What did the popular kid do, to become an outcast? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what did the popular kid at your school do to go from cool to an absolute outcast best answer to this happens between elementary and middle school our elementary was small and we fed into a middle school with a much bigger school think 20% us and 80% them most popular kids showed up on the first day after only knowing what it's like to be the coolest kid in the small school and tried to starch tea with some random kid who was with 11 of his friends to show how cool and top dog he was to everyone I guess yeah those 12 guys beat him up and then made fun of him for years he wasn't cool anymore just that fast by high school nobody cared anymore but he was never really popular again I remember in middle school a popular kid asked out the most unpopular girl and then embarrassed her in front of everybody by breaking up with her and laughing in her face about how she could think it was real it was really sad and I remember her being really into high school TV shows and I think she really wanted to be popular like she hoped life would be like a Disney show or something idk what happened to him but I remember everyone kind of being like dude and he moved a bit later in high school the popular kids weren't necessarily bullies they weren't super welcoming into their circle to invite everyone to parties and stuff but they weren't total bullies at least that I know of they were just good at sports and attractive pretty much she dated me we were in Speech and Debate together both did impromptu you and we would give each other random quotes and stupid cartoons to practice with spent a lot of time together because of it we dated for about two days before people mocked her for it and she bailed on me hard to keep her social status she never socially recovered from the sin of liking one of the Nerds thing is though she then lost all her nerd friends too there was a popular cheerleader at my school that was in a bad car wreck and she suffered severe brain damage the day she came back some of her friends akka the popular kids sat with her at lunch every day after that though they sat on the other side of the cafeteria in their normal spot and she was with the other special-needs students they would walk past her without saying a word as far as everyone knew her entire group of friends completely abandoned her I don't think she missed them though so silver lining she seemed to be very happy most of the time after the accident not so much before this was in the mid late 80s and every teen movie with a bunch of shitty preppies pretty much accurately depicts the popular kids in my HS he seduced a quad girl in school she was really soft-spoken but super nice to everyone basically everyone's little sister she was absolutely beloved by everyone in her year and he was a year older he was her first love and he fko once took her virginity and then essentially abandoned her she was devastated by it and it broke her for the rest of the time she was at school she went right into her shell and barely spoke to anyone when he started bragging about what he did everyone hated him he even got beat up a few times because people were so angry at what he did well the popular girl at my school tried to ruin the life of a really sweet girl because of boyfriend drama when she realized people were standing up for the sweet girl instead she lost her mind accusing the other girl and her boyfriend of property damage turning on anyone who didn't swear loyalty common to her turning people against one another screaming of teachers it was a mess the nail in the coffin was when she confided to me and two others that she was planning to put laxatives in the pastries she baked for the class obviously I let people know and she became completely ostracized she left at the end of junior year and senior year was the most chill year ever there was a guy that was pretty popular he got really drunk at a party and total he didn't know where he was he pulled down his pants squatted and totally started to poke he moved away immediately he was a senior and I was in eighth grade that was well over 25 years ago well he friended me on Facebook a couple months ago and I kinda recognized him I racked my brain and it came to me the guy who pooped at the party poor guy most popular kid in my middles school was this big Samoan dude looked like he was 13 going on 25 years old I remember he gained a lot of popularity when he serenaded this girl in class to ask her to the dance he had music playing on his iPhone and he started belting out love songs while on bended knee later on that year he went from hero to zero when we found out he'd been molesting his sister some popular girl slept with a not so popular dude if you read this you know I love you but here just not popular deal with it , got caught by her older sister who then told their parents they got mad at her so she said it was rape dude almost went to jail for it his lair made him said he was guilty to lower the charges he got labeled a pedophile was on house arrest could not graduate with his class and got fired from his job TD r-l ruined the dude life all of that - then go two years later and admits to a group of friends it was all lies during school it was heard by the social worker of the school dude was able to bring back thing in court in one girl had to change school after that because of the