What made the weird kid at your school weird? - (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit what made the weird kid that your school weird he [ __ ] himself regularly deliberately that's often a sign of abuse and/or trauma he walked around like Master Chief even teabag the ground randomly all while holding an invisible assault rifle did he walk like he was holding the assault rifle he always carried around a briefcase but never opened it sat on the briefcase during lunch classes etc it was like the nuclear football always in his hand or he was sitting on it he carried it onto the stage during graduation got his diploma right as he was leaving the stage he opened it up and dumped a bunch of confetti on the principal I guess it was the long con no one questioned why he was carrying it on stage he truly thought he was a dirt bike he would run through the halls jumping off off lockers and make the shifting gears noises with his mouth absolute mad lad he was on a hair-trigger would snap and threaten people suspended multiple times two memorable incidents were when we freaked out at an art teacher went to his locker and came back with a bullwhip he made that thing snap and send everyone running she barricaded herself in the supply room another time someone made the mistake of teasing him about something and everyone laughed and he pulled a knife and screamed who wants to the the first to die he was expelled and I'm not sure what became of him imagine sitting in class thinking the weird kid is gonna retrieve his gun but instead brings a ducking bullwhip he would have full conversations arguments and sometimes physical altercations with a brick column in the middle of the cafeteria weird I didn't have any weird kids in school oh oh no he wrote his crushes name on the wall in the bathroom with his own [ __ ] they caught him Brown handed also would freak out if someone said werewolf he was always running around in the shape overweight if you just said hello to him he started screeching and attacked you with his lunchbox and once he ate a KitKat with a plastic she was afraid of cows and if you said Moo or mentioned Cal she'd freak out and attack you I'll give it to her though she'd even try to attack guys three times her size that were athletes there is a kid at my school and he can put his laptop down eating lunch on his laptop as soon as he finishes a test on his laptop and we were all wondering what he could put his laptop down for so one kid asked him he was designing minecraft skins and watching Minecraft videos his go-to excuse for not having homework finished was that he was traveling even though he was at every class and he never paid attention to anything but his fidget spinner unless he was talking the way he spoke he knew everything there was about creative writing yet his submissions consisted of plots ripped off directly from an array this was in a college class I had a girl hiss at me in fifth grade hadn't seen her in about 16 years recently went to a party she was attending she asked if I remembered her and said boy howdy she hissed again I always knew she was weird I went to high school with the wolf kid from the mean on all levels except physical I am a wolf next image is him barking at the water he called himself wolfy so I would say that guy mustard boy I'll never forget him he would cover his lunch tray in mustard chicken nuggets mustard Mexican pizza mustard breakfast for lunch mustard it didn't matter what it was he will drench it in mustard he wasn't doing it to just to make a mess of his lunch tray he always finished his mustard food edit Mexican pizza was a hexagon shaped pizza with sausage and shredded tacos seasoned cheese on top it wasn't at all Mexican but that's what it was called they thought they were an immortal vampire and walked around talking and acting the part he would jack off in the middle of class he didn't actually pull it out but he would aggressively rub the side off his pants and his face would get really red while starring at the girls in the class everybody noticed but a word was never spoken about it I knew a kid that would do that during math class while reading a book about kayaking it was really distracting she carried a stuffed rabbit everywhere only wore leggings and constantly propositioned people to have a threesome with her and her boyfriend edit she wore leggings as pants and this was before that became a trend I had a locker above his and he always yelled something stupid the most common phrase was I got balls in my face he also somehow brought koala poop to the school edit there was a possibility that it really wasn't koala poop but it was small brown pallets in a small bag with a koala on it my weird kid stood up at an assembly and asked the vice-principal if she knew what had a was read it she did not comment on whether or not she did he was just told to sit down because the students immediately started laughing sorry for the unsatisfying ending we had like three weird kids tbh the first one was the guy that I saw pour an entire bottle of water onto a sandwich and then eat the sloppy mess it's making weirdly appreciative noises he's the one that ended up coming to school with a gun but according to how school handed himself in to the police the second was some kid that never showered apparently had a Russian girlfriend who was pregnant but he had no evidence of this girlfriend had some weird obsession with making stabby things out of anything and lastly was this girl that literally just wanted to fight everyone looked like a space Raider and said a shitload of racist and homophobic stuff she ended up leaving the school after she picked a fight with the wrong person edit holy [ __ ] I wasn't expecting this to blow up space Raiders are a type of British crisp that you Americans call them chips I am in fact from England not Florida had her he [ __ ] at school weird enough but would have a cubicle door open he would then wipe his butt then hold the tissue up to his face and smell it I'd like to just add this all happened within 30 odd seconds or so