Doctors, what is the strangest thing a patient said? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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doctors of Reddit what is the strangest thing a patient said they had had actually turned out to be true my daughter had a fall on the trampoline when she was three she let out this really weird scream then went pale quiet and sweaty and wouldn't let us touch her arm we only live five minutes from the hospital so I put her in the car and drove there she slept in the car we get to the hospital and check in and she's found her second wind the trishna rolled her eyes at me when I asked for an x-ray but I wanted one anyway at this point my daughter was literally pilgrim waiting around the waiting room I was starting to doubt myself even the x-ray technician was laughing at us about five minutes after the x-rays taken a very red face straightness runs out to the waiting room and firmly tells me to stop my daughter from dancing she's broken her arm and they don't know if she won't need surgery or not she didn't need surgery in the end but spent six weeks in a plaster cast it turns out she's Madison has a great pain threshold love her patient here this is a case where the doctor cooled [ __ ] on what I had broke my arm once there was a huge waiting time at local hospital so I decided to go to another hospital the next morning I slept really badly but managed to have like 3-4 hours of sleep instead of waiting the whole night awake in a waiting room when I explained what happened to the doctor she said it was not broken because if it was I would never be able to sleep with it so I get used to the idea I did not break my arm I stay there for the scans because it was swelled and wait the doctor came back with two pills of morphine saying I had incredible pain tolerance and that my arm broke out three places she then explained I needed a surgery the same day and they are making place for it on the agenda I can still remember her face when explaining to me the procedures of the surgery knowing she told me earlier it was not possible not a doctor friend's son aged 2 came home from daycare said he had stuck an acorn up his nose mum looked no Akon around two and a half boy develops chronic throat and sinus infections has eight courses of antibiotics in a year age four boy is sent for tonsillectomy surgeon comes out of theatre shows mum a moldy rotten Akon turns out he did put an acorn up his nose they left tonsils and boy ridiculously healthy ever since I had a bone replacement surgery up a third of the tibia and it was fixed in place to heal with a titanium plaque and screws one day the plaque broke and I went to the ER and told the doctor that I had a broken piece of titanium and he called it [ __ ] his face after seeing the x-ray with the plaque separated in two pieces was priceless how the f ck did the plate break because of the pressure some physics thing apparently the bone implant is weak and the titanium holds all the pressure from walking and since bones are slightly elastic and the metal is not the pressure makes it break jokes are on me though as it has happened three times with all the implications of having to go through surgeries and replacements and blablabla in the last surgery I had removed six screws that were also torn apart a patient walked in the clinic with a complaint of fever I noticed his hands were very yellow he did have a history of alcoholism but no other signs I told him his hand suggests he is jaundiced and will need tests he laughed and said oh no I just dusted my hands with turmeric obligatory not a doctor but a medical student on my mental health placement there was a guy I saw on a home visit who was convinced his neighbor was trying to kill him this guy had a history of mental health problems in the doctors were sure he was psychotic and all of this was in his head however a few days later the doctor went round for another home visit and found his neighbor trying to climb through the window with an axe the poor man wasn't psychotic at all his neighbor was actually trying to murder him and everyone thought he was just mad my grandfather had schizophrenia and fears told us that someone was poisoning his water we all ignored him until one day when one of my uncle's tested his water and it turns out it was actually unsafe to drink everyone felt really bad for ignoring his complainants for years however it probably wasn't the Soviets who did it as he claimed inpatient psych ward when I was a medical student we admitted a guy who was having psychotic delusions he lived in a holler a small valley between two mountains for weeks he had been absolutely preoccupied by this idea that the mountain was going to fall on his house he would spend days at a time without sleep finding rocks branches and other junk and piling them up behind his house because the mountains gonna fall down on my house I guess this wasn't the first time this happened because the family brought him in saying he was off his meds working himself to death to build a pile of junk behind his house he's admitted for a week or two goes to group therapy house his meds adjusted and he's doing well we decide he's been tuned up and ready to be discharged his family comes to pick him up but they have this grin look on their faces we're bringing him back to the hotel yesterday there was a landslide it destroyed the house double-quote two stories both of which where I'm the patient a when I was 11 my brothers were bullying me so I rode away on my bike really fast went head over Turkey over a log and decided that to teach my brothers a lesson I'd go all in so I cried and cried when my mum got home she said my arm was