[SERIOUS] what is your true CREEPY story? (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories.

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our slash asked reddit posted by user you dan tude what's your best true spooky story serious while at uni my friends and i ran out of booze hardly any shops were open because it was late on so the only option was to walk the mile or so to the nearest 24-hour supermarket between the supermarket and the dorms we lived in was just row after row of suburban houses which all looked the same as we were walking down one road we passed a field with a large campfire and some people riding horses around it there were people playing musical instruments and general sounds of a good time going on the horses and fire and the lanterns which were dotted about gave it a very old-fashioned feel maybe five minutes after passing the field now walking past houses again one of my friends commented on how weird and out of place the gathering of people had been my other friend and I had been thinking exactly the same thing so curious we turned around and walked back to find out exactly what was going on there was nothing there not just no people or horses there was no field just more and more houses even though we were absolutely certain we were on the right Road as we'd simply turned around we walked up and down the neighboring roads too we found nothing we weren't drunk though we'd had some drinks and so I've got absolutely no idea what happened that night glitch in the time matrix I've posted this on my other account copying and pasting it here the scariest thing I have had happen while camping so I live in Eastern Oregon and my mom lives in western Oregon I went to visit her for the summer and she's very outdoorsy so we decided to take the one hour drive from her city to the coast we end up at this free campsite at the top of this hill huge foothills of the coastal mountains about a 25 minute drive from the top where the campsite is to the bottom where the main road was and we were the only campers there we relaxed for the rest of the day made food etc truck full of men drive up the hill and tucked with my mom I don't know what about wasn't suspicious at the time and they leave us fast forward to the middle of the night I wake up to my mom sitting straight up in the tent I wake easily so I heard her gasp and it won't me as soon as she saw I was awake she put her hand over my mouth because I was starting to ask her what's wrong it was dead silent and all of a sudden you hear footsteps right beside the tent the little flap that covers the zipper was even moving thankfully my mom has quick wits and said very loudly can he grab the gun Kenny is my dad although that doesn't matter and mine knew he was not there just us girls like I previously said they left no harm was done thank the Lord for my momma TL DR two girls at her campsite alone people outside tent in the middle of the night and my mom pulled some badassery four years ago I lived in a very large farmhouse that was converted into two apartments the house was known as the old boys home it was used to house boys with behavioral issues but was closed due to allegations of molestation anyway I was living with my boyfriend and three-year-old daughter at the time my bedroom had a large fireplace that had been boarded up and painted over I decided to push my bed up against it one day while I was rearranging things it was like a headboard that night around 1:00 a.m. I had heard a small voice saying mom mom mommy I had sat up in bed but didn't see anything so I reached over my boyfriend trying to grab down to grab my daughter and put her in our bed I kept feeling around and I was still hearing the voice but I couldn't feel her my boyfriend woke up and turned the bedside lamp on asking me what the hell are you doing I explained that Amelia was trying to get in our bed and I was reaching for her there was nobody there my daughter was sound asleep in her room then the next night came around 1:00 a.m. again my dog had started to whimper it out door so my boyfriend got up to take him outside you know that feeling in a bed when someone lies down next to you where the bed pushes in and there is a warmth in her back I felt that so I assumed my boyfriend had come back to bed I rolled over my boyfriend wasn't in the bed and I felt the hacking bad release pressure whatever was laying next to me has gotten up in that second I moved my bed the next day to the other side of the room and I never had another incident in the two years I remained in that house screw moving the bed I would be out of that room have you posted this story before I'm pretty sure I read it before because I remember the fireplace in the room yeah I have so a little more story on moving the bed there was a floor vent right next to this fireplace that led to the basement the basement was shared by myself and the other apartment we just stored holiday totes and bicycles in there the vent led down to the showers in the basement which was just a large room with five or six showerheads on one wall and a drain in the middle of the room it just had a really creepy feel to it so I thought maybe it was me pushing my bed near that vent I don't know I would love to talk to the new tenants to see if they've had anything happen when my grandparents bought their house for a family of ten my grandpa found a fake wall upstairs he'd wore it down to make more room for the family behind the wall where children's clothes and play toys almost like they walked off the room in a hurry my mom told me stories of sitting in her room and something circling the walls around her sounding like wallpaper being torn when she moved out my aunt moved into the same room she would wake up with pictures she hung up laying on her chest in the morning my cousin's also have stories of hearing footsteps coming up the stairs and stopping outside their door in the middle of the night I still don't go upstairs at their house because it's always cold and I get weird vibes up there even in my adult life I have scary dreams that take place in their upstairs this is for a real terrifying I might be a worse but this would be enough to make me sell me house and just get out of there all to count because this is still a story that I don't want associated with my main account it's not as spooky as some other