Teachers, What Is Your "Oh God, This Child Is A Sociopath" Story? (r/AskReddit)

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teachers of reddit what are your stories of oh god this child is a sociopath i have seen students display all sorts of extreme behavior over the past 20 years teaching teenagers in challenging schools the one kid that i was convinced was a psychopath just quietly refused to do anything he didn't want to do i never saw him angry and yet i did see him hit people and say awful things to them he was always eerily calm he was tiny and very cute but he used to manipulate people and watch chaos unfold with these huge unblinking puppy dog eyes it was like he was carrying out an experiment anyway that was when he was about 14 he's 19 now and serving a life sentence for a horrific gang murder last line caught me off guard but i should have seen something like that coming so i am not entirely sure if this is sociopath or psychopath but i had a child that was creepily into my pregnancy for the first seven months he wanted to name her talk to my belly etc then one day it clicked that i would leave and he got really close to me and whispered when you come out i'm going to kill you with a hammer i hate you i was shocked so i took him with me to the office the lssp asked why he said that he replied that it will take her away i wanted to die so she stays here he was on a lot of medication for his incredibly violent tendencies he had tried to kill his sister before by pushing her in front of a bus his mother kept him locked in his room at night because she had found him standing over her with a knife what the frick i worked with a student who would fit his description the stories of the things he did are extensive one example is that he got up from his seats to throw something away on his way back he walked up behind a student who was distracted working on his assignment out of the blue he pushed the working student's head forward and into the desk he gave him a bloody nose there had been no previous altercation or source of friction between the two his parents were divorced and his mother was too afraid of him to have him during the days she had custody his father would move him frequently from school to school once his behavior got so bad that the school started the process to get him into psychiatric care future prisoner it's insane to me that parents don't get help for this crap and think everything will be okay i have a million stories of students who say borderline sociopathic stuff but the worst thing i've ever heard the date was i can't be trusted with knives my mommy hides all knives in the house from me because i've tried to stab everything and everyone i know if i stab an animal or a person too much they might die this would mean i'd go to jail and i don't think i could make it in jail so i want to find a dead body and stab it over and over again this way i know i won't get in too much trouble cause the person was already dead two twin eighth grade boys literal freaking lunatics threw their dog across their living room and it landed on the edge of the table they said it was dead but still moving and they buried it dude they buried a live freaking dog this was confirmed by neighbors and they are now in the appropriate facilities messed up times a million hang on i need to go hug my dog wtf story from a friend as the new teacher he got stuck doing after school detention a lot his first year as a high school teacher he didn't mind because he always stays late anyway with paperwork now at some point he had only one student for detention and he says she is the worst human being he's ever met she told him that he will start marking her as having attended the detention and all future detentions or she's going to say that he assaulted her luckily for him there's both cameras and microphones in the classrooms so that never happened and he did report it to the principal she was later expelled for bringing a knife to school and cutting another girl's ponytail off in the bathroom that is one angry kid and she probably has a good reason i hope she gets help i had a student while i was doing my student teaching eighth grade he was constantly in trouble but during the times he was in class he just stared off with the most vacant look in his eyes it truly scared me it was downright creepy one day he was up at the whiteboard writing some stuff i think he was correcting sentences with a bunch of other kids who were doing the same thing i wasn't watching the kids at the board and all of a sudden i hear this blood curdling scream and look over he had brought a hypodermic needle and had stabbed a girl next to him in the leg he had been holding it in his hand the entire time just waiting for the opportunity to stick someone it was of course terrible but the girl turned out okay the worst part besides that was how he laughed when security came to get him ugh i'm shuddering now just thinking about it a five-year-old kindergarten student started crying he didn't want to go in the classroom his mother told him he had to go anyways the kid stopped crying took off his belt and started whipping his mother as a teacher it was the first time i was completely speechless this feels like learned behavior this child has watched someone else or been hit with a belt and thinks it's a way to get what you want more worried about where the child learned this than the child right now had a high school freshman who was a very boisterous kid and youthful for his age one day he was being disruptive and acting up so i asked him to step out of the room with me while my co-teacher continued the lesson i calmly explained to him why i had taken him out why his behavior was disruptive and asked him to be more mindful in the future he seemed attentive to me and to understand where i was coming from then just as i was about to go back in with him he says to me okay i'm gonna start crying so everyone thinks you yelled at me i immediately put the brakes on i asked him why he wanted to do that why he felt it was okay to lie like that and why he wanted to make me seem like a