What was the creepiest thing that’s ever happened to you? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what was the creepiest or most paranormal thing that's ever happened to you I dropped my mug onto the floor accidentally heard no noise when it hit the floor go to pick it up and it's gone I honestly went to bed and pondered what happened and slept feeling incredibly uncomfortable edit Jesus Christ this kicked off more than expected obligatory thanks for the gold and alas I never didn't find a mug still bothers me to this day one afternoon in college I came back from classes and decided to sit on the couch and have a snack after that I just passed out I had a nightmare of some bloody face diminish things screaming in my ear at the top of its lungs woke up and went about the rest of my day my roommate comes back later that night and goes into his room as I'm sitting in the main living area at some point he lets out this random startled scream which leads to me running down the hall to see what's going on he looks at me and goes I swear to god someone with a bloody face just walked from your bedroom into the bathroom double-quote I never told him about my nightmare I had earlier in the day I didn't sleep for two days nothing ever happened again when I was in college I house-sat from my parents I'm a bit of a scaredy cat so I'll knock every door leading up to the bedroom when I went to bed at night I had the weirdest dream that someone unlocked each snore and turned on every light I felt cold and woke up to my dog barking all of the lights in the house were on and every door open and unlocked my dog wouldn't stop barking at nothing in the hallway i sat in the shower with my dog and a phone the rest of night scared to death my grandmother's house had a very distinct smell nothing bad though just to grandmother's house smell anyway when she came to visit us she always used to sit in a specific chair in the living room shortly after she passed away my father my older sister and myself came home and when we walked into the living room and we all smelled her my dad said hello Ethel and the smell disappeared I would be skeptical if just one of us experienced this but it was all three my boyfriend and I woke up in separate parts of the house in hysterics naked and covered in sweat when we both finally calmed down and talks we realized we had the same dream of being surrounded by a group of black and white people with no mouths a lady's voice coming from my closet asking for help my closet door was cracked and she said help me I see you through the cracks every synonym for the word scared was coursing through my body I went and check to see if there was a woman in need of help but nothing was in there but my clothes and shoes when I was about 5 or 6 I was sitting on the back deck of my family home an old farmhouse I remember this old lady walking up the steps and going straight into the house without acknowledging me I follow her inside to see who it isn't my mom is standing in the kitchen room right off the back deck I asked Clark who's here and she gives this confused look around that time the original owner of the farmhouse died and I am 100% convinced it was her my grandfather passed away when I was 8 and my little brother was 2 or 3 ish he had this big leather boy chair in the living room that he always planted himself in everyone knew this chair was grandpa's chair double-quote anyway we went down to my grandparents house in Florida for a long weekend to attend the funeral etc we're all chatting the first night there in the living room and my mom was sitting in the la-z-boy chair my little brother goes up to my mom and says grandpa wants his chair back my mom asks him where ground Paes thinking he probably didn't understand death to which he responds he's right behind you double-quote my mom bolted off that sofa immediately somewhat ironically something happened to me last night I got home from work very early in the morning 230 a.m. my house has an entryway or mudroom before you actually get into the house I opened the front door step inside closed front door and proceeded to try and find the key to get through the nor to get into my house so the only light in this entryway is through the glass on the front door the rest of the room is completely black and I can barely see my hands in front of my face all of a sudden I starts to hear this buzzing vibrating noise behind me off to the right house is old so maybe just weird house noises still looking for the key when I noticed that the noise is getting louder closer and it has risen in pitched to something like of a woman was humming loudly maybe it's just ringing in my ear out of the corner of my eye I see a shadow that I thought was from life reflecting outside move towards me creeping along the wall that's when I noticed a vibrating noise was also getting closer to me and it seemed to be coming in the same direction as the now moving shadow I'm [ __ ] my pants trying to open this damn door and when I finally do the noise stops the shadow disappears and I'm hoping it was all in my head I was sleeping in my basement pretty much my bedroom and I woke up at some random time in the night for no reason rolled over and saw a black figure probably around five feet ten inches and typical male physique standing at the side of my bed it was standing between the bed and the stairs so there was no way to know pout I just rolled over and straight up started praying I rolled back