Police officers share their SCARIEST PARANORMAL calls (r/AskReddit)

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dear police officers of Reddit have you ever responded to a call for paranormal reasons my uncle works for dispatch in my town and he recently told my family of the weirdest call he's ever gotten he says that he had received a call from a landline one night and when he answered that there was only static on the other end this happened two more times finally he calls the squad to go check out the address from the caller ID when the cops got there and walked into the house they immediately saw that there was a dead body the person had been dead for five months the craziest part about it was that there was no electricity or any other utility working so there is no way they should have been able to get those calls into dispatch but if they hadn't who knows how long that person's body would have stayed there not my call but my dad served for 25 years wasn't really a ghost story but I think it's worth telling one night he gets a call from a woman who says her neighbor has made a pact with the devil the woman calling is about 35 and a religious wacko the neighbor called about is about 75 at the time my dad went over and knocked on the door and the old lady answers all happy nice place decorated the same way for the past 50 years she invites my dad in without even asking why he came makes him some coffee and asks how his day was naturally at this point my dad is wondering what the heck the call was about but it came clear soon at some point my dad realizes he isn't the only person she is talking to and that she thinks her apartment is full of people my dad thanks her for the coffee and she tells him to come back anytime the whole time she was talking he was writing down the names of the people she was talking to and did some research on her when he gets back turns out she was talking to family members who were all dead she had a daughter three sons a brother and a husband all dead and she had no family and no friends she hadn't spoken to another person in years her groceries were delivered and she rarely left her apartment over the next 19 years my dad took care of her my sister and I came over all the time and just sat and talked with her she even taught me how to cook over the years she stabilized and stopped talking to her dead relatives she just needed people to live with she actually lived till she was 94 and died in the guestroom of my parents house since it had become harder to take care of her from a distance as she got closer to the end she was like a grandma for us TL DR nut called about devil contacting old lady turned into great part of my whole family life in one of few moments that make me think humanity can be good my uncle was the sheriff of a small town in New Mexico he was a the most hardcore person in our family super straight-laced never really beasts and wasn't at all a joker so when he told this story backed up by my aunt we all believed it without question a local reporter named Bob they would always show up at any major police activity from the police Skinner big car wrecks fires anything worth maybe reporting in the local paper everybody on the force knew Bob D he was around at least once or twice a week at various police activities bob was a bit of a joker himself he would miss with people by flicking behind their ears people would react to the flicks thinking it was a bug only to turn around and see it was Bob jerking around everybody liked Bob unfortunately Bob had bad lung cancer and died pretty suddenly his wife buried him against his wishes he wanted to be cremated for the next couple of weeks after his funeral people kept talking about seeing Bob at car wrecks fires all the same stuff he used to report on there were twenty to thirty reports like this from civilians and members of the force my uncle didn't buy it until the night he and my aunt showed up at our house gun drawn pale as paper we asked him what the hell happened and he had to sit down take his breath compose himself and start to outline what happened note this is a guy that I never saw get rattled by anything he said my aunt and he were sitting on the couch in their house watching TV my uncle kept scratching at his ear over and over finally my aunt asked him what the problem was and he turned around just in time to see their bedroom door open Bob Dee's standing there in the doorway clear as day my uncle jumped up cussed or something got my aunt's attention who turned to see him there too as soon as they both made eye contact with him Bob smiled turned walked across the living room and out their front door closed the door behind himself and was gone my uncle got control of himself and ran outside gun drawn looking for Bob but he was gone at that point they ran over to our place we went over there and didn't see anything but my aunt and uncle stayed at our place that night at work the next day all the guys on the force were giving my uncle lots of we told you so people around town said they saw Bob D show up at police scenes for at least another 2/3 months my dad saw him in our dark room in our basement with a friend he was flicking their ears in the dark during the third month people that song kept saying he was looking worse and worse my uncle saw him two more times each time confirming he was looking more and more warned my dad had concluded that he was decomposing and his ghost was reflecting that process every time my hear inches I get goosebumps not me but my dad was a cop for 32 years this was ones of his craziest calls a call goes out for reported