bullying source dude best bud she was his first and he was so nervous about it and yes he knows I told the story on reddit the cool kid at my high school was basically worshipped by his friends he was bumped up to an advanced class and then befriended some scholars and decided he wanted to get his life back on track which was fine but at my school we have blue ties awarded to those who have high grades and are involved in the school and this quiet girl did this speech about the effects of bullying and how it leads to suicide he started laughing and denied it when confronted he later spread rumors she sucked off the principal to get an academic tie and would say she didn't deserve it his idiot friends who used to be nice were jealous and agreed he stole her homework out of he'll bag and drew our Levin Marv and then handed it to the teacher Mr told the principal and she got detention she was bullied to the point she cut herself and then ran away from home we never saw her after that the cool kid bragged about it and then told everyone it was him her little sister kicked him in the balls and broke his nose he hit back at the 13 year old and broke her glasses everyone hated him from then on and I mean everyone he later dropped out of school and is now a drug addict she moved here from Africa and no one liked her at first after she made friends with two other outcasts of the class they devised a plan to get back at the popular kids so she befriended all the popular kids and when she did that everyone started to love her but then she tore them apart from the inside fed one girl weightloss bars which really just made her fat stole that girl's boyfriend and spread rumors that one of the teachers sold drugs and to top it all off she pushed that girl in front of a bus I deservedly took a hit to my popularity in high school for starting a rumor about a girl's nipples I hooked up with a girl in my grade and told a friend she had pepperoni nipples I know what does that even mean dot he told somebody else and it became a huge rumor and people started teasing her in the hallway obviously the other girls in my grade were none too pleased with me she was a really smart and sweet girl and it wasn't my intention at all she's since forgiven me and we are friends to this day I really don't wanna pretend I was the popular kid but I was a friendly class clown in middle school so was well-acquainted with pretty much everyone I started having a huge crush on an actual popular girl that would use me for free weed and such one night she was panicking for something about her boyfriend yah , and she came home to smoke she went into a complete freak out no idea if she had used before coming home and ended up in the hospital and totally denied that she used drugs to her parents result she told everyone i drugged her in two weeks later that I threatened her with a knife say goodbye cool class clown status young pretty girl let's call her Karen Karen is a cheerleader and cross-country runner really popular junior then you have Chad who is pretty much stereotypical of Chad tall baby blue eyes star quarterback good grades nice to everyone senior both got drunk and high at a party and decided to have consent all sex Karen never mentioned has a BF in college Karen doesn't want to lose her bf so she cries that Chad raped her everyone knew it was a lie because she bragged about finally being with Chad and hoping she will date him and marry him etc police get involved in they investigate found out she was lying she becomes the social outcast with no friends and her bf broke up with her this one kid wouldn't call him popular but he made sure everyone was paying attention to him always wore a black trench coat while being eccentric and just doing goofy sh t throughout the day the Columbine massacre happened and all of a sudden people started becoming suspicious of him naturally he dropped the attention-seeking act and stopped wearing his famous trench coat lucky for him I think it was near the end of the school year and was graduating from HS that same year there was this kid at my private school a couple years ago he was popular and considered funny and stuff I think that he was brought up wrong because his father was most of the time drunken doll in sixth grade the year I left the school he started to do stupid things such as flooding the bathroom graffitiing the bathroom walls and just being stupid in class like swearing at the teacher and all this is the point where he gets expelled and he gets mad basically nobody wanted to be his friend anymore and he threatened to go to the Halloween party with a gun and kill them all someone reported him and his house got swatted he got sent to juvie cause he try to actually shoot an officer with a BB gun haven't heard anything about him since he stopped playing football and started hanging around with all the weird kids and cutting off his old friends he was actually one of the popular kids who would have secretly hung out with some of the weird kids outside of school and while he didn't ignore them in school he stayed out of okay I was one of them long away and we sort of had an unwritten rule that we didn't approach him in school the thing was that a lot of the weird kids didn't trust him so he was never fully accepted into that group the fact he was good at football and used to be friends with the popular guys and go out with the popular girls made him a sort of pariah someone brought him