What Was The WORST Thing To Happen At Your School? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Some Kid Drew A- Uhm, A pp On The Black-Top In Sharpie, Sharpies Where Already Banned But It Definitely Didn't Help. (The Only Kids That Could Use Sharpies Were The Art Club)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
what was your school's huge scandal my school district gave all high school students laptops that they could bring home with them to use for school work they could also remotely activate the webcams and spy on students although of course they didn't tell us this one kid got caught smoking weed this way while he was in his room at home and I think was going to get suspended he sued the district in response for invasion of privacy and won the case it got national media attention for a little while good for him my friend's sister got suspended for an fight she got into afterschool off school grounds their parents fought it and got the suspension reversed in tired of schools thinking they have any say in what kids do on their own time unless a student specifically gets school personnel involved it's none of their business the assistant principal died in a car accident there was a big samba school assembly in his honor his wife said a few words and then his 14 year old daughter came to the microphone to say a few words she sort of snapped and unloaded about how he was not a good guy he was a monster who had been abusing her and her little sisters and using them for kiddie pronoun for years and she was glad he was dead I've never heard a roomful of people grow so silent so fast a year after I graduated HS a woman was stabbed 40-plus times with a pair of scissors while jogging on our track on a Sunday one of the guys in that year's senior class wound up hanging around the track over the following days obsessively pestering investigators with questions and theories so naturally some suspicion fell on him when the woman's description of her assailant she survived matched him spot-on he was arrested and both the scissors used and his bloody clothes were found at his house dude was sentenced to 10 plus years in prison end of story right wrong two years after the trial the jailed kid is ordered released after his little brother one year younger and a dead look-alike for his big bro is popped for violent sexual assault on a woman and confesses to the stabbing during questioning turns out the older brother took the fall for him falsely confessing that he could keep his younger sub out of jail do you never told anyone but did admit the lie after his younger brothers arrest and confession I knew both kids when I was a student there both brothers were definitely thought to be weirdly intense but their behavior was attributed to their military dad strict style of parenting and not anything darker my high school district's superintendent hired a relative who wasn't qualified for the job increased the salary of administrators every year used the district's credit card to buy meals groceries gas personal electronics and gift cards when the state audit went through they said that the overpay of administrators of the personal spending cost the school district around 1 1 million dollars her husband was also an administrator when she eventually got caught she just retired and for some reason never faced federal charges when she retired she had a two hundred and sixty thousand five hundred and eighteen dollar salary my favorite part is that the state audit discovered that the district's credit card was used to purchase logging equipment the same month the superintendent's husband filed paperwork to open it in the company everyone knew there was corruption in the school district but no awards or investigations happened until someone was threatened by the superintendent's husband on FAFSA book two things one we had a bomb threat and the teachers would not tell us who send it until the school taper leaked it and for the rest of the year admin and the paper had a back and forth power battle - not a school but our sister school the principal of that school got fired because he was found in a hotel room with a dead hooker on the bed and a mountain of coke on the desk the caretaker killed two local girls and hid them at the school he tried using the clay kiln to burn them he later dumped them a few miles away a very popular guy at my school was arrested for videotaping people using the restroom he was 18 they were not my high school guidance counselor Frick to science teachers wife and everyone knew about it they got a divorce both teachers still work at the same school to this day and students will never ever let it go the story has been handed down from year to year if a girl died in the pool during an event at the school the swim teacher was blamed and was prosecuted the girl who died was at my sister's class both were seven at the time that happened over ten years ago but the parents haven't had another child since she was their only kid simile and parent showed up to the local elementary school a few years ago and said I have a gun I'm going to go to this classroom and shoot this person what are you going to do about it he was promptly arrested he wanted to know what the school's policy was on active shooter situations and make sure they were prepared and his kid would be protected unfortunately he was next level stupid and has been spending some time in prison I went to a small Christian high school that also had a middle and elementary school on the grounds the principal of the high school had a child that was in my grade one day he comes over the intercom and announces that has stepping down from his position he then goes on to talk about how he and the female gym coach had been having an emotional affair for the last few months this announcement goes through every speaker in all three schools I remember everyone in my class looking over at his daughter who had a look at complete surprise on her face from what I gathered this was the first time she was hearing about all of this shortly after the gym teacher also left her position but the most interesting part the gym teacher had no idea this was going on she was just doing her job and thought she was friends with everyone the principal read