Most Awkward Physical Contact With The Opposite Gender (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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what is the most awkward accidental physical contact you've had with the opposite sex sitting in the dentist's chair as a kid and having the hot assistant rest her boob on my for Eid awkward would loved every minute of it I accidentally sat on a man's hand on the train once I was a teenager and wearing a mini sundress and I sat down right on his hand without noticing it it sounds improbable but the chair was bucket shaped and his hand was in the dip so I'm just sitting there listening to my ipod on the train and this guy taps me on the shoulder with his other hand and says I'm sorry but this is my stop I was so embarrassed and that's the story of the first time I got to second base I was in the school bus then the bus stopped suddenly which resulted in me falling and face-planting my face in a girl's crotch rubbing my leg on the tables leg during math class turns out it was the leg of the girl sitting next to me Gil tripped on a chair in her hand landed on my peepee as a reflex my hand swung up and hit her boob in seventh grade my class was all standing in line and another kid suddenly grabbed my hand and forced it on to a girl's chest technically it wasn't an accident but it sure was awkward I used to work at a hospital orderly stuff late shift exhausted I had been pushing patient beds around all day replacing my gloves often because dead people or snot kids and whatnot I'm pushing a sleeper through a we're side wing of the ico a lone nurse takes over bends over patient starts tapping them or whatever nurses do with sleepers I am pulling off my rubber gloves and say do you need anything else gloves autistics then snaps out and hits her ass up oh she kind of turned and smiled but I booked it out of there so I wouldn't be fired for sexual harassment I was helping my friend clean his house after scrubbing his nasty floors I stood to rinse out the rag he swooped and to give me one of those low hugs around the waist and say thanks so much I turned at the worst possible minute and his face ended up in my tits he got really freaked out I'm married and proceeded to stammer out an apology I just said ah they're lovely aren't they and laughed it was awkward for him but I've given birth nothing fazes me anymore husband thought it was funny as hell elderly gentleness crotch against my knee on the bus edit thinking about it now I'm not sure it was accidental it's the most Awkward every time it happens when I take the subway in the morning I go to grab the handrail Pole and I end up accidentally holding someone else's hand God Almighty easy my good buddy used to throw these pool parties for all of our friends back in the day the pool was small so when about 10-15 people were in it it was pretty cramped I'm not sure why but my buddy's girlfriend was swimming towards me while I backward doggy paddle kind of kicking my feet while swimming backwards well as it turned out my one of my kicks slid up her inner thigh slipped past her swimsuit bottoms and I towed her vagina we locked eyes as if to make a mutual agreement never to mention this event to my buddy and I immediately left the pool they are still dating today and it's still awkward eight years later TL DR i towed a girl for China me and few other friends were walking through the woods and this girl in front of me jumped on top of this tree trunk and fell back I caught her by the waist and my hands somehow slid under her shirt and I somehow found myself awkwardly grabbing her boobs we later dated for a year the girl I was interested in at the time knocked on my suite door one morning I had just woken up and was sporting a solid half chub of morning wood somehow thinking my pajama pants could hide this fact I get up and open the door only to be greeted by a big hug from her after a few seconds I felt my peepee rub up against her leg she didn't say anything but she knew she had to she left and I stood there mortified for a while didn't see much of her after that edit the reason she stopped by was because she had been gone all weekend this is at college bTW she didn't leave as soon as my pee pee touched her but didn't make a habit of staying much longer either here's my story I was the fat kid in school and from time to time someone would grab my moobs and then I would grab theirs back a playful girl grabbed mine and then I freaked out only three or four beers into a party walked into the kitchen and slap grabbed my girlfriend's ass with a decent amount of force only it wasn't my girlfriend it was another 5 feet 6 inches brunette wearing denim shorts who at that very moment was in tears talking to her to friends about her boyfriend breaking up with her that day so I am talking to my buddy in the hallway when he asks where the nearest bathroom was so I not looking whipped my arm up and was going to point behind me however this chick was standing just to my left and got the full force of my back hand to her face needless to say my pimp and is wrong I was talking to really attractive girl at a bar and my friends bumped enough to lose my balance and fall on her my hands were in front of me and they ended up on her boobs luckily she understood it was an accident and she actually bought me a drink cause I felt so bad but I didn't go home with her though playing Marco Polo in the pool I'm walking around the pool with my eyes closed and hand stretched out all frankenstein-like here a girl to my right I turn I know from her voice it's the girl with a massive rack I've got her trapped in the corner I know it I reach for it and I poked her in the eye as she tried to run away when I was about eight or nine years old I was waiting in a queue at a home where shop with my dad and sister I think I must have been distracted by something because for whatever reason I didn't notice that my dad and sister left as if they got out of the queue to get something else and then gone to the end I just kept moving forward with the line thinking my dad was standing in front of me I started leaning against him and hugging his arm and cuddling up to him like annoying kids do it took my brain a couple seconds to register that he didn't smell like my dad suddenly I looked up to see that the guy I was weirdly hanging