me and a mate who were going to the toilets to smoke before next lesson the cubicles were around the corner from the urinals when we turned the corner lad who shall not be named who might I add had no known learning disabilities or mental issues wiped his bottom then sniffed the toilet paper that he'd just used to wipe his bunghole true story I don't condone being a pervert however yes I may be it weird but into no way went into the toilets to see a peepee awesome guy sniff his poo poo p8 playground gravel and used the urinal with his pants and underpants all the way down edit row' this blew up I guess I'll just add that the kid I'm talking about ate the gravel because apparently he thought it tasted like pizza and that I distinctly remember one time when me and a bunch of other kids were huddled around the bathroom door watching him do his business and I just remember that bare acid how weird it was that someone would use the urinal like that his dad started a house fire insurance scam and died in the fire this was around sixth grade I thought messed him up a bit the kid would tap his feet and hands uncontrollably and he talked about shooting people looking back now that we know what it is most of the weird kids I knew growing up probably had depression were abused or were autistic there was the kid in my school who was obsessed with Mario he had married a sweat shirts and notebooks and a Mario backpack while someone figured out that if you told him Mario is dead he'd flip scream and cry duck you know he's not every time he got in trouble multiple times for attacking kids who said anything about Merrill dying even if they were talking about in the context of Smash Bros or something this happened eights 10th grade then I never saw him again she wore bat ears and a black cape and would scream her name while running down the hallway Goku style her name was Elizabeth but she asked that she be called lizard edit apparently there are thousands of lizards running around the US and we are 100 sent about it Longley the lizard queen seconded it yes I meant Nehru sir I am anime illiterate I apologize he whistled don't worry be happy always the vine where a kid goes I have the power of God and anime on my side and screams like a bang she went to my middle school he was maybe four grades underneath me but his weirdness turned him into one of the most popular kids in his grade kid always wore a zoot suit every day not that weird I guess but back in high school weird as dark edit some more details these were not salvation army hand-me-downs quality this kid wore nothing but high quality zoot suits with the chain and nice shoes to match every once in a while he had a chrome tipped black came he had bright colored ones pinstriped ones dark blue ones and pure black ones didn't see him with the hat very often though this was in 2005 six I think he won Best Dressed in the yearbook I don't have one to confirm though edit number two a letter he brought a used condom he found into school kid look exactly like t-bag from Prison Break instantly was treated as if he had the same personality and so was seen as weird he once asked me to be his gay slave so I don't even know how to feel about that I just wanted some Yug o cards that I wasn't even going to use not exactly the weird kid but definitely the kid not many people wanted to interact with was very pushy generally awkward also often tried being all cool by using big words but failing miserably but the thing that took the cake was when some girl sent for the entire grade something along the lines of say your name x times say your parents name x times and then say your crush name x and in a few days your crush will be with you and he actually responded to the email it was an awkward year till his crush left edit 1 the crush did not leave because of him or anything this was an international school so it was quite common that students would come and go plus the country we're in not I mention name is not in the best conditions these days so that may have been one of the reasons the reason I'm here is because of my mother's work anyway thanks for all the up votes edit - thanks for the silver kind stranger admitting that he puts cucumbers and carrots of his essent masturbates to his mum and sister also sucks his own dog water dark kid smelled like he bathed in cat pee every day pissed at anyone who came near him used to run through the hallways from class to class threatened to kill me in a computer lab because I used Internet Explorer instead of Firefox well had one guy that was always talking big [ __ ] faking injuries bent my ankles so I can't practice liver is burning e.t.c always drew pentagrams on [ __ ] took Japanese so he could get away food just all around a duck in creep with girls - while go arrested for CP here last month I wasn't surprised he was caught eating berries or father tree branch in a compost trashcan in fifth grade he lacked fear all around everyone else but if you've got to know the kid he was actually pretty down-to-earth and cool in middle school around sixth grade I tried getting to know him better and found out he might have had some kind of multiple personality disorder and was grateful for someone who didn't judge him that much I'd try my best to not get him to do stupid [ __ ] he was later expelled for what everyone said was biting a teacher I saw him once during high school and he won got really ducking hot - seemed way chilled out when I asked about why he left he said he wasn't allowed to talk about it but was getting help so that's always good game if you're out there I hope you're doing well he gave himself a swirly because nobody ever got one in the three years he was there edit forgot to mention it was in the urinal she was a fairy who tried recruiting people into her newly founded fairy religion where the type of furry you were spiritually was based on your birthday like some ducking astrology BS she also had a boyfriend who was into the whole furry thing but in a really weird sexual way cause they'd make out on the floor or in the lounge areas