screaming it's mid-january important later my father and another office respond to find a known deranged individual very long rap sheet and has been in and out of psychiatric care for years sitting on the front porch holding a double-sided wood splitting axe steam is coming up off of the grass and there are chunks lying all over the lawn upon interviewing the suspect he admits that he and a friend were playing poker his suspect was losing nearly every hand and came to the conclusion that his friend was a hain't southernfry ghost and was cheating him the suspect grabbed the axe and chased his friend outside and hacked him into dozens of pieces thus causing the warm blood to create steam on the grass my dad tells the suspect that he needs to get in the police car because it's ain't proof he said the suspect dropped the ax and sprinted to get in the back seat while thanking them for helping him TL DR my father convinced an axe murder to get him his cop car because it's ghost proof holy [ __ ] got my first reddit gold I'm gonna go retire in Guatemala no but I still managed to freak myself out a guy calls around 1:30 a.m. claims several people are running around his yard blowing slide whistles can't see anything just keeps hearing it sounds odd but maybe kids are being kids on my way when the dispatcher says the guy called back says it maybe radio interference causing the hidden transmitters in the house to make noise what so I get there and this guy is clearly just a little crazy tells me about how ADT put recorders in his house and his neighbors are running around making this noise and he's losing sleep and so on and so on I'm mentally dismissing this whole thing and beginning to try placating him when I hear it five from outside to my right a sound I'd never heard before definitely not a bird a visibly react and he goes you hurt IT I says yeah I sure did he's extremely relieved thanking God he's not crazy I asked a few questions and hear it again five this time more to the left I asked if he's had problems with his neighbor's and he launches into a tirade about how people have always been out to get him because despite the authenticity of this noise the fella is still a bit unhinged as I'm talking to him 5:05 replied rip the whole time from the left then behind right right again left every twenty to sixty seconds so I tell him I'll check outside he's worried for my safety but I assure him I'll be okay I set off into the darkness in rural Missouri to investigate a fleeting noise I've never heard before I'm going slow shining my light around five rip off to my right I'm telling myself I'm being silly ghosts aliens monsters none of that is real five straight ahead in the darkness I'm in the backyard now looking towards the wood line when five rip sounding like it was about four feet behind me I scan around hand on the butt of my pistol feeling equal measures freaked out and stupid I catch movement on the roof scan upward pistol half drawn I hear it one more time five just as my gaze settles on one of these sons of [ __ ] spinning lazily every time the wind breezed [ __ ] I'm stupid one of the nice things about working in small towns is the unique problems that you learn to solve one such problem belonged to a sweet little old lady who lived in big old mansion over in the old section of she had a ahem ghost infestation now most of the time this was alright I think she liked the company but once in a while the ghosts would get a wee bit rowdy thereupon she'd call the Esso and one of us would be dispatched to take care of the situation we'd show up she'd led us into the huge old house the officer would go upstairs and read a stern warning to the ghosts I found that if you took George C Scott's speech from Patton complete with pacing back and forth and gestures and cleaned up the language a bit the ghosts would normally be impressed enough to keep quiet for a week or two once you were done you'd go back downstairs where the lady would stuff you full of homemade cinnamon rolls in iced tea and you'd swap gossip for a while one day the sheriff gets a bright idea we take care of this situation once and for all plans are made people are notified we wait for the call and one Friday evening she calls not only are the ghosts rowdy it sounds like they're having a party and delivered in whispered tones she thinks she heard some girl ghosts giggling up there and this wasn't right the call goes out we load up our full time officers all four of them we get our reserves mostly security from a local federal facility we Don our ninja gear we mount our trusty steed reworked Korea air ambulance and we sway and sputter and backfire and shudder and creak our way over Hill and through Vale once on location a hasty whispered conference takes place who looks the least threatening that would be yours truly having hysterics in the back up I go I knock on the door tell the little old lady that we're here to solve her problem and seat her on the porch swing with the blanket crash 20 SWAT riders in full gear hit the door clear the bottom floor tactically flow the stairs and then the shouting starts hey you yes you out out out one here out out out clear you yes you where do you think you're going out out out thus were are thoroughly scared and cowed albeit invisible subjects heard it to the front lawn where the sheriff is standing on the roof of the violence excuse me SWAT vehicle delivering his patented fire-and-brimstone straight path slash crooked path speech complete with finger pointing arm waving and emotional and treatise to what only absolute cynic would consider an empty lawn