Growing Up With Criminal Parents | People Stories #8

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redditors who grew up with shady criminal parents what did your mom or dad teach you was okay to do that you later learned was illegal or seriously frowned upon serious my blood father was a drug dealer and he often came home with some really nifty stuff i later found out it was stuff he got from people who didn't have cash on them but still wanted to buy i think the thing i feel most guilty about was a gameboy advance i was given that we'd either only have for a little while or have forever when he said that it was usually forever it had a heap of games with it and i went through and started new games on all of them erasing the existing save files well he took it back after about a month so i guess whoever it was paid up and i feel really sorry for their kid mommy or daddy was an addict and used their game boy advance as collateral and when they got it back all their saves were gone i was only a kid at the time and didn't really know the context in which i was handed the thing but i know it belonged to a kid since there were quite a few young child learning game cartridges alongside mario and pokemon dang if we were at home and they yelled pigs we were to hide behind the couch and be silent if we were in the car and they yelled pigs we had to crawl into the floorboard and not move a muscle i was kidnapped in grade three by my dad's supplier he held us for two days we had no idea my sister and i met him before lots of times when he showed up at school and said our parents were on vacation and to go with him we did they had soda and aureus and a puppy and a sega genesis and it was the best weekend of my life found out 20 years later when my mom was complaining about never having had a vacation in her life i reminded her of that vacation and she said you idiot you were kidnapped oh cool ro uh at least the kidnapping drug dealers were nice to you i mean i knew it was illegal but probably growing all the cannabis when i was a kid dad was gonna die of cancer so he wanted to leave us some money it was like diet breaking bad i'm sorry but that last sentence cracked me up not my parents but a friend's dad gave us some solid advice that i always remembered remember boys don't break the law when you're breaking the law it applies in so many ways for example don't run a stop sign when you've got weed in the car or don't speed if your inspection is out of date or don't get the police called for a noise complaint if you've had a beer while underage he was a shady guy but oddly wise in many ways shady guys that actually make it to middle or old age have the best advice to give because it's based on experience i'd much rather listen to a gangster than a priest the priest bit is a whole other discussion my mom and dad are trained artists and teachers and they would frequently counterfeit things like parking permits coupons doctor's notes etc it was wild my teacher stepdad made me a counterfeit student at so i could keep getting student busters after i graduated la mayo my mom was a drug dealer there are so many things i could list but i'm on my phone so just a few things off the top of my head smoking pot when i was about four i chased my mom through the woolworth's drugstore screaming mommy mommy you dropped your joint don't you want your joint she hurried faster shushing me and i got a big talking to that afternoon snorting coke i was in the second grade when i got sent to the principal's office for teaching my friends how to make lines with salt and use part of a milk straw to snort it my mom was really pee don't talk to cops or any straight people i didn't know why at first but i lived in terror of straight people i got congratulations for making it through fbi questioning when i was probably six years old when they raided our land swat teams are scary boobs are good for smuggling cleaning out stems and seeds is a fun summer job don't say anyone's name on the phone those are just a few things i immediately recall ooh i forgot to add how every now and then people in our circle of friends would move far away for a while and change names and we weren't ever allowed to call them by their old names my mom also made us believe that morphine was an excellent pain reliever for all ages i mean morphine does work as an excellent pain reliever my dad was a tow truck driver and he would always bring me little presents as a kid that he got out of people's tower cars as far as i knew if someone knew their car was going to get to they took everything they wanted out of it and the rest was fair game my dad was investigated by the fbi for racketeering but they were unable to press charges on him he was also sued by a major financial entity for racketeering as well anyways when i was a teenager my dad had a lawsuit brought against him by multiple employees for unpaid overtime and he ordered me to go through the boxes upstairs in a warehouse that we had to find all of their time cards the storage area was a disaster papers everywhere no matter how hard i tried i couldn't find them so i told my dad that it was no use the time cards weren't there my dad then yelled at me telling me that he needed those time cards and said that all of these people were trying to rip him off so if i had to just make up time cards for them so that they were working 40 hours a week with no overtime but don't bother telling him about what i did to get the time cards when i had them i just had to have them for him one way or the other i didn't think much about the last bit until much later but long story short i ended up making time cards that he used for the case he won realized several years later that my dad had used me for forgery and when i confronted him about it he just laughed and said that i was a minor at the time and nobody puts a minor in jail for a white collar crime i've