Why did that teacher get fired from your school? - (r/AskReddit)

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our slash asked reddit why did that teacher get fired from your school he went hunting the day before left his shotgun in the backseat of his car forgot about it security guard saw pare during school and called the cops it was legally okay but he got fired anyway teacher didn't get fired but we never saw him again in about first grade a bunch of the dads were sitting around on a Saturday drinking beer in one of the backyards kids got to talking about the new gym teacher who liked to pick up the little girls and turn them upside down especially if they were wearing dresses he'd have his favorites help get the mats out of the storeroom and sometimes it took a really long time one of the girls there was the gym teachers absolute favorite and her dad got really quiet and then took her inside the house for about 20 minutes kids kept playing dad stopped drinking he came out and said to the others let's go this was a small town on the Great Plains and these men had known each other all their lives they went the story I heard later was that they went over to the gym teachers place and scared the [ __ ] out of him told him to get in his car and start driving and never come back the guy left all his stuff and everything and no one ever heard from him again I was an adult before I realized what really happened I was in seventh grade and our literature teacher showed us Romeo and Juliet the Olivia Hussey version there is brief harmless nudity but some parents freaked the Duck out claimed the guy was pushing pornography on us drama ensued protests were initiated and mr. C was fired we watched Clash of the Titans the original in HS Latin in there's a brief nude scene that shows the love interest sesor she walks out of the bath my Latin teacher proceeded to go oh man I wasn't paying attention and rewound the scene he did this like two or three times she taught German and went on the sophomores field trip to the Holocaust Museum while there the class got to hear a Hollow cast survivor tell their story teacher stood up at this point and proceeded to tell the survivor why the Holocaust was actually a hoax and never our teacher was out one day and his class was being taught by a sub it happened to be a day when the students were working on their computer art projects so all the sub had to do was supervise the work one student needed to save his work and was missing a disk this was in the days of 3.5 inch floppies he found one just laying around and asked the sub if he could use it sub agreed student plugged it into the computer they found out it was the disk where the regular teacher was keeping his porn stash the teacher was fired when he came back the next day we had a study hall teacher that was super chill everyone loved her she always let us listen to how iPods even though it was against school policy one day these two dudes were busted by her doing a deal on some pot these two had a record and would have been arrested and tried as adults since they were both 18 we were in our last year of school rather than reported she decided to throw it away and not make a deal of it done and over well turns out the school Beach that no one liked saw the whole thing Beach reported it got the study hall teacher fired the entire school went on strike and wore shirts to support getting hurry hide it didn't happen that we ducking tried not a teacher but a cop at our school was fired from being the school cop he kept his actual police job for accepting sex from minors instead of giving them the net insane how he was able to keep his job when I was in eighth grade my science teacher was a man who was for lack of a better term an utter douche nozzle he was fresh out of some gradual degree or another and clearly believed himself to be the smartest funniest and best liked entity since George Carlin's run as mr. conductor were still a handful of students seemed to agree with that self-assessment and the appreciated responses he'd receive only served to further inflate his ego now lest you think that I simply didn't like this teacher and as such I'm treating him unfairly let me assure you that while you're right I didn't like him he was also something of a psychopath but the man would frequently go to great lengths to ensure students who didn't suck up to him were punished there was one young woman for example who made the mistake of correcting the teacher during a lecture when our next test rolled around the girl discovered that she'd received a failing grade despite the fact that she offered nearly identical answers as someone who had passed perhaps the most cruel treatment I saw from the fellow though came in the aftermath of that mistreatment the same girl having found that she'd flunked her test approached the teacher she spoke to him in a quiet the light voice and although I couldn't make out what was being said it seemed like she was asking to have her great changed the teachers face adopted a twisted sardonic smile and he responded loudly enough for everyone to hear well I guess you don't know everything do you the young woman replied with hurried whispers even when seen from behind it was clear that she was losing her composure I guess you should have studied harder maybe you learn you're not always right more whispers followed though the girl's words became almost audible she said something about needing a passing grade and asked how her score could have been so much