13 True Scary WALMART Stories From Reddit

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I worked as a Walmart cashier for a little over a year I caught in August of 2015 when I went away to college as a cashier you see a lot of people in a day especially at Walmart and after a while you don't even see people's faces when you look at them but there are some people that you see so often you start to recognize and sometimes learn their names there was this one guy always in the same Green Bay Packers hoodie and Chicago Cubs baseball cap that would often seek out my line no matter how long it was just so we could stare at me and rarely say a word whenever he did say anything to me he would always lean across the register to get closer to my face he always gave me a really bad vibe but when I asked other cashiers about him they said that he had never been weird around them one of the girls even said he was a close family friend after that I dropped the issue one night after I had been there for about a year I was working at 2:00 to 11:00 shift those ships were always the worst because she'd be there for three sometimes four front end managers but also because it takes the chunk out of your day when you were actually going to do anything so I'm down on the self-checkout it's about 10:15 so I'm counting the minutes until I can shut it down at ten to eleven the creepy guy comes in the front door and makes a beeline for me at the self-check podium when I see him come in I instantly get nervous he walks up and says can I still buy a cell phone card and electronics I told him I only worked as a cashier on the front end so I didn't know anything about electronics but he could go back and check he seemed peeved by this answer but he walked away without another word about ten minutes later he comes up with a prepaid phone card and said there's no one at the register and electronics so activate his card and hand it to him telling him to have a good night but he pushes the card back at me without saying a word and I say is something wrong to which he replies these minutes aren't on my phone yet are they I was confused by this statement because of course they weren't he had just bought the card I shook my head and he waved the card in front of my face why the [ __ ] are you just standing there reactivate my phone and he talked he was so close I could smell his breath and I was a little scared I wanted to put in a call to my manager so that someone could come down and help me this is where I should probably mention that I'm about five foot three and he's closer to probably six foot five and very stocky so he was towering over me and I thought that he could easily overpower me cross my mind but I get so nervous whenever men yell or cuss at me because my dad was never the type to yell or cuss I took the card out of his hand and he slammed a cellphone on the scanner I was trying not to let him know one was nervous but I was terrified I knew I had never put minutes on a prepaid phone before but I don't dare tell him that in fear of what he might do so I read the directions pick up his phone dial the number and as I'm putting in the card number his phone runs out of minutes I shot a call back and get an error message and at a loss I meekly hand him his phone back and say I'm sorry something went wrong I don't know what is happening as soon as I say it he takes his phone opens it up tries to dial some one and when it doesn't work he looks at me with furious eyes he screams what the [ __ ] did you do to my phone what the [ __ ] his voice is echoing in the store and unfortunately we haven't gotten the end of second shift rush yet so there is no one around it closes his phone and opens it again trying to make another call but when it doesn't work he throws the phone down on the scanner again he says I knew he did in my phone but you better [ __ ] fix it but this comes much more quietly practically a whisper at this point I'm worried he's going to put his hands on me and I don't know what to do I put in a call for a manager for my register and then I say I called someone that might be able to help but we're at shift change right now so it might be fast for you to take get to the customer service desk he picks up his phone off the podium still mumbling under his breath but I [ __ ] up his phone and I'm hoping I can get out of there before he comes back or at least have someone else down at the self-check with me another 15 minutes go by and I don't see him again as I'm picking up items that people left by the registers getting ready to shut them down for the night he comes back and stands by the podium he still looks completely pissed off and my stomach has sank in me that finger motion that means come here without saying anything and for some reason that makes me even more nervous when I'm standing in front of him he leans so close to my face that I think he's about to kiss me or bite me or god knows what I tried to take a step back but he takes a step forward when I do a creepy grin comes across his face as he says the girl up there fixed it simple fix but next time I expect you to know what to do understand I nod because I don't think I can speak he gets impossibly closer before saying I'm sorry I raised my voice I never should have done that especially to a pretty girl like you when he asked the last part he likely uses his fingertips to brush my bangs to the side I took a step back and he said let me make it up to you ready buy you a drink I shake my head I say no thank you I'm only 19 he says so we'll get a couple of beers and go back to my place again I shake my head no it's really okay I'm not much of a drinker I have an early morning tomorrow he looks