Has anyone at school Dl3D, if so, what happened?r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit has anyone died from your school if so how did they die and how did it make you feel one of my classmates died of a ruptured aneurysm when I was 12 it was quite a shock to realize someone my age could just die I'd lost my grandmother three years earlier in a car accident but she was old old people are supposed to die eventually kids you go to class with on the other hand that was difficult to come to term with yet owed some kid I worked with super fit and healthy only 19 he just didn't come into work one day he died the previous night no reason as far as anyone would reveal my guess is still probably drug-related but some people have defects in their major organs that just go undiagnosed their whole lives until it kills them my best friend committed suicide it was devastating he didn't say anything and he seemed so happy he messaged me asking if I had some charcoal to barbecue the night before it happened when they found him he had attempted carbon asphyxiation by putting charcoal in a garbage can in turning it in his garage that didn't work so he tried his car too and it didn't work as well so he shot himself he tried getting me to bring him the charcoal he wanted to kill himself with and my other friend was the one who bought him the shotgun rounds because he wanted to go hunting depression doesn't always have the most obvious signs what made me feel the worst though is people who never talk to him even the super-popular who had made fun of him and acted like he didn't exist went to his funeral and were telling people how they cared for him so much and wish they could have helped it made me sick girl from my school got shot in the neck by her dad who was cleaning his rifle in the kitchen mum and dad sold the house pretty sure divorce happened too they moved away another girl got raped murdered on New Year's Eve it was freezing out she just needed warmth found the wrong person to ask for help one of my classmate drowned while trying to save his brother his mother called me to let me know that was one heart-wrenching conversation r.i.p bird did the brother die - no he managed to save his brother but couldn't make it himself when I was 14 my best friend died we were doing sports at school and during the warmup she fell backwards and smacked her head on the floor she was still conscious but extremely dazed the teacher ran to call an ambulance and I held her until they came when she got to hospital she was put in an induced coma to try and stop the swelling on the brain a week later her mom and brother had to make the decision to switch her life-support machine off as there was too much brain damage she was an amazing person and I still miss her 19 years later the last thing she said to me was is my hair still okay a friend of mine went on a 30-day backpacking trip to Denali with a group just after the end of his junior year he was already an experienced winter hiker before the trip this was a training outing for bigger hikes on bigger mountains in other parts of the world he disappeared one night when the group was camping on near a glacier field he was just gone no struggle nothing amiss just gone they never found his body the best guess of what happened was that he went to peel maybe get water in the middle of the night but was so groggy he forgot to put on his crampons slipped on the ice and slid into one of the cracks in the glacier fell hundreds of feet into the almost frozen meltwater at the bottom and eventually washed out to sea I have always hoped that he hit his head on the ice when falling the thought that he might have slid for a few seconds only to feel the falling sensation for a while before understanding that he was about to die while that terrifies me I had a classmate who was the class clown and went out of his way to make people laugh he hanged himself in 2011 turns out his clown act was a mask to hide his depression sad this is actually way more common than you'd imagine I mean people who pretend to be funny be a clown to mask their depression sorry to hear about it nephew of the school's owner was a close friend of mine having asthma attacks since morning and was brought to the nearest hospital sad he didn't made it when I saw his lifeless body I cried my heart out with his classmates teachers and his grandma I was afraid to see a dead body but when I saw him I felt so devastated it's so weird seeing somebody's body who's literally not here anymore no personality just a body my school had a small line of trees out the front with each tree representing a student from the school that had died I believe most if not all were from car crashes I still remember the silence in the classroom after one of these crashes I didn't personally know the girl but there were other kids that were hit pretty hard a new girl joined my homeroom group one year and hung out with myself and my three other friends every recess and we showed her around the school taught her how the school worked and things like that she was a boarder at the school because I think her parents worked overseas after maybe eight weeks of the school she died overnight from a sudden diabetic low as she was type one diabetic going that low during the night and cancer are easily my two biggest fears the idea I could be fine when I sleep and just be gone the next is terrifying someone I didn't know personally had a car accident and we've all heard from school however later two young boys came to our class and told us a nice story about him and then our teacher was trying to hide her tears in third grade a girl in my class was hit by a car while trick-or-treating on Halloween night her parents were devastated one day she was there and the next she wasn't I couldn't imagine dying on