What Made the Popular Girl Lose Her Popularity?

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what made the popular guy girl lose their popularity a popular boy cried in class during a discussion about her recent tragedy because someone that was close to him died and said tragedy he got relentlessly bullied for the short time afterward that he was at that school he was a good kid that didn't deserve any of that i really hate middle school kids sometimes aww that's actually so sad popular girl was driving drunk on the way to school and caused a pretty bad accident involving three other cars she spilled liquor on herself and slammed on her brakes in a line of cars her car managed not to have a scratch she swapped seats with her passenger in front of everyone before cops arrive a few minutes later we realize she has disappeared she had slipped into another car that had stopped to see if everyone was okay several people ended up getting tickets and her passenger ended up getting a dui she was unpopular until graduation kid made a video for a school project which he played in front of the class project video ended and cut to him beating his meat he was a freshman he spent the remainder of hs known only as the cameraman she got pregnant and had to quit cheerleading the football players didn't want her anymore and her popularity took a hit plus the other girls were very judgmental this one popular girl in hs got so drunk at a party that she just started crapping herself everywhere some friends drove her home and she did it again in the back seat not easily forgotten but it was one of those things no one would say anything about it's just that the entire school knew knew by monday afternoon [ __ ] in the back seat [ __ ] in the front seat gotta make my mind up which seat can i tell you egg i went to the same school as the kids of the prime minister of my country at the time i didn't know the daughter too well but apparently she went from being popular to being bullied out of the school when her dad lost the election it was pretty sad that people starting hating on her for something she had no control over when the kid of the leader of the goddang country is in the school opportunist [ __ ] try to suck up to them when the name no longer has meaning they leave them in the ditch it's a sad cycle he whipped his dong out during class and put it on the shoulder of the girl who was sitting in the desk in front of him he got kicked out immediately and i believe charges pressed for sexual assault we were a couple of weeks from graduating too it's crazy to think something like this lands a sex assault charge as it should but so many other stories in this thread involve people knowing someone is guilty of full-blown rape and doing literally nothing guy wasn't exactly extremely popular to begin with but was well known he punched some girl at my school in the face for no reason at a concert shortly after this there was news that he rolled his brand new camaro going 95 in a 45 this caused him and another guy at our school a lot of injuries his friend lost his entire ear in the accident oh and this was right after they stole beer from kroger they were drunk driving anyways people kept their distance after this another kid that comes to mind was someone very popular in our grade one of my friends went over to his house and used his computer without his permission my friend ended up finding terabytes of child p on his pc from what i heard the fbi even got involved he never was seen at school again after that how do you even manage to find little terabytes of cp in such a short amount of time freshman year of high school very popular guy who was the ed kid freshman for nom wr on a nationally ranked team we were all leaving class one day he randomly decided it was a good idea to make fun of a very well-loved handicapped guy who was dying of his condition some advanced form of water on the brain if i remember correctly and even decided to punch him this knocked the poor kid to the ground about 10 guys immediately jumped him a shop teacher saw it the w are getting his happen and let it continue for a minute before stopping things mr popular got quite messed up in that short window kicked off team expelled moved schools in a move that i'm guessing was a way to start over at a new school never heard from him again went from pep rally king to degenerate outcast in five minutes i had a front row seat and was one of 50 plus who testified to the school admins the victim passed away later that school year from his condition you almost never heard him speak but when he did he was always kind and thoughtful that's just sad he was in my grade we were seniors and it was the last few days of school him and some of his buddies who were also popular but not nearly as much decided to vandalize the school at night they spray painted dongs and stuff all over the outside of the place they also sprayed the words could have done worse on the big entryway doors in the front well they got caught their punishment none of them graduated they all had to repeat the year everyone thought they were idiots after that according to one of my friends who was a grade younger many people would say could have done better to them in passing i mean the fact that they put could have instead of could of is something i guess he was a new kid but due to his looks parents wealth and sports aptitude he quickly became popular then he made the mistake of bullying a harmless kid who was on the spectrum and was basically the football team's lucky charm they did not take kindly to that and he went from being the next big thing to being that kid no one wanted to talk to and he had to basically bribe people to keep them around he made fun of some girl's dead father drug overdose the other popular kids confronted him about how fricked up that was and he lost all of his popularity i love how it's like there was some popular kid counsel that revoked his membership a guy was bragging for like a solid week about how he slept with like three girls at the school turns out two of them got pregnant that was really bad luck but that wasn't what made him unpopular what made him unpopular was that one of the pregnant girls was known as the innocent religious girl and genuinely wanted to wait until marriage before having sex her friend started questioning why she changed her standards so suddenly turns out she was raped she was raped and became incredibly withdrawn instead of getting her help or alerting the adults everyone just sought off dropped her not being a cool kid i learned about what actually happened years later unfortunately poor girl when i was in sixth grade one of my classmates brought 90 ish to school they were going to go shopping after school she was the most popular girl in class at some point during the course of the day the money went missing our teacher went right to the superintendent's