displeased with this answer and says tell you what I'll wait over here by the door just in case you change your mind I smile at him weakly and tell him to have a good night when I see him walk through the security I quickly shut down the registers and sign out of mine then I run over to find a manager to tell about the whole thing the third shift manager that I tell looks at me like lying and when I'm finished says I know Todd he wouldn't hurt a fly doesn't have it in her you probably just being dramatic she then turns to another older cashier behind her shakes her head and mumbles teenagers I asked if I can have someone to walk me to my car and they tell me that management is in a meeting and the security guy went home already so I clocked out and went to the bathroom I waited in the bathroom for about 10 minutes before coming out and attempting to go to my car when I walked around the corner through the security things he wasn't sitting on the bench right there like I had been expecting I relaxed a little before I realized he was standing just outside the door far enough away to keep it from closing smoking a cigarette he has his back turned toward the door luckily another one at the front door sigh almost went to the corridor and not the side door I quietly closed the door behind me so maybe I wouldn't catch his attention I rushed in my car which was fortunately very close to the building as I'm quick walking to my car I hear who shout hey why are you avoiding me come here at this point I take off into a full-on sprint which is not easy because I'm wearing Sperrys so it's like running in clogs I get to my car get in lock my door says I'm starting it and don't even bother with my seatbelt by that point he animated almost all the way to my car and was still yelling tell me he just wanted to talk I took off as fast as I could and took the longest way home with the most turns and twists that I could and I got home I told my dad about the experience and he was so angry that no one had answered my calls or believed me he called the store manager the next day and complained I was never contacted about his complaint but from that night on whenever I saw that guy I would run to the bathroom or if I couldn't get away I would put out my lane closed sign and turn off my light so he couldn't get in my line and you always hear people talking about the people of Walmart as being trashy but they never tell you about the select few that are scary as hell it was approaching one of my niece's birthdays and she's at the age where I think she would appreciate a gift from around Co I'm a poor college student with a no car so I commute everywhere and anywhere knowing that I always take my backpack and headphones anytime I leave my house so I'm Walmart and had this care package planned out for my niece she loves Elsa from frozen so I decided to get her a costume doll and candy all frozen themed of course like I mentioned earlier in place I travel I usually have my headphones in this is kind of a pain to explain but this detail defines the whole story I'm so lazy I use a third party music app instead of the music app included on my iPhone unfortunately for me this requires a good internet connection and living in rural parts of Denver my music ends up cutting in and out and then stops playing all together now at this point I have one item left on my list and I'm in the toy section of Walmart looking for an ounce of toy before I know it this mom leaves her two children beside me I'm not sure why but this has happened before and me I have a trustworthy face let me tell you all something now I'm not [ __ ] stupid there are so many strange things that happen in this world that I would be a fool to leave these two children alone and for the record I don't know these people at all it's kind of a pain but I figured it's just me being a good person I don't even know how some people can do this this is literally a woman leaving her two children at a section of the store and telling them to wait there for a short while anyways one girl is around four years old and her sister was around 1 to 2 years old these girls were [ __ ] sitting ducks man the older sister had one missing crock and her younger sister had pajamas on and a pacifier in her mouth I felt even more obligated to stay until their mom came back and I was right not even 5 minutes passed since their mom left and some fool came up and started talking to these girls this tool said all the generic stuff in pedophile would say I have lots of toys and candy in my car and a dog too I was like is this guy [ __ ] serious he probably thought I wasn't listening because I hadn't headphones in but like I said by this point my music had cut out a long time ago as soon as he mentioned his dog I immediately made my way up to him he was crouched down talking to the girl about the stuffed animal she had in her hand my dog is really big he's not pink but he's nice would you like to come and meet him I crouched down and pushed the girl back a few steps immediately the guy moved back a few steps himself I extended my arm and shook my finger back and forth gesturing to him no not today I gave the guy a very harsh look like I knew exactly what he was doing I just stared at him very attentively the guy was very short in stature and had short stringy hair with a tan pilot jacket he was also wearing some very beat-up New Balance tennis shoes he looked very plain to describe him best at this one I was about to pounce on him and hold him down if need be I'm not even a big guy myself I just don't stand for any [ __ ] before that could happen he immediately got up turn right and handed out the garden exit I waited with the little girl and