stories on here I guess but my so and I are still a bit bewildered by it it's been years and we still wonder about it occasionally there's no explanation other than some weird supernatural connection or just a really big hacking coincidence for about 10 years now my Nana has been living in a nursing home she had a stroke and mentally she is not all there she still recognizes us when we visit and gets happy to see us but she often talks gibberish thinking she is in a distant memory in the past it makes me sad because she and I always had a very close connection growing up my parents both worked a lot and she would stay with me she used to know I was lying she could always sense when I was sick even when she wasn't over and she and I are eerily similar both in personality and looks there are pictures of her when she was 21 and it could be me in the picture we were very close growing up and I loved her dearly I introduced her to my now husband when we started dating in college he is from a different country than I am and I live in his country so we had been dating a few years when my visa was going to expire in order for us to live in one place we decided to get married however we were still young fresh out of university and decided to just elope we decided to get officially married in a courthouse while announcing our engagement and then having a wedding a few years later official documents and wedding ceremonies are separated in my husband's country anyways no one knew of our plan we were and are still stupidly in love and thrilled to have such a crazy secret between us - in hindsight it was stupid and no one would have judged us especially considering we are still happily together years later but we still decided to hide it because we were stupid kids so we flew to visit my parents in my home country and announce our engagement and my dad picked us up from the airport we were chatting in the car when he tells us that my Nana was freaking out while he visited her the other day the day we decided to elope why was she freaking out she announced to my whole family that she saw in her dreams that I had eloped and was now married they dismissed her because they didn't expect that at all she kept insisting and was incredibly lucid about it she raised her voice which she hadn't done since before the stroke my dad had mentioned because he thought it was sweet that she was so worried about this and became so lucid my husband and I just got silent in the car and I went cold we don't know how she knew that or if it was just coincidence but she knew somehow we went to visit her a few days later and she didn't remember it at all she was thrilled we were engaged we are happily married now and had our wedding and stuff and no one ever found out we had to loped before the wedding day except my Nana apparently I posted this in a thread a while ago but gonna do it again because it applies here when I was in high school my uncle would throw me a couple bucks to help babysit his kids with my aunt they lived in a two-story house by the water nice area the kids were about three and six one day I was sitting in their den on my phone when I started to hear a baby crying thinking it was the three year old I headed to the bottom of the stairs to check and see if my aunt was up there dealing with it I called for her a couple times with no response the baby kept crying I called for her one more time and when I got no response I started walking up the stairs then I heard my cousins and aunt playing outside all the hairs on my body stood up and I literally felt a chill run down my spine I quietly turned around walked down the stairs got in my car and drove away the baby was still crying when I closed the door behind me a few years later I was drunk at a family party and told my uncle a story he told me that he and his wife used to hear the baby too and apparently the previous owners had a kid died of SIDS in that room upstairs he's uber Catholic and had a mess set for the baby he said after that it never happened again still gives me the willies when I talk about it though I like how you just noped out of there when you were supposed to be babysitting posted this in another thread but seems appropriate here edited slightly to fit thread I have had several dreams similar to what I am posting I've been a caver in Florida for about 13 years since I was about six and have been to a lot of caves never been afraid before this to go in one when I was about seven or eight years old I started having this reoccurring dream I would have it at least twice a year always the same even though I would realize I was dreaming after the first few iterations I would fall asleep and dream of being in a cave and going into this little hole in the bottom inside I would see a 10 to 15-foot long corridor about 2 to 4 feet high at the end it would always turn left and I always saw a bent red stop sign at the end like someone ripped off the top two feet and tossed it in but I would always follow the corridor I would turn and walk past the sign despite being scared despite many times knowing what was there and the quarter would start descending quickly opening up into a large vertical chamber with the path leading down in a corkscrew everything became blurry at this point but it was always the same I saw trash scattered on the walls I saw the pit leading down to a curved floor I saw things undefined animals or people or something else at the bottom and I saw my family each with one of the things being tortured and killed every time and I could never do anything after I saw that I would be stuck for a few seconds until I felt more than saw everything turn and look at me and I would wake up not like a normal dream where you just drift to consciousness or a nightmare where you bolt up in fear but like something pushed me out like I wasn't supposed to be there so I have this dream multiple times a year until I turned 15 I did tell a friend about the dream before what happens next my father decided to take us to some caves we never had been before one of which was dog drop it was likely named so because someone either through their pet in there or a coyote fell in and the body was later discovered dog drop had a roughly 30 foot rappel straight down to enter I went down with my brother while my father waited up at the top there was a hole in the ground I started