probably broken and did all the first-aid stuff rest ice compression elevation and put me in a triangle bandage go to doctors with me thinking while she's going to be super mad when she realizes nothing's wrong nope it was fractured got a cast and everything it never even heard so I guess it's a story of I'm glad someone bought my [ __ ] story because despite lack of pain I was the one who was wrong be some people in my family have no immunity to chicken pox I have had it four times my brother five times vaccine doesn't work on us but every time we tell someone whether it be a doctor or just a family member when explaining why I can't see that chickenpox II nephew because I could get chickenpox again nobody believes me one doctor didn't even believe me after he tested me just kept saying well this can't be right I mean he was probably just surprised but I still didn't go back to that doctor not a doctor but a patient in January this year the sight of my face grew bigger and bigger and I was in extreme pain I go to my GP and tell him looks like mumps don't you think coma but he brushes it off saying I got my vaccines he sends me to the ER because he does not know what I haven't how to treat it after five hours in the ER they finally get my blood tested for the mumps turns out you can still have the mumps even though you're vaccinated and this ladies and gentlemen is why the rest of us need to be immunized feed immunity guys edit heard but leaving it up because it's pretty funny patient here I broke the same rib eleven times over the course of three years but the doctor often wouldn't even order an x-ray she just said it wasn't healing right give it time I tell her there's something else going on she dismisses me finally after the 11th time she says fine Weill x-ray x-ray shows a mass masses by opposite I have a tumor the tumor was weakening the bone to the point that it broke when I reached into another cabinet for the sugar had that bad boy named him Adam removed in 2018 one week hospital stay worse surgery I can imagine and now I'm doing great not a doctor but once had a patient claimed to be a former member of a very famous sports team googled it and it was true poor guy was kind of unknown he made the team and then quit or do various illnesses very soon after not a doctor but a combat medic and the army had a private heat stroke on me and on his journeys back and forth between consciousness he stated my battle hurt but feel really good too in a slurred outburst I looked at him trying not to burst out laughing why yes private there's a rectal thermometer in your nono square my boyfriend took one of our cats to the vet recently for a suspected UT kidney issue and when the vet took her temperature rectally in a room with a handful of interns he says you're really not supposed to perjuring this part nurse I had a patient in her late 70s talk about how her mom was upstairs and died last night I used to work neuro and so confused old people was our gig so I just listened like ham row okay and did my job I told another staff member about how she wouldn't stop talking about her mom being upstairs and dying last night and they said it's true her 98 year old mom died an hour like who last night I checked the role in the morgue and lo and behold her mom's name was on it well okay then reminds me of a patient of mine that came delirious but insisted his mother was alive patient was in his 70s I thought it was part of the delirium but when he recovered it actually turned out his mother was in his nineties and still alive my great-grandmother outlived nine of her 13 children which included all of her sons only four daughters lived longer than her three still alive today although ones getting a bit dotty my default assumption for any old man as they've got an even older mother still hanging around somewhere usually in better health than them not a doctor my appendix had burst and I waited the next morning to go to the hospital they dismissed me pretty much right away because I was laughing and joking around after a couple hrs of waiting I had an ultrasound and the lady said she couldn't find my appendix so that couldn't be the issue makes sense right comma so she tried another type of ultrasound and found it dropped below my ovary before it burst so they quickly gound me and started pumping meb's into me then when they rushed to get the already I was put on the gurney and was getting wheeled in I was still happy and joking around because I was just ready to get it out and just nervous about it all so the doctors double-check that I in fact had a burst appendix because I should have been in a lot more pain obligatory not a doctor but I remember when I was really young like four or five for whatever reason I put him and M s just regular ones up my nose because I don't know kids are f king idiots some of them got accidentally stuck because they were too far back well I was with my grandmother at the time and mentioned that they were stuck and she freaked and took me to the ER but by the time I actually got seen by a doctor I guess the chocolate had melted because of my body heat and the doctor didn't believe my grandmother because there was nothing obvious there but finally he agreed to use a swab to make sure and when he pulled the swab out it was covered in chocolate and my grandmother was vindicated paramedic here and not my patient but from another ambulance yesterday it was a boy I think about 12 years old who believed broke his arm by throwing a bull because he heard something in his arm while throwing and then it hurt however he just sat in the school's gym without a great deal of pain and jumped into the ambulance by himself even what trauma