watched with great interest by all the neighbors heck most of the town who promptly got out the lawn chairs the sodas in the snacks and basically started a block party sigh small towns once we were done and had allowed to thoroughly chastised and completely humbled spirits back upstairs we sat in her kitchen in black BTUs rifles shotguns etc eating cinnamon rolls and drinking iced tea during this last part the lady whispered to me that we had missed one never said I wasn't fast on my mental feat I promptly whispered back that he was too young to be subjected to such a scary action she examined him closely and declared that I was probably right it took the ghosts almost three months to go back to their rowdy ways Hey law dog worked as a police officer in a small town in rural Nebraska back in the 90s I was patrolling through town in winter we had several abandoned houses in town but one seemed to have the attraction of copper thieves so we were told to keep an eye on it drove by at around 7 : Oh okey since it sat on a corner lot I had a clear view of all four sides of the house as I drove around the corner nothing looks out of the ordinary about two hours later a drive by again in the back door is wide open I know that the back door was not open when I drove by it earlier looking at the snow on the ground around the house there were no footprints so I think what the hell call dispatch tell them I'm investigating an open door at that address and ask for a County Sheriff to start my way I walked to the open door pull out my flashlight and shine it inside the house has obviously been gutted for the most part the plaster walls have been torn down debris piles everywhere since there were no footprints in the snow around the door other than mine and with all the dust on the floor not showing any footprints I chalk it up to the wind or maybe the door just opened on its own I was about to secure the door when I heard a loud thump come from upstairs and what sounded like kids laughing so I enter the house and yell police department come downstairs more of what sounds like kids playing I tell dispatch that it sounds like there are kids in the house and start making my way through the kitchen into the living room where the stairs are all the while cautiously checking the main floor two more times I hear something upstairs but since I've had no response I start thinking maybe it's an animal still I hear what I'd swear was kids laughing I head upstairs and it all gets quiet the upstairs is relatively small with the hallway at the top of the stairs that has one bedroom on the right one straight ahead at the end of the hall and a bedroom on the left as I get to the top of the stairs I hear a thump in the bedroom to the left I carefully peek around the door and it's an empty room with a small pile of plaster and wood debris in the middle no kidding sitting on top of the pile of debris was a page torn out of a child's book with a picture of a police officer on it the hair stood up on the back of my neck I got out of that room quickly cleared the other rooms upstairs and got the [ __ ] out of there told dispatch nobody was in the house locked the back door and never went back in there again I am NOT a cop but three years ago our very elderly next-door neighbor died suddenly in her house they found her body five days later in the kitchen fast forward to last summer I'm sitting in my house watching a movie and all of the sudden about eight police cars come out of nowhere sirens blaring lights on in most Park in that empty house some park in my driveway so I went outside to see what was up a police officer went through the quick formalities and asked if I had seen anything strange in the past five minutes I replied no one rather hesitantly asked what was going on he said that the police department received a call from the house and when the operator picked out the line went dead I stayed at a friend's that night when I was in high school the days before cellphones were common my friends were to come over to pick me up from my house one night we had made plans at school for them to pick me up at 7:00 p.m. at 6:00 my parents said I had to come with them to do something and I totally forgot to call my friends and tell them they came to my house at 7:00 p.m. and called the house phone no one answered there was four of them in the car they all told us the exact same story they said that they were about to pull out of my driveway but they saw someone peek through the blinds from the bedroom on the top floor right that was my room so they assumed that I was [ __ ] around five more times they said that someone would peek through the blinds and a couple of them said they even saw the person's eyes we got home at probably 7:10 to 7:15 and they were still in our driveway one of my friends came over and said they thought I was messing with them then they asked me so who's staying in your room I told them that no one so they asked who's home at your house right now again I told them no one their stone-cold faces then told me what they had seen repeatedly over the last 15 minutes at first we all thought there was a burglar in the house or something so we called the cops they came over and inspected the house there was zero signs of break-in nothing was touched and nothing was stolen our house had an alarm on it so there is no way someone could have come into the house without setting off the alarm my family my friends and the cop all kind of stood around for a few minutes trying to make sense of the situation my friends swore up and down and still do that they couldn't have imagined what they