to her party one time and from the reactions of some people you'd have thought they'd shown up with Gary Glitter or something a popular kid from my Catholic elementary school often bullied other kids and even teachers he was the typical mean rich kid and extremely reckless a few years back in middle school I found out he got in an accident in one of those four seater ATVs with two of his friends he was the only one not wearing a seat belt and of course the one driving recklessly the ATV flipped over ejected him and crushed his body for several minutes the friends weren't strong enough to get it off in time nor get neighbors to help fast enough he ended up having severe brain damage and couldn't even walk fast forward to high school I saw him in the hallway with a special ed assistant he has no idea who he is but he looked happy and he's finally able to walk all of his old friends of course don't even look at him he just didn't grow up it's funny in the first year when you have a guy calling out the teachers and disrupting the lesson and making it so a class learns nothing for a full lesson when you're trying to cram in lesson for your final exams that's when it's not fun for anyone involved he spend the whole of his last year at high school trying to relive his popularity by repeating the same dumb sh-t in lessons and everyone got sick of it basically the class clown isn't funny when he's giving you extra work to do at home one popular kid that my school was your typical jock [ __ ] people later found out he was gay and all of his jock friends stopped talking to him and such another kid was quite unpopular even though he had donated to zero-zero-zero cans also didn't aid two homeless people it's what won the competition at our school we had a thing called break the rules day but only one gender could really enjoy it whichever gender donated most cans and I watched him get bullied even on that day later he ended up fighting two jerks and beat both of their asses it was quite satisfying and although he's still not popular he's a really good guy meanwhile everyone probably suspected I was a school shooter because I wore black and was always quiet I eventually dropped out sophomore year because of my anxiety I never actually wanted Daario do anything to the school I was just constantly anxious and paranoid ever since I was jumped in middle school super cool guy very relaxed and friends with everyone rate a girl at a party who was nice to everyone he got the sh t kicked out of him for weeks cops were involved started with port then coke and now some harder drugs turned out the girl lied and she had regretted sleeping with him but the damage and relationships were already destroyed I see him around once in a while he could have been anyone but he didn't hang out with the best crowd after that and it set him on an unknown path to what he is now this girl was a great under me and for the life of me I could never understand why she was so popular considering she was on that edge of [ __ ] but funny but also mostly just rude well she let all of the high school game go to her head when she accused a guy in my grade of our pay at a party the only issue was not only was this guy innocent and was with people all night he also had a girlfriend as well as had been more popular than this girl as he was literally the most popular guy in school it was a huge deal the police got involved phones were taken they found a text messages from her two friends stating she was trying to ruin his life because he didn't want to be her boyfriend she moved away in middle of the year and admitted everything she's doing well now but everyone who remembers doesn't like her didn't attend school with her but her falls from grace was reported in the news very pretty popular girl from a very wealthy family she would drive her dad's Porsche to school ended up getting into half in those dust off cans she would inhale this tea while driving and ended up slamming into a mother and child seven years old girl died on impact mother lost her arm it made the news because just like that affluence case charges were most likely going to be dropped the neighboring town where this little girl was from formed together and marched the route from one town to the other in protest all the way to the scene of the accident I think she ended getting five years and ballooned to nearly 250 pounds last I saw there wasn't like one popular group but a well-liked girl in school was known for being pretty nice and smart she got pregnant our junior year and dropped out of school coming back the next year she graduated with us but he wasn't so surrounded with friends if she was previously instead she had about three friends she always hung out with and didn't really go out of her way to talk to anyone else she is still really pretty nice and smart she just also has a pretty nice and smart daughter too the senior prank at our high school some popular guys stole animals from a local petting zoo farm where the animals freely roamed and put them on the football field the worst part is that they spray-painted them with staff names and some had to be euthanized because of the paint now the animals are fenced in and there is a clock above the enclosure explaining that our high school students are basically a bunch of [ __ ] short my friend T C's prized champion Bulldog my friend TC works with my grandpa on weekends doing fairly advanced carpentry mostly building