over and it was gone the next morning I was in the shower also in the basement and the curtain was pushed to the side not like all the way but had noticeably moved then when I got out of the shower my cellos d-string was plucked three times then wrung out which was laying against my chair in the basement then I went upstairs and my brother had a handprint that reached across his neck and cheek it was too big to be his hand but he was perfectly fine and he slept through the night uninterrupted 20 or so years ago while living in nm driving east on Hwy 60 it's night between Vaughn and ft Sumner two of us in the car and noticed a really bright light on the right rear side I mean really bright we then remembered that the train tracks were there so we kept driving without really thinking about it well the light stayed with us which was weird because trains usually don't go that fast out there so then my friend rolls down the window and look back to see wth it is insulting Li the light vanishes also no sound so now we're a little freaked we pull over to check things out well a new realization sets in there are no train tracks next to the road on this section of road 34 four hundred and eighty six thousand six hundred and ninety eight - 104 seven hundred and seventy six thousand seven hundred and thirty three so now we're really freaked out and bolt out of Aris app we told our story to people at work and of course caught some grief but that's what happened to us edit sorry can't get map link to work using my phone in the house I grew up in it always felt like you were being watched I'd see shadows out of the corner of my eye and dark mists that were dissolved when you looked straight at them my older sister was always scared of the Attic especially she would barricade the door when we were left home alone I went in the attic quite often to get various things it's where we kept large toy containers old clothes and stuffed animals and I just liked seeing what I could find it always felt like I was being watched though one time I went up there and as I reached the top of the stairs I saw large translucent alien shaped white head looking at me from behind a box I froze terrified and locked eyes with it for a few seconds before it slowly lowered itself down to hide I turned right back around and left telling myself I had imagined it but scared to go in the Attic for years after that I didn't tell anyone for years my parents eventually sold the house and we moved and I've never felt the same way anywhere else I've lived I used to have this reoccurring nightmare about this lizard man type monster who could see what I could see out of my eyes so I'd run and hide and he didn't know where I was but then as soon as I peek to see if it was safe he'd know where I was so I'd have to leave that hiding spot and go find a new one and then it would happen over and over and over again a little nightmare very Kafka asked and x200 be and x200 be but here is the real spooky part I once mentioned the lizard man to my dad and he got super white in the face and his voice was all shaky and he just said this dream took place at our house in East st. Paul the one with the apartments right behind it and I said yes that's where I'd always go to hide how did you know that and he said because I have the exact same dream and I don't know if it was just the way he said it or just the overall situation or both but I still get goosebumps thinking about it it's quite chilling at a nursing home working 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. first I took care of 16 ladies as a CNA on night duty on my own the holes have 16 rooms with a sister hole same layout next door only separated by a sliding door there's a nurse that oversees the two adjoining halls but never saw how much so it got lonely as it was a nursing home the ladies who live there are older and can get really sick really fast one lady was sent to the hospital for pneumonia and was gone for days one night around 3 a.m. another lady saying the whole neighbor to the lady at the hospital started screaming get him out of my room thinking a male resident had wandered from the other side of the building I ran over to her room but I didn't see anything now this is a lady who is very with it and never has behaviors or hollows out but she is hysterical I figure she had a bad dream and tried to calm her down it took about 15 minutes when I leave her room the nurses on the phone the lady at the hospital had fifteen minutes ago there are ghosts that walk the halls and art forms I see in certain corners of certain halls so I guess I was never really alone the very first hotel that I worked at I started at the front desk and worked 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. shift there was someone there with me from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. so I always had a little more than an hour where I was alone at the desk our kitchen close to the 10:00 p.m. so usually by 10:15 p.m. it was only the bartender and I still there one night it was almost 11:00 p.m. and there was a huge noise that came from the kitchen area the bartender and I ran back there and saw that every single pot pan ladle spoon everything else that was hanging from the ceiling racks were on the ground after our shift we watched the camera back and there was no one in the kitchen when it happened I have no explanation for it other than it was one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me and I