her sister until their mom came back I said yeah you shouldn't leave your children alone some guy was talking to one shoe over here about some generic [ __ ] probably trying to kidnap your kids those were my exact words I mean there's no denying what just happened anyways I told her she won't be as lucky next time the mom just shook her head up and down and swallowed any spit that was in her mouth in a very harsh goal I don't know if something bad would have happened what if my music could not stop playing let's just say not and one of those girls could speak for themselves at the time my family and I lived in a small town in southern New Mexico the nearest Walmart was about half an hour away in Roswell yes the town were they aliens crashed every weekend we would take a shopping trip to Roswell when we arrived at the Walmart which was appropriately decorated with aliens and flying saucers my dad and I both had to be I was using the urinal when an older man maybe late 50s early 60s walks in and uses the urinal next to me then without warning the older guy just leans over and looks right over the partition and not even trying to be subtle he just starts staring at my prepubescent penis luckily my dad was still there washing his hands when this was happening he shouted the guy hey buddy just what in the [ __ ] do you think you're doing uh III was aha he barely manages to get that out and then without another word he turns and rushes out of the bathroom not bothering the washes hands or flush the toilet my dad was fuming and immediately went to the manager and told him that some old pervert was ogling his kid in the bathroom the manager completely unfazed told my dad that it wasn't the first time that guy had done something like that and the old perv was on a list of people Walmart kept an eye on when they entered the store and that he was also a registered sex offender this happened to me earlier this year it was around midnight and I was shopping around Walmart I casually walked to the register to pay and I was the third person in line the first person had a full cart and after the cashier finished ringing them up the cashier had to change the cash drawer like they do every time it's at midnight so I'm just standing there behind my cart when a man is late 20s maybe early 30s gets in line behind me they slowly creeps closer and closer to me and soon enough his body's touching my own and I get really nervous and I have an idea to get gum which meant I had to take a few steps out of line so I pretend to look at the gum and then look at my cart and the man has his hands on my cart I politely say excuse me can you move and he moves back a little bit but it wasn't enough for me to get behind my cart so I just stand next to my cart because he was violating my personal space he starts to talk to me but I ignore him and act like I don't know he's speaking to me it's apps my shoulder then says I like your hair and I awkwardly say thanks John the cashier who was a female is just watching us talk while she's ringing me up and then the guy asked me do you like guys with green eyes and didn't hear him so I said what and he repeats his question do you like guys with green eyes and he takes off his cap and winks at me I didn't answer his question but instead gave him a look of leaving me alone and I turned around to look at the cashier and she can see that I'm feeling uneasy the guy then talks about me and him and about going out all I could say was ok whatever I pay for my things are nice and walking out the door the guy yells at me bye I miss you already maybe I'll see you soon at a fancy restaurant or something he has a creepy face it freaked me out so much my heart started racing even more and once I'm out of this sight we run like hell because I know he'll be out soon enough because he only had about three things I get to my car and throw my things in my vehicle and hide in my car for a little bit because I didn't want him to see me or my vehicle I never thought I would run away from some random person but this guy genuinely freaked me out I was with my little brother in Walmart in the clothes aisle looking for shirts for my dad's birthday I'm currently 17 so it was just my little brother who was four and myself shopping he was hiding in those little circle racks that have just enough space in between for a kid to fit he would hide for a little bit then I would crawl under and grab asleep and spook him and he would laugh endlessly until he hit again this time I couldn't find him for a while so I started to get worried I called out Marco because this is how we found each other in stores and he would respond polo and I would immediately find him except this time a gruff man's voice responded polo and I could hear my little brother whimpering by both of them the direction the man's voice and came across another one of the circle racks but it was extending a little bit as if a bunch of junk had been stuffed in there I pulled the shirts off the rack and saw this man sitting cross-legged on the bars across the bottom with my little brother in his lap the man's hand over my brother's mouth the man looked to be and maybe his late 40s and was very unkempt his clothing worn the worst part was is that he had his pants down but thankfully not his underwear my little brother was crying and at first I had no idea what to do then I realized by some random strike of luck there was an umbrella thing nearby so I leaned over and grabbed one and smack the man with it screaming at him to let my brother go some Walmart employees came over and held the man down why I grabbed my brother and they later called the cops turned out the man lured my brother by asking him if he'd