different from someone who'd offered similar answers in response the teacher just laughed the girl walked back to her desk tears clearly visible in her eyes and the teacher kept laughing fortunately there's a happy ending to all of this see that teacher offered unfair treatment to a few too many students myself included and we managed to independently amass a fair amount of evidence against him I'll never know for sure if our investigations were the deciding factor in this but I do know that he didn't return to that school the following year too long didn't read my eighth grade science teacher liked to stroke his ego with the tears of young women it was a math teacher in my high school she was having an affair with one of the health teachers all the students knew but faculty did not until one night apparently she and the health teacher decided to meet at our local Walmart they used his car to go up on the train tracks and park to start messing around a train came and hit the vehicle that's how everything came out in our small town was shaken up from the reveals he called a girl the horse she was 13 he left so fast that he didn't clear out his desk and that's how I have a key to the school and that's how I have a key to the school all about those silver linings my freshman year religion teacher was fired because his son failed a school drug test and had gotten divorced dude was an amazing teacher especially when talking about art history it's sad that your teacher for fired for something his kid did kidnapped a kid and drove him to another state was arrested after police tracked him down and found them in a motel room his name was mr. love we had a one-armed teacher in junior high eighth ninth grade I think he taught shop anyway he was on the elderly side mid to late fifties early sixties one day in between class this prick jumps on his back and starts screaming and flailing around I guess the kid thought it was funny well the teacher didn't he threw the kid off his back and pinned him against the lockers with his only arm until some other teachers came over while he was fired for assaulting a student needless to say that kid was a pariah for the rest of the time at that school history teacher he used to wear a cape to class we all called him Batman he did so much weird [ __ ] like eating chalk jumping on empty boxes and standing on his desk I think he was finally fired for walking around on top of the students desks we were in a big u formation and kicking a boy in the chest for breathing too loud bang the student sold weed to students liked crack the undesirables the ones who were loners and didn't assimilate into middle school well me included was sent off to a weekend camping trip to learn about teamwork friendship etc while we were there the ESL teacher walked around nude with his gigantic scale on at half-mast needless to say come Monday he was walked off school property when word got out when I was in grade 10 I had this amazing teacher he would let us do anything my school had a strict no eating policy but he didn't give a [ __ ] so we would eat like candy and stuff it one day I was sat down in the first class of the morning and I missed breakfast so I decided to bring one of those small packs of frosted flakes a bowl and some milk cause I know I had him first class middle of class I'm sat down eat and the principal knocks on the door and the teacher opens the door and the principal sees me eating and she flips at me this amazing teacher decides to defend me and starting saying oh it's his class and mind your own business and all that [ __ ] they go in the hall and shut the door we go silent in class and hear my teacher shout I hope you get ducking throat can't see you stupid Beach he returns to the classroom right after and looks at the room full of 15 year olds and says Beach gone crazy that was a Friday he didn't come back Monday or Tuesday or ever another teacher told us he moved to Iraq to teach at a college there the week after because the school district fired him I'm honestly not sure if I was the one that got him fired for eating cereal in class but he was honestly my favorite teacher ever my cousin's teacher was forced to stop teaching religious studies because she told the class that when the rapture came and all life was wiped out she wanted to be having intercourse with her husband on the altar of a Catholic Church well that just sounds badass chemistry teacher got into a heated argument with the principal over funding cuts it escalated to the point where the teacher went to his car pulled out the infant car seat in the back thankfully empty and used it to smash the principal's car windows I had a chemistry teacher that called me out in the middle of class for putting a hex on his family this guy literally blamed me for his kids getting sick and having to go to the hospital he did this in front of the entire class I told the assistant principal and the next semester he was fired a girl accused him of molesting her and by the time she admitted she was lying it was too late that's pretty ducked back in high school over ten years ago had two teachers to get fired while I was there one was a Spanish teacher she was okay for a later thirties chick she got caught ducking to male students at once had another female teacher that was in her mid twenties she was pretty good looking she was one of the chili the coaches apparently she was having after-school specials with many of the cheerleaders and other girls who weren't on the team everyone then