really high quality bars for nice hotels and pubs and was paid well for it $20 an hour cash he saved up his and bought a really well-bred AKC bulldog champion health tested parents successful show breeder I know he paid over $4,000 for it and this was the late 90s he even paid a professional handler to show the dog and got it's a champion title at about one five years old while one of the popular kids was also a gang member they wanted to scare TC so they shot at him when he was walking his dog and killed the dog he loved that dog I feel really bad for TC but I had to keep my distance from him because now he is a hardcore Nazi the kid who shot the dog was completely ostracized and TC dropped out of high school about a month later popular kids house burned down in an arson then a week later his car I think he died junior year in a drug-related mess TC got his GERD then went to a private college and got his BA in organizational leadership now owns his own electrical contracting company guy was a total douchebag used to send random d ck pics to my girlfriend and tons of other girls until most females blocked him three years later he died of a heroin overdose his brother is a great guy were good friends and he enlisted and is doing great I'd like to say I feel bad for him but I don't his own choices drove everyone away his funeral is on the same day as another guy in his grade who died of cancer everyone loved this kid chances are no one will come to his funeral I just feel bad for his family at this point made fun of a cool teacher behind his back but in hearing distance so the teacher obviously heard several times the teacher dragged a leg slightly and the kid would drag his leg behind the teachers back and laugh about being a [ __ ] his friends would laugh with him eventually though they told him it wasn't cool he kept at it though and apparently made fun of practically everyone behind their back it caught up to him and everyone hated him but his small group of stoner friends eventually someone snitched that he had drugs in his locker and he got expelled the principal could have easily not involved police but even he knew about how much of a D CK this it was that's what you get when you piss everyone off and even the principal teachers don't give a sh t if you ruin your life throw away as popular outcast kid is still a close friend and knows Mayra did handle in eighth grade he was a popular kind and well-liked jock in a small Midwest school he was showering in the locker room after basketball practice as we all done a hundred times before but this time he suddenly got a no apparent reason boner dude was mortified and moved to one of the corner showerheads to hide and wait for it to subside one of the other popular jock swords called him out and it was all over he was ostracized by the jocks and bullied mercilessly from that time till he graduated senior year they nicknamed him boner and spread rumors he was gay I don't know how he managed go get through high school with his sanity turned out well for him in the end he dropped sports and focused on academics in high school got into a good college and is more successful in the ass bags that bored him he has an amazing wife and kids he gave up an interception for a touchdown that lead to a loss in the big game the entire school hated him his football career never recovered as he was social shocked by that moment he couldn't throw right anymore he wasn't like a top prospect or anything but he did get the attention of some state colleges he ended up with a scholarship to a school that hadn't won a football game in at least a decade at that point he stayed there for a year before leaving college and coming home he's done okay for himself he manages several local carwash isn't as a family nine of them actually who all cheated constantly for four years to get flawless GPAs and became the top ten of our class they also all got into prestigious universities the high school I went to was extremely academically competitive so needless to say when the top ten were announced everybody was livid especially the kids who should have been top ten including my friend who was the fifteenth rang only the unpopular salutatorian earned her grades honestly and she got the loudest applause of graduation you may ask did they ever get caught no we all saw them cheat there was an underground test Lance's dealer at my school believe it or not but nobody took it seriously all those years also honestly because most students were cheating themselves and did not want to lose their source of answers by ratting someone out the academic pressure at my school was that high by the time these kids were top ten and had been accepted to college they slacked off so when people finally reported them there was never any proof that they cheated when I was a kid my best friend had a popular older sister who was a junior in high school on the varsity cheerleading team a party got busted that the whole team was at when it came out the school kicked every girl off the squad and ban them from extracurriculars but took no action against boys from the football team that were at the same party her dad was a lawyer and sued the school over it on behalf of all the girls they didn't even win but the rest of the school hated her for trying to get the football team in trouble it was a small community and there was a lot of bad blood over it her dad ended up moving so that she and her brother who