bad person when i had been very polite and thought we had had a good interaction he didn't have any good answers with me but we had already spent enough time out of class i got him to agree to go in quietly and we went on with the lesson needless to say it was a sign of things to come he turned out to be a gossiping backstabbing little social monster the more mature kids learned to keep their distance from him and he cultivated friendships with other kids who enjoyed his acting out and emulated it we finished out the year on reasonable terms but as he went on to other teachers with different classroom styles his behavior worsened and derailed many classes i applaud your way of handling it though you did the best possible thing in my opinion had a child who enjoyed stalking and terrorizing younger children at daycare you could see he got a wicked kick out of it and we were basically powerless aside from taking children away from him he was beyond awful a colleague looked after a child who was so jealous of his younger brother that he was slowly poisoning him by adding household cleaners to the milk then parents tried to get him to have milk one day and he refused and admitted there was cleaner in it at four years of age seriously god help us because some people are just know right from the very beginning and i don't believe will ever come right not a teacher but my wife is when she was about eight months pregnant she had a kid try to kick her stomach try to stab her with scissors and threaten to kill her regularly she's a kindergarten teacher okay that one last sentence took it to another level his sister annoyed him so he killed her kitten in front of her complete and utter lack of remorse just didn't see animals as any different from toys violence towards animals during childhood is very common in serial killers had a six-year-old the size of a nine-year-old pin a four-year-old to a wall and at least looked like he was trying to feel her up i walked up behind him and shouted what the heck do you think you are doing and he immediately backed off and started stuttering trying to explain himself he would say some freaked up crap too one time he walked up to me a six foot tall bearded man and said basically hey mama let me suck on them titties hated that kid if you told him to do anything he would intentionally do something to go against what he was told his parents spoiled him rotten and let him do whatever he wanted he got away with anything because a former teacher had inadvertently injured him and his family who are filthy rich threatened to sue the dog [ __ ] out of the school he basically had immunity from discipline at school and parents that let him do whatever he wanted he hated me because i wouldn't put up with his crap i never hurt him but i would put him in a hole so that he couldn't move fairly often because he would constantly suck a punch other smaller kids for just about any reason at all even if he just wanted the toy they were holding kidd was a little sociopath with parents that were rich enough that they enabled the behavior ah so the school put their money ahead of the safety of the children this one happened just the other day and obviously i'm going to be anonymous about it to protect the child's identity let's call her abby so i'm driving a mini buzz of students home from a basketball practice when suddenly abby starts screaming did that have peanuts in it i'm allergic to peanuts she begins hyperventilating and crying and actually makes me pull over so she can get off the bus and throw up we're about 15 minutes from the school and i'm literally having a panic attack so i call the principal and ask what should i do do we have an ep pen on hand at the school act she seems confused and puts abby's grandmother on who tells me she wasn't aware her granddaughter who is claiming she can barely breath had any allergies when we got back to the school i was about ready to faint and the principal brings out a registration paperwork to show me no listed allergies she isn't allergic to anything it was all an act the hyperventilating the crying even the throwing up was all for attention i taught a 15 year old boy who was really creepy he submitted a creative writing story that was debauchery fiction in which he graphically described how a white blonde woman was being violated to corrupt the purity she feigns which was quite scary as a white blonde woman to read when confronted by a vice principal he started ranting about how he hated all the girls in the class because they were all be even though non-listed had ever had an interaction with him positive or negative he then wrote me an apology letter where heaps of the lines were aggressively crossed out with drawn next to them at last confrontation by a vice principal he got really aggressive walked out and punched the school fence several times unfortunately he wasn't expelled the insoles are getting younger and younger i'm a gymnastics coach this was several years ago but we were running summer camps that were open to the public one week i had a six-year-old boy who threatened to slit my throat because i asked him to wait his turn to do some skill pick your battles kid having emts and police all over the place won't get you up on those uneven parallel bars any quicker one of my students 11 years old pushed a huge christmas tree over on an elderly man and another small child and laughed hysterically his reasoning it's already january 3rd christmas is over unlike the other replies i can argue with it if you go by the 12 days of christmas christmas ends on the 5th of january i have an ex who is a preschool teacher and he affectionately calls his students my little sociopaths not to their faces or parents because that age is just empathy is a learned skill let's put it that way i had honestly never thought about it but he taught me that things like hitting is bad because it hurts people and hurting people is not a good thing is something that kids have to be taught and it's much harder to get them to understand it when they're older than like four or five i think he said three is really when