What is your "but wait, it get's worse" story? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the orbit wait it gets worse story I was at a country concert in the middle of June and was dancing with some friends and all of a sudden they disappeared I was pretty drunk as I'm leaving to go find them this girl grabs my hand and we start dancing one thing leads to another and we started making out until at one point she pulls away and says I don't think my boyfriend would like this I tell her I'm going to grab a beer to get away and she grabs my hand and says she'll come with me here's where it gets worse I run into a customer from the store I work at and start chatting with him the girl with me starts chatting with the customers girlfriend all of a sudden I hear her told the customers girlfriend yeah it's my birthday in September I turn 18 nope toute of they're so fast got out of the Navy decided to go to college met a girl like the girl it's close to my birthday two years later crossroad to meet my dad he was passing through town for work and dropped off my present get smashed by unserved while on foot my head breaks off his mirror crush the windshield total the car it gets worse the shave the side of my head with a scalpel so they can staple my skin flap back to my skull two weeks later hobble back into my apartment cgf blowing dial my bed heartbreak anger pain I'm a Sith Lord by now should have stayed in the f kin Navy to crippled to rayon list thanks God got my first-ever [ __ ] from my first ever girlfriend in college we were both drunk and I also did not know what a [ __ ] would feel like it didn't feel the best and I was starting to fall asleep so I told her I had came to end it and we fell asleep woke up the next morning and jumped in the shower and experienced what felt like hot lava on my raw skin dick she had used teeth the whole time and it was rubbing off the skin on the underside of my penis with every bob on her neck but wait IT gets worse the next day we go to a football game and she isn't her normal self not holding my hand or really talking to me we get back and she comes up to my up to tell me that she cheated on me with my best friend I had at college and we broke up leaving me alone with my raw dick that took two weeks to heal in late 2016 my live-in girlfriend and I were in a rough patch I was kind of riding it out until the end of the lease to see if things got any better narrator they did not in late October she told me that she was breaking up with me a week later I was laid off she moved out shortly after a few weeks after that I saw on social media that she had gotten engaged some time after that mutual friends assured me that she had been cheating I found a contract job which I hated while there I started a side contracting gig when the primary contract ended I decided to take my side gig full-time since I suck at sales I couldn't manage to get traction fortunately I am now in a job I enjoy very much back in the gym losing weight and dating more basically if my life were an NFL team the coach would call this a rebuilding year double quote walked in on my ex having sex with a girl and a guy but wait it gets worse told her it was time for her to move three days later she shows up to get her stuff and smashes me in the face with a table lamp police show up and arrest me but wait it gets worse sitting in the cell for a few hours then two detectives come and take me to an interrogation room they have my pistol sitting on the table along with ammo and a few knives okay no big deal but wait it gets worse one of the detectives leaves comes back a minute later and slams a sawed-off shotgun onto the table WTF apparently an uber had hidden it in the furnace room took seven years and cost about ten dollars zero zero zero in lawyer's fees to get my record cared but wait it gets worse [ __ ] gave me HPV I was at a house party one winter and this guy and II thought it would be funny to get Tim's coat wet and throw it in the freezer when Tim found his frozen coat he grabbed the hose from the sink and sprayed Andy with it soaking the kitchen in the process well and he got mad and wrestled Tim outside to the backyard where he turned on the hose pimped him down and soaked him with most of the house guests standing at the door watching Tim was embarrassed and angry so he grabbed a cup went to the bathroom to pee in it then came back out and threw his pee on Andy so Andy did the only thing left he took a cup to the bathroom and took a [ __ ] in it as soon as Andy entered the room with his cup the smell people just started clearing out of the room he then threw his poop on Tim as far as I could tell it only hit his clothes but that was enough excitement for the guests and we set out cups down and started heading out I did a trial at a coffee shop when I was 16 all going well until I server a customer and give them their change but realize I shortchanged them after I closed the toll but waited get worse instead of asking the manager who has stood right by me how to open the till I reached into my pocket and used my own change to pay the customer most embarrassing moment of my life [Music] more of a short and sweet one but still kind of fits helped girlfriend move into new house on campus two weeks in a row first week moved and set up just about everything and drove extra that night to drop off a table for her sister three hours away she was lacking furniture and I just graduated and didn't need any of my furniture so I gave it to her helped her move all my stuff into next weekend showed up and got broken up with in the morning still moved all her stuff in and put furniture together because I am a pushover she also still has my TV nobody will probably see the so f-ck here goes ex-wife asked for a separation out of nowhere find out she is f king my best friend if 17 years it gets worse we divorce picking my son up from her house and she tells me she is going on a date with her first ex-husbands brother it gets worse then she calls me to defend herself and tell me it's okay she asked her daughter from first marriage if it's okay she asked her daughter if it's