realized why not a single guy ever got anywhere with her a special ed teacher would take about five of her kids out of class at random times every week it's not out of the ordinary is some of em need medication every so often however the school eventually noticed that on how public Facebook page she was posting pictures of those students they were in her car with her smoking joints ripping bombs and doing depths to boot they were all time-stamped during school hours she got fired very quickly none of the students ever got in trouble though I had a French teacher in high school who was insane and would bang her 6-inch heels on desks all the time she got fired when she was accused of throwing her heel at a student some students protested against the firing but I hated her so I was happy to see her go high school English teacher showed up to class drunk and started talking about her boobs and how men like them asked the male students if they wanted to touch them or something to that effect when administrators found out they urged her to resign instead of fighting and bringing attention to it she agreed history teacher also coached a wrestling team apparently at a party some of the wrestlers shoved a broomstick up another smaller slash geekiest lash et Cie wrestlers s teacher / coach heard about it and didn't do anything parents found out sued all over the news got fired and moved out of state my social studies got fired for having sex with the lunch lady in the parking lot she looked exactly like lunch ladies are pictured in movies too eighth grade history teacher was discovered to be having an affair with one of his former students the affair started when she was 14 and wasn't discovered until she was 18 somehow or another he was asked if he thought it was appropriate to have this relationship he responded something to the effect of if this were biblical times I would have married her by now one of the coaches hid a band member with the side of their bus this was just after the football team lost in the coach healed for everyone to shut up while he just continued driving when they arrived back at the school the coach told all the players to not tell anyone what had just happened had a physics teacher who locked three girls in his classroom with him and wouldn't let them leave I also had a temp science teacher who made a homemade firework and set it off in the classroom nearly burning half the school down my head of year in year 10 who also taught pay was banned from supervising girls during trampoline lessons because he would put them on report if they wore shorts under their gym skirts or didn't wear their gym skirts an English teacher a music teacher and a French teacher left and didn't return after having nervous breakdowns second worst school in Britain 1997 that teacher had dirty pictures on his computer one of which was another teacher true story this sort of thing is actually a very real problem with young single newly qualified teachers that use social media and dating sites some of my friends are teachers and have active Facebook lives dread to think what would happen if their students found that nevermind something like tinder dating sites are full of young teachers because it's so hard for teachers to meet people and the photos are all off big nights out or certain outfits and poses if a load of teenage boys found their 20-something female teacher on their oh boy he asked the Sikh not even Muslim student of our class if he was going to plant a bomb when the student asked to go to the toilet this was after 9/11 even though I live in the UK it was actually our principal she used to work at some inner-city school or something and thought she could use similar tactics on us the thing is my school was actually a very good school we routinely won science competitions scored insanely high on AP tests our top ten students in each grade routine we went to Harvard Yale Caltech et Cie and so on granted our dropout rate was a little high but we didn't have any of the usual issues that plagued schools we were by and large good kids this principal somehow managed to piss off all the major department heads at our school the English head can be described as a bit sangfroid she routinely made even the biggest and toughest kids feel small despite barely being over five feet two inches she wasn't too hard to annoy the math department was run by an older woman who regularly received praise Awards for how well her students did on the calc BC AP exams she was investigated multiple times for cheating but they never found anything she was legitimately that good she was hard to piss off but not impossible the history department was run by a sweet elder lady whose hobbies included weight lifting she was a genuinely nice human being beloved by everyone who had her to piss her off required something on par with drowning puppies somehow someway my principal managed to piss all three of these people off about two months into her new position it all came to a head around November / December with a certain newspaper article well our school newspaper was run by some of the brightest girls in the senior year they all wanted to be legitimate journalists one issue of a printed caught the ire of the principal because it featured an article on obtaining birth control as well as something about tattoos they broke no laws they checked everything with their supervising teacher the works our principal decided that she wasn't having this and ordered all the printed copies of this edition to be