they start to get it but often parents are still treating three-year-olds like babies my mom was a teacher for several decades and she taught some real winners too there's a kid a few years younger than me that she had and she never explicitly said anything bad about him because he was the son of one of her friends and lives in their neighborhood but that kid was straight from a freaking horror movie he's adopted and one of the first things he did after his parents brought him home was to shut the family dog in the refrigerator one time he sneaked up to my parents house in the middle of the night we live in the middle of nowhere so this is terrifying in and of itself and tried to break into our house my parents usually left the doors unlocked at night and i would go around after they went to bed and lock them when that didn't work he cut the electrical wiring to our outside lights so it was pitch black outside and we couldn't see anything and then slashed the tires on my car and tried to break the windows he used to just beat the crap out of other kids especially younger ones whenever the mood struck him that sucker is like 30 now and he's still a total piece of crap like he still lives with his mom and he's gotten her house swat in at least five times because he deliberately goes online into spaces where that's a thing and antagonizes people then takes off to leave her to deal with the fallout i'm hoping to be an adoptive parent myself one day and sometimes i have nightmares about this kid because as far as i know his parents really did try super hard to help but it just never worked a first grader madison made up name is made up pushed a friend off of a high stall in the art room because the other girl wouldn't share her crayon immediately give up the crayon even though she was in the middle of using it the friend wasn't badly hurt but said she didn't want to sit with madison anymore so i said okay and moved her madison burst into tears and told me that i had to force the other girl to sit with her that it wasn't fair that i told the other girl that she didn't have to share that it wasn't fair that i told the other girl that she didn't have to be friends with madison if madison was hurting her and making her feel bad and how unfair it was that the other girl had fallen off the stool just to make madison look bad i just can't even with madison literally nothing is ever her fault if she steals something it's the other student's fault for giving it to her then lying about doing so i've seen kids actually doubt themselves about whether they've given madison their things even though i watched her steal it this girl is sick and has gaslighting down to her science not a teacher but at my kid's daycare there was a bonafide sociopath in the making this kid would inflict harm on others with a genuine smile on his face like he was playing but he was secretly enjoying it hitting biting punching kicking breaking toys destroying artwork but very secretive and carefully planned when teachers or parents weren't looking he was really intelligent and well spoken for his age as well yeah he was asked to leave after a few years and pretty much every parent there was relieved not me but my friend teaches fourth grade and she had one of the kids write a story in great detail on how they would murder their family and get away with it had a kid that was is basically charles manson has been aggressive before stabbing kindergarteners with scissors hitting biting scratching first grade began new behaviors he would convince other kids to eat crayons or to go tell other kids to say hurtful things to others this was also the year he became more controlling over girls he would invite them to play then if they didn't do what he said he would get the group to push the girl out but the result was the girls really wanted his attention when the girls realized it wasn't worth it and began abandoning him he became aggressive again this year second grade he has begun trying to find like-minded kids and create a gang of bullies of course the staff are tying our best to curtail the behaviors but the parents are very litigious multiple school psychologists and social workers have recommended individual therapy in social minutes but the parents insisted it wasn't needed they said that we were lying about the behaviors and wanted their own social services person to come and for observation so obviously the student was on his best behavior he is not stupid by any means he knew what was up the parents then used those findings to stonewall us for six more months i do not believe any child beyond saving but there are kids that really cannot be saved by public schools this kid needs more social psych minutes smaller classes and more adult attention we just don't have the money to provide that especially when parents want to fight us every step tooth and nail yeah kids can be scary sometimes and the scariest part is when you realize their parents aren't just going to defend them but actually sabotage you anthony was six he had violent tendencies towards animals and other children severe headaches and a teddy bear containing the ashes of his dead sister and a teddy bear containing the ashes of his dead sister you closed out with that as if there's nothing more to explain not a teacher but i was in his class when it happened this was in seventh grade i think the teacher asked everybody to turn in their homework and he asked for an extension because he was absolutely swamped for the last week the teacher said no and instead of just being okay with it this kid picked up a chair and she eated it across the classroom at the teacher it hit her on the forehead and she had to get stitches kid was expelled seven-year-old knew that if the little kids put toys in their mouths we'd wash and sanitize them diligently when this kid got mad he'd go over to the lego bin and slowly spit one fat logie into it before mixing up all the pieces he'd then spend the rest of the day revealing in the knowledge that some poor teacher would have to wash and dry 5000 pieces of lego traditionally that involves into a