office right across the hall from our class this was a super small school where there were only 212 kids total from kindergarten on up to 12th grade within minutes they had pulled us all out of class and separated out the boys and the girls the fifth grade teacher took the girls into the bathroom three at a time and strip searched them and the superintendent handled all of us boys i didn't take the money but i got in a stall locked it and refused to come out i had some serious skid marks going on that day and no one on this earth needed to go rooting around in my underpants he finally gave up and let me go the cops showed up a few hours later and interviewed all of us one by one a few weeks later it got out that she forgot to bring the money to school and it was home in her bedroom the whole time despite us being in a rural area and the next nearest school being 30 miles away the backlash was bad enough that her parents pulled her out of school and sent her to the next town over in retrospect people frick up and our anger at her was misplaced compared to the mountain of lawsuits that should have come down on the superintendent i was the popular girl developed full-blown schizophrenia my sophomore year of high school and had a spiral that rivalled a hollywood movie by the time i graduated everyone knew me as the weird crazy witch girl who talked to herself and had no friends now i'm out of high school stable on my meds with people in my life who love me and i haven't thought about popularity since life is wild i am happy and proud of you for getting better congrats i wish you the very best in the future mental health matters this was in elementary school she peed her pants at recess then her mom came to the school with a change of clothes but was livid about the accident gave her a very loud spanking in the bathroom which everyone heard then made her wear a diaper i guess she wet the bed pretty often i'm pretty sure her mom was intentionally humiliating her as a messed up punishment this was in the 80s in rural alabama things were and still are different there ironically the mom was probably the root of the issue or at the very least exacerbating it pants bedwetting in elementary kids when they should be well past the age of potty training is often a symptom of several disorders it could also very well be a health issue that she needed to see a urologist for they lost their place to a kind and warm heated sweet girl with a very sunny and positive vibe suddenly everyone was around her and not around the popular kid bully basically the students finally saw what they really needed that's kinda always been sort of the case at our school thank god everyone adores her good vibes this is actually kind of sad but the guy i knew was declared athlete of the century at our school he was amazing at football track rugby and wrestling didn't play hockey though which was big where i am but everyone loved this guy because he almost single-handedly won us provincial championships i hate to bring this into it but he was also one of two black kids at our school so he had to really break through some prejudices by some of the people there as it's a small rural community but then he suffered a gruesome leg injury that ended his career so when he stopped playing sports people sort of forgot about him this was 12 years ago and i actually saw him a few months back he's doing well i'm two years younger and he was always nice to me to make it even sadder last year his brother another great athlete took his own life he didn't go to our school though and i didn't know him this is the first story i've read on this thread where the popular athlete wasn't a total dong but a sweet guy with the worst possible luck glad to hear he's doing well she was a bit of a bee pretty as a picture but dim was a dark room once people saw how she really was as a person that's is using her looks to get what she wanted and throwing a hissy fit once she didn't get it caused people to lose interest real quick i actually met her about a decade after we graduated and she was a completely different person really humble and gentle actually a lot more clever than she appeared no idea what she's doing now it's great to hear when people turn their whole personality we found out he ducked a dog he told us the dog licked him when he put peanut butter on his dong instantly couldn't look at him thought he chucked a duck at her dog for a moment word got out that the guy raped his girlfriend and all of his popular friends tried to defend it just happened recently and it's still weird since people either hate him or say he made a mistake there was another guy who was more known than popular and he just got booked in for raping a 12 year old it's not a mistake if they are looking to be absolved of all meaningful punishment for it but the worst people are those who defend it the very definition of corruption there was a new kid at our school that i'll call alex for the purposes of this story he was athletic funny good looking etc he got in with the popular kids pretty quick and got along with just about everybody small town school there was a special needs kid in our grade but i'll call josh everybody loved josh like a little brother and we were all very protective of him one day about a week after alex got to the school he was teasing josh out in the courtyard and josh was getting really upset a few kids told him to cut it out and alex got angry so he pushed josh he instantly was attacked by several of the nearby guys and was getting the snot beating out of him until the teachers got there alex was suspended for two weeks and the guys attacking him were suspended for one week when he got back he was basically shunned nobody would talk to him unless it was school related during gym class people would do whatever they could to exclude him he switched schools after a few weeks of this looking back at it his treatment was really harsh but he freaking deserved it in my eyes i was somewhat part of that crowd and god was there a lot of drama one of the girls got chummed by practically our whole grade after it was revealed that she slept with the boyfriend of this other really well-liked girl they were the it couple she got lots of judgment about it though somehow the guy got away with it without much issue i almost felt bad for her but then i didn't because the year before she made the spanish teacher cry by being so rude and later in the year she was caught cheating in bio and pressuring this really smart girl to give her the answers she wasn't exactly a good person still sucks that the guy got away though he pulled a gun on some football players trying to rape a middle school girl the football players ended up going to prison students teachers and parents made his life a living heck because he ruined the school's chance to make it to the state football championship he didn't ruin it those