confiscated that month's edition was effectively banned from the school because of the articles in question normally this wouldn't be much of an issue but er she missed a few copies and B the girls in charge of a well aware they were being censored for know reason when the principal declined to discuss a reason for their work being banned they felt their First Amendment rights were being trampled and promptly contacted the ACLU and because she had banned the paper everyone had read it normally we'd ignore the school newspaper but now it was special during this time the English teachers with the blessings of the department head began to discuss the articles with the student body there was much to be said about censorship and our First Amendment rights so they latched onto it as a learning opportunity after all they knew we had all read the article after the local press got ahold of the story our school received a Jefferson muzzle award for suppressing free speech we even got to flip on CNN the school board was less than pleased with our principal none of the major department heads stuck up for her because she managed to alienate all of them with her strong techniques and general disregard for how intelligent the students were she was gone by April edit I went back and looked up the event I got the months wrong happened in November a water came in April turns out banging students is frowned upon he drew a giant penis on a whiteboard after it got public that he was gay I mean that's the first thing I'd do to a math teacher at my old high school got fired for having a relationship with one of the female students he also kept a real chainsaw in the classroom not sure why also there was a French teacher who would record all of his classes and take the recordings home so he could watch them privately there was a math history teacher who was a younger guy and a little bit edgy he'd make jokes that kind of toed the line as it were but for the most part everything was okay except for the time he made a joke about ovens to a sensitive Jewish kid and then he disappeared right at the end of the semester the headmaster and chemistry teacher got caught during the summer holidays some people were in for a revision day and they heard moaning coming from the Headmaster's office the video basically went viral they were both married to different people both promptly fired and single now I presume hero Terrell's in the back of the science textbooks that link to him and some gay porn video I've got three math teacher my sophomore year of high school he was a nice guy and although I didn't find him cute a lot of the other girls did well turns out he was inviting girls over to his house and partying with them and banging them he wasn't fired but the school was closing in on him so he transferred to another school too history teacher my junior year of high school friends would teach a number one again girls thought he was cute I didn't unlike teacher number one this one was married with children he also wasn't as discreet all the students and teachers knew what he was doing and one of the teachers walked in on him and another student one day after he got fired he continued to date the student three science teacher that I never had he was always weird he had a son a few years younger than me at the school he married a student who graduated a year after me there was at least a 20 year age difference and the school just found it unacceptable to still have him working there I feel so sorry for his son I went to a Catholic High School and our chaplain was fired because he raped an 11 year old boy he ended up hanging himself religious school unmarried teacher got fired for getting pregnant there was a substitute teacher subbing for my health class an older man in his 60s in seventh grade and we were being rowdy and unruly and he screams if you were my kids I would beat and abused you all and some kid ran out of the room to the principal's office and told him what the guy said and he was fired on the spot by the school admin the special needs teacher slept with a special needs student for a couple years she moved from the middle school to the high school to stay with him and keep it going they got caught eventually and she got canned real quick also the kid's mom was a bus driver that worked at the school I think they had to switch some districts cause the kid never came back and the mom didn't drive for that school anymore caught watching porn on his lunch break in his classroom a student walked in on him lock your doors downloaded gay porn on a paper minute landline bill ran into a couple of thousand dollar was a nice men music teacher in high school he was fired from not really doing his job guy didn't look like a hippie but did have a whatever attitude about teaching his class other students used the class as a time to chill I knocked out homework from other classes while I was in his class he would also randomly visit other teachers while they were teaching class it took a while for the school to decide to terminate him the guy knew his stuff but was more interested in acting like the free spirit or something whoa you made it to the end you're ducking Beast I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content brug it's free and that's a great price right
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Id: QM9RFqBag5s
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Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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