Has Anyone You've Known Simply Disappeared?

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dear adit has anyone you've known simply disappeared under what circumstances was there ever any closure my mom's boyfriend he said that his mother was sick in another state and he was going to visit her after a few days without hearing from him my mom got worried and called his mother she wasn't sick and had no idea that he was supposed to be there with her we found all of his possessions including his computer and camera and other valuables as well as seemingly his entire wardrobe everything in a rarely used coat closet in our house police called my mom to say that they found his empty car somewhere in the forest near the kentucky tennessee border we live in florida but they called from a blocked number and when she tried to find information about the case later on from other sources nobody had anything on file about the car either really creepy vanishing story or horrible way to break up with someone after winning the jackpot on a scratch off my aunt was missing for a very long time in virginia i want to say several years no one knew anything or heard from her but her car was found on the side of a road near the woods keys still in the ignition and doors unlocked they found some of her remains a couple of years ago in those woods and my dad was absolutely torn up no idea of who or how why the way your story started i thought it would be a happy tale of reuniting i'm sorry for your loss my father is convinced one of his co-workers just walked away on 9 11. the guy had a lot of financial problems marital issues and my dad is positive the man was walking down the street in front of him when the first plane hit my dad was late for work they has a memorial service but as far as my dad knows this guy's remains were never found an old neighborhood friend of mine was living down in new orleans with his girlfriend at the time he had plans to go meet up with some buddies in houston to see a football game but first he wanted to take a bit of a road trip to go sightseeing in a small town on the border of texas and mexico he never showed up in houston his family and girlfriend quite obviously flew into a panic and had the police on the job the best that could do after a week of searching was find a picture that may have been his car but they were really not much help considering he was visiting the border of mexico there was a good chance he was down there which is not an easy place to find a person i come from a strong neighborhood community so there was a lot of support for the family coming from all directions it's never easy losing a child in the police claimed they had done all they could and that they'll keep an eye out three weeks without a trace he called he was in a hospital one thousand miles away in mexico from where he had been sightseeing his hands were cut up his face was bruised and it took him days to remember his own phone number he had nothing on him but the clothes on his back as far as he could tell he had been mugged and probably left for dead in a ditch somewhere he has a spattering of memories of being on a bus and then being on the side of a highway and random places like that his family flew down there and got him back home i'm grateful he made it out in one piece and for all the people that must have helped him on his way there's no way he could have lasted three weeks south of the border in a state of delirium without help a friend of mine from college has been lost at sea since late june they're assuming it sank during a storm but nothing has been found had a client at my law office whose middle-aged adult son disappeared without a trace about 10 years ago nothing suspicious whatsoever all of his belongings were still in his house even his shoes no signs of struggle no known involvement with any criminal element no known people who had a grudge against him or would do him harm he wasn't drunk wasn't using drugs wasn't mentally ill nothing local police searched the woods near his house with officers and dogs dredged the local river tried to trace his bank and credit accounts absolutely nothing came up very awkward moment we needed to get his permission to sell a piece of property he had partially inherited had to get his mother to sign a sworn after david saying that he had been gone so long without a trace that she presumed him to be dead i was casually seeing this girl a few years ago we were more friendly acquaintances than anything else she was fun and interesting and we'd always have a great time when we got together she didn't really have much to say about her past all i really knew was that she'd spent a few years living in saudi arabia she was a white american the one day just poof there was no responses to any of my attempts to get in touch with her and i didn't hear anything from her at all it was weird but at the same time we weren't at all serious so i figured she found something more interesting i ran into a mutual friend of ours a couple months after that and when i asked how she was doing he told me he had no idea because he hadn't seen her either he was closer to her than i was however and he filled me in that she had been married to a saudi and the guy was very abusive and treated her like a prisoner the abuse escalated when they moved to saudi arabia when they came back to the states she took the opportunity to run away from him and she had had to change her name and basically hide because she was so afraid of her husband our mutual friend was under the impression