Halloween my town had college kids managed traffic between cars and kids the past two years near the collagen school area I graduated high school 13 years ago there's been a lot of deaths especially considering how small of town my high school was in while I was in high school there were some kids who died in car accidents more car accidents after I graduated to one guy I knew drank himself to death another girl was beating to death by her boyfriend there's been at least one suicide I know of the was a personal friend of mine who died from a heart problem while he was driving from the yoga campus in Athens GA to my hometown his car went off the road and he was found dead days later I think he might have survived for a while stuck in there because they found things from his phone off of a cell tower isn't it easy to determine if someone drowned or not oh I thought you just need to check if there's water in their respiratory tract wait was this outside synth Lewis two-three years ago lost a few casual acquaintances to suicide in 2014 a friend of mine who was like a baby brother passed away following a bike accident he was the sweetest person I've ever known with a smile that lit up our entire day he was on ventilator support for two weeks and they gave up trying to revive him I heard the news of his death on the day I started my new job and I just remember collapsing to the floor and wailing with absolute anguish his birthday is day after tomorrow he would have turned 25 edit thank you all for the kind words I'm absolutely blessed and grateful to have gotten to know a person like him in this lifetime there was not one person he met who he failed to bring a smile to he made everyone fall in love with him we all have a lot to learn from him regardless of whether there is a heaven he definitely made us feel like we were already there to everyone on this thread sharing his birthday happy birthday in advance cherish every moment : many many suicides in my school but none from my grade however our sophomore year we had two classmates who got in a fight about an old paintball match so one of them shoots the other with his dad's shotgun it was no accident either when the details were released he confessed to grabbing the gun pointing it click he pumped it click he then reached into a dresser grabbed a shell pump bang our friend was halfway out the sliding door when police arrived the murderer was sitting on the couch eating a hot pocket they were both 16 years old edit I realized I missed the second half of the question I was singing in a concert when I found out and I couldn't believe it when I heard it my route home just happened to take me by his house and there were seven police vehicles in my small town basically the entire city police and I was shell-shocked and broke down when I got home the next day seemed so surreal every class was just trying to talk about what a guy the victim was no real learning happened that day every hallway had kids hugging and crying we have at least one student who commits suicide every year at my school I had just started University every class I would sit next to this one person we had a lot in common and became quite close friends in just a couple of months there was the car accident she died instantly and her boyfriend who was driving died on the way to the hospital I hadn't read the news that day another friend from class called me and I heard something was wrong I can still hear his voice saying friend is dead I opened the news on my phone and I saw her face on the front page I screamed crying I couldn't breathe they were both only 19 I went to her and her boyfriends joint funeral her mother threw flower petals as their caskets were lowered into the ground you can imagine this as a beautiful scene but she was screaming crying her husband had to hold her back I've been to quite a lot of funerals but this is by far the most heartbreaking it's been five years I still see her sometimes like someone who has her hair color or eyes or voice or laugh or says things she would say I sometimes wish I could have switched places with her she had so much life so much energy so much happiness and I've spent most my life suicidal one of the things keeping me alive now is the feeling that I have to live for her my class has lost quite a few to suicide and a couple to Odie's but the one that sticks with me most actually happened once we graduated one of my classmates got married and moved to Missouri with her husband they quickly had four kids I watched his her life progressed on Facebook and I'm genuinely happy for her they're getting ready for a vacation they never make it all six died in a car on the way there huh her husband and her four kids under six the youngest one only eight months old maybe it's the fact that the young kids died that gets me the most but I remember how weird it was after the fact because I'd seen her posts a lot as they prepared for the trip then suddenly they all just stopped the most amazing math teacher started missing days escalating taking leaves for doctor's appointments because of cataracts one day he left early and never came back it turned out that the doctor's appointment were trips to radiation and chemotherapy and that his cataracts were tumors in his eyes that had metastasized into stage-four brain a spine and liver cancer he was an angel of a human every time the class had to take tests he'd give out dum dum lollipops he could have stopped teaching and taken sick leave he could have used his life savings to travel a farewell life vacation but instead even dying he spent his last month's weeks down today's teaching his students he was a true hero a lot of memories of him make me cry but none compared to the five minutes before he left as the principal took over the class he stood at the front of