friend i've ever had oh man i'm sorry life is a strange bee sometimes sweet that you named your son after him i'm sure he would have appreciated and understood the gesture he used to joke about child molestation all the time and whenever i called him on it he shamed me with can't you take a joke and would point out comedians do not literally live out their bits like cosby with spanish fly or louis ck with all those jacking off bits ends up he was not joking and him getting caught with kitty p ended our friendship coma cosby and louis c.k oh that's unfortunate b took a picture of my debit card and stole my money to pay for multiple things on itunes and 30 pounds fake eyelashes cut all contact with her immediately and haven't talked to her for three years now we were best friends for 12 years similar my sister's best friend let her boyfriend get away with stealing my sister's gas card she couldn't just do ordinary things it couldn't be a girl's night out she had to have some sketchy guy there i didn't know we'd go somewhere and she'd drink and drive i'd meet her at the beach with her kids and she's surrounded by a group of drunk guy friends and she's also drinking it could never just be normal i just outgrew the drama and sadly she thrived on chaos sounds like she thrived on alcohol everyone's reply is a bombshell and mine is really lame in comparison we're 31 we were best mates in high school but as the years went on i realized he just kinda stopped developing at 15. it's the most bizarre thing same clothes same tired jokes same five favorite songs same outlook on woman and gay people heavily outdated mentality to paint a visual i would entirely expect that walking into his bedroom you'd be greeted with sports illustrated centerfold still stuck on his wall does anyone else know someone like this i used to go over and play video games and outside games with my neighbor all the time in elementary school one day after playing with our pokemon cards we were making paper airplanes he holds up a piece of folded paper for me and asks me to make a scissor cut through it the nice guy i am i help him out completely unsuspecting of any funny business why would i i've been best friends with this guy for years and we spend a ton of our time together big mistake for some reason he thought it would be funny if he hid one of my favorite cards behind the paper holographic pidgey it if you are curious and trick me into cutting my own card in half once i realized what happened i felt so betrayed and just started crying after that it was never the same and we grew apart pretty rapidly of course we went through the next 10 years of schooling together which was uncomfortable to say the least tl dr pokemon card destroyed a friendship not a pokemon card but a crappy joke destroyed your friendship i asked her to be my maid of honor and she fell flat over and over again three weeks before my wedding she texted to ask if she could skip the reception because she didn't want to call off work the next day she knew about this wedding over a year in advance but she refused to book a room at the hotel we were blocked at even after i got her a roommate to split the costs and after i offered to just straight up pay for the hotel room for her my family was also going to pay for all of her meals for the weekend as well she expected that during the wedding weekend i'd be her chauffeur as she never learned to drive her choice but didn't want to stay at the same hotel as everyone else she constantly talked crap about all of my other brights maids especially my bridesmaid with asperger's syndrome who couldn't help her occasional social awkwardness when she'd ask permission to skip things like my reception and i told her i wasn't okay with something she'd ghost me for days i ended up firing her as my bridesmaid two weeks before the wedding don't miss her at all looking back on our friendship she was a total leech who used me to get free food free booze and to drive her wherever she wanted to go we got drunk the day before we'd go home for thanksgiving break i was going home a day earlier than her she struggled with depressions which i already knew but that night she drunkenly told me that she won tried to kill herself already too was waiting to do it again over christmas break because she'd be alone it hit me that with me going in the morning she'd be alone in her dorm room the next day i had no clue to know if she wasn't telling the truth and exaggerating in a drunken ramble so i called my mom a licensed social worker for help wrong move she's under legal obligation to report it to the police i didn't even have a say in the matter police were called there was no going back and i decided to stand by my decision knowing i would lose her but hopefully get her some help got the ra snuck her phone and called her brother who went to the same school as us he called her parents and she got taken to the hospital crying about how i betrayed her trust i was the first and only person she told i betrayed that and it stuck with me because i know it probably messed her up after it was over she claims that she knew why i did it and she wasn't mad but it didn't matter damage was done we talked maybe a handful of times and it's been about two years later sometimes i see pictures she or a friend posts and she looks like she's doing well and that makes me smile even though i miss her so much tried reaching out to her one time she ignored my text but she seems to be alive and happy so that's all that matters i suppose i'd rather make the right decision and lose a friend rather than make the wrong