to feel uneasy though I didn't know why so I followed my brother into the hole I felt worse as I moved down and when I looked up I saw the same quarter the same turn the same wall the same bottles at the corner and I instantly was hit with this overwhelming sense of nausea and fear and being watched and everything was screaming at me to leave a frozen must have made some noise because my brother turned around and asked what was wrong I managed to say I wanted to leave now and climbed out as quickly as I could followed immediately by my brother we packed up and left never have gone back and never will haven't told anyone what actually happened just said I wasn't feeling well and they forgot pretty quickly the thing that really makes it creepy for me as I have never had the dream again year after year I would have it consistently but it just stopped after that but I still remember it all and I still feel afraid almost an external fear when I think of it previous edit for safety I saw some people talking about looking up the cave slash visiting just want to say never go caving especially in an unfamiliar place without a guide who belongs to a local group if you belong to another group but have never been in the area it's best to talk to a local one before leaving caving is dangerous and people die don't be arrogant and try and repel on a garden hose yes someone did that yes they died the local grotto you can check out is called the Tampa Bay area grotto and yes the initials are t-bag at the time I was around 14 I'd asked my dad to wake me up early that morning at about 5:00 a.m. because I had some work to get done that morning I was woken up and I flung my legs over the side of my bed I felt a tug on both of them what I thought at the time was just my dad trying to get me to hurry up I reached over to pick up my phone and turned it on 3:30 a.m. and I looked over at the black figure I assumed was my dad and it was gone something similar happened to me I was about 11 and I saw my dad standing in my doorway staring at me at like 4:00 a.m. I was so confused because he almost looked mad so I called out to him no response I blinked and he was closer I blinked again he was at the foot of my bed I pulled my covers over my head and started screaming also I don't know why but doppelganger dad had boxers with flamingos on it and when my parents came running to my room he had on his Flintstone pajama pants I asked and apparently he does not in fact own flamingos boxers back when I was a kid my grandmother had a really close friend who used to help her babysit us one day she goes missing family doesn't know where she is and we don't either about a week later police find her body in a dumpster she had been dead for four to five days she had been mugged and had several stab wounds incredibly tragic who would mug an old lady here's the spooky story a few days just before she was found my three cousins swore they saw her walking around in their backyard and knocking on their window the following day had searched going through the area it wasn't until the body was found that we realized what they saw couldn't be true according to police timeline but they swore it was her edit I'm adding more context for the story I initially kept it brief because I didn't want to have a wall of text but since this blew up a bit I'll include more details the backyard was actually pretty big and long because it was shared by the entire part and complex which had four units - upstairs - down my cousins were in the downstairs unit on the left again like I said in a different post it was gated on all sides by wooden fencing my cousin's window had blind spots so you couldn't see the entire backyard it wasn't nighttime but the Sun was setting they said it was almost down at this point so I assumed around 7:00 p.m. they're in their room which has a window that sees into the backyard it was ghetto and they were pretty poor so their beds only had the mattress not the frame supporting it it was a queen and a single pressed up against the wall with the window so basically to look into the backyard you were standing up on a mattress looking against how you normally face back against the wall sitting down on the mattress youngest brother holy crap there's someone in the back exclamation mark dot dot dot she just walked away oldest laying down on the bed what the heck are you talking about youngest dude it looks like old lady she's walking around where grandma's vegetable garden is oldest youngest come hacking look she's just walked away oldest goes and looks I don't see anything stop being stupid goes back to laying down little one stands there looking at him middle brother comes to look a moment later oh crap she's right there what the heck she's coming to us they all looked to see the lady knocking on the window they scream panic and run out - dad dad obviously doesn't believe them but after a bit gives in he goes out and checks nothing so just a side note the way these apartments were connected you couldn't go into the backyard from your individual unit you had to get out into the main hall which had a door that opened into the backyard I went to use the bathroom at work and when I entered there was no one in there the bathroom has four urinals and four stalls one handicap and I did not see any feet in any of the stalls I took up my normal spot inside one stall and was doing my business when I heard the sound of someone peeing into one of the urinals but no one had entered the bathroom the door is heavy and loud when it closes so I would have heard someone entering after a normal amount of time the peeing stopped and I heard a few footsteps but the door never when I finished up I did a cursory look and there was no one in the bathroom it's a ridiculous story but I definitely heard a pea ghost I lived in an old apartment in 2002 the place was built in 1900 so it was just over 100 years old when I moved in the living room and kitchen were fine but the bathroom and bedroom were unnerving like I just always felt like I was being watched especially in the bedroom if the closet door was open those unnerving feelings just became moderately uncomfortable as I settled in I felt safe in the bedroom but only if the door was locked one night I was dead asleep when there was a loud bang on my bedroom door when I got up the courage to get out of bed I