more into their relationship and decided to go to the church with it and they made this decision the gym teacher left her job out of shame and had to spend a lot of time explaining to her husband what exactly was going on edit adding information that others have asked about the gym teachers husband took a little time to realize that there was no actual affair that went on after that day rumors and gossip in the area got to be too much and he ended up getting a different job pretty far away and moved them both to start fresh the principal and his wife got a divorce within a day or so of the announcement the wife got custody of all three kids plus I think eventually their house and a fair amount of money the former principal took a job selling either cars or furniture I can't remember which and pretty much faded from the radar I don't think his eldest daughter had anything to do with him after all of that I want to say that she intentionally made sure he stayed away from her wedding my high school had some flights and for some reason managed to make the local news and the principal's words about it were broadcasted as well she was pissed and talked loudly in a passive-aggressive manner over the announcements the next morning repeating our schools mission statement over and over ending the broadcast with record that record that became a bit of a meme around the school after that and the school seems to have lightened up about the situation since because the journalism team shirts have record that written across the back in my sophomore year a group of seniors decided a good senior prank would be to sneak into the bus garage and slash Youth tars on buses in order to get out of school ended up causing over forty thousand dollars in damages and it cancels school one day and the police came to the school to do interviews all that week apparently most of them got away with it because of how the buses were parked at the time some of them were doubled up so they only hit the second row of buses which made camera views too far away to positively identify after that year our and the neighboring districts changed their bus locks so that the buses were single row only and beefed up camera systems also as per many boasts on this thread found out after I graduated that my chemistry teacher in tenth grade was arrested years later in the neighboring state for trying to meet underage girls for six he was at least in his 50s five or so guys got caught smoking synthetic weed the kind that utterly weeks and will freak you up internally in the school toilet right next to the biology rooms where the biology teacher had just got out of being a drug officer in the met when asked if they smoked cannabis in the toilets apparently one of them he was new to the school and didn't speak much English said no I only smoked weed we had two teachers arrested for secretly recording kids in separate incidents our woodshop teacher had a low-angle camera on the floor pointing up towards the seats and also would slide an iPad out from under his desk when girls would walk up to it he let a student borrow his flash drive who found the evidence then our speech teacher was caught hiding a camera underneath the sink in one of the private bathrooms that special education used someone spray-painted is a kiddy diddler asked on the wall of the school everyone saw it when they showed up the teacher was nowhere to be found that day the girl was also nowhere to be found I remember it was a Friday cause the day was crazy with people talking about it but it sort of died down on the weekend Monday we find out the guy killed himself that weekend later talking to the girl sadly it was very true others came forward later it was a pretty shooty situation edits kiddy diddler equals child molester thirty years ago girl miraculously seemed normal shatter I think she was hella strong I didn't actually know any of the other girls who came forward or don't remember knowing them not a scandal per se but we had a huge sit-down protest because the cool Janet had got fired because of some petty argument with a lunchtime lady who had a lot of pool looking back she was probably freaking the principal all students from 10th to 12th grade sat down on the floor in the cafeteria when the bell rung at 8 H 30 a.m. up until the end of class at 3 p.m. the principal came in at the end of the day and said the janitor would resume his employment we chaired it made the news in my senior year a group of friends who were got before goth was really a thing experienced to tragedy when one of the friends accidentally killed the other the friend who caused the accident took his life a few weeks later this touched off a wave of suicides at my school five in total over the next three months there was a male and female high school petty teacher that essentially shared an office they always got along really well and kids would always joke that they we were dating we were just dumb kids so we never really thought anything of it after a couple years they both started acting weird around each other and there were rumors that he left his wife and kids for this petty teacher this wasn't actually true though what actually happened was they added on a bedroom to their house and the petty jammu din the kids pretty much just had two moms and everyone got along wonderfully it was strange for about a year and then it was business as usual I guess they're going on about 15 years strong well I don't know if this was a school-wide scandal and it was years after I graduated but it's a scandal and a half I went on holiday with my recently graduated brother I graduated six years before him he had noticed his friends had posted online that they were in that same city too so we all met up with this group of super young looking dudes all around 18 / 19 there was an older looking woman I kind of recognized and I assumed it was an older sister I spoke to her saying hey I know you from somewhere and she says yeah I teach at the school it hit me that had seen her speech at my other brother's graduation three years before that then it hit me that she was holding hands and kissing this guy who looked about 15 and she was in her mid-thirties not to mention his ex teacher even though they only hung out before