check was allegedly unsuspicious they put his arm in a SAM splint and brought him to the accident clinic the team of the ambulance later asked in the hospital if the arm was broken or not because they didn't really believe him turns out it was broken I was an intern and the busiest ER in the u.s and naive older man came in with belly pain he said he had been drinking and messing around with some random woman and had passed out he woke with belly pain and told me I bet she put something in there I could feel a mass in the lower abdomen but doubted anyone could insert something into his rectum without waking even a drunk man x-ray showed a coat hanger without the hook one of those metal kind that is one long smooth arc and covered in padding and wrapped with silk or similar material I say I was naive because I believed him when he said he didn't know he clearly put it there there was no woman I have since removed dozens of things from people's backsides that like cost him several hours of work up and waiting I think we all felt his belly and pushed on that thing not to be not a doctor one but I was the patient I was going on vacation when I felt a really sharp pain in my intestines I didn't thought much of it but I am a really paranoid person so the next day I started to get really worried when the pain early got stronger I was 9 at the time and I was staying at my relatives house so I called my mom and literally said I have appendicitis she shrugged it off and said that I should get some rest but I insisted that I should go to the doctor she finally gave in and said ok when we got to the doctor he diagnosed me with appendicitis immediately so after a long vacation of 11 hours I went back and got my surgery not a doc my mops was complaining that she thought my pops was losing his marbles not replying when spoken to etc made some doctor's appointments finally decided to check his hearing by golly an asian beetle had crawled into his ear coating all gunked up with earwax causing his hearing to decline Pop's is still alive and kicking even replying to her when he feels like it nurse here so I was doing my night shifts in ER and it was fairly calm a guy walks in holding his crotch and he had a lot of clothes around his waist he asked for a male doctor there was a female doctor on call and he refused to see her I sent a male colleague to assess him as soon as he was done with the assessment he peeked from inside the curtain pail apparently his wife found out that this guy was cheating on her and cut across the shaft of his penis while he was getting into bed long story short he was bleeding badly and had to taken in for emergency surgery he survived not the marriage though my mom used to work as a nurse in intercity Chicago she told me us too we that some guy came in saying he had injected sh t into his leg he wasn't lying he literally injected liquid sh t into his leg to get himself sick a second story is that the homeless lady came in for some reason that I don't remember when they were giving her a bath some white and soggy lump was found in the tub the lady said oh that's my frie she had been stuffing them into her V Gina to store to eat later my husband was previously diagnosed by another doctor but when we moved to another state his new practitioner didn't believe him that the veins in one of his scrotum were knotted during the first appointment my husband explained in detail all the studies tests and treatment plan he's done even signed the release form to get records husband shows a practitioner what he's taking and asks for refills and referrals the practitioner says he'll do everything requested but fill the Norco script because he wants to review the records first once he gets them my husband has explained the pain to me that it is like getting kicked in the balls all the time with worse flare-ups he's understandably frustrated that he's out of the one medication that helps and can't get a refill the husband tells the practitioner to feel my balls you can feel the knotted veins pulls down his pants and whips out his junk the practitioner agrees and pales when he feels the not prescription written same-day records were received a few weeks later sorry another one from me when my son was three he became unwell over the space of a week tired drinking more bed wetting challenging behavior I took him to the GP and said that I was worried it could be a UT or type 1 diabetes I knew they would want urine sampled but the only bottle I had at home was a small coke bottle I washed it thoroughly into he weed in it when we got to the doctors it came up with massive amount of sugar in his way the GP sanctimoniously lectured me about how I should have used a proper sample bottle he gave me a sterile one and I took my son to the toilet he was able to we on-demand at that point as he was drinking so much Chikara there was a massive amount of sugar in it again GP mumbled in apology and after a stay in hospital our journey with type 1 diabetes in a three year old began I'm not a doctor not even the patient in this story but the co-worker of the patient a few years ago my coworker wasn't feeling well just general achy malaise and he had red splotches on his face so he was telling me and another co-worker that he had a doctor wrapped at lunch cuz yesterday he just didn't feel good when he got home from work as I described comer suddenly out of nowhere I asked him if he'd ever had the chickenpox the red splotches didn't look like classic pimple like red spots but I'd been reading a book and one of the characters had it and it just popped out of my mouth he said he didn't think he'd had it as a kid lunch rolls around he goes to his apt and I get a phone