the classroom and said I'm going to be taking some time off you might get some sad news sometimes the world isn't the fairest place like sometimes how your parents might blame you for something your sibling did but please remember it's not any of your faults please don't be scared or sad it's a happy vacation with my mom and I know it's coming while I'm gone please promise me something promise you'll be good the whole class promised he gave us each a hug and left three days later he succumbed to cancer in his sleep even now in our twenties of the classmates I still talked to none of them can eat dum dum lollipops without crying I grew up in a bad neighborhood sadly I lost a few of the kids in grade school from shootings or something like that because they were caught in the crossfire was school year 99 stroke zero Dart the kid was in my third period science class popular kid had plenty of friends car wreck he died plenty of people were sad about it I not that kid was a bully to me I'm not saying I was happy he died but I was happy I didn't have to worry about getting bullied for the rest of the school year kind of dr. hot when I started high school I was the new girl attending school in a town where everyone grew up together nobody really spoke to me except Patrick he was my first friend and the first person to make me feel like I belonged we drifted apart over the years largely due to him missing school a lot in having different classes eventually he moved to a different School District and we didn't talk anymore during our senior year Patrick took his life shortly after his birthday before graduation while him and I weren't close in the end he will always be very special to me because of the role he played in my life during a difficult time I just wish I was there for him when he needed it my senior died in an accident an animal came in front of his vehicle didn't know him personally but I guess he was a nice guy and it was sad many people and teachers cried that day a kid I didn't know very well died because he tried to avoid hitting an animal he was on his way to school with his sister and swerved to avoid it their car went into a five-foot ditch I remember his sister died on impact and he was in a coma for a few days before passing I've always been taught to not swerve and to just hit the animal there's a lot of deer in our area because you might go into another Lane or into addiction caused more damage to yourself or others his death really made that lesson stick for me we went to primary school Intermediate School and then high school together and then we worked together and hung out together she got killed by a drunk driver five years ago in August a few weeks before her 19th birthday her passing broke me like nothing ever had like no one ever has tore me apart from the inside out her funeral was a rough lots of people who I hadn't seen in years came several of our old teachers attended as well as the headmaster and deputy pretty sure there's a clock at that school now the after party was one fueled by fast cars fireworks and donuts a bunch of us had planned a roadie in August to go to the site where she died most of us haven't been there yet but Corona has probably put a stop to that in college some kid was brutally murdered in his dorm room the kid that was murdered was dating the murderers ex the murderer stabbed him in his dorm room like 30 times in the neck while his roommates were in the other room when they came out and saw what was happening they started fighting with him trying to get him off and the kid ran if he only wanted to kill the guy his ex was dating he then hid out in the Nature Preserve on campus for a few days the night that had happened no one could find him there were rumors that he was in the library and everyone was freaking out and terrified obviously I was thankfully not on campus that stayed at my boyfriend's house the campus was locked down for like a week since they couldn't find him they had police trailers set up in the campuses main parking lot and had basically every single police officer on campus the police presence was still pretty heavy the next year they eventually did find him but the murder weapon has still never been found there was also a kid who was tripping on some drugs and jumped out his dorm room window in high school there was the kid in my Spanish class who drank too many Red Bulls and when he was sleeping had a brain aneurysm the kid who jumped from his window and the from high school didn't really affect me but walking on campus when there was an active murder investigation with the murderer still not found and rumored to be hiding in the campus preserve was definitely nerve-racking to say the least we were all on edge the ex died of brain cancer of 29 or so I was sad for his daughter and wife another friend committed suicide last summer never knew he suffered from depression he was always acting silly but I guess that's how he hid it comments like this make me want to check on my friends and make sure they are okay I encourage you guys to do the same not trying to be cheesy but some people just need somebody to tell them it's okay and you're there for them several the weirdest and saddest was a boy who died in second grade out on the recess field just dropped dead it was Halloween so rumors raged around our town that he was poisoned by candy it ended up to be a heart issue two boys in my year group committed suicide not sure of the details and didn't want to ask in their final year of school five months apart from each other the second boy died just a week or two before we finished lessons after which we would then come back for our final exams the following term I wasn't close with either of them as they were usually a part of the wrong crowd which I avoided but a lot of my friends were so