could not get out of there fast enough I was driving to pick up my friend from the airport around 10:00 at night his girlfriend was also with me as she wanted to see him as soon as possible we were going down some dark super lonely back road I've never been that way before but I was following good old Apple Maps eventually we came up alongside a train that was matched with our speed so we couldn't see out past it on the right side of the car after a couple minutes of that we came upon a train yard on our left a very spooky very generic horror movie train yard nothing crazy yet except for the fact that it went on and on and on we probably spent 10 minutes driving at 45 miles an hour down a dark back road with a train yard on our left and a train will now right blocking the view eventually we made it back into society and picked up my friend from the airport we told him all about the spooky train yard and train and were excited to drive back and show him just how much it was like a generic horror film we drove back down the same roads it there we never passed a train yard there were no trains on the tracks now on our left friends girlfriend and I flipped out we swore up and down we drove right along the train yard for a long time the drive home felt much shorter I remember I was camping one time with friends from high school we had decided to sleep around a fire not inside of temps since it would be nice to sleep under the stars I fell asleep in the chair after a while but I woke up to very loud screaming from the forest surrounding the campground it sounded exactly like a friend of mine who was sleeping right by me and I didn't see him in his chair anymore I woke up the person next to me asking where he went and then my friend who I thought to his screaming was across sleeping elsewhere on a bench I then went OK and fell asleep immediately the next morning I was asking people about the screaming and nobody else heard it but me and I'm not sure what made it sorry if bad formatting using mobile not creepy but definitely paranormal I was about 17 and was in my bedroom crying my eyes out over something home could be difficult at times and that evening I was really upset I really needed someone to talk to but the only phone in the house was downstairs where my parents were so calling a friend wasn't an option I didn't know what to do to deal with the crap I was trying to live with and really felt that it couldn't go on for much longer I remember thinking please someone just help me not a prayer is such I'm not really sure if that does any good more sort of a mental scream into the void there was definitely no one in the room with me it was a tiny room and I had my back to a chest of drawers and then I felt a something on my left shoulder as if someone was standing behind me and resting their hand on me I could feel the weight of each individual finger and upon cupping my shoulder and I could feel warmth from it it didn't scare me but it was enough to stop me crying I guess the feeling lasted for a minute or so and then just stopped I have no idea what it was but it was enough to calm me down I wish I could feel it again I'm a paranormal investigator so I live for the creepy and paranormal I seek it out I've experienced a lot of creepy things a while back we investigated the Sally house in Atchison Kansas this house is notorious for paranormal activity and the owners lease it to investigators we'd already been there a few hours in the dark with no major incidents and had our equipment set up all over the place we'd arranged toys on the floor in Sally's room it said that Sally will move them if you do that we'd just finished a dinner break in the kitchen downstairs and went upstairs to check the equipment when we got to the top of the stairs the door to Sally's room was closed none of us had closed it someone knocked on the door and asked is anyone in there double-quote we heard a distinctly male voice say no just leave double quote I need to point out we were all downstairs together no one had gone upstairs to close the door but any investigator will tell you in old houses doors sometimes closed no men were upstairs we had two men in our group both downstairs we lived in a house a few years back and random things would just go missing then they turn up somewhere else we never really thought hard on it cause they were never expensive or important things so because of this none of us ever mentioned it to each other fast forward and mum loses an earring not a huge deal but it's a nice dangly pair she wears frequently maybe a month later I come home and find it perfectly laid out in the middle of the ground at the end of a high-traffic hallway it has three doors at the end take a photo and show Mom when she gets back give her back her earring and we discussed the oddity I mentioned that lately I've been miss placing random inconsequential stuff like staplers and she looks at me and she goes that's weird me too our housemate gets home and we mention it and he goes oh man so weird my razor vanished for awhile and I found it back on my sink one day so basically we're all convinced there was a Friendly Ghost attached to that house that just misplaced things to let us know they were present my friends were all hanging out at my rich friends parents old mansion that was super extremely haunted he had lots of enthusiastic golden retrievers that balanced out the palpable ghost ridden environment other than that it was just five of us guys