SCARIEST thing happened to you in the WOODS(r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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[Music] our slash asked credit posted by user Tara pavlova serious what is the scariest thing that has happened to you in or near the woods I'll start when I was 13 to 14 years old I was invited to a birthday party of a close friend of mine down the street there were a dozen of us or something around Matt as he had invited close personal friends and a couple of classmates inside his basement living room alternating turns on who gets to play super smash melee on the Gamecube as the hours passed the sweaty gaming by a dozen or so sweaty young teenagers was slowly but surely increasing the temperature of the room as there was only a single window that was poorly circulating the air inside we decided to head out for a quick breather to cool down and let the air in the room renew this story takes place in Norway a country not particularly known for its high criminality rates and psycho murders besides the 2011 shootings that happened many years after I was done being a sweaty teenager so parents tend to be quite fine with letting children and teenagers out into the dark for short periods of time this is where the wood gets relevant behind the house there was a forest now forests aren't particularly rare at all and besides stories of trolls and monsters there wasn't all that much to be afraid of the house and the forest was separated by a road a single street light illuminating the pavement sidewalk closest to the house we were all gathered outside the back of the house getting some fresh air as one of us spot two reflective lights looking sort of like eyes after five minutes of back-and-forth speculating as to what it might be in daring each other to go investigate I rationally thought that it most likely was glass or something of the sort simply reflecting the dimly lit streetlight I walked away from the group making my way towards the two eyes 30 or something yards / metres away I came to the source and realized it was simply a sheet of clear plastic picked it up turned around and announced what it was that's when something happened my friend started yelling loudly some started running towards the house as the Sheep of a teenager I was and in my bewildered situation I ran towards them as I didn't want to be left behind I got into the hallway of the house where all the others had as well as my friends parents and saw that some of the others were crying unclear as to what just happened I of course asked what was going on what had disturbed everyone so much to the point of Tears something that teenage males are not particularly fond of doing in front of other male friends heaving for breath the birthday kid told me that in the instance where I had turned around a man presumably in his mid forties according to some of the others had suddenly appeared behind me with his arms reached out in a choking hold according to the ones that were the last to run back at doors who witnessed when I started to run he had been inches away by the time I started sprinting back the police weren't called as well this was a group of teenagers claiming to have seen a man presumably ready to choke me at 2200 hours on a Saturday night and nothing actually happened however I do think back and wonder was I about to be kidnapped was he simply just going to strangle me to death in front of my friends or was it merely an act of collective imagination getting out of hand after having previously been spooked by reflective plastic camping with some friends on the Northern Irish border:solid night a few drinks nice fire and we turned in late after 20 minutes of settling down the fire which had been well and truly stamped out starts back up we can see the glow through the tent walls being lazy fifteen-year-olds we don't go back out and sort it another few minutes pass and we hear some footsteps one of us calls out who is there no response more footsteps twigs crack and now as they pass close to the tent whoever is out there brushes the tent wall we call out again no response more footsteps the number increases they brushed gently against the tent walls more and more it sounds like twenty or thirty people walking around the tents as quietly as possible wiping their hands on the tent walls trying to freak us out needless to say we are pretty terrified after way way too long being paralyzed I crawl out of the tent still a dark moonless night with only the smoldering remains of the fire giving off a dull red glow I see nothing No hours of broken restless sleep and more of the same terrifying noises the Sun rises we get out of our tents greeted by the sight of 50 or so sheep heavy winds had blown life back into our fire and blown down a section of fence giving the Sheep an escape from a nearby field to our clearing in the end I was just glad none of the sheep had caught fire I used to walk my dog down near the river along the same path every day which had a section going through the woods one day he just passed that section up and walked towards the sidewalk instead I went along with it because it was the same amount of time either way I happened to glance down the path as we passed it and saw two figures dart into the woods I passed people all the time on that path even after dark like that night and I never got chilled like that before even the really weird stuff didn't really bother me something about those guys was different and I think my dog knew it he was a good dog he used to knock me down and stand on me when he heard gunshots and stuff like that he saved me a lot but I couldn't save him he died of a brain tumor when he was three I'll probably never have another dog to be honest he was it I used to work at a summer camp in the hill country after the kids went to sleep the counselors would go about screwing around and doing the usual stupid things that 18 to 24 year olds do when minimally supervised and plenty of space to roam one night on a full moon a group of us had taken one of the trucks out to a nearby field to smoke and drink the field was surrounded by woods filled with waist-high grass and had a single road running down the middle of it we stopped in the exact center of the field and were chillin