Which brand has lost you as a customer? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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which brand has lost you as a customer Allstate I was at fault in an auto accident I was distracted thinking about a friend who was near death and we are ended someone no injuries but my truck did a lot of damage to the other car the young man who owned it was very nice I felt awful especially when it was clear his car was not drivable and possibly recalled I assured him I was well insured and called my agent to verify he would get a rental until the claim was settled I told the police and the apostate claims depth it was 100% my fault I felt certain the young man would be taken care of wrong about six weeks later he called me he said he hated to bother me but Allstate was being very difficult he only had the rental for a week but they waited three weeks to inspect his car and make him an offer they said he was partially responsible so they were only going to give him half the value of his car which was totaled he couldn't begin to get a comparable replacements for what he was offered I spent a week arguing with the claim depth with no results he tried to file with his carrier for underinsured motorist coverage but my limit of liability as two hundred and fifty dollars zero zero zero so I am NOT under in short my husband and I paid him a fair amount for his car plus $1,000 for all the hassle and then cancelled every line of business we had with a prostate auto home both motorcycle and commercial our annual premiums are over $30.00 Tate farm has our business now but I am still furious at how they treated this kid if we weren't fortunate enough to have taken care of this out of pocket this gut would have been royally screwed great young man with a wife and baby working to become a licensed electrician just themed type of person you want to [ __ ] on right Comcast despite their shitty service I was willing to ray up with them if they would keep the initial rate I had been paying the previous two years they declined and when asked if they wanted some of my money or none of my money Babel he told me that none of my money was the best option for them normal businesses can't survive with that kind of disrespect and disregard for their customers they are 100% a monopoly I live in a Google Fiber area where you can come and watch Comcast act like decent human beings out of pure survival instinct they tripled my internet speeds and doubled my channels all premium channels while cutting my bill 40% a month log and sauce Road Harris went to one a decade ago and got a buffalo chicken sandwich it was raw in the middle I told the server and her response was Siri it's not usually a safer bet to get the chicken strips left right then and Haven Saad once thought go back something similar happened to me at a food truck in New York City I got chicken kebabs that were all in the middle went back and told them their response was you should have asked for the chicken well-done then that's not how chicken works DirecTV got I agonized with leukemia they spent the first month figuring out how to fire me second months they insisted they never received any documentation from my physician even when I was on the phone with a nursing assistant if she faxed the information to them walked into the office one day they gave me a box and walk me out because I had and provided the necessary documentation within 30 days double quote [ __ ] DIRECTV Sprint my first cell phone was Sprint had them for years then they decided to charge me twice a month for one phone call to get it fixed and nothing I switched to AT&T and we cancelled Sprint kept same number though Sprint kept charging the after canceling and tried to sue me for not paying even though I had recorded the cancellation got him to drop those charges but then sued me from not paying the late fees for those payments I didn't pay after I cancelled dropped sprint about 8-10 years ago because they charge me extra because I went over on data they claimed I sent a file a picture that was 30 gigabytes the rep on the phone kept trying to tell me that no I was confused gigabytes are smaller than megabytes I was nowhere near going over on data thrifty car n4 got a car with problems I noticed on my drive from the airport at the same time my dad was in hospice and they weren't sure how long he would be alive thrifty wouldn't do anything to help me tailed me to return the car and exchange it and they would charge me for the pleasure I tried to explain my situation Airport was two hours away dad's dying can I have triple-a tow it back to them or something no I ended up renting a second car in my hometown while he was dying and paid for the full two weeks renting one car that worked and one from thrifty complained to corporate and their response was basically maybe you shouldn't have prioritized your dad's dying over a rental car [ __ ] thrifty Best Buy after a decade of loyal service and promotions and a clear desire to move up in the company they laid off my husband in the middle of a [ __ ] Saturday he just came into my office and kept repeating they just fired me they just laid me off I don't have a job double-quote it all came out that they were spying on how good technicians performed and then out sourced all their jobs they kept on a few people to train a new group but all of them made immediate exit strategies it was so cold and callous I can't even fathom stepping into one of their stores again edan we booked an apartment in San Diego that ended up being completely disgusting and in a terrible part of town it was advertising as safe for babies kids and it was absolutely not the case especially not for our two-year-old we called NB to complain and asked them to help us find another place for us to stay without telling us they cancelled our reservation in the middle of the night while we were sleeping at 1a and we hear someone trying to gain entry into the apartment and we were absolutely freaking out thinking that someone was trying to break in turns out it was the owner he was told that we had canceled in that we had left already and he was here to clean up we call Adam began