once in a while something small happened that we dismissed something moving weird creepy whispering dark areas of the house being creepy all the furniture was from the early 20th century but one time we were all sitting outside on his patio and hanging out chatting my friends were smoking some cigarettes some hitting Aurore in the middle of conversation there was this loud if Ariel operatic singing coming from slightly above us came out of nowhere it was extremely bizarre and we all stopped looked at each other freaked out and ran we all sat down at a huge dinner table inside the house and tried to rationalize it but couldn't to this day that is the only not explainable paranormal thing that has happened to me I was in my room on the second floor and I saw the girl which I thought was my sister in the hall walk past my room into my sister's room then I went to go ask her a question assuming my sister would be in her room but when I turned out if my door her room was empty and had the lights off I went downstairs to find her in the kitchen and when I asked if she was upstairs at all she told me she had been in the kitchen the whole time my mom and I visited my grandma at her senior home and left at like 10:00 p.m. I went out the front doors and bumped straight into this dudes chest I said sorry and backed away but when he didn't respond I felt a bit weirded out and looked up to see this huge tall middle-aged dude I think he was like seven feet with a black fedora and black suit and really wide eyes and a briefcase he had huge wide eyes and he kept staring at me without blinking or saying a word then my mom called for me to hurry up and follow her to the car when we got in the car I asked her who she thought that man was she said what man I explained what literally just happened and she said she didn't see any man I turned around and that dude was gone creepiest thing that's ever happened to me edit everyone here is saying I bumped into death I never thought about that before I thought it was just some weird dude who somehow quietly got into the door even though it has a welcome beep but I guess it was at a senior home and it's right next to a cemetery so it makes sense and now I feel even more creeped out by this memory thanks everyone I don't believe in ghosts or the paranormal so this one freaked me out my parents owned a 300 acre ranch in George West Texas my stepdad and mother are going out of town for a week and asked me to look after the animals I decide to spend the week there in the guesthouse and make myself comfortable now this ranch is in the middle of nowhere in the nearest neighbor is probably like 10 miles down the road one night I finished feeding the cows and decide to take a walk in the woods behind the cow pen it was probably like 2,300 ish and I'm scanning the woods with a flashlight and just walking I remember taking my phone out because I had thought I felt it vibrate phantom vibration the screen reads 2323 but there is no signal okay whatever seconds later I hear what sounds like a woman singing a lullaby I freaked the f ck out and become paralyzed due to shock i c ck my shotgun always had it with me in case snakes or coil t's scan the woods with flashlights in hand I don't see anything but the singing is getting louder I ran out of there like a little girl and went back to the guest house never found out what it was I wrote this in another post but it applies here as well when I was in high school I'd have my then-girlfriend over to my house almost every day every night I'd have to drive her home and since I was like 16 I had the whole know driving after 9 0 0 feet thing so I'd drive her home at like 8:30 and get back on rode at around nine zero zero whenever I turned off onto my road I'd go up at about half a mile and see this girl like a teenager in a blue dress with a light blue ribbon tied around her waistline walking down the road it was around fall and she was barefoot and grinning ear-to-ear with mascara stains running down her face from some heavy-duty crying I told my then-girlfriend the story and she didn't really believe me it happened the next three nights and each time I just stared at her my heart beating hard in my chest I never stopped to see what was the deal sajo in their right mind would the fourth night I waited until 1000 to bring my girlfriend home then when I turned onto my road I pulled out my phone to film the rest of the trip I didn't see anything and I haven't seen her since I was 15 ish and babysitting a neighbor girl down the road from my parents house the house was older but I never thought it was creepy they also had this awful rat area that will bark out everything worst dog ever once the girl went to bed I sat in the living room and was watching TV the dog started freaking out but instead of barking at a kid or like normal she started barking at the corner of the room then she would run to another room and bark and come back to where I was like she was following something finally she stayed through the kitchen barking for a solid two minutes afraid that she was going to wake the girl up I went into the kitchen to quiet her down when I walked in I frozen saw that every single cabinet door in the kitchen was open all of them I grabbed the dog and ran to the living room after she stopped barking I went back into the kitchen and closed everything thankfully would that finally came home soon after I refused to go back and my parents never believed me I still get freaked out