other kids did nothing that dramatic but they graduated high school then they became a little nobody there was this kid named matt who spent all of grades 112 riding his older brother's fame his older bro was very charismatic and proactive big into sports the student council president valedictorian highest grades you name it matt just walked in as the little bro and got all the attention and popularity from teachers and students because of who his brother was it hit him hard when he went to the local university and realized that nobody knew him or paid him any attention in june he graduated high school as the valedictorian and had a massive amount of awards and scholarships by the end of september only three weeks into university i saw him in a biology class geotypical first-year general bio class that every program seemed to need he was one of 500 students in a massive auditorium sitting in the back i noticed him because he was there with a friend randomly shouting out comments and funny one-liners to try and mock the professor the kind of crap that might have had people giggle and comment about you're so cool you're so funny in grade school well that didn't fly here instead of attention all he got were nasty glares and being ignored by everyone his entire world crumbled he went through little withdrawal from the lack of attention and popularity less than six weeks into university he dropped out my friends and i ran into him at a bowling alley a few years later he was unrecognizable from being thin and athletic he looked like he put on 50 pounds and had a massive be a gut scruffy beard and married with two kids each with different mothers he had the whole world in the palm of his hand and then reality smacked the life out of him here's my story in fifth grade we moved and i changed schools i went from a school in the city where everyone got along and was friends to a school in the suburbs where i was introduced to popular and unpopular for the first time as a fat quiet kid i was quickly deemed unpopular and took my fair share of abuse around march or april my teacher moved our desks around and set up islands of four five desks around the room except for two the most popular boy in school who was a troublemaker in class and me who moved our desks right up next to the side of hers i later found out she did this for two reasons one to keep an eye on him and two she felt i'd be a good influence on him a funny thing happened between then and the end of school we became best friends and i became the second most popular kid in school i started getting invited to birthday parties kids stopped being crappy to me i got invited to play football at lunch girls liked me it was amazing then summer happened we were in different classes the next year he forgot about me then he moved and everyone went back to treating me like crap that's my little story about losing popularity dang sorry to hear that i also moved between fourth and fifth grade and that transition as the new kid in an entire school of kids who have known each other for four plus school years is a really rough one i didn't really get picked on but i definitely became super shy when everyone else knew each other so well he had already lost a lot of popularity from going to state mandated rehab once though the last straw was when he crashed and killed a girl before he made it out of his driveway only a couple months after he got out of mandatory rehab while driving drunk used to friends with the guy but he had a downward spiral and last i heard is still in jail don't drink and drive people it's not just your life on the line when you make that decision he was popular among the group of people he was associated with i don't think he was super popular or anything punk grunge kid all his popularity went out the window when he went out the window of his car after he crashed it into a building because he was huffing paint and speeding down the road with one of the group's popular girls thankfully she survived but from what i recall he wasn't remembered so fondly after that went out the wind window when he went out the window of his car bruh tall good looking foreign exchange student showed up one year with a killer smile and some impressive soccer skills never thought i'd see school girls giggle and follow around boys in a crowd like they do in tv shows but this guy made it happen he abruptly stopped showing up one day after a few months don't know 100 what happened but the rumor was that he got sent back for putting some pretty serious racist symbols in a poetry art project thinking it would be a funny joke this person had been a compulsive liar to the point where nobody believed a single thing she said let's make a list real quick one after her boyfriend had told his friends that he had sex with her she spread the rumor that she was pregnant and started wearing really baggy clothes two she said she drove to the super bowl which at the time was in texas and made it back the next morning for school we live in michigan three said she kissed tom brady of said super bowl four started drama and rumors with every person in the school there was a girl like that at my school and my teenage self felt that was justification to be kind of snarky with her now that i'm a parent i really feel for that girl and what it must have been like to have that compulsion and have it constantly revealed in a way that eroded her credibility more and more each time i'm sorry cw member of national honor society got caught cheating on a final exam senior year their father bribed the principal by donating a car to be used for school activities so that they were graduate at graduation day every other member of nhs took off their rope before crossing the stage to accept their diploma they were brother and sister let's call them eric and megan eric was in his senior year and a couple months from graduating he was a jock an idiot and an absolute tool megan was a sophomore she was actually nice they were both very popular and reasonably attractive their friends would make comments about how hot their sibling was etc the two of them for some fricked up reason made a porno together and showed it to their friends somehow they were surprised when this led to being socially exiled meghan ended up being sent to live with her grandparents about 1 000 miles away this kind of stuff was not uncommon in the area i grew up in m and incest are quite rampant in rural vermont but no one wants to acknowledge that also this was only a few years ago if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 185,428
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Keywords: from popular to lover, popular girl, popular girl typical boy, popular guy, popular in school, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: heoSzRAso9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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