pillowcase and 20 minutes in the dishwasher washing machine so not so bad when you realize i taught a four-year-old boy who actually scared me because i fear what his future will be i can see him ended up doing some awful things to people he would try and kiss and hug girls and when they didn't want to he'd hold them tightly and try to anyway even if they loudly protested i explained that there is no kissing in school and if someone doesn't want to hug they absolutely do not have to i also said that some people don't like hugging he said well i want her to so she will he just couldn't understand boundaries of any kind this is just one tiny example of the things he did i did refer him as i believe he has autism and he's undergoing assessment now and awaiting a diagnosis but i worry there's something else there with him he would also watch other children to see how he should act for example a child might be sad and another child comforts them he would copy this behavior but totally exaggerates it like completely over the top and use it as an excuse to touch others mainly girls he never showed any emotion other than anger and jealousy he had a very scary look in his eyes and i've never met another child like him i worked in a daycare and had a child like that it was only after he five years old took his dong out and laid it on the table that one of the workers called cps suspecting that he was being physically abused at home it was only after someone mentioned it that some of his past behavior started clicking not a teacher sorry but when i was younger maybe eight i remember going to some family gathering way out in the country there were tons of distant relatives there great grandparents had 11 kids and therefore lots of cousins i didn't know one girl probably four or five was scary all of us kids would try to play with her and she would just act strange but one thing i really remember was someone was showing us some baby chicks letting us hold them and pet them my mother had just explained to us be very gentle fear babies etc etc well this little girl is holding a baby chick on her palm looks right into my mom's eyes and just squeezes this chick until its eyes bulge they stopped her into my knowledge the chick was fine but i'll never forget the look in her eyes immediately after this happened her dad scooped her up in his arms and she just looked back at all of us smiling monarchically not a teacher but i only remember the story because i had witnessed the fallout in 11th grade there was a girl let's call her carol who was crazy about the cartoon sonic the hedgehog to the point where a teacher threatened to fail her on a writing assignment if she turned in yet another sonic fan fiction instead of actually doing work properly she handed in an angry letter to the teacher as her assignment can't remember what the specifics of that letter were but i do remember it was such that she got suspended for the remainder of the year when she came back in grade 12 she had to apologize to everyone in her homeroom for her actions the previous year it's in this apology that she tells us she had a brain tumor the size of quebec the kid from quebec naturally yells at her for comparing quebec to a brain tumor carol did a lot of other stuff besides the angry letter that year she mentioned in her apology that she got a girl in trouble for vandalism so she carol could get the lead role in a school play she dressed up as a grim reaper for some old person's funeral and accused my friend whom she never had any prior connection to of tricking her into thinking the funeral was a halloween party since this happened in may the excuse was made of toothpicks she got a zero on a term project for math because she accidentally submitted a poorly written and creepy sonic fan fiction instead of her assignment she threw a temper tantrum to get the teacher to change the due date nothing came of it and that's just the stuff she admitted to comma the kid from quebec naturally yells at her for comparing quebec to a brain tumor i bet the kid did it in french too not me but my mum is a teacher she has plenty of these stories but the one thing that sticks out to me is the one time she reprimanded her eight-year-old girl for being aggressive to the other children nothing too serious just name please let go of other child you're hurting him and he doesn't like it the girl turned to my mum looked her up and down and said i'm going to make sure you lose your job you'll never teach again my mum said that the threat didn't scare her because my mum had done nothing wrong but the way the child said it shook her to her core birth of a karen had a student who wasn't the best behaved but hadn't caused a ton of problems yet a rumor started going around school that he had killed the neighbor's dog i don't remember why but obviously concerning another student said to him hey they say you killed your neighbor's dog did you really do that or something to that effect and this kid immediately said it didn't die nothing else no emotion or explanation that was probably just to get the kids off of his back if i know high schoolers they will savagely bother you about anything and going along with it is the best way to solve the problem he did that but also made it seem like they shouldn't mess with him elementary school rich preppy white boy 11 drew a picture of only black boy 10 in class it showed a dead decapitated body with lots and lots of blood and a chainsaw he then calmly explained to me how he was planing to murder and cut up the other boy and how he doesn't deserve to have presents for christmas as he's black and santa doesn't like black kids had to contact the headmaster and parents jokes on him the headmaster was a very cool black lady so i have this kid moved from another country two years ago and i got him this year was warned that he was difficult we hit it off quite well he is difficult and loud but manageable out of a sudden he wants to talk to me alone and starts crying the moment we are alone he starts to tell me his life story from being neglected by his stepfather who is abusive towards him and