run into some of those employees since then and when they accosted me for being his daughter and how they would want to punch my dad or worse if it was him they ran into i've always confessed this to them ironically enough they have all said that they would punch him on my behalf too because the fact that he used his own door to pee them off even more and about the racketeering thing he loved laughing about that and calling himself a don when i was going to take over the business several years later after the forgery bit his oldest employees gave me loyalty oaths i ran like heck my dad absolutely was a racketeer my boyfriend always talks about the stories of his dad having friends everywhere family would talk about how his now late father had friends no matter where he went in the city and how great that was and no matter where they stopped he would randomly know someone there then as an adult he realized that his dad just had drug dealers everywhere and that's who he was always seeing sounds more like his dad was the dealer users normally don't know dozens of dealers everywhere around dealers do shoplifting for the most part i mean like she never made us do it but she didn't hide what she was doing either she's the reason model homes have cameras now lol my dad stole a few things in a sneaky way so my brother and i would have won each in one instance for example he bought a gameboy game he brought it back to the car removed the cartridge and took it back into the store saying the case was empty he did the same thing with those pikachu tamagotchi things i think his biggest deal was a playstation 2. he actually did purchase one my mom went in and picked it up but when leaving the store the door person didn't tear the receipt so my dad took the receipt back in picked up another ps2 stuck the receipt on it and walked out the door person tore the receipt this time but obviously didn't pay attention to the time of sale dad also ran a huge business of installing chips in playstation so they could play copied games he would rent games burn a copy then sell copies to other people we had a whole library and catalog of copied games and dad had quite a few customers looking back i see how dodgy it was and why he told me not to tell too many people about it my family did a lot of petty trashy crime sharp lifting theft domestic assault drugs etc i thought it was normal for adults to just kind of go to jail every few years for a day or two until i was 10. now my stepdad is out of my life my mom is too old ill to do anything particularly bad and my dad may have helped finance a district attorney's election which has saved him mountains and legal fees for himself and the he frequents yes it took me a long time to get over my confusion that not everyone at my school knew all of the police officers by name during the dare program small town not because someone in my family was a cop but because i thought they just showed up at everyone's houses all the time just like me funny how we assume everyone lives similar lives when we are kids i don't know and probably will never know what my parents did however we would leave the house at night time and go drive through certain parks occasionally my parents would panic and tell us to hide we had to crawl onto the floorboard in the back of a tiny book my dad came home with injuries sometimes and my mom always said he fell and finally in that particular town they hated the cops they claimed they were all corrupt maybe they were idk you should listen to the podcast called the clearing it's about a woman who in her 40s realized her dad was a serial killer catching him helped solve some murders and brought some peace to the families involved my dad was a mechanic the ones that stick out was when he will charge for a new replacement part and then go to the local junkyard and get the part from there if the customer asked upfront he would be honest and offer the two options junkyard part equals cheap but likely reliable or new equals expensive and only parts warranty if they didn't ask most of the time it was a junkyard part rarely got in trouble or called out since his prices were a fraction of regular shops oh i guess the other main shady part was that he wasn't a legit certified mechanic and most business was cash under the table his apprentice is now my mechanic and he learned from my dad's mistakes he provides receipts boxes and shows me where he installed the new part and it's always shiny and new minus obvious grease handling installation marks he learned that cleaning before installing is key thanks dad mechanic drugs i had no idea they were illegal until i was a lot older than i should have been to understand they're illegal my father was a grower and distributes to a well-known mc he was a part of we grew up running around pot fields i slept on a couch most of my childhood because all the rooms had been converted in hydroponic setups our roof space was converted into storage where it was garbage bags of weed around 100 150 sqm all stacked on top of each other other stupid crap too apparently owning and registered firearms is illegal you need a driver's license to drive a vehicle it was normal for people in my family to be in and out of jail it was normal for most of my family to have some sort of criminal record we were always taught to not respect cops for example when my dad found weed in my 16 years old sister's car instead of reprimanding her for having it he reprimanded her for how easy it would be for cops to find we were always watching mob movies and my dad would just gush about how classy and cool they were it's just little stuff like that mostly nothing like outrageous my family weren't criminals or in jail at all and fully respected cops but my parents liked pot legal here now woo and my dad also reprimanded me for how easy itdb for cops to find my stash rather than for smoking weed lol pretty