like to join the man in a game of hide and seek he was arrested but if I ever see him near my brother again I'll kick his ass I live in a very populated city and in approximately a five mile radius of my house there's at least three major grocery stores one of which is a Walmart me a 16 year old girl I visit Walmart regularly if I need notebooks or something for school or if I want to browse makeup and things of that sort I've never been uncomfortable going shopping by myself I actually enjoy it and I've never had any bad experiences being on my own until one day a few months back on this particular Sunday my parents were working in my little brother was at a baseball game so I had been home alone all day I needed body wash in a new lanyard for school the school I attend requires we wear IDs around our necks on the lanyard I think most high schools are doing this now and it's becoming more common anyway mine broke the Friday before so that was my main reason for going out I got the Walmart and park like I had a hundred times before went in and went straight to the purse section where the lanyards were I walked down the aisle and there was a man looking at wallets hanging on the display I didn't think much of him it was probably in his mid-50s average height and weight wearing jeans and a brown t-shirt they looked just like an old grandpa I could best describe him hi there he said with a big grin hi I said with a grin back how are you today I'm good how are you I said still browsing for a lanyard I like great I'm just doing some shopping today another big smile I thought it was weird that he explained that he was shopping since I could clearly see him looking at all the wallets on the racks and I could have assumed he was shopping on my own I decided it was nothing and moved on my way I found what I needed and made my way over to the body wash I was in no rush to be anywhere so it was leisurely walking up and down the aisle smelling anything that sounded interesting when he walked by the aisle that I was in and smiled again at this point I was a little uneasy I've always been taught to trust my gut instinct and something just didn't feel right to me I had never had a conversation with anyone in this Walmart before and now it seemed that this man was following me I texted a friend of mine to tell her that I thought I was being followed and where I was at as a precautionary measure I decided that maybe it was just a coincidence I mean he could have just needed soap - and continued on with my shopping and when a few hours of the face wash and then when I had what I needed I walked around the corner where I ran into him again for the third time excuse me young lady can I tell you something ah yeah I said with a quivering smile you are very beautiful oh thank you it was very uncomfortable at this point are you married mind yourself but I'm only 16 and definitely didn't look old enough to be married ah no me either he said with a grin that turned my heart to ice and made my stomach turn do you have a boyfriend uh yeah I stammered as I forced a smile on my face to try and hide my fear I didn't have a boyfriend at the time he began to speak again when a man probably 17 or 18 standing in the aisle perpendicular to us looking at Cologne walked over and said yes she does she's with me he gave me the biggest smile and stood super close to me as if he was the boyfriend I had said yes to having oh I figured said the man they seemed very uncomfortable at the presence of another male good luck to you too and with that he walked away I turned towards the man and thanked him for coming to my rescue he said he could tell by the tone of my voice and look at my face something was up and was hoping I would play along with him he watched me check out to make sure the man didn't follow me out of the store and I was cautious before turning onto the street since I live so close to the store this was the last I saw of either of them I have no idea what the old man's intentions were but sometimes you just know in your gut that something is wrong and that day I knew something about him was terrifying and sinister I'm so grateful for the guy who helped me out but the old man who was following me in Walmart please find someone your own age [Music] so when I was about 12 or so I was friends with this girl Becky so Becky's mom was really sweet and she understood at the time my home life wasn't ideal so she would take me on trips out of town to go shopping now being from a really small town our idea the shopping trip was going to Walmart it was me Becky Becky's mom and another one of our friends I remember I was looking at ties because I fancied myself some sort of emo kid at the time when this very old man beckoned for my attention Hey look the Venus 60s or 70s liver spots hunch pure white hair the works he pulls out a wallet and kind of croaks out excuse me miss what could you help me find the price of this wallet so of course I'm thinking help this guy because why not so I Teeter over and grab the wallet and as I'm looking for the price he leans over and whispers into my ear you're sexy girl you know that right I turn around assuming I must have been hearing things and asked if he could repeat himself he says it again and proceeds to grab my arm I look and see that Becky and the others are nowhere near me so I bolt in a completely random direction eventually I managed to find the front of the store so I just waited for Becky's mom to find me when she asked where I went I explained the situation to her so we left pretty hastily I don't think I've ever feared for my safety in such a way before [Music] it's allistic place only a few months ago sometime in early July I want