that she took off again because her husband found out where she was i do hope that's the case i don't like to think about the alternative friend's dad went missing almost 15 years ago in the middle of a nasty divorce no warning just took the dog and his truck no paper trail it's assumed he either killed himself somewhere or started a new life far away if he took the dog i doubt he killed himself was at a concert one night in sydney australia and i got into a fight with this british backpacker he was fricked off his head on drugs and the only reason why i didn't get kicked out is because the girls who he was inappropriately groping convinced the bouncers that i was only trying to stick up for them anyway he vanished and i was under police investigation because i was the last person to see him alive i knew i hadn't done anything but it's still pretty creepy to be told not to leave town until we get to the bottom of this he showed up two weeks later floating in the harbour he'd apparently had a massive blunt force fracture in his skull and fell into sydney harbor and drowned his death was reported as accidental but having your face on tv and hearing police are wanting to speak with this man is a little scary my cousin did but it's not particularly mysterious he dropped out of college moved in with his girlfriend and just spent the days getting drunk he stopped showing up at family gatherings stopped returning phone calls to my uncle and disappeared he moved to a different state we last heard he might be in minnesota my uncle keeps trying to get a hold of him but to no avail i feel bad for your uncle this makes me upset i stayed at my grandparents house during the summer they had a friend who played the guitar with my grandfather they had met at a festival and had the same music taste anyhow when i was at the airport heading back to my home country i saw the guy he said hey take care man keep practicing the guitar and tell your grandfather to do the same i will be back been four years no trace he didn't even have luggage stuff like this just depresses me man just ugg [Music] when i was very young 3 my best friend at play group was the son of a distant family friend we were boyfriend and girlfriend at some stage he just disappeared and i forgot about him passing him off as something my childish mind had made up then in high school i notice one of the office ladies says hi to me when i walk past him and almost over friendly way i didn't think much of it because she was just really nice to everyone you couldn't not like her two years out of high school me 20 i'm talking with my mum and sisters about school and i say how nice the office lady was mum says yes she was i can't remember the boy's name josh's mum i'm like who and she explains that we were best friends in play group suddenly i realized i hadn't made him up my mum tells me that he got leukemia and died and that apparently he was asking for me in hospital but they never took me so i wouldn't get upset i broke down and cried because it was so overwhelming i get teary every time i think about him it was so long ago and i'd forgot until then tl dr imaginary friend wasn't imaginary go back and acknowledge his mom as somebody who's more than just an office lady to you now she'll be happy you did i know a girl whose father disappeared it's believed that his co-workers killed him and buried him in a construction site after he threatened to expose their corruption but nothing was ever found other than his car which had been wiped clean nobody could ever prove that they killed him moral of story don't threaten to expose corruption just do it preferably anonymously this happened in my town i didn't know the people personally an elderly couple 50s or 60s went missing just neither of them showed up to work one day no clues no goodbyes nothing it was all over the news for months until slowly they started to fade from memory about a year later i found out what happened there was a serial killer that had been working all over the country he always went for the same thing an elderly couple living in a house or condo with an attached garage no dogs or kids he would break in through the garage and kidnap the couple this particular couple he drove to an abandoned house where he raped and killed and dismembered them he left the bodies in the house wrapped up in garbage bags it turns out the house was scheduled to be demolished and their bodies ended up in the rubble and eventually the town dump they only found this out because they caught him in another state and he confessed to all his crimes and then killed himself in prison when i was 15 my brother eight years older than me went missing he had been overseas for a couple of years traveling and seeing the world he discovered a love of sailing after a trip to lanter took on a schooner and found a job sailing transporting rich people's boats from the us down to the caribbean he and the others he sailed with made it down there and there was a party aboard another vessel when it was finished my brother who was probably pretty wasted at a time rode another guy back to the guy's boat and then was supposed to row himself back to his own boat he never made it after dropping the other guy to his boat he was never seen again the dinghy was never found and neither was he that's as much information as i have i don't even know for sure which island it happened on maybe saint but saint thomas i was 15 and no one really talked to me about it after i well i guess i just didn't ask because it would upset them the whole