much what's already been said have confidence commit to the con and act like you belong scary how effective this is lol admit nothing deny everything demand proof i used to be told everything was okay as long as you don't get caught they kind of said it like a throwaway phrase but i really took it to heart it gave me a real lack of respect for any authority at all and made it seem more like a game than real life consequences i would do illegal crap just to get the rush off wondering and whether or not i'd be caught once i was caught i would just shrug and act like their winning didn't bother me kinda like their punishment was just them gloating about me getting caught this is actually really interesting my husband works with kids who go through some rough times and this explanation of a kids point of view explained so much thanks for sharing a family friend was in the import export business for gemstones i didn't realize it could be illegal to transport gems across borders we would have gem parties where a dining table that can sit 12 would be completely covered in bowls of gems and jewelry to buy same as tupperware parties but for gems some stones my parents got appraised shocked their jeweler super rare colors of different stones that they had never seen before that friend has gone legit owned some mines in africa now hey my grandpa did this my dad and i got pulled aside at customs and had our bags thoroughly searched my dad was confused about us being randomly selected until later in the day when he suddenly was like oh crap it's because pops was a smuggler i never knew we weren't allowed to drink at the local fair mom used to bring beer in a cooler when we went until i was 21 and a cop stopped me when i was walking around with a beer there is a public event that meant to be alcohol-free here they check all your bags going in my aunt pre-mixes gin and tonic and those plastic chinese take out containers adds a slice of lemon and calls it soup the part that makes me laugh is when she sits there on the picnic blanket eating her soup with a spoon so this question brings up a very specific memory my dad never said explicitly that what he was doing was acceptable but he certainly didn't tell me that this was wrong i'm between the ages of five seven unsure about a specific timeline on this and my mom is often working in the evenings while my dad is sporadically around one night while my mom is gone dad gathers me to go for an adventure usually this means driving around the city and looking at stuff well dad pulls up to a hospital and parks he sits with me in the car and gives me a script saying that we recently moved here a lie and that he had hurt his back while moving boxes mega lie i play along because hey it's my dad and sure whatever he says goes any other specifics from that tonight are hazy i think he managed to talk his way into some sort of painkiller prescription this was in the early zeros so opiates weren't as visible as now my dad has been in successful treatment since then but man that's a big memory that stands out for how screwed up my younger life was my dad's no serious criminal but petty in every way including the crime he commits i was basically taught to play dumb act like you belong and you can do whatever you want we snuck into vip lounges other people's buffets and parties at restaurants and events he once lied to her to caretaker at a movie theater and got mad when they couldn't find the tickets he ordered online he had not ordered tickets but there was a huge line and he didn't want to wait we got in for free and cut a huge line also cut lines at disney worlds and other sorts of places quite a few things backstory my bio dad was convicted of murder got away with another murder through claiming self-defense no clue if it was truly self-defense and apparently had a third murder that he never got caught for he would steal constantly from things from people to things inside stores one of my earliest memories is wanting this super cute pink hat i believe i was around eight he put it on my head and told me to walk to the car i remember asking about paying and he said don't worry just walk so little me walks to the outside doors with her heart pounding and then the alarm goes off i freeze and run back to my dad that was still shopping first lesson i can remember i learned you just need to keep walking when those alarms go off he died a few years back my brothers and i are decent people my brother is a great dad despite who he had as a dad no none of us five kids have murdered anyone as far as i know he was an extremely abusive father and husband i was the only daughter and he physically shamed abused and emotionally abused me from 7 14 years of age i ended up in foster care at 14 have two great parents who were my first foster family a loving bio mom who does her best and even more siblings from my former foster parents i have my own struggles but you'd never know the trauma we went through if you met any of us it's not fair for me to ask you a question without sharing something of my own my mother was pretty shady she was a ropeoid and benzo addict who took me doctor shopping from place to place looking for prescriptions she faked seizures and had a rolling list of medical complaints i don't know if she believed all of her illnesses were real but she sure acted like she did around us and medical staff she taught me that it was okay to manipulate doctors but somehow i grew up to be exactly the opposite and that i feel embarrassed and guilty seeking medical care even for a legitimate complaint i grew up in a relatively hostile environment so many people come up so much worse so i am not really complaining in which my mom had a bunch of boyfriends most were cool some were garbage nice ladies came to talk to me at school sometimes and after the first visit my mom coached me pretty hard about what to say she definitely taught