on to was actually a 20 - 30 something year old with his wife girlfriend he didn't say anything just looked at my bizarrely I immediately got the hell out of the line and found my dad and sister who didn't even notice I hadn't been with them all along I watched the couple walk out of the store and noted that they were laughing hysterically once outside I was so mortified about this I wanted to die for weeks TL DR I tried to snuggle with a stranger while waiting in line at a shop sitting back to back with a friend I'm a guy she's a girl I reached behind myself to try and give her a behind-the-back hug and I just grabbed a bunch of boob she is a well-endowed individual so I grabbed a bunch later on she grabbed my crotch though I'm not sure if she was 100% against me grabbing her boobs there were some grades posted on a wall in ninth grade and I was in the front of a large group looking at them there was someone with 112 percent in a class so I turned around and threw my hands up in the air in a how the crap do you do that gesture the girl with 112 percent was right being me and I scooped her a royal one edit spelling I was backstage before a jazz band show and I was talking to a girl who decided to sit on my lap as we talked well I started rocking a half-chub because she was pretty cute when she got up to leave she stumbled and put her hand directly on my semi-erect pp and you could tell she knew what had just happened she left it there a second or two before she pulled her hand away and gave me a look like Oh poop I just grabbed your peepee it was pretty neat physical contact a girl pointed a laser at my boner once was joking around with my friends gesturing wildly and accidentally hit a guy's bowel sack then on top of that as he straightens himself and I try to apologize to him I then somehow magically proceeded to smack him in the face yeah so freaking awkward edit y-yes I was sorry of course I forgot to mention after smacking him in the face we both look at each other awkwardly for a good three seconds and then sought 1/2 giggle embarrassingly and then we both walk off not the most awkward but the most glazed into my mind at the moment I was flirting with my crush we have this game where we touch the ends of our pencils to the opposites kneecap whoever at the end of the day did it last wins well I was playing a game with her after a test it was that one Square game thing and I nonchalantly decided to tap my eraser to her kneecap I had the pointed side of my mechanical pencil facing her knee [ __ ] was razor-sharp freakin grazed her leg with it and I had that Oh poop this isn't good feel immediately awkward silence then broke out into a little Yelp of pain and then blood but I won that day so I wore a color-changing shirt based on body heat it was dark greatest art and heats turned it white every guy at work wanted to see their handprint and proceeded to grab my shoulders and back for the effect went to come from behind and wrap my arms around my wife just to feel them against her tips also said hey sexy when doing so wasn't paying attention and did it to my mom instead we played a game at a family party where you popped balloons on each other and whoever pops the most the fastest wins I put the balloon on my partner's back she was a cutie bTW I hug her so I can pop it and it won't pop I kept going back and forth surge would pop balloon ended up at her but cause gravity freaked me and my competitive nature I thrust at her three times hard while pulling her it finally pops but at this point it looked like I was trying to bang her the family's had a look of shock and I was embarrassed but tried to act it off an hour later I start talking to her and she gave the look we made out throughout the night and other fun activities brushing my sister's hand while walking together [ __ ] weird every time and it's always my fault really short girl was walking in front of me and I didn't even see her she stopped short and I basically humped her head I was 18 sitting next to the pool in my backyard parents are gone boyfriend is over we are in the middle of an intense makeout session somehow his erect peepee had managed to circumvent both our suits and begin the lightest of penetration at first I thought he had done it on purpose but the look of total shock that was on his face he was like a cornered rabbit he quickly pulled away and apologized profusely and was hesitant to come within three feet of me for the rest of the night ended up marrying him won't ever let him live down that look of terror on his face standing on a train in Tokyo first off I'm white with light brown hair that curls up in loose ringlets after a certain length my hair was exactly at this magic lengths at the time meaning I looked a bit like a bespectacled shape so I'm just minding my own business standing by a window reading a book when I feel something gently tugging at my scalp confused I turn around a grown-ass woman is bouncing one of my ringlets with this look on her face like she's just discovered the secret to eternal happiness I glare but she just looks at me blinks then plucks my hair again I ask her to stop in English she apparently can't hear me I ask her to stop in Japanese she goes wide-eyed in terror like many Japanese people do when white folks know their secret language and scuttles back into the crowded compartment to hide behind some fat guy I looked for her a few minutes later and she was still staring at me like I was a uniform random Japanese train ladies why you've gotta be so racist I guess this really isn't accidental but it was awkward and standing by that lady was certainly an accident I was a teenager maybe 16 or so and I was at this party something that rarely happened and I was flirting with this girl I had just met anyways there was a water balloon fight and being the competitive person I am I take a running leap at her to throw a water balloon at her action movie style to show my superiority she happened to be sitting down and not only did I throw the balloon directly at her face I broke my landing by kneeing her directly in the vagina she cried for hours and I decided to retreat to the living room and play smash bra I was in Middle School at the time we were in gym class and we were playing this game of tag where when you'd got touched you had to sit down and be seaweed so I'm sitting