to say anyways my friend was over and had to make a run to Walmart it was about 9:00 not too late but at the time my mother normally wouldn't let me out and about at but given that I was graduated me being 18 friend 19 my mom let us go a quick plan to get garbage bags something that should have taken five minutes top ended up taking half an hour we got in got the garbage bags and walked around for a bit we just kind of fooled around browsing and talking whatever during this time I noticed that my friend was acting kind of weird but brushed it off we were standing in line ready to check out my friend leaned in close and said do you see that guy I glanced up I didn't know what she was talking about I still feel really guilty about this for being too dumb to notice we started walking away after checking out buying only garbage bags doesn't take a lot of time as we were leaving she started to explain and there was some dude that said hello and being polite she said hi back we then saw him at checkout both of us being paranoid naturally we brushed it off we got in the car and we saw him in the parking lot again no big deal deciding to play it safe we decided to wait until he left turns out he had a couple of guys with them they pulled over on her left leering at us to the car windows it was nearly dead silent in the car but I swear you could hear our hearts frantically beating even typing this up I still get that panic the car up guys quickly sped over parking next to us my friend immediately floored the car pulling in Reverse and speeding out of the parking lot the guys followed we honestly thought we were going to die whether it be from going 80 miles per hour or by a group of creepy dudes we quickly sped out of there making a turn on some random road the car guys behind us at all times going as fast as we were at one point they ended up passing us in waving before pulling into a church parking lot ahead and turning around to get behind us again at this point we were still going about 80 and a 35 and getting closer to my house neither of us wanted to lead the guys to our homes so we thought fast near my house there's a little store where you can buy cigarettes alcohol and candy pretty much a gas station without any gas pumps we all task to the back of the store parking and moving to head in through the back one of the workers was outside in the back and approached us all we had to say and had time to say was were being followed luckily the guy understood exactly and started to go up front we picked around the corner and lo and behold the group of guys were there around front my friend and I proceeded to sneak in through the back now in the back on the left side is a deli station and the right is where the alcohol is my friend ducked into the deli station and I hit on the side on the right side there was a female work in the deli and my friend made a signal for her to be quiet the female worker pretended we weren't there at all a couple of minutes pass and we hear the front door open I peek around the corner and it's one of the guys I hide out in the back heart-racing hoping he doesn't come back here finally a few more minutes pass and the guy worker from before comes into the back and tells us that the guys are gone he chewed them out oddly enough they flat out admitted to stalking us when the guy worker pretended to be family they quickly backed off claiming they were only getting beer I learned from the female worker that those guys are regulars and are always going on about creepy and sexist crap and Spanish and who she doesn't know my friend and I ended up hanging out for a little bit just to make sure the guys weren't hanging around on a street corner totally grateful to the guy and girl working there that day because they were in complete understanding and stood up for us [Music] so a few weeks ago I was in Walmart with my gram we were walking around and shopping and stuff your normal Saturday more an errand run while walking around I had begun to notice an older man late 30s early mid 40s kind of scruffy clothes that looked like he had been working in a few of the same islands as my gram and I I thought nothing of it since its Walmart and that's not that big of a store at one point my grandma asked me if I needed any new bras for those of you who don't know walmart sells 398 bras and they're awesome I told her yeah sure they went to the ladies underwear section of the store my grandma went to look at bras and I went to go see if they had any matching underwear when I noticed the man again I walked down the sock aisle and didn't see him so I slowly made my way back to where the thongs and stuff were I was minding my own business when I heard someone walked behind me I figured it was my grand so I partially turned to ask how many pairs I could get but she wasn't behind me I looked around and saw the guy at the end of the aisle whatever I thought to myself maybe he has a wife or a girlfriend and I went back in my own little world looking for underwear I look for another minute or so when I felt a presence behind me I looked at my left and saw a little bit of my grandma she was obscured by the rack looking at nightgowns I decided to stare straight ahead since maybe someone taller than me was just looking at the underwear that was over my head I'm only 5 1 I felt someone kind of press against me then I heard the breathing it was like heavy breathing that someone had just had sex or something and was calming down I turned on my heels to see the guy who had been following me with his hands down his pants obviously fondling himself I literally screamed nanny and the guy sprinted away I told Walmart security and they told me they had no authority