for about twenty minutes when someone says who is that it wasn't a with Bodega question which piqued my interest I turned around and at the entrance to the field where we had come from there's this person just standing there they were about 100 yards off and it was nighttime clear with a full moon so we couldn't make out much detail except that they were wearing light / white clothes and were white it was super weird we called to them to come join us but they just started pacing back and forth in front of the entrance to the field this went on for a couple of minutes well about 2/3 s of the people in the truck / bed of the truck were high and started to work themselves into a stoners paranoia so my buddy and I took over the cab and turned the truck around to put the high beams on whomever was over there at the edge of the woods with the beams out we could see them pacing back and forth as soon as we flipped them on it was just filled in woods with road going off straight ahead turn the lights off in there the person is pacing back and forth lights on person gone lights off white figure clearly walking back and forth the people in the back of the truck were loosing their minds at this point I turned to my buddy in the driver's seat and said we have to drive through there to get to the camp he just says yup I told everyone in the back to sit down and that we were heading back one girl starts crying two guys are pulling out pocket knives terrible idea since they're in the back of a bouncing pickup truck on a dirt road and stoned out of their minds the last guy just grabs the side of the truck and looks terrified we turn on the high beams and drove towards the entrance no figure in sight we pass into the woods along the road no figure someone from the bed of a truck yells she's still there after we passed through we got back to the camp hit the beer and weed and never went back to that field again when I told a sanitized version of that story to the campers they laughed at me I had never seen anything like that before or since but I am now convinced I saw a ghost I don't know what it was about but I saw it when I was a police cadet in the square québec's Provincial Police the cop who I was with got a radio from an officer patrolling around a sewage facility that was near a forest hot spot for teens thinking that they are Satanists to do their little ritual in the storm drain sewage pipes asking for backup when we arrived to the scene no one was there and the police car had all of its windows shattered but no sign of the officer after getting search and rescue we searched all night for him until we found him unconscious in the woods he told us that after making the call something hit him in the back of the head and he blacked out when I was a teenager I worked nights part-time at the airport sorting packages for a major US carrier I worked with my best friend and since we both lived about 20 miles away from work we'd carpool he'd usually meet me at my house and we drive down to work my house at the time was nestled in at the edge of a State Forest slash heavily wooded area one night we're coming back about 4 a.m. I parked my car we get out nothing unusual typical woodsy nighttime summer sounds crickets some birds all of a sudden we hear a blood curling scream like I've never heard before a woman was definitely in distress or being raped or attacked or something in the woods not far from home I run inside the house and probably give my parents a heart attack by shouting I need the shotgun dad jumps out of bed and by this time he hears the screams as well nice cool night windows open we load up grab flashlights and 45 seconds later are out the back door sprinting with my buddy towards the sounds at the edge of the woods we stop and listen nothing no screaming whatsoever a minut goes by we walk into the woods shining our lights all over walking down the trails shining lights up into the trees but we hear nothing again we call out we hand around for an additional 15 minutes or so before heading back it was the oddest most scary thing that happened while living there we get back to the house and mom had called the Sheriff's Office who took our info down and said they'd send a car out no one ever came that night but later the next morning we did get a visit from an old deputy who took our report the deputy listened and then suggested it was likely a fox big cat bobcat maybe even a mountain lion I swear to this day it was a human female screaming for her life but after searching the nearby woods during the day we found nothing no one was reported attacked or missing a few weeks later I'm home asleep at night window open and waked to my dachshund on my bed staring out the window shaking uncontrollably I look over and they're framed perfectly by the light of the moon was a large cat on its hind paws peering in the window I jump out of bed startling it and it quietly jumps away we never saw or heard anything after that my family moved a few years later so I guess that deputy was right it probably was a big cat but to this day those sounds still haunt me late at night when I'm out camping or spending time near the woods was walking with my dog a karelian bear dog she wasn't on a leash it was my dad's lens that's in the middle of nowhere no internet came across a Lynx eating rabbit furiously try to command my dog to my side as I back away she attacks the absolute mad lad and stole the rabbit from the Lynx the rabbit was torn in half my dog got the butt-end the sound when they clashed was so scary Lynx ran away I'll admit I peed my pants a little my dog passed away a few years ago in the ripe age of 14 hiking in the fields behind my house with my mutt who liked to chase and barked at coyotes who almost always flee in terror one day she bolts ahead of me down the hill up the next hill and out of sight think gentle rolling brown hills I don't think much that's how she always tears of after coyotes however this time I see her come sprinting back towards me up over the hill she just disappeared behind weird almost immediately I see three coyotes sprinting after her and Layla is leading them right back to me at a sprinters pace I already have my handgun drawn nearing panic thinking about having to fight off three coyotes without shooting my