okay she dates her uncle yes oh it gets worse while trying to make me understand her choices she tells me that she can't take it she will never be happy and she thinks about killing herself I would say it gets worse but that implies she did kill herself she didn't what she did do is continue to date her daughter's uncle and used hurting herself as an attention-grabber it's gets worse she thinks the flu vaccine is bad for children last part didn't relate but she is stupid July 2015 my little brother kills himself completely unexpectedly it was earth-shattering two months later September 2015 I catch myself for years having an online affair with a married woman a month after that my perfectly healthy three-year-old cat died for no apparent reason and with no warning just fell asleep and died I raised her from a kitten and she was perfect another two months later in December my upstairs neighbor went f king postal and tried to kick down my front door at 3 a.m. to fight me because I asked her to wait until the morning to finish hammering something that she had been hammering since 9:00 p.m. I spent the next six months trying to get away from her the course f ked up my restraining order so it didn't go through she filed several false police reports against me saying I assaulted and threatened her the police wouldn't take any action because they didn't want to deal with her and the rental agency wouldn't get involved or let me break my lease eventually was able to move all at my own expense 2015 was a [ __ ] hour being nine years old was a rough time for me elementary school shuts down since it is so old and in need of repairs basically would be cheaper to build a new school than repairing all that was wrong with it due to where I live on the new school district lines I went to a different elementary school in all of my friends friends who I didn't have their number or address since we saw each other all the time at school so I had no way to contact them more than me needed to get a strong prescription of glasses over the summer so none of the kids that the new school would talk to me unless they were bullying me found out my best friend and her little sister died in a car accident through the newspaper my dad ended up in the hospital due to a tumor that was in his lung they had to remove half of his lung since it had died it was a really shitty year I was supposed to head out on vacation with my aunt and cousin but it got postponed due to a friend of the family dying unexpectedly on the way home from the funeral my uncle driving my arms and cousins dies of a heart attack wait it gets worse a few days after my uncle's funeral my aunt cousin and I drive up to our cottage on the lake my aunt says to this on the drive up I can take another death had better be over two days into our vacation my cousin her daughter drowned my dad drove the 10 hours to come pick us up about halfway through the trip home we get pulled over by state trooper they had a look out for us the state of Maine insisted I come back and write my witness statement of what happened to my cousin I was 13 at the time and it was all too much for me so we drive five hours back to Maine I do what is needed and we head out again on the way home our transmission blew about four hours from home it was a rough time this is my friends story but I really enjoyed it college freshman year party in the dorms they have a reft ton of booze and inerrant supposed to have OU's the Resident Advisor rah knocks on the door due to a noise complaint and a bunch of students run to hide in the back room now this I sent so bad if you have OHS you don't get kicked out you just have to write an essay on why alcohol is bad and they confiscate it these kids don't know that so they jump out the window three stories up first guy somehow doesn't hurt himself breaks away running second Garland's okay third guy is a freshman girl and she hits her head and blacks out they finally let the wrong into the room he gets a call on his cell you know he just saw body fall past her window so now he has to get the police involved they can't find the girl because the second guy dragged her body behind a dumpster [Music] dealing some DIY we had some loose floorboards in the bathroom I can fix this I thought made of a note of where the floor joists we're and hammered in the first nail it didn't feel quite right so hammered half an inch to the left and it felt much more secure put in the next nail again it didn't feel right moved it over a bit and hammered again the next thing I know I'm hit in the face with high-pressure hot water from the heating system by the time I've shut off the water I've got the equivalent of a bucket of water coming though the ceiling in the kitchen under the bathroom go back into the bathroom thinking oh god what a mess then realize I can smell gas the previous nail had gone straight though the gas main and we had to shut off the gas and the gas board came round and declared the house and safe and it took us four days to get it repaired when we went to repair the hot water pipe it turned out the first nail had also gone through the shower drain the good news is I'm banned from DIY for life got abused as a baby parents mentally and physically abused me and locked me in I was so mentally ill that I didn't even know how to talk to mothers so of course I got bullied at school luckily they put me in a home at 13 when I started therapy but started self-harm to cutting to the bone drinking chemicals burning myself I cannot wear any clothes that show my arms and legs ever since I've attempted suicide a few times of which one was by overdose I have heart problems from that still I got raped a few times by different people was homeless gained weight became a drug addict just when after seven years of therapy I started to feel better and decided to do what I loved and started to study design I got an eye disease that left me almost blind nevertheless I am happier than I've ever been today although I live alone and am very lonely sometimes I decided to go to university which starts next week I have the most awesome guide dog in the world and