to do anything about it I can't get the sound of that guy breathing out of my head [Music] when I was 10 my father older sister and I went to Walmart my sister and I'd like to wander around alone in stores so my father had invested in three walkie talkies I was by myself walking through the bedding section because I was getting a new bedspread I was looking intently at one when I felt that I was being watched I looked over to the beginning of the aisle and a large man in overalls and dirty brown hair was just looking at me I decided to walk the other direction instead walk to the pet section asking my father through the walkie-talkie where he was he didn't answer I made it to the dog food and was happily next to another shopper when he walked by my aisle thinking he didn't see me I let out a sigh of relief I asked my father again where he was and again no answer I felt like things were safe when I turned around and this man's at the end of the aisle stand him there I quickly walked away with the plan to head to the customer service desk to ask him to call my father as I walked parallel to me this man was matching my steps keeping me from reaching the front of the store I changed directions trying to lose him and my ten year old mind I thought running to the bathroom would be safe I ran in and hidden a stall I heard his footsteps as he entered and Sala shoes below the stalls door then I heard an angry woman's voice say hey get out of here you pervert the woman knocked on the stalls door and asked are you okay I opened it and hugged her and started crying I told her everything and she walked with me holding my hand to the customer service desk she waited with me until my father showed up I told him what happened and despite the lady verifying it he didn't believe me a little on campus at a public university in a small college town it's pretty quiet existence but I like the piece and I'm really bothered by too much in the way of general excitement my roommate and I usually just spend our time watching Netflix and eating microwave macaroni in our dorm typical college stuff I don't really do much on campus save for the occasional walk at night to our school's computer lab most days are generally pretty uneventful for me with the exception of today me and my roommate drink a lot of water so we have to buy a couple of cases every few weeks I decided to go to Walmart to pick up our refill and he stayed behind to finish some homework I left around 8 o'clock and drove into town to run a few errands late before stopping in Walmart I don't know what it is about that place but I dread going there something just isn't right with the type of people who hang out at Walmart in the middle of the night but I usually just ignore the typical Wanderers and weirdos and go on with my business I grabbed a couple of cases and hurried to the self-checkout it was approaching 9 o'clock and that's usually when the strangest spokes set up camp for the night I paid at the machine grab the receipt between my index and middle fingers and then grab the water to carry them out to my truck without a car I wasn't parked too far out but I was far enough that the crowd of cars was thinner than it is close to the entrance I don't know why but for some reason I hate parking up front I went to set the cases of water in the bed of my truck but as I lifted up a quiet breeze and a lack of grip on my part allowed the receipt to fly off from my hand I finished putting the water up and chased after it the small piece of crumpled up paper had drifted them into an empty part of the lot underneath the street like I've been able to pick it up and I noticed something a phone it was a white iPhone 5c laying facedown on the asphalt in between the yellow lines of a parking space there was a huge scratch across the black Apple logo and thing looked pretty beaten up in general not typically I'm the type of guy to leave things alone that don't have anything to do with me but there were no cars anywhere around it and I thought maybe I could find the owner so I picked it up the screen was all but shattered with a huge crack in the top right corner covering most of the thin black piece of glass in front it was apparent to me that someone had probably dropped it loading it into their vehicle unknowingly I slid it into my pocket and headed home I got back to the room around 9:15 and my roommate was gone he had went to the lab to finish studying for his Japanese class I unloaded the water and began to take everything out of my pockets I set the phone down on the dresser and checked my phone to see if I had any texts a group chat messages I didn't I picked up the white phone and press the home button the screen hesitantly lit up with the background picture of two girls I didn't recognize they were both blondes and they were posing for the photo as any typical sorority girls would they were definitely young probably in their early 20s I swiped the screen to unlock it but it required a four-digit passcode of course I didn't know it but I took a couple of failed guesses there was no way for me to figure out who the phone belonged to so I set it on my dresser I know a guy in my stats class who is jailbroken iPhones before so I figured I would just take it to him later I undressed for the night and got into bed around 10 o'clock that was almost three hours ago I'm still in my room and it's approaching 1 in the morning my roommate is pulling a late-night study session with a friend of his so I haven't seen him for a while 20 minutes ago the phone rang it was the regular iPhone ring and the contact name was Kara the picture ID that came up was one of the girls on the front of the phone I figured it must have