instead of feeling sad about the passing of my young friends like others in my year group I was left feeling regretful that I didn't try to get to know them more before they died a girl from my school died of skin cancer tragic and really affected our small community loads of fundraisers when she was alive and so much support to her family after her passing you never want this happen to anyone but her family were not nice people super rude I never understood why her mom and surviving siblings continued to lay on the porch and tan every summer still take donations though we had a couple kids in high school died of cancer one was a friend of mine he and I weren't super close though we did hang out outside of school occasionally and sat next to each other in band there was one girl in our class who was not a nice person just very outspoken and abrasive and said a lot of really rude stuff at his funeral she was up at the front of the church sobbing and telling people how close they were I believe she even got up and said some things about him during the service when the minister asked if people wanted to share any memories it always seemed like a ploy for attention because I was office who actually hung out with him weren't even sure she could point him out in a crowd before he died his family and closest friends were sitting there barely holding it together so a very dramatic weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth seemed pretty disrespectful a few from drunk driving accidents one from cancer one hit-and-run I didn't know them personally but it was sad that they had friends who were very upset i sat next to a girl in senior Spanish and one Friday we teamed up for a group project after having a fun class period and making plans from next week we both went home after school that night she was hit by a car while jogging a car hit her so hard she flew a bit and was hit by another car died immediately my class didn't find out until Monday morning when our teacher shared the news and cried uncontrollably I had to sit next to the empty desk the rest of the year I later worked with one of her best friends who told me some good memories about her school put up a memorial and dedicated the yearbook she was so vibrant and fun I'm sad I didn't get to know her better guy was the same age as me it was our final year maybe three months before we were due for exams he was cycling to his girlfriend's house not wearing a helmet while crossing a bridge collided with a car went flying into the rails died that evening one rumor was he'd been showing off weaving between the cars misjudged it and it cost him driver didn't stop don't think he was ever found I didn't particularly like the guy but it still was a terrible thing to happen I had a close friend in primary school he had leukemia and stopped attending school in grade 6 lost touch with the friend group and saw him attending high school in a year right he passed away later that year I was really sad I had a picture he drew traced for me in primary that I couldn't throw out if I found the picture now I'm in my 30s I still wouldn't throw it out back when I was in HS in the late 90s we had an open campus it was pretty common for kids to leave for lunch and go to Taco Bell or something nearby one day a group of friends gets in their car and heads out all four of these guys were jock ish types pretty popular to boot anyway lunch comes and goes in fifth period and a girl comes into the classroom sobbing inconsolably turns out the bras were trying to act like badasses speeding down an arterial road on the way to lunch lost control and slammed into a pole one of the kids was flung from the car and torn to literal shreds the people you'd expect to be grieving grieved everyone else kinda went on about their day I hear the campus got hinged to a closed campus the next year a kid had some kind of kidney disease in elementary school and needed a transplant the parents rejected doing it because of religious reasons absolutely senseless death this should be illegal religious practices you force on your kids should never get in the way of medical treatment as an adult sure go ahead and let yourself die if you choose but this is just so sad imagine being the doctor who can help that the parents won't allow it a girl 13 I went to middle school with was strangled to death by her boyfriend 18 she was reported missing for months and I remember thinking she had probably just run away from home because she was kind of a troublemaker and didn't have the best relationship with her parents her body was found by a jogger under a bridge less than a few miles away from home it was so bizarre hearing about the state of decomposition of her body while thinking about the girl I'd had gym class with just a year prior we had always been friendly acquaintances before and then she was gone forever that realization of mortality really stuck with me in 1998 when I was a sophomore a 15 year old classmate shot herself in the head she used to dress very masculine and had short hair and was apparently transgender but this was 1998 and most people really didn't understand transgender kids I've read news articles from her parents and family saying that she was tortured at school I don't remember every speaking to her I didn't know her we were a class of about 350 in the immediate aftermath I remember some rude people making jokes about it but it wasn't really something that I heard mention of it the following years at school for example there wasn't anything special in our senior yearbook or anything like that I was a very melancholy fifteen-year-old and I remember it making me feel sad and I wrote a poem about it looking back now and knowing what I know about her now I do feel sad about the whole situation but I didn't know her family or friends