there being the best damn seaweed I can be a girl runs by me I reach out and got an accidental hand full of vaginal it was the most awkward thing ever and she had to sit there until the game was over I swear this game lasted for hours while doing the I'm gonna grab your boobs pose for a picture I accidentally grabbed them boner on a packed subway car it was pressed right against her butt just kept whispering I'm so sorry into her ear back in high school when I was a freshman I accidentally brushed a girl's ass as I was walking by her she is adamant it was on purpose accuses me all tasks so as we were leaving I say can I at least grab her ass if I'm being accused of it she consented we dated for a year after that then on and off for the next four or five still best friends over a decade later meant to touch a girl on the shoulder specifically to avoid any chance of accidentally touching her chest well it was pitch-black out we were in a big field at night with a group and when I confidently grasped her shoulder proud of my avoiding a potentially awkward situation so deftly I vividly experienced the results of hubris her breasts were so large I could not distinguish them from her shoulders in the dark I felt horrible she laughed because she knew it was an accident no harm done beyond my feeling like an idiot for a very very long time we saw each other again randomly ten years later I brought it up again as the laugh she remembered and it ended up being the conversational gateway to three days of hyperactive sex so I mean in the end it worked out Batman a solid decade of stupid stupid stupid so today I was walking behind a girl who then decides to stop abruptly and I went peepee first into her ass in front of all her friends she pretended to be offended then quickly apologized and walked away I should also say she said she was just kidding calm reddit added more detail stripped going up the stairs and grabbed onto some girl's boobs with my left hand wasn't an unpleasant experience I entered a race with a female friend and it involved climbing over a wall she said she wanted a boost over the top of the wall but she didn't want me to look up because she had extremely short running short song so that was awkward in two senses of the word I was like if this is seriously an issue for you I think it's on you to wear underwear that can contain your vulva in such a situation once I was having relations with a girl who was quite large I was drunk and told her to sit on my face she broke my nose a girl tripped and landed face first in my crotch that wasn't even the most awkward part though because after she landed my peepee happened to get a little excited and it prodded her in the face while she was trying to get up turned beet red but luckily she didn't say anything and just hurried away my brother and I accidentally kissed edit you guys would hate the story it's nothing much my brother and I were having a moment and we hugged and we both went to kiss each other on the cheek but we both missed and we kissed and we just looked at each other a moment and he said we never speak if this going to punch a friend jokingly he dodges very ugly fat girl behind him takes the head directly to her left it awkward ass wreck my professor and I turned around at exactly the same time and we bumped into each other lips touched a little it was cool though she's one of the best-looking teachers on campus when I was drunk at my cousin's wedding reception and accidentally backhanded his best friend in the junk but I was drunk so it wasn't that awkward he just said who are in this tone of voice that implied oh look a surprise flailing drunk teenage girls hand on my junk I didn't like it but I didn't hate it Dart I teach biology at a community college and need to get close to students to show them details during lab often other students will look over my shoulder when I'm pointing out hard-to-find things at least once I remember drawing my hand back so a student can point at the structure and I forcefully elbowed a girl standing behind me in her firm yet soft yielding breasts I froze for a second I said sorry over my shoulder I was at a high school pool party once and this DK bag guy was trying to pull the back string on girls bikinis I was hanging out with my buds in the pool and out of nowhere he got lucky and finally got on of the girls tops off she screamed and ran towards me as I guess I was the first person she saw and hugged me as to cover her boobs up so I just stood there hugging her with her boobs squished into my chest as someone else got her bikini top once said article of clothing was retrieved we had to shimmy over to the side of the pool where she could wrap up in a yell while she put her top back on meanwhile I got my first up-close look at boobs and had a raging boner going later that night she wanted to thank me and we have sex so on one day I saw my first real pair of boobs lost my vCard and met my future wife what a weird day that was that was in 2007 while I was still in high school we went to college together graduated college together and have been married now for several years it still amazes me sometimes during swing dancing it happens every now and then add the guy touches the girl's boobs small accidental titty grabs no big deal just laugh it off or whatever so I was dancing swin with this girl and I was trying to do a new move I had just learned which involved grabbing her hip and rotating her around to my surprise the girl hadn't turned far enough around when I went for the hip titty grabs can be laughed off I learnt that day that the same is not true for clitty grabs hey you thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing and hitting like also if you have an Alexa device you can say Alexa open read it stories to hear some of the all-time top ask reddit posts thanks for watching
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 613,571
Rating: 4.9518313 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit stupid, funny reddit comments, askreddit scary, askreddit funny, reddit top posts, askreddit, askreddit comedy, toad films, updoot reddit, storytime with reddit, reddit and chill, reddit, awkward, funny, embarassing, awkward moments, cringe
Id: 5pZwrv8tE3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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