call about 40 minutes later the co-worker is sitting in the exam room doctor had just examined him and said he had something but he wasn't sure what so coworker mentions what I said about the chickenpox doctor looks at him and says that must be one very smart lady because that's exactly what you have so that was my first and only diagnosis and only because of a character in my book patient here I was at a festival a couple months ago when I got knocked about in emotion went down hard before someone yanked me out I went to the mid SEM three different times because something in my knee didn't feel right and ever single time was turned away until guy just had a bruised knee and let all they could do was give me ibuprofen and an ace bandage after about six hours of walking on it and having a collapse out on me repeatedly I finally called it and went home I convinced her mate to drive me to edy the next morning free Hospice it because my country isn't stupid and walked in by myself sat there for a couple hours before I could see someone and then when I did I had to push to get an x-ray and an MRI saying I thought I'd torn my ACL doc told me I won't ever been able to walk from the car until he D let alone the six hours the day before results come in and turns out I've done the terrible triad ACL MCL and PCL so that major surgery and a 6-9 month recovery time so yeah F cked doc and amble volunteers occupational therapist here I was gathering a social history on an elderly patient asked who she lives with she told me she lives with her six dogs and two hundred zero zero zero B's I was like yup this lady has post-operative delirium called her son to get the real social history he was like yeah she's a beekeeper and she adopts old dogs I was the patient in this situation in seventh grade I was riding scooters with my little brother and I fell off when I hit a pothole [ __ ] Michigan and when I found I put my arms out in front me I felt the worst pain in my right arm and right from my funny bone I have never screamed so loud and I still had to walk home my brother was freaked out and I kept telling him I broke my funny bone I broke my funny bone we finally get home and I tell my mom the same thing she's a nurse bTW she didn't believe me and didn't even check my arm i sat on our sofa for about four hours crying and saying I was in pain before she took me to the doctor they took an x-ray and sure enough I broke my ulna my mom never even said sorry for not believing me and I had to wear a cast and everything plus I had to go through months of well it wasn't very funny with it patient complained of movement and a chin in lower left evangelist mandible while in my chair he reached up and scratched a hole through his gingival and was bleeding profusely trying to get to them and show me the wriggling things I'm sad to say that I suggested a psych evaluation but to be fair I did refer to all surgeon just in case even made a personal phone call to ensure warm handoff and rapid response dot then covered some kind of parasitic insects He healed and I listen to patients no matter how bizarre sounding they feel something I told the ligaments in my knee when I was 12 in the doctor had a difficult time getting the stitches out one broken he decided to leave it under my skin telling my parents it would resolve when I was 16 I banged my knee against something and out popped the end of the stitch I went to the doctor to get it removed you could see a long curly blue thing under my skin I insisted this was the remaining stitches my doctor just thought it was a vein she froze a small area around the protruding stitch and pulled on it she pulled out two or three inches of curly stitching she held it up looking shocked and said I have to go show the other doctors this and left the room had a larger patient complaining of abdominal wall pain ever since they were head-butted by a goat CT scans never identified anything on a whim got an ultrasound and saw this little cyst thing the size of a pea right where they were heading tell them no guarantees but I'd be willing to cut it out to see if it helps ended up cutting out an ellipse of tissue where the cyst thing was and all their pain was gone I was the patient in this scenario but my boyfriend came home to find me unconscious and covered in vomit the only words I could get out where I've had a stroke on repeat doctors dismissed it for nearly 48 hours before someone with common sense gave me a scan and I had a bleed on both sides of my brain wasn't believed because I was 22 and looked fine I dislocated my knee for the second time when I was about 18 simply sliding into a booth at a bar screamed at the sudden pain and one of my friends called an ambulance only problem was that it had popped back in by the time the ambulance got there they decided that I couldn't possibly have dislocated it fast forward about nine years when after many more dislocations of my knees shoulders and wrists and finally a cancer scare because my boobs suddenly changed shape they discovered that my ligaments just weren't holding me together properly it was my physiotherapist that advised I asked to be third foreign ehlers-danlos diagnosis and when I asked I was told you can't possibly have that your skin springs back straightaway I insisted in about six months later I was finally referred to the rheumatologist spoiler alert I have L whose damn loose [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 111,892
Rating: 4.9259534 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: q-C3UMJt-uE
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Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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