checked the apartment and all the windows were closed and locked from the inside the door still had the chain secured no one was in there I mentioned the closet in the bedroom I never liked going in there and I'd never liked if the door was open for some reason in my head I would be er gasping noises so for that reason the closet stayed closed a month or more after I was woken to the bang on my door I was dead asleep but something woke me up and it was a pressure on me like being held down it was pitch-black in my room I couldn't see anything but I knew some was standing over me when I could finally turn on a bedside lamp no one was there after then I couldn't sleep in the dark I had to sleep with a lamp on that incident scared the life out of me and after that the unnerving feeling of being watched intensified friends would come over and comment about being uncomfortable in the bathroom like being watched it became so uncomfortable for me when I had the chance to move to another unit I jumped at it I packed up and got out after me several people rented the apartment and they would move out within months I became friendly with a building manager and I told him that I felt the place was haunted he kind of laughed it off years after they were renovating the place building manager was doing some painting in there the building owner was there too I went and checked out the apartment and it looked nicer it didn't feel as creepy I got to talking with the building owner and through the course of conversation he just throws it out there that a former tenant committed suicide in the closet by hanging themselves he also mentioned that the original designer of the build lived in that apartment and died in air I wasn't mad when I heard that but felt validated that what I experienced was real I currently live in a haunted house I've heard voices footsteps lights have been turned on /off one of the ghosts has a thing for silverware I hear at clattering in the drawer all the time and sometimes a knife or two will end up in the wrong slot in the drawer but the strangest / scariest experience I had was the first night I spent in the house I wasn't finished moving in there were boxes everywhere I didn't even have my mattress up there yet I was betting on an old futon mattress watching a video on my phone when I get the pins and needles feeling of my feet falling asleep except it wasn't on my feet it was on the top of my head in the shape of a hand I said goodnight turned off my light and tried to sleep when I woke up my closet door was ajar but other than that everything was otherwise untouched I guess whoever my unseen roommate is just wanted to check out who I was on my first night you should get him his own fork knife and spoon for Christmas to do whatever with haha freshman year at my university we had a creepy old dorm on campus that no one was living in everyone generally avoided it because it just had an uncomfortable feeling when you got close to it and felt like you were being watched there are rumored stories about it of two women dying there on separate occasions one murder one suicide and they're the ones who haunt the building one night a friend was in a bad mood because his girlfriend had broken up with him so I was walking around campus with him to let him get it off his chest and just trying to help him feel better we walked past the dorm and I brought it up about it being haunted and was telling him the stories to try and take his mind off it so the way the bottom floor was set up there were two doors on both sides of the building in the hallway ran the entire length of the building and you could see the other door we walked up to one of the windows and were just looking down the hall when two girls walked out of a room were enclosed that looked like they were from the 70/80 Xand stood there in the hall looking at each other not speaking then one girl slowly turned her head and looked straight at us slowly turned her head back then turned and walked the opposite way from us down the hall so we ran to the other side of the building but couldn't find them we came back to the original door and watched them do the same thing all over again we looked at each other and ran this freaked me out for a while especially after when I was sleeping in my room and all my posters fell off the wall at the same time after telling this story to another friend he convinced me to go back with him and try to find a way in we found an open window which we later found out was the room the girl hung herself in and climbed in and started walking down the hall we wandered around the building a bit and just started to notice generally creepy things water faucets started coming on we'd walked through one room and then back through and a chair would be moved on the first floor a desk was turned upside down under the stairwell as we were getting close to leaving a lot more water faucets came on and kept getting louder and louder then when we got back to the room to go back out of the window and as we put our hands on the window the door slammed closed so we ripped the door open devout and ran back to our door and never went back mine is a bit different me and friend of mine live in rural Ireland we were going for a walk in the grounds behind a castle as we were coming to the end of our walk it was pretty dark and we glanced into an area that has a well and something caught our eyes I he stayed a bit further back walked over and looked into the well only to see two yellow eyes looking up at me and a sinister looking grant from a girl with dark hair naturally we ran like little girls we were followed by this little girl all night we went to graveyard and found her watching us while she sat on a tree we went under a bridge a few miles outside of the village and she was standing at the other end of the bridge and slowly started walking toward us we both saw her every single time explanation is easy we dropped a crapload of LSD and were hallucinating just fascinating that we both saw the exact same thing I never told him what I saw in the well until he told me what he had seen it matched [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 232,734
Rating: 4.8538108 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: uckA17m6D9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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