decision and lose a friend we got too close i got feelings for her she got feelings for me and up until that point we both thought we were straight females we were never official but the texts we sent one another weren't texts straight girls sent the only problem was she had a boyfriend the whole time and i knew he was a crap guy but they were still together we lived in different countries so i guess i didn't feel as bad it was really freaking stupid and i never should have let it happen but i really did love her we'd spend hours facetiming one another until he came home from work and then we couldn't talk it was so freaking dumb but i was young and in love so just kept with it eventually they broke up she rang me at 5am crying in her car and i was there for her a few weeks later she told me she didn't feel the way i thought she did for me that time and the things that i said but not in the way you wanted i was heartbroken we haven't spoken in over a year now haven't felt the same way towards someone since sometimes i think about messaging her again because aside from all the gay crap we had a really good friendship we had everything in common but i just can't put myself through that again she's doing well now from what i can see lost weight after her breakup and looks really good i wish nothing but the best for her but i don't think i could get close to her again on the plus side though she helped me realize i'm b she had two cars she never did any maintenance even basics like changing oil they both died in the same day because there was zero oil in either my guy is a mechanic he looked at them and confirmed they were done he told her that when she figured out what she wants and what her budget is he'll absolutely help her with making sure she gets a good vehicle so goes to look at cars and buys one without any mechanic looking at it she promptly complained on the book of faces that she can never catch a break because her new car needs new tires battery windshield and a few other things i remind her she could have asked my guy to check it out first and that he can help her with that stuff good deals etc instead she went on a tirade for three four weeks of multiple tweets a day saying i don't deserve happiness he should leave me i'm a worthless human etc eventually mutual friends asked me what's going on which is when i noticed hadn't logged into twitter for a bit and promptly cut her from my life best friend since we were six i'm mexican dating a white guy swipe married a mexican he got her into religion and had her stop talking to me because i'm not religious it's been years since i've spoken to or seen her this guy used to kick her and her daughter out of the rapt whenever they fought and he had to think things over she'd have to stay at a motel 6 for a week until he forgave her i still hate him the mexican part could be emitted entirely in this wouldn't change at all we moved into both our first apartments together i was staying at my bf's house five or more days of the week so i suggested we get a one bedroom to save money on space i wouldn't be using very often i had a bed tucked in the corner of the living room a dresser and a cubby she also had two dogs one was a rescue from a puppy mill and the other was a puppy that had been abandoned in the street the elder dog had abandonment issues it would revenge pee or poop when he was mad the puppy would take after his habits because she didn't know how to punish him at all the puppy would also chew everything up like most do i would come home from school to a huge mess and dog accidents everywhere i'd clean it all up before she and her bf would get home she eventually blamed me for the huge mess and leaving my crap everywhere i didn't have a closet or a lot of storage like she did she was pi one time left my undies on the floor but it's not like i haven't seen her clothes thrown everywhere in her room she accused me for the apartment being gross i pointed out i am hardly home and that when i do come home i clean up the mess her dogs made because she refuses to give them the training they need this made her more mad and she kicked me out the last time i stopped by the apartment to grab the last of my things the place smelled horrendously of dog crap there were poop and pee piles everywhere along with the stuffing of her stuffed animals i haven't spoken to her in months i did try reaching out one but she never responded i apologized for something i and our other mutual friends feel i didn't do wrong she was my best friend up until that event ro you should report her to animal control for abuse and neglect those dogs deserve better my sister's best friend had a bunch of drama going on when she got married at 18 a week later said friend moved out of her husband's house fricked the neighbor and got pregnant her friend then got mad at my sister for consoling her husband i lost my best friend to opiates this last summer these last two years i had to break contact because he was still using then he died just like that i'm so freaking mad at myself for not doing more i still haven't dealt with his death honestly i don't know how i used to just use drugs in the past but i've been clean for two years now so that's not an option i'm just sad i guess if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 34,355
Rating: 4.8940678 out of 5
Keywords: best friend, no longer friends, former best friend, old friends, no longer speaking, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: T8jIxA9MQgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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