when I think about it earlier today I made a negative comment about Scientology related to their stalking false imprisonment and kidnapping on this first one was me and my cousins were in the basement playing video games while the adults we're at the hospital for our sick grandma the doors on the third floor started shaking and the dogs were going crazy when we went up it stopped and we got thr call our Grandma passed second one would be when I was younger I was at a buddy's and my mom called me to come home I left on my bike and when I got home my family was crying and freaked out I asked what was wrong and they asked me where the hell was I I eventually looked at the clock and it took me over three hours to get home from my buddy's house that was like four blocks away I still to this day have no idea what happened and don't remember the bike ride home when I was a kid a friend and I were at a park we were about to walk back through the park field he asked to hurry so we decided to run race we started to run and we were there across the field I went dude what just happened and he went did we only take two steps it was so f king weird that he too felt like we only took a few steps I do remember what it felt like though he started to run while looking down and I quickly followed while looking down all I see is a quick blur of the grass and some wind through my ears stop once we get the concrete of the sidewalk and freakout time sped up or some [ __ ] idk this was a couple of years ago but I still remember it vividly it kind of happened in a dream the dream itself wasn't that creepy in fact it was very pleasant in my dream I spent the day with my step grandfather he tried to teach me how to golf we jogged together and ended the day at his house he needed help cleaning out his room up in the attic and I was happy to help as we were cleaning I started to notice a theme between all the items we got rid of old baseball cards baseball caps his entire strat-o-matic records all of these things were very important to him when I asked him why we were getting rid of these things he just told me that he didn't need them anymore it was about them that the dream ended the creepy bit came when I woke up that morning my parents broke the news to me that my step grandfather had passed away in his sleep as for all the things he and I threw away in the dream those were all given to us in his will my wife and I spent a night at the Haunted Hill View Manor we captured the following scream on tape no one around no one else heard it scared me shitless no explanation I watched my cat from inside my house cat was sitting in the garden and looking in a different direction as if looking for some birds to catch I randomly thought what if cats could hear thoughts and immediately she turns around and looks me straight in the eyes from like 50 metre distance I was pretty sure I didn't make any noise to get her attention anyways I don't believe she heard my thoughts law she probably heard some noise from that direction that it was creepy F My partner and I were driving along a road and we see this shape in the middle of the road it looks like it could be a kangaroo but the closer we get to it the more human it looks but kind of oversized it is surrounded by a bunch of smaller shapes we stop to think maybe it's a giant bird because it looks feathery but it's definitely human shaped but not quite like it had monstrous features we're driving slower now like walking speed and I'm frantically telling my partner to drive around it and not leave the car because that's how you get murdered we see the little shapes closer and their plastic chairs surrounding a bigger scarecrow now you think knowing it's not an actual monster would help calm you down but a frigging scarecrow surrounded by small chairs in the middle of a quite road it's night doesn't ease any mood we laugh about it now but it freaked me the f ck out not me but my mom she grew up in a ranch house in Colombia that used to be some kind of epidemic ward when she was little she and one of her sisters saw little white gowns floating around their bed at night they were obviously terrified and fought against sleeping in that room so fiercely that my grandmother actually had a priest come and bless the room to set their minds at ease after that no more floating gowns I was on call at a hospital med student and as I was going to leave for the night I walked the long empty hallway to return my pager as I returned down that hall I stopped in my tracks when I noticed a woman limping down the hall toward me sobbing and crying help me mind you it was 2:00 a.m. and no one should be in that part of the hospital anyway I thought she was a ghost she wasn't she fell off a stripper pole and hit her head in her fugue state she stole a key card and meandered into the holes from the IDI I was 8 years old on Christmas even lived on the third floor of a large house that was converted into apartments I had trouble falling asleep I saw a boy floating outside my window wearing one of those old beanie hats with the propeller on top I threw the covers over my head and eventually fell asleep the next morning my parents told me that they saw a figure of a small boy sitting at the end of their bed and asked if it was me which it was not a few years later we had some plumbing work done and they had to tear up the floorboards an old book was found that had pictures of the property from about 60 years prior there was a picture of the