dog or letting us get ripped up too bad luckily for me as soon as the lead coyote noticed he was running toward a human he tuned around and started running away looking taking his buds with him Layla you [ __ ] be in the middle of the Australian bush at least fifty kilometres from any civilization or human I'm hunting with my brother and we are startled by what seems to be a perfectly clean and unused oven just sitting there no dust nothing it even still had warranty tags hanging off it and everything we just continued on our way feeling confused and weirded out apologies for length hiking at waterton national park in canada park the car in hiked a good 45 minutes or so up one particular trail this trail had some neat 10 to 15-foot waterfalls and if the water flow wasn't high these were the trail sites they were nice we passed families or couples being cute together along the way me and my companion decided we'd have a quick break smoke some weed and see what the rest of the trail has to offer before turning back to the car what started as a trail wide enough that five people could stand shoulder-to-shoulder easily it had narrowed down to a foot trail maybe six to eight inches wide that you could only just walk single file up about a foot or so to the left was a ten foot drop into the river a foot to my right was an un climb oblique line with thick vegetation we were coming around a bend in the trail had about 40 feet of straight path before it disappeared around another bend it was at that exact moment that two adolescent black bears rounded that bend down that path and the lead bear had looked right at us in what felt like an eternity but was likely 5 to 10 seconds we slowly started backing away and I gave the greatest war cry that would put Grom Hellscream from the Warcraft universe to shame it did basically nothing the lead bear kept looking but stopped moving its partner walked into its butt and gave both a little startled they were focused on each other as we disappeared around the bend staring at the Bears as we did a few steps backward later after losing line of sight and it was five minutes of running as light footed as possible before we saw another human we never saw the momma black bear but she had to be close real close it scared the crap out of both of us and we spent the three-hour drive back home basically just periodically yelling freaking bears during sentences or in moments of silence I used to work on a wilderness trail crew way way back in the backcountry in southern New Mexico we saw our share of everything from black bears and rattlesnakes to scorpions and black widows for one trip it was just me and one other crew member finishing the last little bit of a through trail we'd worked as far as possible from either end with bigger cruise and just had to fix up the dead middle of the trail we had a few pack animals with us to carry our tools and other than that we were alone three days into the six-day trip I noticed a deer hanging around our camp it's not that unusual the horses have a sort of pellet food we bring out for them in both deer and bears like it so we have to chase them off every once in a while what was unusual was this deer wasn't standing near the food she was on the other edge of camp alone just standing there there were no other deer anywhere around odd for an animal that travels in herds but again I didn't think too much of it the first day and the day after I saw her again and the third day she never came near the food at all nor were there any deer with her ever she didn't even move very much and was basically always in the same spot the third day I decided she was kind of creeping me out and I went out to try and shoot her away most deer are skittish and run as soon as they see you coming near them she stood absolutely still head up face my way and then I saw her eyes all deer have dark eyes but hers were solid black and hollowed into her head they were mad instead of shiny and black goo trip down the fur below them I ran back to my camp she still didn't run but just sort of shuffled off later she was still around the next day but thankfully we were packing out it I didn't have to get near her later I realized it was probable she had something like chronic wasting disease or some other problem deer can get and I'm sure if I hadn't been so startled by the eyes I would have seen that she was emaciated or had other open lesions but that scared me so much I thought she was some kind of monster my crewmate didn't like her either but only said yeah there's something wrong with that one walking a trail to an old fort late at night to take Milky Way photos I began to hear voices really they were unintelligible whispers soon one whisper became many that surrounded me I felt something tug at my shirt and that was it I nope the hell out of there I got back to my car and drove to a brightly lit gas station in the middle of nowhere that felt like a beacon of light and security later on in the evening I went to an old cemetery and took photos comfortably for the rest of the evening I could not focus enough going to the old fort to figure out how to operate my camera but was completely at ease in the cemetery still the weirdest thing that ever happened to me still don't know what to make of it bonus here is a photo I got at the cemetery that night I was walking in the woods behind my house and came across a tiny cleared area with an old shed I was intrigued because it was in remarkable condition for being in the middle of nowhere with no trail leading to it on closer inspection I saw that there were garbage bags taped to the windows inside and the shed was locked with a heavy padlock I pulled the chain trying to open it out of curiosity and stupidity I decided to walk to the edge of the little clearing and see if I could see anything in the woods on the other side as I was peering through the trees out of the corner of my eye I saw something move I looked up and there was a camera following my every movement that is when I realized what I had found was not ruins of an old farm but I got the hell out of there I was terrified that I was going to be attacked by some gang that was growing / making whatever but my dad told me I probably looked like Alice in Wonderland out there and not to worry it's