and they told us we had to vacate the property immediately and had no right to stay there even though we didn't sort cancel the reservation or asked to cancel it they offer no apology and justified their behavior by stating that site was for the safety of our child so that they cancel our reservation and force us to have to relocate to another hotel with a screaming toddler at 3:00 a.m. all while in shock from the ridiculous situation that they put us in we were lucky that they refunded us in full and using hotel tonight we were able to quickly find another hotel that same night and it ended up being really great I will never ever use Adam again [ __ ] them Home Depot at least four appliances my landlord ordered a new dishwasher for our apartment I have to be at home to receive the delivery on each of the following days work days of course first day apparently they can't find the loading dock for the condo second day they show up far too late and the service elevator is closed third day they bring it up but tell me they can't install it unless we call someone else to remove an aluminium plate for them after they leave I take a look in the play just snaps off effortlessly they can't be called back they have to be rescheduled for another day the dishwasher is left in the living room fourth day the dispatcher confirms they are scheduled to arrive they never arrived they never call fifth day let's see what happens also yay obviously Kroger everytime they adjust their stores the aisles get narrower in their selection gets thinner but they also carry less of each item I used to be able to stock up on a month's worth of cat food with a good variety now I struggle to get two weeks worth on top of that the shelves are spaced apart very far so my fingers keep getting pinched trying to get the cans out and what kind of grocery store runs out of [ __ ] paper towels and chips how do you run out of Cool Ranch Doritos oh that's right you only stock half of what you used to they used to have fantastic butchers but now everything is prepackaged and sent to the store off-site so if they are out of short rib which guess what they always are because they don't stock enough you're [ __ ] out of luck once they added the clicklist [ __ ] done the picker carts are longer and wider than normal cards it's already a struggle to get two carts past each other the picker carts make it impossible to get by them I went to Maya for the first time in my life last week and instantly Kroger lost my loyalty wider aisles seriously three cuffs were able to fit in one aisle and an on-site butcher they didn't have short rib out so the guy went back and cut me some rice and they're high and I had a sunroof grenade due to what has recently come out to be a design flaw the fighting I had to do to get it serviced and the way they treated me as a customer making up [ __ ] excuse after [ __ ] excuse including sin engineer from Korea who flew in and pieced together my sunroof so which was [ __ ] as its tempered glass and shatters into tiny fragments and a massive amount of them were in my bag a hundred mile away Volkswagen I stupidly bought one of their overpriced overly complex and over engineered cars because they told me the price the aftermarket warranty would cover anything at all that went wrong with the thing oh wait except that overly complicated folding hardtop convertible roof that has 632 moving parts oh you want a loaner better beg because we don't normally do that for our customers oh that sell that keeps coming on that's normal those five other problems that's normal in fact why are you even talking to us my tea service gods anyway poon we are above you and we'll make that clear in every interaction where we can barely withhold our contempt give us large amounts of money and we might gain to fix your car or not and this is before you factor in the cheating diesel scandals and corporate malfeasance I will never purchase another VW product in my life Dewalt i got a drill with a three-year warranty as a wedding gift fourteen months of barely using it and the chuck broke no big deal I'll get it repaired the local repair center tells me that the Chuck is considered a where item and not covered under warranty I call the national number and they tell me whatever the repair center says goes $55 repair on a ninety nine dollar drill it wasn't enough money to weren't doing anything beyond leaving bad reviews on every site I could find [ __ ] companies that don't honor their warranties I won't ever buy another piece of Microsoft Hardware after a day barkal with my xbox 360 see when the first generation of 360s were coming out Microsoft used three different disk drives fast forward you may of 2011 and Microsoft release a firmware update for the disk drives to accommodate their new storage format on game discs xgd three well one of the three disk drives wouldn't accept the update meaning that any games released in the XG d3 format would be unplayable they use xbox live to identify the affected consoles and reached out of the owners offering a brand new Xbox 360 s and a year of live unfortunately for me I hadn't had my Xbox connected to lives since the very beginning of 2011 it wasn't until halo 4 was released in November of 2012 that I bought a new game more connected to live I had pre-ordered the game waited at the midnight premiere and everything I couldn't play it after some sleuthing around I discovered this hardware issue I visually identified that my 360 did in fact have the disk drive in question I called up Microsoft and spent three days trying to get them to make good on their word and replace my xbox they vehemently refused stating that all of the effectives boxes have been identified and replaced double-quote never again will I buy their hardware virgin media in the UK I've never been a customer of theirs but since 2015 they have sent me over 1,500 letters asking me to join them and giving the offers let me say that again that's 1,500 letters since 2015 I am getting more than one letter a day on average cold advertising me to join I have told them 16 times in this period to take me off their mailing lists and not to contact me they tell me each time we will take you off