boy I saw in there and it turns out that he was shot during a hunting accident on the property and died still freaks me out to this day I work in a relatively old building 200 years old maybe dart used to be a hospital typical but there's some toilets not often used because they're in an awkward place on several occasions I've heard someone whisper my name despite the fact the area is empty on one and I heard them say my name followed by watch out nothing bad happened or has happened probably my mind filling the quiet I've dreamt about each one of my grandparents the night before they died and can still vividly remember each dream I rarely remember even dreaming throughout the night seven years old grandma who I barely knew nine years old grandpa who lived in another state and was until seventeen grandpa who had just gotten a clean bill of health and died in his sleep of a heart attack 24 grandma who was in another state twenty-eight grandma who I hadn't seen in ten years I have one grandparent left who is 92 I'm dreading the night I dream of him about a year ago I was in my living room and my parents go upstairs to bed so I move to the bigger couch I sit down and no more than two seconds later I hear three distinct knocks on the wall right behind my head what made it worse was there was a window too so I fully expected to see someone but there was nothing me and my dad even grabbed flashlights to look outside and found nothing I tried to replicate the knock like maybe I called it nope it was literally three knocks on the wall and I have zero clue what it was I was camping with my friend around ma'am tour in England apparently there is a lot of activity around there because a few people have crashed landed where and passed and it is very old so there are quite a few legends anyway me being me I thought nothing of it and then as the night went on we were chatting around the fire and in the distance I can clearly make out a guy wearing an orange the shirt walking up to our tent around the side we were in the corner of this campsite so I just assumed he needed a Piston was making his way to the wall and then all of a sudden he kind of lurched down as if he was going to start sprinting and he just collapsed and melted into the ground I looked horrified for a couple of seconds and asked my friends if they saw anything and they said they didn't I was like 9 or 10 and sitting in my oldest brother's room which is in the basement claim Mario Kart Double Dash usually I didn't like being in the basement because it gave me bad vibe but this time my brothers and their friends were out in the living room area playing Halo my brother poked his head in and told me that they were going to McDonald's which was like 10 15 minutes away I was like cool I'm about to beat Rainbow Road on 100cc they leave I finish up my game and then I hear this huge crash upstairs I'm like oh crap one of the dogs just hurt themselves I run up there and everything is fine but our two dogs were staring down this chair that had been tipped over I think nothing of it and go back to play some more Mario Kart I stopped a race and get like two laps in when all of the sudden the gamma cube says the disc can't be read I open the disc tray to clean it and there is nothing in there the game had been put back in its case that room is also the same place I would have super freaky sleep paralysis dreams I was driving in to work one morning on the highway I always do as I'm trucking along I noticed that the car ahead of me has a rear passenger and they seem to be looking at me now mind you I'm doing about 65 miles per hour and while my eyesight is bad it also ice and 20 stroke 20 but regardless this person seems to be staring me down initially I don't pay a lot of attention since it may just be a kid or someone trying to get a rise out of other morning-time motorists however the closer I get I noticed that the passenger isin't moving even closer still I noticed what it really is the owner of the car has replaced his real headrest with a fully makeup ed mannequin head facing rear I immediately began to slow and put some distance between him and myself out of fear he may memorise my license plate maybe more odd than paranormal or creepy but still I was dating this girl who was kinda into spiritual stuff and had a rough background one night we had just had SX and we were lying in bed under the covers suddenly the candle went out and I felt a cold thing pass over my legs but under the covers I was already creeped out but she then asked did you feel that and I got hit by a tidal wave of panic like I was just drowning fear and it felt like it was external to me like it was filling the room eventually I got the nerve to get out of bed and turn on the light and we went to the living room to watch TV and get less creeped out the joke is that the first thing on TV was the Teletubbies and we just sat there stunned like it was as scary as what we had just been through but the creepy punchline is that she later told me she heard a voice in her head asking can I come in and she responded yes right before the candle went out to this day I define my religion as easily spooked a feast like I do not believe in the paranormal but I've been super scared in the past [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 90,034
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: afYEkHZu51g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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