family felt messed up to me my mom was devastated my dad went super religious and my other eldest brother 10 years older than me left 10z to go and live in england even now 25 years later it still feels like a big hole not knowing part of me likes to pretend he's still on an amazing adventure i don't like to think of the alternatives part of me likes to pretend he's still on an amazing adventure 2. godspeed sailor i can contribute one i don't know why i was so excited it was awful i lived in a young cooperative house one summer in the 70s i called upstairs to bev that dinner was almost ready and to come down she said okay just a minute and i went back to cooking 20 minutes later we are wondering where she was and diane went up to get her bev's room was empty and the large window that opened like a door was wide open leading to the fire escape her keys and purse was still on her desk her typewriter was there with half-finished homework in it i've never seen her since it was terrifying this was shortly after john norman collins the michigan murderer had been put in prison and it was very fresh in people's minds the next year they found a body in the arboretum but it wasn't her i think about her every once in a while and her picture is vivid in my mind's eye my father suffered from ptsd manic depression and other conditions attributed to the vietnam war he would have episodes where he would just take off it usually ended with him calling a week after he went missing scared confused and lost this happened about about four times when i was young that i remember the last time he disappeared i was 15 it was the 16th of december 1996. we finally got the call the 7th of january 1997 that they found his body in a campground three hours away to this day the holiday season is the worst time of year for me my friend done up and disappeared memorial day weekend of 2011. no note no closure he was the type to wander off sometimes a real hippie they ended up finding his body about three months later less than 500 feet from his house he hung himself in the forest i miss him a lot check my link history for the articles all right i never thought i'd stick something personal on reddit but heck my twin brother went missing 10 years ago we were both 19 at the time he had always been a good kid nothing going on but he was studying to work in government but are not sure which branch he was with interning he called me and my mother one night telling us how much he loved us and how he'd try to get back to us as soon as possible wanted us to take care of his puppy not sure when he'd return etc etc didn't sound scared sounded a bit excited nervous oddly prepped with his words despite our prodding we haven't seen him since and it breaks my heart every day my mother has been a wreck ever since but we tell ourselves he's out doing something important we have convinced ourselves that if he died we'd probably know but i don't know i am still waiting for the moment he shows up at my door safe and sound with awesome spy government adventure stories that's the hope i miss you bri i hope you get to see him again and in plenty of time to enjoy life together i had a friend in middle school who i was really close with then one day her phone was shut off and she had moved and i have absolutely no clue where she is to this day she literally disappeared without a trace that i could find i hope nothing bad happened to her i wasn't a fan of her mother's boyfriend just out of school i had a friend who was heavily into machine intelligence and object recognition and digital images just vanish when he started looking for work he was doing amazing stuff with desktop scanners and off-the-shelf pc hardware almost two decades ago so i have no doubt that he got scooped up by some intelligence agency or research firm and that he now has a higher security clearance than obama this is spooky and interesting when i was in eighth grade five years ago my uncle disappeared he was a drug dealer so the elephant in the room when my family found out was that he was obviously dead i'm pretty sure he's dead we all think he is dead no closure he's dead well two years ago in eighth grade a girl moved to my town with her dad and stepmom me and my group of friends immediately took her in she was funny and nice so why not within a few months she changed her name and we began to realize her home life was a bit off she couldn't go over to friends houses or school dances and no one was allowed at her house she wasn't allowed a facebook tumblr whatever and she couldn't give out her number she mentioned leaving her mom's house several years before and she wasn't allowed to contact her or her siblings sounds a bit suspicious right i thought so too and i told me dad about it just in a passing he mentioned that sure as heck sounded like she had been kidnapped near the end of the year i mentioned it to her phrased it as a joke to see her reaction she missed graduation and i haven't seen or talked to her since no teachers or friends have a clue my dad was in the navy as a teenager i think he was 17 at the time anyway it was pretty young his best friend on board had his birthday and the older crew got him real drunk once he'd had enough he got up to go to his bunk no one ever saw him again it's assumed he fell overboard apparently this sort of crap happens all the time on board warships pretty crap way to go if you ask me my wife's nephew disappeared he was gone for two months turned up dead in a creek that was 14 years ago they just arrested two guys for the murder about