that social services were already involved so they moved and so on but he didn't want me to do anything in case it got worse i got in touch with the psych team and my boss and we were discussing how to move forward we decided to talk to the parents first to get a feel for the situation so i invited them for a talk and holy crap the mother was nearly burned out the step-dad started crying because apparently their son was tyrannical and making their lives a living heck i was not expecting this i was providing in-class support for a six-year-old student who had very concerning behavior let's call her jamie i was lucky in that jamie liked me this did not stop her from kicking scratching and biting me whenever i would attempt to stop her jaime's teacher and i were working together to collect data for the school's diagnostician but one thing we could never even begin to understand is what was triggering her negative behaviors when she wanted to be she was a very sweet kid i knew that she could make good grades if she cooperated and worked on her assignments but randomly throughout the day she would go on a little rampage in the classroom throwing things flipping tables attacking students shouting and cursing once she even darted out of the classroom out the side door of the school and towards the main road she would play with her friends at recess and then an hour later i'd have to pull her off for those same kids while she swung her legs and fists at them i remember one day i had taken her out of the classroom until she calmed down i said jaime i just want to help you i want you to feel better so you can go play with your friends i'm not mad at you i just want to help what would make you feel better and she stared at me with a blank expression i actually acted like this as a child i got better as i grew up but it turns out i'm bipolar not everything is pyshopathic i was an assistant at a licensed care center there was a room three-year-olds that was problematic there were four children that were very problematic out of the 10 regulars who came every day one of the boys caused chaos because he thought it was funny he laughed when he hit someone or when he ran around the room throwing chairs and knocking playsets down one time i was putting him down for a nap and he looked me dead in the eye and said i want to tie you up not the craziest here but hearing a three-year-old whisper that to you with a tiny smile in a darker room is definitely concerning principal took me outside the class for a while to talk about something the minute i came back everyone was silent and one kid was standing at the board marker in one hand and razor blades in the other one jammed into the marker cap no idea why he would do that apart from holy crap he wants to see me cut my hand off suspended iaike yearly project for 10 11th grade the kids had to assign themselves into groups of four they all ended up in their groups apart from one kid who remained the stereotypical loner kid at the back i asked him if he wanted to join any group he saw or make a project of his own and he just looked into my eyes and said i don't care they'll all soon be dead anyway question mark i had to take him to the principal and he simply said i didn't mean it as a threat i just relish in the fact that one day each and every one of them will be actually dead i just holy crap i still remember this to this day it's been like seven years tbh i can totally see him saying this to comfort himself trying to get perspective on how long high school will last after being stuck alone yet again when the teacher told the kids to self-assemble into groups it's been over 20 years and i still remember the horror of hearing the teacher tell us to find our own groups with me knowing i'll inevitably be singled out at the end and humiliated my first year teaching i taught three grades in remote northern ontario had a boy in grade 7 age appropriate not level hunt my leg by far my weirdest teaching story but i've got lots that i'm very certain folks think are enhanced there is no need to enhance teaching stories the real versions are crazy enough we often say to each other yah can't make this crap up when an incident occurs wait grade 7 i thought you meant 7 years old yikes when i taught at the university a student in the class was arrested and at least if other students are to be believed it was because he tried or at least plain to kill all his roommates i never would have guessed that looking at him i currently have a student in my special ed academic support class who is just so manipulative my colleague and i mostly joked how he's probably drowned a cat just to watch it die or something just a serial killer risk he's habitually true and so most of the time he's not a problem but he really knows how to manipulate everyone around him he's not smart enough to manipulate adults effectively yet but he can get the other students going he instigates things with students who are much less intelligent than he is and then plays the victim he gets away with it because the other students aren't cognitively able to give their side of the story he lies constantly about banal things like he went around saying that a knockoff lv bag that he got at a charity shop was worth three thousand dollars and threw a fit when i wouldn't let him take it to the bathroom with him and accused me of wanting to steal it the next day he admitted he knew it was fake the one day that he's been here in the last month he accused another one of my students of buying drugs it turns out that the cognitively disabled boy that the little social path manipulates did in fact steal marijuana from his mother and put it into this girl's bag in the morning she found it there and didn't know what to do with it so she left it this little bastard came up to me and told me about this nefarious drug deal that happened in the morning and this girl had her thing searched and ended up suspended and her parents grounded her for six months she is miserable coming into school every day he hasn't been back to see the damage but i'm sure that he'll be excited when he sees that