our mailing lists it will take six weeks and yet nothing changes I've asked them for a copy of the info they have on me and how they got it both legal requirements however they refused to give me that info instead telling me I have to log into my account to make a complaint I have no account as I'm not a customer or to email certain addresses which never get replies I've now told them I will be making a formal complaint with the ICO if they don't sort this out in the next few days but all they have done yet again is link me to their opt-out system that doesn't work and tell me I must have filled in a form saying I wanted to be contacted if they were the only company going in the UK they wouldn't get my money total tricks Wells Fargo I deposited $10 zero-zero-zero with him in a savings account I didn't need the money so I just left it in there every year for three years I got an interest statement from them for income tax filing the fourth year I didn't get one I called them and they said I could get it online and printed out my account was nowhere to be found went to the WUF branch and they started making all kinds of phone calls finally the manager came out and said the main office thought i forfeit hid the money that was their word forfeited they put the money back in my account and I took it all out then I contacted the banking commission they said did you get your money back and I said yes so they said there was really no problem to confront the bank with it since they settled this already but I thought how many people did they do this to how many family members don't know if a loved one that dies and his money in the bank just gets their money forfeited all state I had their car insurance for almost ten years I decided to check out their competition like State Farm and got really competitive rates when I went back to Allstate for quotes in hopes they would lower my rates they told me one I was lying because they found it hard to believe their competitors had lower rates too it's a pain to switch insurances 3 they dug up one speeding ticket I had two years back and told me that I was high-risk and justified that for the higher rate increase I tried to give them a chance and they didn't take me seriously I have been a state farm customer ever since Southwest Airlines the return flight on my honeymoon was canceled a couple hours before takeoff one 300 miles from home we got told we had two options get a refund to buy tickets elsewhere it will take 30 - 60 days to get your affirmed or way two days for the next flight when we explained either one of those options would work since we had to be back that morning for work and even offering other solutions like flying into a diff city we get told to pick one of the two aforementioned options in the next 60 seconds or they will disconnect the call as we are trying to offer up any other solution they hang up on us when we wrote a letter to complain they defended the ramp htc I am the vivre and I absolutely loved every minute of it if so wanted something like VR ever since I was a kid I own it my vivre and I was the most excited I think as I've ever been in my life waiting for us to come in it came I unboxed everything as fast as I could set everything up which was painstakingly long and alas one of the tracking stations lost and start turning on I troubleshoot it for about 20 minutes before I figured out that the problem was that an AC adapter for the wall outlet came DOA not a big deal at all emailed HTC customer support and told them about the issue they wanted me to pay for shipping for their do a product fat sauce not the worst part they wanted me to spend $40 in shipping they tried to make me get next day shipping all their Wheldon sought take it back so I just drove my angriest down to Walmart and picked one up for $5 Verizon got my first phone from them while I was in the military and everything seemed fine enough until I started seeing more promotions about service plans better than what I had for less and less money this was back in 2006 with $70 for unlimited text and something something free minutes after some time frame I asked them if I could cancel Andray up under a fresher plan they said no I look towards Sprint and they're identical plan to mine was $10 more expensive so I stuck around with Verizon over the next eight months my bills were increasing little by little with very vague descriptions in the statements I called it was told it was just standard protocol and they basically chalked it up to inflation well my bill went from $70 to around $95 not that I noticed the amount right off the bat because also pay and I finally had enough and kept heckling them about it three hours of being on hold and speaking with customer support and I find out that the trial version for a number of games thereby downloaded through the Vera's in store you could download a trial version another X time period you could either pay for a recurring subscription or just uninstall it to not incur any fees magically activated a subscription and renewed each month I asked if they could see the history of when these games were downloaded by my account and amusingly enough the games were never touched within the past year so somehow games I am on record as having not touched in almost a year started renewing subscriptions I never agreed to and the customer service thought nothing of it tell them I demand a refund of all the money those fees took from me or I was suing got my refund and foud pizzahut this stems from something that happened as a kid with my father we ordered a pickup one afternoon and we showed up on time maybe like a minute or two early but that was fine my dad goes to say hey sauce here for the pizza and they say something along the lines of suck just another five minutes so we waited about ten minutes later my dad walks back in to check the woman tells him it should be done shortly and then we hear her go in the back and tell someone to put a rush on our pizza so it had not even been started yet both me and my dad there insults in a huge hurry so we let it slide and they tell us it will be a couple more minutes we wait again ten minutes later they still haven saut started the pizza