three months ago guyana from my local gun club was d he was undercover with a drug running group not sure which one but they found him out in him and his family had to go into witness protection he told us that much and that's it haven't seen him in over a year i would think that if they're going into witness protection they wouldn't be able to tell anyone they'd just go that's just a guess though [Music] a family friend sister was a well-known reporter she was investigating corruption in politicians with linkages to certain gangs and brothels she disappeared for 30-odd years where she was found addicted to h 900 kilometers away living on the streets claimed her family's lives were threatened yeah my aunt has been missing for about four years she went to mexico where this guy she had been dating not too long she never came back her brother went down to confront the man and saw that he had a wife and kids the man said she took off and he hasn't seen her since this all broke my grandmother's heart i feel so bad for my cousins i'm scared that she might have gotten picked up by criminals or cartels or something i hope she is still alive and comes home we don't really know what else we can do to find her down there they asked my uncles for dna because they had found the body of a woman but it turned out not to be her was at a local college where there was a plaque for a girl who was last seen there she was just walking to her doorman poof she was abducted that thought is just terrifying one of my second cousins schizophrenic who turned 18 and was able to check herself out of mental institution somewhere in the eastern block and is likely dead at this point or alive we really don't know i can guarantee she is either dead or alive this thread is full of creepy on a lighter note i went to science camp when i was in sixth grade and never saw those people again they're probably doing okay it's 2 30 a.m and i'm sitting here wondering why i'm reading the thread and getting completely creeped out i'll never forget it was thanksgiving 2011 in the us i was just finishing my food when my dad told me your uncle is missing my uncle isn't someone i really knew well just someone i would see whenever i visited family in the philippines he was married to my mom's sister and they had two kids that were 14 and 16 at the time i honestly didn't know how to feel we were celebrating thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family so it was easy to just talk with my other cousins and really just forget about the situation apparently he had already been missing for a week the next day we got horrible news from our family in the philippines they found his body he had been brutally murdered limbs cut off and his throat slit they also suspected he was hung until he bled out a significant amount of blood i remember two things being shocked and my family drinking and crying around our dining room table that night a few details and rumors started around his murder the first was that he was involved in a dong fighting ring and he had recently fired someone who helped care for his roosters but would bet against them because he really knew how healthy capable they were the second was that he had a mistress from a wealthy family in that the family found out and decided to get him for it the last was just a random act of violence by a local terrorist group gang there have been no arrests made not even charges it's been over a year according to my family the police force in the philippines is very corrupt so it would take a long time to really get anything solved with any murder cases even though i barely knew him i'm still angry and if anything it really opened my eyes to how poorly the philippine police force operates apparently evidence was misplaced and some witnesses essentially confessed to being paid not to speak but the police did nothing pretty freaked up overall my great-grandfather he was a typewriter salesman and saint louis when my grandmother was eight years old he told my great-grandmother he was going to meet an old friend and left when he didn't come back the next day she called the police they found his car on the bridge with his typewriters out and around his trunk which was opened they searched the nearby area in the river and never found him my grandmother always swore that he was still alive somewhere didn't know her personally but i lived in bloomington when lauren spyro went missing i searched for her a few times and her parents frequented a restaurant i worked at it was eerie knowing that behind the bar i had been at the night before she went missing my sister used to babysit our italian neighbor's daughters sometimes when she was maybe 12. it was always during the day and just for a short time when their mother had to go shopping or get her hair cut one day the mother who hardly spoke our language said she had to buy some groceries and left my sister with the two girls she didn't come back her wallet was found somewhere the near store she usually went to which was close to a little forest of course everybody was expecting the worst well turns out she went back to italy without telling anyone and leaving her two daughters alone with my 12-year-old sister if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 14,368
Rating: 4.9299998 out of 5
Keywords: weird disappearances, weird disappearances solved, weird disappearances 2021, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: lFpIVissjrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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