here's everything to me I finally realized that being happy as a choice you have to make no matter the circumstances in college I was had a few friends over my dorm to hang out I was really interested in this girl so I approached her asked her if she was interested in me she said gross never with you then started throwing up in my room but wait it gets worse I had across the hall to borrow a mop I returned the doors locked and she's banging someone on my bed my keys were inside the room and I was banging on the door non-stop I had to wait half an hour until they were done to my surprise they had also thrown up on my bag laptop my so locked his keys in his car about six weeks ago well only the hidden key that lives inside the Frog but you see the unlock key on the fob is broken so the key is required to enter the car and the fob fits into the ignition he had no other choice than to hop in the trunk with the Frog punch out the small trunk accessed all that's behind the backseat on rest find the lever to lower the rear seats by shoving his body through the tiny door crawl through the car and retrieve his key in the front seat I also forgot to mention that the alarm was blaring this whole time he finally gets through to the front seat stops the car and kills the alarm exhausted with bloody knuckles and scrapes all over he gets out of the car and shuts the door behind him it is then that he realized he had left the keys on the seat again and the door had locked behind him he turned and gave a swift punter his tower out of frustration immediately snapping his third metatarsal breaking his foot he then had to repeat this scenario to get his keys out this time with a broken foot he just got his boot off last week [Music] I was born with Asperger's disorder then in my early preteens I had anal abscesses then I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at 13 which led to years of problems with school a surgery to remove 20 centimeters of my Liam and me pattern forming a habit of being lazy and procrastinating which I still haven gotten rid of even though I'm not in college because it's really hard for me to break long lasting patterns also I was happy to reach 116 five pounds recently as a 59 young adult then I had some dick pain that's never been given a reason for existing it just happened sometimes as in like once or twice a year for half a month at worst so it's not the worst but it ain't great then I heard today one of my longtime friends I met when I finally got over my social anxiety and formed a D & B Club halfway through tenth grade died in a car crash along with his mother my brother slid down a wooden handrail on a porch which we never had at my house as a kid so he assumed was safe and got a splinter that went through his jeans into one end of his box cheek and out the other about a foot long an inch around but wait it gets worse he went to the ER and unfortunately they just had to pull a stick out the way it came in he said it was incredibly painful and he couldn't go to school the next day because he couldn't really sit down some smaller splinters were left and about a month later he had to go in for Bus surgery to remove him when my brother and I were both young my brother cracked his head open on ice I remember it vividly my brother crying other adults nearby taking me to the side and reassuring me being young and being surrounded by knowledgeable adults I wasn't super concerned I did get concerned however when my brother and parents got to ride in the ambulance and I don't and to top it all off a few years later I found one of my fish dead on the counter it was then that I realized that my fish had committed suicide by jumping out of a hole in the top of our tank I'm color blind I was assigned a task at my job once that was color coded in a way that I couldn't see when I informed my boss of my limitation and asked for accommodation her immediate reaction was to accuse me of lying to get out of work and she wrote me up for insubordination on that basis but wait it gets worse I filed a complaint with HR about the inappropriate write-up the rep offered me what she thought was a perfectly reasonable solution I could get the write-up removed if I used our company's tuition reimbursement program to go take her a median art class at our local Community College so that you can finally learn your colors he said posted this in our air force my ex-wife cheated on me at least eight times over eight five years we went to counseling and I thought everything was cool until I went to Korea while I was there she sold all of my stuff TV grill smoker tools photo albums cookware game consoles etc comma dropped my dog off in the pound and sold the car we had just paid off to get 22% interest on a new car she put the money for our mortgage credit cards and other bills into a separate account and just blew through it I'm talking new furniture for her apartment eating at restaurants every night new clothes etc I only find out about these expenses when I pull my credit and see that my house car and credit card have not been paid for nearly six months she also started dating and told my kids we were getting divorced before she told me she is now married to one of the guys she cheated on me with thanks to therapy friends soju and some great their sin SEOs I made it through it all if anyone here needs support after their spouse cheated on them I'm here to listen you arrant the only only dealing with that issue you'll recover and you will be stronger when it's all over when I was overseas I was on patrol and watched my interpreter get shot in the head he was dead before he hit the ground when I got back I went to check my email and I had one from my girlfriend at the time saying she needed more time and space my reply was something to the extent of I'm five zero zero zero miles away and I've been gone for six months just say what you mean what she meant if she met some Jack Kerouac motherf ker with a motorcycle and feed Ben F came for a while I contemplated putting my m4 in my mouth that night the sad thing is I Wheldon have been the first guy in my battalion to off himself on