me that beer was just soda that grown-ups drank that only tastes good when you're grown up so he drinks a lot of soda came up a few times again really not that bad big come on no the frick i have fond memories of hanging out in the shed with my parents me playing with my dolls and them harvesting their money trees we'd strewn all over the floor hanging from the ceiling the leaves made into a little bed for my barbie to sleep in my dad did a lot of petty crime as i was growing up because we were lower middle class hard on money and he was cheap the biggest thing that comes to mind was us living near a christmas tree farm out in the country there's a little trail that leads through the reforestation in front of my house to the tree farm so for a few years we stole our christmas tree from there we would go one day during the day for a walk and tag one of the trees that we wanted and then that night we'd come with flashlights cut it down and drag it through the trail to our house dad didn't want to spend 30 dollars on a tree from home depot he also broke into my mom's dad's house when i was young to look for money he apparently kept in a tin can hidden never found it but when i was young my parents told my brother and i that he was looking for my nanny's wedding band he was abusive she left in the middle of the night with the kids he always said he threw away her ring but she never believed him now i'll look back and go wtf i never thought it was normal growing up but i also didn't experience these things and go holy crap my dad's breaking the law mom panhandle i thought tall kids parents did this borrowing money from your kids for your addictions my mom would reward me for cleaning then when she get low would ask me to borrow money for mommy's medication beer crack weed my original comment was not very informative my dad did this when i was 13 but i actually checked multiple times and he was actually using it for the right reasons home repairs etc i had a rule that if you want to borrow money from me it must be paid back at an increment of x 1.5 by the end of the year it wasn't any small bucks either my dad borrowed 50 dollar sign 350 at a time no complaints i got paid there were a lot of weird things i didn't think much of as a kid but realize were fricked up as an adult like how our family moved 13 times in 15 years i just assumed people got new houses all the time and how sometimes i would go to the freezer for some ice cream and find stacks of cash in the containers just weird crap like that my brother who was more than a decade older than me was a drug dealer a prominent one as well he pretty much could get you anything i have fond memories of driving around at night with him making stops to see his friends and then him getting money sometimes clients would come to the house to pick up their stuff i can remember getting bags of pills together at the time pills especially oxy were all the rage he used to call himself a pharmacist when we would go out you'd notice certain people would follow us my brother would point them out that's a detective that's d etc my brother died almost 10 years ago i'm a professor who teaches criminology today we're actually talking about drug trafficking which naturally is my favorite crime and the one i've studied the most my sister she's 18 years older than me so my mom would occasionally leave me with her sometimes for the day a couple times for five days one her boyfriend pimp coming over and then strange guys coming and going i was like what are they doing in there two driving to her drug dealers rv in a trailer park she left me and my niece outside while she freaked him for dope again what are they doing in there three waking up to all kinds of weird people in the dining room doing drugs out in the open at 8 a.m 4. driving severely impaired with two kids in the car five she would sleep all day my niece and i would wake up she was five i was 12 and there would be almost no food in the house so i had to scrounge i'm talking potted meat or moldy bread baked beans for breakfast it was some of the most freaked up times i freaking hate that woman to this day don't even bother giving me the usher addict poor her be kinder to her number she also let both of her ex-husbands touch my niece she was so negligent i'm shocked that we didn't have worse crap happen my sister is not my biological mother you all need to take your conspiracy theories somewhere else there is solid evidence to prove that she is not my mother also we thought this crap was normal like weird people in the house eating moldy food going to sketchy places i'm gonna further explain why my sister is 18 years older than me my mom had her at 18 and then i was a surprise at 36 i look like my mother and my father and not like my sister or my nibblings my sister resented my existence from my conception she was an only child and then i came and fricked it up my sister didn't become a full-blown drug addict until after my nephew was born three years later there's pictures of my sister and mother together with my 36 year old mother pregnant and my sister not pregnant in the early 90s there is a specific photo of my whole family together including my father who was just my mom's boyfriend at the time they broke up and she told him to kick sand and she is pregnant in the photo okay i know baked beans for breakfast is a thing in the uk and ors but in texas it's weird that's some poverty crap over here baked beans are for serving with bbq and dinner i hope your niece is okay or on her way to being okay your sister is seriously freaked up if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 52,999
Rating: 4.9173789 out of 5
Keywords: growing up with bad parents, parents, parenting, parenting fails, parenting gone wrong, parenting styles, criminal, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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