and bark growl at each other and it just made everything on comfortable for everyone reddit this happened in my first year of college if that adds to the weirdness teachers had to make a public announcement banning people from making out and doing all that romantic stuff on campus b/c of how bad it got they would play tag and run around the cafeteria in high school acted extremely childish and had no manners there were two of them half of me cringed from their doings the other half envied their self-confidence and lack of care about what others thought edit pretty sure one was a furry I'm looking through all these to make sure no one's talking about me there was a girl in grade five that created her own language called Schmo B and she'd sit in the corner and whisper to herself in it people also used to tell her there was spiders on her hair and she'd get mad at them and scratch their faces she purposely grew out the nails on her index middle and ring fingers and filed them into sharp claws to be fair telling someone who is clearly not completely all there that they've got spiders and their hair is probably not going to end well for you she ended up leaving the school in grade six aside from that in grade three i microwave the kids winter boots in our lunchroom because I thought they were the reason he ran faster than me I was just fat that was why he was faster edit the crazy person was the first story with my second story being a funny addition that it seems as though everyone is more concerned about my boot eating antics I accept the role of crazy I am the crazy edit too of course the story where I go toss someone's boots into a radiation machine as my heist comment of all time thanks I think three he ended up being the valedictorian from my graduating class but his refusal to use a locker and carry all off his textbooks in his backpack led to severe back issues resulting in him wearing a backlight throughout high school I believe he also has Asperger's so he wasn't social either in hindsight she wasn't so weird she just marched to the beat of her own drum she was very overweight and had a lot of health issues including more than one skin condition so people saw her as gross and they avoided her I can remember all the way back in first or second grade when we did Dancing in gym class no one wanted to be her partner because her hands were covered in scaly rashes but she was smart and she had an odd sense of humor and despite how everyone treated her she was confident in herself and never hit any part of her personality she was always the first to speak up in class and she challenged other people's opinions so readily but at the same time she was constantly falling asleep in class and she snored so loudly I remember she sat behind me during our AP exam for American history and for the life of me I could not focus on my tests because she was breathing so loud she was incessantly bullied to the point of being pity voted on to prom court she had one real friend and then a year after we graduated she died completely unexpectedly I remember waking up to go to work one morning and my best friend had texted me that she was dead and I was absolutely shocked apparently she had been out to dinner with her aunt and on her way back to the table from the bathroom she collapsed and they couldn't resuscitate her they did the nor tipsy and couldn't confirm a cause of death her mother died about a week after she did and they had a joint funeral probably the saddest funeral I've been to the worst part about her death was that I lived in a really small town so it's all anyone was talking about for weeks her biggest bullies were some of the loudest voices some people from my graduating class held a memorial service for her where they sent off paper lanterns but I couldn't get myself to go because it was full of all the people who made high school miserable for her I couldn't bear to listen to them talk about how great she was how beautiful she was when they never held those sentiments when she was alive had one girl in Maya who had a weird obsession with our physics teacher then in a lesson learning about spinning forces she asked if she could show a cool video to the class he said yes the video was of her spinning on a pole in her underwear when he sent her out she was yelling the whole way are you saying that pole dancing is sexual cause that sexist she wore but skimming skirts with fishnet tights and corsets on non-uniform day as well always got sent straight home they ended up expelling her when we were about 17 I didn't talk to a whole lot of people in high school so I usually just people watched with my friends the weirdest kid had to be the guy who looked like fat Thor he wasn't muscular or nothing just looked like him he always had a dead look in his eyes and walked around slouched over he won't really bother about personal space either he was just learned if he got close to you then he got close to you wasn't really anything you could do about it honestly almost like he was on another plane of existence one walked around in high school with a stuffed opossum and made it talk in class also went on a rant during a class debate about how much he hated Australia because a classmate from there rejected her had nothing to do with the debate topic one claim she was the CEO of her dad's company and made 1 million a year at 16 also said she was the granddaughter of the king of Norway she is not from Norway also tried to claim that her friend was killed during the 2011 Oslo terrorist attack again not from Norway of Europe for that matter somehow I got classified as weird but I'm really not sure why when I think about how many other weird kids went to my school whoa you made it to the end you're ducking beasts I'll cut you a deal 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Channel: Sir Reddit
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Id: 3r-FCQ9GYds
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Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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