he graduated and then they were instantly official what the actual Frank apparently they now live together and she still teaches there super weird someone created a fake facebook profile for our principal he was commenting realistically on teachers pages but the context never lined up nice to see you last weekend Me's Brown then once he had everyone as friends he started simply roasting kids ha ha ha he accessed the account from the computer lab and was never caught he was my friend's brother junior high girls gym teacher posed for Playboy nude everyone saw those pics after one kid's dad recognized her and let his son take the Mac to school she got fired some guy jokingly wrote if I won't get a B for this in going on a rampage on his English a test fast forward 15 minutes a police response to unit of 12 stormed the classroom and frickin arrested the shoot out of him without being brutal but it still was quite frightening for deterrence reasons I guess a girl in my year lead about having a sexual relationship with a teacher and gross detail might I add we all knew that she was straight-up crazy and was making it up but the school board obviously had to take it very seriously and the teacher was fired worst part was that the teachers wife was also a teacher at the school and so even though she wasn't fired she pretty much had to leave her job as well the school board eventually figured out the girl was lying and offered both teachers their positions back but they both declined at the French speaking school some students got suspended because of the song they sang at a talent show the issue the school had with the song is that it was in English the students decided to do a sit-in and not go to class in protest of the suspension once it hit the news it reignited a lot of french vs english sentiments throughout the whole town after I left school my brother told me that two girls were found doing ecstasy and the toilets on the same day that David Cameron was visiting note this was 2016 and the day before the EU referendum edit typo a girl in my grade died of a brain tumor a week before the Year 12th formal they buried her the day before the formal it was freakin horrific the scandal wasn't so much with the school as with the local hospital the Fricker's had told her the meat grains she was suffering were just normal stress symptoms so they didn't pick it up until just before she died she passed while on the plane to a hospital in the nearest major city less than a year later a teacher also got brain cancer before that the fittest and smartest man I've ever met like crazy healthy a few other students and teachers have had cancer in the years since and it's not a big town so it's a bit weird there's a part of me that surprised there hasn't been a scandal about a cancer cluster tbh there was a home economics teacher who caught a lot of heat for showing how to put a condom on a banana edit she was not teaching succeed at the time my high school got on national news for someone drawing swastikas pregnant 7th grader at the middle school the sheet banded suspected pedophile gym teacher there was a pregnant seventh grader in my town - every teacher took this as a reason to punish everyone in that raid even people in other schools because apparently it meant our generation was immoral the father of the baby was 19 and under arrest for statutory rape but never mind that this was clearly the fault of every 12 you in town / fess up on the student council spending three thousand dollars on just paper there were two teachers at my school who were in their late twenties early 30s who were married the husband cheated on her with another teacher in her late 40s their affair was known by basically everyone they were even caught in the same car after a school excursion bypassing students they were on the same seat eventually the wife found out and her office was right next to the mistress apparently and they moved them to a it ends of the teacher offices also the husband and wife kept teaching at my school for the entire time I was there and the husband wound up engaged to his mistress apparently the principal was totally on the wife side and she got days off to prepare for Court whilst the husband didn't how do nearly all the students know all this apparently teachers like gossiping as much as students something super similar happened at my school the high school principal is married to the middle school principal HS principal starts having an affair with our science teacher who got married just a year before and used to always go on and on about her husband and how in love they were literally everyone knew about the affair and a few of our teachers confirmed it as they had been seen going to events together HS principal ended up getting fired his wife still works there also the science teacher looks exactly like a younger version of his wife edit forgot to at that the science teacher taught eighth grade which in my school is middle school she was freaking her boss husband someone started at my school gossip girl page and just started frickin roasting people really sticking it to them with some properly nasty stuff it was great for me as I love drama and I'm a totally immaculate person or just so unimportant I was skipped completely they never found out who ran it but I can say that it was vicious and split the school into factions war is heck and all that it'll preface this by saying I went to a private Christian school in Mississippi which is a scandal in itself when I was in the sixth or seventh grade one of our coaches got fired and arrested for sleeping with a girl underage problem was her mom found the messages from him to her and she denied it all he is still in jail to my knowledge and she transferred schools there was another coach doing the same thing and he just left our school a few years later at a basketball game we were talking to some friends from that school about the whole situation and it turns out that Coach that left was now coaching at the school we were playing we unintentionally got him to leave that school as well runner up a girl got pregnant her senior year and was not allowed to come to classes but instead had to sit in the PA room and listen to her classes over the speaker and PA