well enough to actually be personally affected a group of guys from our school got hit by a truck last July one of the guys died the rest lived but you can see the trauma on them even almost a year later just to be clear they weren't drunk and went the ones at fault the crash site is like an intersection thing that it's on a sort of top of a hill with buildings blocking some of the road from being visible a teacher died I don't remember but it was likely some sickness and I didn't feel much other than hoping the best for her and her family and she was a nice later one was thrown from a horse one overdosed one sudden death likely arrhythmia this brought back a lot of feelings my sophomore year of high school I met this boy who also has red hair I thought he was pretty cool and his mom gave me a ride home one time after school he had some problems with his back and he had to wear a huge brace he didn't have it on when I first met him and I think I asked him what was wrong but of course I don't remember he didn't have a backpack instead wheeled around this briefcase thing I never really developed a crush on him but I did look forward to seeing him and sometimes I'd wait for him in the hallway where I'd seen him before to say hello to him he had a very contagious smile but often times he wasn't there I don't know if maybe he just took a different way to glass those few days I did see him or if he wasn't at school those days anyway my junior year my family moved to a different state halfway through the year and I started the second half of my semester there I really didn't have many friends at my old school but I said bye to everyone I knew there I think well I didn't really keep up with anybody because I didn't feel the need to and I found out that the redheaded kids killed himself because my sister-in-law told me he said do you know his name and I said oh yeah I remember him and that was it his life was over it hit me really hard because I know what it was like to be suicidal I never knew him very well but I wish I would have a friend of mine from high school passed away when she went to college probably about five years later she was type 1 diabetic and had been using injections a whole life we'd have sleepovers and stuff and it was just normal anyway she went off to college and I was studying elsewhere on a work placement type thing and the news came that she passed away cause she hadn't taken her insulin for a long time I didn't go to her funeral cause it was on a working day and I didn't think they'd let me have the time off and then one of my colleagues mutually at the same high school was off that day it saddened me so much that I hadn't just gone thankfully there was a memorial birthday party for what would have been her 21st which I was able to go to the hardest part is my high school best friend became best friends with her in college she told me at the party she felt responsible for her death cause she didn't step in and make her take her medication or try push her to do it I feel bad that she lives with that weight on her shoulders now and just hope that she has someone who can help her work through it within one year of graduation 12 guys died from my class most were motor vehicle accidents but four were the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon the 6th of December 2001 when we were 15 my best friend slit her wrists it was horrendous I had found out that I was pregnant two weeks before and her death consumed me I couldn't eat couldn't sleep couldn't exist not without her if I wasn't pregnant I would have ended it then she was my life it has been 18 years and I still think of her every day I have a tattoo on my foot to commemorate her and my youngest son's middle name is the male form of her name my niece was due on the 15th anniversary of her death it chipped to the 4th of December and I went into my study and started talking to my photo of her begging for this child not to be born on the sixth twenty-minute later my brother called me saying that Emma's waters had broken I am truly thankful for that one of our supervisors died due to a heart attached before he died he sent a message to the school group saying I will always love you guys he was found dead after the message what confuses me the most is that he died in a heart attached and said I will always love you guys before he died that all sounds like he knew he will die soon I don't know if there's an explanation to this we found out about his death on Tuesday then the funeral would be on Wednesday so school was off at that day what hurts the most is that some student were really happy because there wasn't school the second day some even said thank you for dying I don't have to go to school tomorrow that was the worst thing I ever heard someone say one in a car wreck a passenger without a seat belt and was ejected through the windshield three suicides all three different ways and one OD from meth of all of those two were my friends the reckoned of suicide HS years 98 2001 sad of course in elementary school we had a student with a degenerative disease she was in a fancy wheelchair and in five the great she passed I don't know how well but we all planted roses for her I know there were lots of suicides at my school but I didn't know any of the students young guy at my school went missing one night he was 18 years old his family was distraught farmer found him in his cornfield about three days later apprently he had been gia Kachina 2:00 in the morning when his heart stopped whoa you made it to the end you're ducking beasts I'll cut you a deal smash 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Id: BVJCw557IH4
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Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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