saw all four of them saw the same things and it wasn't particularly a dark night so their eyes wouldn't be playing tricks on them to this day none of us can make sense of the situation edit I know this isn't what the threat asked but it is quite relevant and I wanted to share this explainable thing that happened in my life the cop also played a pretty big role because he too was dumbfounded at first he thought my friends were [ __ ] around but there was no join their face throughout the entire thing they were confused and at times terrified called to a residents out in the boonies this was in Wyoming so the boonies are really the boonies and about 11 p.m. about suspicious activity when we get there we are told by the family living there that there are very strange screams coming from a creek area about 1,000 feet out and sure enough waiting outside on the porch with them for about a minute I hear it it is very hard to describe what it sounded like it was like a woman in very severe distress but higher pitched and each scream lasted for about 10 to 15 seconds it never sounded like it was saying anything it just sounded like a cry of sheer terror and it repeated again we tell the family we are going to investigate so we just walked down to the creek since it was nice out we hear about two more screams getting louder as we approach the creek by now we're both kind of freaked out there are two possibilities someone is getting murdered / maimed in the creek bed or it's a wild animal as we approach the creek bed we hear no screams for about five minutes we search around and find nothing yelling at the top of our lungs for somebody to come towards if they are there then we hear the exact same screen behind us exactly from where we came from we get about halfway back to the house and the scream comes so loudly it seems to be right next to us we frantically shine our flashlights everywhere and find nothing know why glints of animals no rustling of bushes just silence we trace our steps back and the scream comes from around the creek again this time it lasted about 30 seconds and was much louder than before our retreat becomes a little more hastened by this time we were both scared shitless and verified with the family to call us again if they heard it they never called again and we got the hell out of there I still don't know what it was as an avid outdoorsman I know no animal makes a cry like that especially one that can move stealthily without being spotted by flashlights something else that weirded me out was that it was completely silent while the screams were happening during summer in Wyoming there is always some type of ambient animal sounds frogs croaking crickets chirping owls hooting coyotes howling etc but there was nothing until we were leaving in the screams had stopped then a frog started croaking it gives me the creeps just thinking about it still yes actually really [ __ ] weird back when I was working as a cop on a military base I loved working night shift didn't deal with 99% of the [ __ ] that day shift dealt with and what little stuff we did deal with was usually really interesting well most every building on a base is alarmed and the alarms are tied right into the desk so we know the instant they go off when we get an alarm activation we close the base and go check the building pull on all the doors see if we can get in if we can we go into the building and secure it check all the doors and corners to see if someone set the alarm off well one night I was on patrol with my alpha partner and we get called to respond to an alarm activation at the elementary school so we go secure the building and call in that the building is all secure no problem keep patrolling so about 15 to 20 minutes go by and we get another alarm activation we get back out there and check and now there is a maintenance door open that leads into a boiler room its thing nothing in it we closed it lock it and get out another 20 minutes and another alarm we respond all the doors are still locked and we can't get in maintance door is locked call in the all-clear this time my buddy and I sit on opposite sides of the school and watch to see if someone is coming and yanking the doors real hard to set the alarm off we sit there and watch nothing happens and right as we're about to leave another alarm activation as we're sitting there we inform the desk that we'd like the building manager on site to help us secure the interior and to let us in this is like now 3:00 a.m. building custodian shows up and we start doing a walkthrough checking all the classrooms and checking all the maintenance rooms and that's when we see one of the maintenance doors open with the lights on in the room now this room is literally the size of a closet we walk down there and look in no one's in it and that door is locked when it closes we look in there and we find a single footprint of a bare foot made of water left foot is a recall of a small child freak the living hell out of us because no one reported a missing child and the entire building was clear and still locked up no one left no one entered and we checked every inch of that damn place literally a three-hour deep sweep including ceiling tiles freak the ever-loving [ __ ] out of us into this day my partner refuses to go into that school speaking of which schools are really [ __ ] spooky when they're empty [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 296,344
Rating: 4.852459 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: i0aPokCIjWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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