system it was cruel and unusual and her classmates had a sit-in to allow her to walk during graduation I recently learned that principal of a school I used to go to got fired I was kind of glad because he was a decade the reason he got fired after communism was abolished in Poland apparently if you wanted to have administrative job you had to sign a document that said you didn't work with communists recently it came to light that he in fact did work with communists edit since this blew up a bit I did additional reading up on this you have to declare if you worked with communist police which can mean anything from just being a low rank worker up to being a snitch for them declaring you did work with the police doesn't disqualify you from the position but you have to be accepted by a public vote for the position as still working as a teacher details about his work with the police are not released but since has not in jail it wasn't anything bad punishment for the fact that he decided to lie about this as being banned from administrative work for three years maximum is ten and of course instead of his public opinion will be that he probably is a shady person since he lied instead that of an honest person man I wish I wasn't so late to this party around 1998 someone took a dump in a toilet at my high school this turd was no joking the circumference of a coke can and the length of a size 13 shoe it was so thick that it cold be flushed this shoot made its way around the school quickly and there was a line out the door to that bathroom for an hour at least before the facility caught wind from what we heard it took the janitor four flushes after breaking it down with a plunger fast-forward a couple weeks to the real aftermath someone managed to take a picture of this turd and created a website dedicated to this mammoth shoot the person that made the site was dumb enough to use his name on the site and the school threatened him with expulsion if he didn't take the site down he said no so he had to go in front of the school board to make his case about how it's his right to have a web site dedicated to a mass this made the local news and made my junior year extremely funny we had two teachers get fired for exchanging prescription pills the end of my senior year that year our world studies teacher lost her job too she taught the class two freshmen and part of the curriculum centers around learning the basics of the five major world religions we got to take a super cool field trip with her she took us to a Christian Church Hindu and Buddhist temples mosque and synagogue it was hands-down my favorite field trip my last year a freshman mom got furious that her kid was gonna be going to a mosque I live in the deep south bTW long story short the trip got banned and the teacher wound up stepping down after receiving so much hate for trying to make the kids Muslim even though she was a white Christian woman I went to a predominantly white high school and all the white moms basically teamed up to complain to the school about her and tear her to shreds I think the teacher is doing gut work now she totally quit teaching after this god I freaking hate my hometown lockdown from a guy with a gun in the vicinity a football player senior was using steroids and had a roid rage fit in the library he smashed a computer the desk he was at and ripped out the metal detectors at the door a guy and his friend were playing with the guy's father's gun the friend accidentally shot the guy in the head and killed him instantly the next few days at school were somber and people were quiet when I was in grade 9 there was a student in grade 12 who overdosed and died it was very hard on a lot of people in the school a girl who was in grade 9 decided to break into the recently deceased girl's home and steal her clothes and personal items and posted pictures and videos of her burning these things on her Facebook this obviously did not go over well with the rest of the student body and for the next few days this girl had a huge target on her back it came down to every five minutes a student would pull the fire alarm and force every person out of the school so that people could try to find this girl and freaked her up the student was being protected by the principal and oonh could get near her the fire alarm was pulled around ten times that day you would barely sit back at your desk after being inside before there was another fire alarm high school that I went to as a student the year I graduated the gym teacher who was also the girls basketball coach and always had the rumors of dirty freak so-and-so was promoted to assistant principal I returned from college four years later to work there as a tar and the gym teacher / app is being transferred to another school because he was caught freaking a guidance counselor both of them married they were caught by a school janitor while doing it in her office after hours gonna try to keep this as vague as possible to avoid accidents seing the perpetrators the class before needed some things that led the district to bang senior cruisers i.e a vacation near or just after the end of the last school year granted they called not really enforce it but they did ban all fundraising events for senior cruises from taking place on school grounds on this senior cruise one of the girls got blackout drunk and passed out on the floor one of our star football players decided it would be a great idea to gather everyone up strip the girl naked and cram all manner of phallic objects into places they did not belong also wrote all manner of slurs on her kids were taking photos of the deed and there was even a videotape the ringleader and one or two of his buddies got some jail time but everyone else got away with fines and/or community service and most of their records are sealed due to having been minors at the time of the crime it also helped that several of the parents involved were lawyers and one of them may have even been the local da I knew the guys sister she was in my classes I never saw her smile again after the news broke you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 287,240
Rating: 4.931725 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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