been the owner's friend calling to see if someone had stolen the phone i sat there as it rang a few times quickly debating whether to answer or not after 5 or 6 rings I picked up the phone and slid the bar to answer I put it up to my ear but before I could say anything a loud screaming voice came across the receiver please help me Oh God he's going to kill me Jen the boys cut off abruptly and there was a thud as though the phone had been dropped I heard a sound like heavy breathing and then the receiver beep signaling the end of a call I'm sitting in bed now wide awake I don't know what to do I can't sleep Jen police contact me to get your phone back I don't want anything to do with it I worked for a long time in libraries got my first job when I was 15 and worked my way up to a decent paying position at that same library for a while I worked in the military library a small portable of a building that you should think would be the source of a reddit post or something terrifying but it wasn't and I eventually left because the commute was much too long turns out I can't live on my decent pay from the library since I'm only part-time so I started applying to all sorts of places around my hometown I got lots of calls back but being lazy I only returned the calls of jobs that suited my lazy lifestyle part-time and close to home without a lot of human interaction the perfect job came up when Walmart called and offered me a part-time position in their fashion department more specifically in the shoe department my entire area of work is about six or seven aisles in the very back of the store between baby stuff and electronics which I understand is the basic set up and a lot of Walmart's I started about two weeks ago and despite sore feet from shitty shoes I liked it but in my short time there I have started to notice a few things so that first seemed quite normal but when laid out with everything else start to make me nervous about going back to work on Sunday you know how whenever you go to Walmart the rows and rows of gas registers seem pathetically empty and the one cashier you find seems much too overworked well my entire store seemed like that I got no training because there was never anyone around to teach me I mean I got some online training but after that I just started working the floor alone people would come up to me with confused spaces and tell me I was the first person they had seen working and that there was nothing on the shelves or that something was broken I knew Walmart had posted a lot of wanted ads for employees so I figured we were just in the middle of filling those positions and in any case I would happily help anyone who asked me to the best of my abilities after a while it started to get weird because I never seemed to see anyone myself the people I did see were shoppers and that in and of itself started to get weird last week you figure in a small town you'll see lots of the same people at the only big shopping center around so again I wasn't worried for a long time about seeing familiar faces sometimes daily but after a while and I realized I never saw a new face the only new faces I seemed to see were the employees filtering in and out at suspicious speeds I could go through a four-hour shift and go back to a different department to find it either empty or covered by a new person while seeing six people I'd seen yesterday's shopping along the way I like the walk to the back and use the washroom for as long as possible to waste time two days ago I saw a little girl and being a fan of horror movies seeing her dark hair and ridiculously blue eyes made the hair on the back of my neck stand up she wasn't with a parent's life figured she was a demon and she's going to eat my face while I'm peeing and they'll find me dead faceless and with my pants around my ankles but of course I know I'm being foolish so I walked past her and into the bathroom I see as she walks away that she had red duct tape in her hand red like her dress i sat down in the stall and looked to my side seeing the toilet paper dispenser was taped closed with red tape and was a little creeped out that out of the 12 stalls I was in the one she had been in so I checked the others you know in had red tape instead of taking the back way to get back to the department I walked through the store to look for the little girl but I couldn't find her so I went back to put shoes away I nearly screamed when I got back and found red tape hidden everywhere on my water bottle inside of and on the bottom of shoes creeped out I tried running to find out to ask if they had seen her but I couldn't find any staff only customers and they were all smiling these huge unnatural smiles stopping what they were doing the turn in my direction I left without signing out knowing it was close enough to 10:00 at night the end of my shift and I didn't care I could say I forgot if anyone asked but knew no one would know no one working there to care I got my car and found more red tape that's when I started crying and drove as fast as I could to get home to my boyfriend my boyfriend is a huge fan of creepy things and advised me to reach out to the horror community perhaps you might have some answers [Music] 924 a am August 17th 2015 Vivian Qualls 22 was hospitalized early this morning for severe blood loss she was found by a Walmart sales associate at 626 a.m. in an inflatable ball display bleeding from what appeared to be self-inflicted cuts she was admitted in critical condition in her current state as unknown the preliminary verdict on the case of her wounds is self injury brought on by severe hallucinations as indicated by evidence found in her cellular phone beginning at 2:49 a.m. her phone