was a freshman could live with him and go to another school we were in elementary school when it happened and my friend stayed with her mom by the time we got to high school it had blown over but the separation was hard on her family and her parents got divorced last year was my freshman year so there was this kid who was literally as done as a pile of rocks but he was popular he was also an ass so idk why people liked him he was selling jewels and other veyts to the other underclassmen well this dumb be stored all of his stock in his locker and when the school did their Locker checks vapes and jewels just come pouring out of this guy's locker we were all kind of laughing but anyways he got called to the office and asked to explain what the fudge just happened they offered to lighten his punishment if he could tell them others who might have vapes needless to say this kid ended up ratting on a good 55 kids who all got suspended in the great debate bust of 2k 19 at my school no one bought from him again and no one really talked to him after that law popular guilty battle with a copular guy apparently he tore her cell and she shat all over his D CK and had to go to the hospital he told enough people about it that had got around and no one could think about her without thinking about her [ __ ] on a guy's dick she hardly became a pariah but she did become poop girl nobody his opinion of the guy changed much which in my opinion sucks because in telling people about it was kind of haha shitty there was also a very hot girl who told everyone about how she let her dog lick peanut butter off her snatch but she was already considered to be weird as f-ck even before that I was best friends with the most popular guy in school for a couple years back in middle school he was great but the rest of the popular kids met they were all cooler than me in my opinion but he saved me a seat at lunch every day and we had our own lame handshake and all that [ __ ] but that whole group never felt like it really fit me aside from him obviously so one day at lunch I decided to sit with the nerdy kids who played magic never really got my popularity back after that and I think I hurt my friend's feelings because he was never the same to me after that it was never my intention to hurt him but that's not the sort of consequence kids anticipate never got a chance to reconnect with him unfortunately cancer is a b tch and it took him a few years later we left him an open chair and high school graduation on the plus side I'm still friends with some of the nerdy kids and we're in our 30s now magic isn't my thing but those nerdy kids were great they taught me that it doesn't matter what others think of you if you love yourself majority of the football team was doing steroids but he was caught red-handed and was where all the outrage was thrown at it was kind of fk'd up he was always nice to everybody and never pick or bullied anyone he also gave back to people that helped him with homework some kid helped him with math so he would work out with that same dude after school when it was not football season after he got caught with steroids everybody acted like he was a piece of sh t believe that was reasonable for cheating in truth he was just a dude that took steroids and busted his ass and saw amazing results steroids were already there local media ran the story and pretty much almost named him he was under 18 so they walked a fine line the self righteous indignation of everyone was disturbing I was on the football team and also was on roids I knew other people who were on the same [ __ ] a lot of people on roids loved pointing the finger at him it was really shitty there was a girl that was the popular girl in school she had all the friends and even put out an album she was a total stir locally one day we were taking standardized tests and she runs out of the room and doesn't return when we left the class there was green diarrhea all over the floor just down the hall from the classroom poor girl didn't make it to the bathroom in time she didn't return to school that school year and moved to another town school completely after that she married a famous NFL player and is one of these Instagram ppl now so she bounced back from a shitty situation pretty well not really out casted but a girl at my high school got cancer I'm not sure exactly what type I think it was on her lung but I remember her talking about how he was pressing against her spine and that caused pain or motor problems or something like that a lot of people started avoiding her after word got out it wasn't really that they were trying to be cruel or didn't feel bad for her it was more that it was an awkward social situation they had no experience with and it was much easier to have a band to confront head-on none of her close friends did this fortunately but lots of casual acquaintances great friends I was an acquaintance great friend but I was good friends with her best friend so we still hung out some that's not to say anything good about me I'm actually / avoidant of difficult situations and totally understood why people were avoiding her I've just never felt all that uncomfortable around people with terminal illnesses for some reason [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: iPi6OIQyM9U
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Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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