and we went through the same exact [ __ ] as before they finally start our pizza and by now weso been there at least thirty minutes or so they rush our pizza through and we get it finally we walk back to the car and my dad checks the pizza before we pull out 100% the wrong pizza we ordered and 80% from the center out is still raw dough my dad drive back back the door and with only a father's pissed off strength and accuracy frisbee throws a box at the front door and somehow managed to have the pizza come out and splat perfectly at the top of the glass floor and slide down if Seoul never forget the look of shock on the womon sauce face behind the counter since then a suit never paid any money to a Pizza Hut more will I ever his so padded since then when it sauce been ordered for parties and such TL DR Pizza Hut sucker me and my father around with a pizza made us wait for a long time on an order gave us the wrong pizza that was mostly still raw dill and my father has a superpower when it comes to throwing pizzas from a moving car laughs Fitness had used their gym for years because they were affordable and had locations all over the place started having money issues so had to cancel at the same time I cancelled I happen to accidentally lose the credit card they had on file and was getting it replaced they kept calling and trying to charge the old one after I had cancelled with them they kept asking for new card information they kept leaving messages about needing the info and I still owed and they were sent into collections kept having to remind them I cancelled and told credit card company charges from them were not authorized basically ended up ignoring their calls and that ended it never got any collections from them and stopped getting calls when they realized they were getting my money how Comcast ice and sorted the majority of answers on this post his soul never get they were absolutely horrendous raised my bill every month for three years and every month I called and complained and had the revert to my original price I was told each and every single time this will be my price for two years and without fail every month it was jacked up and not by a dollar or two it was raised 40 - $50 they refused to give me an itemized bill or even give a logical explanation why it was increased multiple times I was told asad receive a two hundred dollar Visa gift card for my troubles not whatever came when I finally told them at some cancelling my account they gave me a special number to contact for customers who have had problems like this the next month my bill went from 60 to 240 I called that number they tried to get me to only pay 140 I refused and said I will pay the 68 South supposed to be and Assam canceling the service oh good one why the hell do you think Asad be okay with still paying $80 higher than I should - why the hell do you have a phone number for customer service for special people Comcast is the absolute worst company over ever dealt with on anything friendlies it's a chain of ice cream shops restaurants it was the day before my 18th birthday senior year in high school I was allowed to leave early that year due to not needing a full schedule to graduate I have a sore throat so I left and went to friendlies to get some ice cream to hopefully alleviate the discomfort I went inside ordered and took my ice cream to go by this point my current girlfriend had gotten out of class and decided to meet me there I go and sit in my car eating my ice cream and waiting on her she arrives and we'd go back and order her something I'm starting to feel worse so we decide to go back to my car to enjoy the treats we're there maybe 10 minutes talking and eating when the owner comes outside and rudely informs us that we have to leave I asked why and he informs me that Friendly's is a family establishment in that he can't have us there meanwhile we're clearly eating what we just purchased we said we were just finishing up our ice creams and we'd be on our way and he rudely told us we had to leave now he'd call the police so we complied and left I could see this reaction if we were up to no good but my then-girlfriend and I were both on a roll students clean-cut and not causing any issues we were literally parked in an ice cream stores parking lot eating said ice cream I left there spent the next three days deathly ill with the flu and never returned to friendlies I even skipped our senior breakfast because I refused to pass the lies the establishment that location has since closed Barrois when I was for lack of a better term dying in the hospital my wife needed to get control of my accounts so we could keep our bills paid they gave her all the paperwork that needed to be filled out I signed over power and everything seemed like it was going to be smooth she takes all the paperwork into the branch and was still not given access to my accounts because the teller did not believe she was my wife different last names it took her multiple visits phone calls before finally getting access when I got out of the hospital I went in to pull my money and close my accounts I was told that I'm not making the right financial decisions for my life and delayed cashing me out while they wait for manager approval a month later I get a statement in the mail showing that my account is not only still active but now overdrawn due to miss bond fees they had no record of me requesting the account be closed [ __ ] Bank Bank of America in college my bank account was usually pretty low because my parents would give me a weekly allowance then one time I had only 5-6 bucks for about a week Sioux Bank of America charged me $10 dollars for having insufficient funds even though that had never happened before in my checking account literally the next day they charged me an additional $25 for overdrafting so I went from having $5 bucks to being negative $30.00 in about 24 hours it makes no sense they were the ones who over drafted me in the first place this is a great example of banks punishing you for being poor Bank of America just today I had a 0% APR credit card the zero percent bit ended which is normal whatever I did a balance transfer of what was left on that card to a new 