been over 13 years so I think he was right so I was around 11 to 12 and used to spend most days in the evenings after school in the forest mountain biking with some friends it was a time when we had extremely hot summers and near daylight at 9 p.m. so naturally we'd stay super late and session the downhill trails I live the furthest away out of all of us at the time about six miles and would stay late and do some extra runs as I didn't have anyone to ride home with one night after everyone made their way out and back home I decided I was going to do two more runs and set off for home I hit the trail and hauled ass all the way to the bottom and stopped dead on a flat run out at the end something primal took over I had the feeling I was being watched I whipped off my goggles and helmet and started to push up slowly thinking I was being paranoid I got the chills and started hearing sounds footsteps in the dirt slogging bushes I pushed up faster until I hit part of the trail that was separated by an island of trees I stopped in the noises were closed I looked through the trees and on the other side was a crazed looking man fairly dirty and dripping with sweat he had a claw hammer in his hand and was looking around on the prowl I suddenly felt paralyzed with pure terror I picked up my bike so it's wheels were off the ground so he couldn't hear the freewheel ticking sound and stood there totally thinking I was about to die I hear the same thing about five feet to my rear and there is a bigger man of similar description also with a hammer I stand there motionless in this eight feet wide island of trees for what felt like ten minutes with my downhill bike in my skinny twelve-year-old arms they passed up the trail and I have never moved so fast out of that place my heart was pounding and I felt sick I got onto the road into the small rural town I rode through on the way home and sat on a wall shaking I got home and went to my room and never told anyone okay so I used to live in rural Michigan and my cousin and I we were best friends at the time decided to explore the forest behind his house and we heard gunshots now that was normal people would hunt there but what wasn't normal where the bullets landing at our feet and we both are like what the heck and we sprint behind trees and the bullets stop we decide to investigate where they came from and we find an old law hunting shed but the thing is is that we had been in this part of the woods and have never seen it before and the lock was rusted to the lock so I couldn't even move it my cousin and I looked at each other and I grabbed a log and broke the lock with one hit I was ten for five ninety pounds that's how we can rusted the lock was and the only thing inside of the shed was a pristine condition to wall drill and a hunting rifle that looked like it had been there since the 1930s and that's it to this day six years later we still think that someone had disturbed a dead guys old favourite hunting spot and the ghost was angry and started shooting at us we decide to investigate wrong this is where you nope the hell out of there I was camping with about five of my friends we set up in the same forest as we would usually and just sat around talking with our flashlights on one of my friends I'll call him Kevin said he quickly needed to go to the gas station it was quite close to where we set up so it wasn't that out of the ordinary once he had left after her around two to three minutes I started hearing a quiet high-pitched voice saying come here from where Kevin had left when I asked my friends about it they said it was most likely Kevin as his voice wasn't that deep either but the voice kept getting deeper every time it would say come here it would sound slowed down like if you slowed down a youtube video eventually one of my other friends let's call him John stood up to go check out what it was then Kevin came up behind us carrying a couple snacks and drinks when John turned around and saw Kevin divorce and an extraordinarily deep pitch said come here it wasn't Kevin because he was right behind us so who was it that was it we all started booking it for the gas station we then heard the voice coming closer and leaves crunching behind us once we got to the station we told the cashier to lock the doors he was reluctant at first but when he saw a dark figure rushing towards us he happily obliged we got some other friends to pick us up and let's say we never went back to that forest since I live in the National Forest work at a summer camp and go camping often I have a few creepy stories however this one stands out because I was at a family friend's wedding yesterday and this story was brought up this took place in a camping area near Palomar Mountain in Southern California I was about five years old and while I don't recall the actual incident I do vaguely remember the camping trip itself my family and I were there with an extended group of family friends one night my dad along with some of the other dads and the older kids went on a night hike leaving my mom alone at the tent with me it was fairly late and my mom had gotten me to sleep so she was trying to get to sleep herself only she kept being woken up by this scraping sound outside the tent she started to freak out because she was all alone with us child in the middle of the forest at night then she saw the shadow of the hand on the outside of the tent this was when my mom let out a blood-curdling scream all the friends that had been on the hike heard it from a distance and came rushing back to the campsite they started asking her what happened and she tells them after hearing that someone may have been trying to break into the tent everyone went searching for anything suspicious around the camp and what did they find dozens of little eyes reflecting in their flashlights as it turns out it wasn't a psycho killer that tried to break into the tent at night it was a curious raccoon my mom thinks the raccoon hand only looked huge because it was magnified by the moonlight from outside [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 338,948
Rating: 4.8755965 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: BmbXKTmrJGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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