contains entries describing the night she spent in the Walmart located at 12th and pine her entries are included below 249 a.m. I'm writing this to process my thoughts and calm down because I'm getting a little freaked there's a normal [ __ ] you see it Walley world and then there's this so first things first I got there about a half an hour ago because I had a serious craving for cheez-its and now I can't leave I parked got out found my snack paid for it and couldn't get out of the door like they just wouldn't open I tried out the exit the two cashiers watch me and just grinned they didn't help or say anything at all and they had the creepiest smiles I can't unsee it okay I'm gonna try to go home again 3:19 a.m. nope nope still can't leave I even tried the emergency exits but they wouldn't budge I ran into one of the night stalkers this time she gave me the same creepiest grin as the cashiers and she says smelled really good that was weird because I don't wear perfume and I use unscented soap and shampoo the signal my phone just went down no reception or 4G [ __ ] [ __ ] I should have called my brother to pick me up when I couldn't get out of the front doors 346 am so I had a crazy idea that I'm starting to worry isn't so crazy last week my best friend got a book about monsters and other paranormal stuff from the way to freaking early Halloween display I ran over to check something from the book but when I grabbed it another night stalker came over and took it for me a really tall pale black guy like he had African features and dreads but his eyes and skin were light like he hadn't lotioned and forever I didn't hear him come up behind me he just put a handle my shoulder turned me around and took the book out of my hands then he put the rest of the books on his cart and walked off his hand was freezing and I've been cold since 402 a.m. I'm camping out in the cooking stuff I'll I laid down a really thick ring of the finest garlic powder Walley world has to offer and I haven't seen anyone since so yeah I'm pretty sure Walmart hires vampires to work their night shift I'm okay for now but I'm gonna have to figure out something out to get me till sunrise [ __ ] I just saw one of the cashiers from before all the way down at the bakery but they hissed at me originally I was writing this to calm myself down now I think it's more like a record just in case new plan happens now hopefully this won't be the last entry for 53 a.m. I'm typing this as I work because God do I need a distraction I'm scattering mason jars of my blood around the store and bleeding myself really hurts I'm hoping the fact that there's less blood in me will make me harder to smell and maybe if the vampires get to drink some of it they'll be less hungry for the real thing this is my third jar and I had to make a second cut because the first clotted up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the first jars and the meat fridges I'm hoping the beef will keep the vampires extra busy I put the second on top of a pillow pets display I haven't decided what to do with this one and I'm hoping I can make a fourth but I'm not sure I don't want to make myself too weak once I'm done I'm going to eat some cloves of garlic and hope the smell and lack of blood helps me hide oh dear [ __ ] the lights just went out 5:26 am you know those displays of inflatable kick balls the colorful ones in PVC pipe and wire containers near the toy section you know how when you were a kid you always wondered what it would be like to climb inside one it's not that much fun although maybe it's better when you're not nearly exsanguinated terrified and munching raw garlic my phone casts enough light for me to find my way there but I had a hard time climbing in my cuts reopened and they're starting to bleed through the bandages I made out of my pant legs once the lights went out I didn't want to chance a trip to the pharmacy for bandages I just hid in the first place I found I really hope they clot up because I don't want to start to smell it blood or bleed out I'm starting to get really wants of her experiences and here the police have reopened an investigation pertaining to cause injuries in an official statement the 12th and pine Walmart general manager response and confusion saying I don't know how this happened while most Walmart locations are open 24/7 ours closes at 11 p.m. and reopens at 6:00 a.m. our stalkers leave by 1:30 a.m. so by all official accounts the store should have been locked and completely empty by the time miss Qualls said she entered police have confirmed that all employees of the 12th and pine Walmart were elsewhere during the time of the incident searching through the transaction records investigators found a single box of cheez-its were purchased at 2:21 this morning in line with Qualls account police are unsure of how this is possible as Qualis is the only one shown entering the Walmart during the closing hours on security footage the FBI has been called to assist in the investigation [Music]
Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 963,694
Rating: 4.7972827 out of 5
Keywords: Horror Stories From Reddit, Stories From Reddit, Reddit Horror Stories, True Scary Stories, True Scary Stories from Reddit, Reddit letsnotmeet, Lets Read Scary Stories, true scary stories reddit, scary true stories, True Creepy Encounters, True Creepy Stories, True Creepy Encounters From Reddit, real horror stories, true walmart stories, True Creepy Walmart Stories, scary walmart stories, walmart horror stories, true scary walmart stories, walmart stories, people of walmart
Id: vB-c4BhqK2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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