our deployment living conditions were rough and the casualties were high I lost half my squad that year my cap died days before my 30th birthday there will be no other cat as great as this cat it's been two years and I still cry in a time I think about him at the time my boyfriend of over three years was going to end it but because of my cat dying he decided to wait he proceeded to treat me like [ __ ] for three months before ending it so I was an emotional wreck because of losing my cat and my boyfriend that I lived with and was ready to spend the rest of my life with was so horrible to me that I realized I was going to have to leave him I essentially lost the two most important things in my life nearly at the same time two years later I am still emotionally dead inside and have been unable feel any romantic connection to anyone despite trying over and over again got kicked out of the basement I was renting on less than 12 hours notice which also happened to be where I work from home it was the kind of situation where I could only work in a very specific environment so I was essentially homeless and jobless overnight loaded up my car with everything in less than two hours ready to GTFO reverse shift into drive car doesn't move the previously working perfectly transmission shows up moments to break completely the best part is that one single week earlier I had sunk almost $2 K into bodywork maintenance on that car I spent two days in beds due to fever hoping I TD go away but apparently it was dengue so I had to spend my next three days in the school infirmary my second day in the infirmary I was delirious and my mom called from the province asking me to just talk with my dad in hindsight this was weird since my dad doesn't do phone calls I mostly did the talking the next morning dad died my platelet count went down to 50 and the infirmary has a policy that I have to go to a better equipped hospital I went to a public hospital and apparently I have to bleed from my ears and eyes before 'they take me in their defense there were a lot worse patients than me had to go to a private hospital but thanks to my now ex I had nothing to worry about except getting better also it got better since a friend actually footed the hospital bill I got better and was able to go home before my father's burial so it was fine I was visiting my mom and dad up north a weekend before my birthday and mom wasn't feeling well I decided to leave to get home for my birthday plans I talked my mom into going to the dr the day I left she ended up going in and being taken by ambulance two hours north for better medical care they were surprised she was still alive because her kidneys had quit working they put her in a medically induced coma two weeks later she was gone a few months later my aunt died then my cat died my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and then he passed days before Christmas I met a guy that I fell hard for he left me to go back to his ex-wife I lost 40 pounds in about a month I started self-medicating with opiates and was trying to kill myself with a mound I was taking at once I was taking 60 milligrams at a time I was diagnosed with PTSD but was so deep in the opiates I didn't even care then my best friend died from deep vein thrombosis I finally started living again about four years ago and got myself of the oxys I should not be alive neighbors set their condo on fire it's the one below mine they throw what caught on fire outside on our stacked decks my deck has my wood staircase trapped inside have to be rescued from window firefighter loses footing and we fall fracture my left lumbar transverse processes burst fracture of l5 and a broken rib boyfriend get out fine has smoke inhalation and a burn on his arm house burns down burns up my car and my boyfriend's car kills all five of my cats I am out of work for four months and he gets laid off three months after the fire I had bronchitis but wait it gets worse I was stuck on a boat in Vietnam miles out to sea there was a terrible lightning storm and lightning hit the small metal roof I was under causing hearing loss and a shock but wait it gets worse later in the day I touched a hot pepper then rubbed my eyes and as I was running through the boat looking for sink I missed an open trapdoor and fell eight feet into the bowels of the ship landing on pipes and breaking my head I was trapped in a relationship for six months with a girl who was suicidal and depressed at the same time her mom had cancer I only found this out after taking her virginity obviously poor wreckin and Intel when the time finally came to break up her mom was clean of cancer just a week prior so I knew there would be someone for her so I break up with her and then three days later her mom has a blood clot and is on life support and then dies a week later I used to be a camp counselor for an eight-week camp and we had a kid who just did not want to be there poor kid was incredibly homesick he wakes me up one night at like 2:00 a.m. he is freaking out I wake up and see that the kid in the bunk above him just yakked everything he ate for dinner all over the bottom bunk where the homesick camper slept he was covered I grabbed a trash bag we cleaned his sheets and he got to sleep in the nurse's station the kicker I woke up the next morning to find out that the homesick camper had an allergic reaction to whatever was in the vomit into both his eyes swelled shut for like three days poor kid went on a date with a girl I was becoming less and less interested so she tried to spice up dinner with a game of 20 questions she asked me what my deepest darkest secret was I replied with some Hoffa Edie made up answer she then decides to tell me that her deepest darkest secret is that she's had an abortion I sit there in shock so she goes on to explain how her circumstance was different because it was her dad's kid you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 584,765
Rating: 4.8640962 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: 44rQqmCym8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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