0% APR card I saw in my account I had a zero dollar balance one week later I get charged your interest fee on the balance transfer something--as so never had a credit card due then an interest fee on that a forementioned interest fee and somehow ther source also two hundred and twenty dollars also on the I have to pay off but their sauce no reason given for what that sauce therefore ended ice and salt listed in my balance just when I go to make a payment worst bank ever edit just to add to this for clarity I called them three times hoping to get an explanation I could understand for the charges each time they just said it was standard procedure when a promotion ends and elaborated with comparing it to a savings account accruing interest never once explaining where that 220 came from so I filed a BBB complaint headed to lot of replies assault try to get to them edit three lots of people with exorbitant fees like me I highly recommend complaining to all the agencies despite all the complaints on here about the BBB a South had great outcomes with them in the past namely the CFPB OCC FDIC and the BBB good luck everyone definitely filed your complaints my main problem with this all is that the Bofur was sued last year by the FDIC for excessive fees may be short they didn't sort learn their lesson keep filing complaints with every agency available hardware from Microsoft Office is still fine I bought the new surface tablet in 2017 for uni sadly most of them have a bug which randomly shuts down the surface after one month I finally contacted my local Microsoft support and they set your thing send it in we will replace it three weeks later I got my replacement in an unsecured box the surface only held at its place through some plastic wrapping it was broken because there is zero damping material in that box and the no text to it careful fragile the postman was a little unsettled during the transport I sent it back and got the same broken surface back because the damage is not covered by your warranty two days of non-stop phoning I convinced the supports to replace the replacement now ten weeks after I send my first surface in I got a usable surface it also has a bug like the first but not that bad in the end I gotten less broken surface to replace the broken one it's absolutely stupid Honda I paid extra for a hybrid Civic over a regular one and then one day I got a notice that there was a warranty we call on the cows firmware I took it into the dealership and they updated it I then no longer had a hybrid it turns out that Honda didn't like replacing the hybrid batteries while they were still under warranty which was happening in hot climates I live in such a climate so they just put out an update to the therm light and not use the hybrid engine anymore I paid extra for a hybrid only to end up with a four-cylinder engine and the giant electric paperweight and Honda thought this was fine they lost the class-action lawsuit but didn't really care because it cost them less than replacing the batteries under warranty would have so they gave everybody $100 cash and $100 toward the purchase of a new Honda no thanks subway the only fast-food I was going to because the food actually felt balanced compared to the others then I saw how they treated their average employees while covering their mascot edit okay apparently the food also suck Maxis a motorcycle store in Europe employees did a [ __ ] job by ordering the wrong pieces from my bike and accused me of lying when registering my bike model who is literally painted on its fairing by the way he just had to turn his head to check also why would I lie I'm ordering custom hardware ffs then when the piece finally arrived I had to wait three hours before the mechanic would even begin to install the piece then he spotted an actual floor damaged brake fluid container and have me paid an extra 78 a fix then not only the issue was not fixed but this do shots billed the fluid on the gauges melting part of the plastic still visible today had my buddy fix the issue in 15 minutes TWC spectrum use their services for five pluses watching their rates go up and up while they offer new subscribers outstanding price packages try to negotiate with them in the best they offered were mere pittance --is I arranged a changeover to frontier DSL and after I call TWC to cancel my service suddenly they deluge me with offers at the same rates as new subscribers too late boys maybe I'll call you in a couple years game start I used to swear by buying physical copies so it's not always go to my local gamestop to buy my games life started to get busy so instead of pre-ordering games at the store asad buy them on the PlayStation Store the nail in the coffin was just the other week when I went to purchase a pre-owned game and was accidentally charged twice for the game on my debit card it took three phone calls two emails and a visit to the store before I could get any progress in getting a refund just finished my call with customer service and I should finally get a refund within 10 days but that experience has sealed the deal for me that they will no longer get my business HP used to love their Prince's open box plug them in and they just worked didn't matter if I was using Windows Linux BSD hex Mac OS iOS Android or whatever used them at the office home on the road recommended then to friends relatives et Cie had to replace the printer in my truck after five years so naturally bought another HP only print black-and-white documents for some reason the tricolor cartridge needs to be replaced and the printer and print a black and white document without it replaced said cartridge two weeks later is telling my to replace it again replace printer with a different model same thing a few weeks down the road bought a brother for less than the equivalent HP model and it's been working beautifully for four months now admittedly brothers ATS Android support isn't as polished as HP's but it works [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 595,448
Rating: 4.8484678 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: a-vbxyy2fTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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