he's spread misery i am so happy every day his name appears on the absence list this child will appear out of nowhere drop a bomb on the classroom and then disappear for weeks it's almost insidious i had a fifth grader that had been kicked out of her zone school she was pretty quiet and liked to draw in a journal at recess one day i caught a glimpse of her drawings and she was basically drawing comics of her torturing classmates including debauchery stuff as i walked her to the office i asked her why she was sent to our school and she very plainly said i ripped my tits's skin off her hand cause she took my notebook it doesn't compare to some of these stories but i work in a preschool class and i just know some of these kids will be serious trouble when they grow up there's one little boy who lives to taunt and hurt the other kids anytime you discipline him he physically attacks you throws chairs at you and screams bloody murder like you're hurting him i have another boy who does almost the same except he also love to tell you that you must not love him anymore anytime you discipline him he does it just to manipulate it so twisted i teach dance and had a six year old i'll never forget for the record all six year olds are terrible developmentally they're all starting to flex their egos and it can be a mess of personalities but here's a collection of things that occurred that made me realize this child was a sociopath i'll call them a had a child fall asleep in the middle of class poor thing didn't get a nap that day and just flat out passed out in the middle of dancing i picked her up and placed her on the side and she slept through class next week a spends the whole class pretending to fall all seep the fact that they had remembered the previous week and knew to emulate the behavior is very odd for that age fake cries on a dime in a time i tried getting her to follow along with class absolute crocodile tears dry face isn't allowed to be the line leaver cause they were as last week fake tears isn't allowed to guess the disney song because another student already guessed it fake tears anytime they didn't get to be the special kid fake tears had them sit out once due to not following instructions after giving a clear if you do x one more time you will sit out and then following through proceeds to start whining like a goddamn dog because she claims a student kept staring at them complete disruptive turns out one of my students is autistic and the fake crying and whining a was doing for attention was over stimulating them was a freaking feedback circle of these two triggering each other for a whole year what really got me there was they came up to me and said they had a ration need to sit out this is after they spent 10 minutes suckling their arm to make it appear they had a rash told grandparent after class and they just yeah they've been doing that um what how does a six-year-old have the wherewithal to plan out faking a rash like that at the end of the year the mom gave me a gift card and a note that basically said thank you for putting up with my child not a teacher but was a camp counselor he was 12-14 talked alert about parodies on youtube that talked about killing people he was talking to me about a frozen parody of do you want to build a snowman but something along the lines of do you want to see a dead body or something he mostly talked to me and not the other children as he kept to himself i told him we weren't going to talk about that stuff at camp he also had a little brother 6 yo i had in my camp group once more of a little crap swore a lot and threatened the other kids a lot too he also thought he was more mature than the other kids like when another camper his age asked a question a six year would generally ask he would respond with for frick's sakes and rolled his eyes what i understood parents weren't in the picture and were being raised by grandma and grandpa met them a few times briefly on pickup and they seemed like generally nice grandparents this is kind of tame but i had a kid who was a big biter bit everyone around him including me and the lead teacher in the room one day i sat him down and just asked him why why do you bite his response i like the way arms feel in my mouth i walked in on a kid saying i wanna be ted bundy when i was a kid i wanted to be al bundy i got a new student in fifth grade who had already been diagnosed with so many things because you can't be a psychopath social path till you're an adult for the most part odd her mom had schizophrenia a whole long list of issues deaf not gonna get the diagnosis in fifth grade but the stepmum came to the school to warn us about her y'all she was my best student she stole anything that wasn't nailed down but my class was so crazy we already had like three ebd diagnoses and the admin just threw the rest of the bad kids in for fancies that i think she felt like she was with her people lol she got great grades she never made a peep weirdly wholesome i go to an international school that had lots of different people in it kind of irrelevant to the story anyways back in primity school there was this child let's call him roman he was abusive to teachers and other students in first grade he attacked the teacher and had the whole class in one half of the room whilst everyone watched in horror as he reigned heck on the teacher's desk he even pee on it a couple of years later in third grade he decides he wants to be a prick again so he picks up a pencil and proceeded to stab three students around him and run to the teacher and stab him twice in the waist soon after he was expelled still wonder where that guy is this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you 10 years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: school stories, teacher stories, reddit teachers, sociopath, sociopath student, high school, college, school, teachers, student, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: ZXQ4eZeyr4Y
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Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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