What was the CREEPIEST thing you saw in the middle of the day? (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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[Music] serious what was the creepiest / unexplainable / paranormal thing you saw in the middle of the day I've mentioned in previous comments that my childhood home was massively haunted a lot of the haunting happened during the day but here's the one that panicked me the most I was alone watching my brother I was around 18 he was 2 or 3 barely talking yet we were in his playroom a really brightly lit area downstairs playing with blocks or something when he suddenly goes from giggling and running around to just dead frozen starring at the entryway into the room I asked him what's up and he just points to our staircase and says icky noise he'd been pointing and saying that freaked out randomly for a while now and I figured it was going to be another time showing him nothing is there but I finally take a good look at the stairs and there's something there our staircase was mostly surrounded by walls so I hadn't noticed at first due to shadow but I could see crouched on the step just below where the wall cut off this pitch-black shape of a person it was literally a slightly fuzzy silhouette of a person made of just pure black clearly looking at us between the hand railing it took a step further down toward us still crouched holding the rails before my brain process that I was actually seeing it I screamed because what other response are you really gonna have to that grabbed my brother and hauled ass out of the house we ended up sitting in the backyard playing with my sister's dog while I called my mom and waited for her to get home sightings of that thing only got worse before we moved out when my brother was a bit older he was able to explain he called it icky noise because whenever it showed up he could hear this really gross scary gurgling whispering I never heard it make noise but I definitely saw it several times and it got rid of my idea the daytime was automatically safe real fast I have one maybe not the scariest or creepiest thing ever told but definitely stands out for me when I was about 13 I think me and my two buddies were hanging out when we decided to take a walk in the trails through the woods near my house we walked around for a little while when we decided to go off the actual trails and into the forest itself not that crazy walk in any direction for about an hour and you hit a row so not really concerned about going of the trail after a couple of minutes we found an abandoned Shack it looked almost like a garage it was just sitting in the middle of the forest with no discernable path to it we thought it was definitely weird I had been walking and biking those trails my whole like and had never seen or heard about it before so we opened the door and went inside to take a look inside we found old boat with oddly a brand new engine one the back again there is absolutely no trail or path leading to this place stranger than that the place is literally half filled with junk as in there is like two to three feet of just random crap covering almost the entirety of the floor being dumped teenager we were weirded out but we still explored the place it had a second level with more crap covering the floor eventually after getting creeped out we decided to leave things got weirder at this point as I mentioned before if you walk in any direction for about an hour you will just hit a road we didn't want to have to walk that plus however long it took to get back to my house because we were lazy given that we had just kind of wandered through the woods for a bit we couldn't remember which trail we needed to take to get back to my place luckily we had walkie-talkies with us we had mostly used them for calling each other names previously all three of us grabbed one pick a way to go and set off I guess all of us happen to be [ __ ] around with the channel selector at the same time because no one got far before we all kind of stopped and looked at each other on one of the channels with some woman absolutely sobbing great heaving sobs while muttering in-between to catch her breath but we couldn't make out what we were saying as soon as we all heard it we beeline back to each other to see if the other guys were hearing this crap sure enough it was coming through all of the walkie-talkies we tried for like 45 minutes to get the woman to respond to us we kept asking if she was okay and what was wrong but she just kept crying I think at one point there was even so Emily else on another channel we talked to who could hear it on his walkie-talkie eventually after about 30 minutes or so the channel went silent it took us a little while to get out of the trails and we were creeped the hell out on the entire way out never heard any reports of anything happening in the area no injured or missing piece pull nothing this was a few years ago now it was early afternoon probably around 2:00 p.m. on a Saturday my dad and I were standing in the kitchen I was at the counter a sort of breakfast bar which is higher than the rest making a sandwich he was standing behind me and to the left in the doorway near the fridge we were having a discussion about something I can't remember when he stops mid-sentence at this moment I look up for my sandwich and directly to my right is what made him stop speaking a floor-to-ceiling shadow in a roughly cylindrical shape about two feet wide I immediately turn and face this thing as it swiftly and silently glides straight past me passing in front of the kitchen window which had totally obscured the light from and straight through the wall I looked at my dad completely speechless but managed to ask if he saw that he just nodded in response I walked past him and into the hallway and then went into my parents room this thing would have to go through there on its path nothing we spent some time trying to figure out what could have caused a floor-to-ceiling shadow like that we were entirely stumped but we both experienced the paranormal many times before on an interesting note this shadow would have passed directly into the master bathroom having gone through the wall in the kitchen that it did my dad has seen an apparition of his mother-in-law in the doorway of this bathroom before he also claims that when he was very young he would see strange little men sort of like gnomes in his parents house and they were not always friendly that house still gives me an uneasy feeling more creepy and unexplainable than anything else whenever I tell the story it's phrased as the time I met a CIA agent I used to work retail and had been opening that morning this was at around 7 a.m. so not many people out and about I opened the doors at 7:30 7:35 a man comes in he looks frantic his clothes don't look very well-kept I sort of assumed he was homeless this sent me a bit on edge and I honestly thought I was about to get robbed he comes up to counter looks around and then asks where the bathroom is at this point I just assumed that he wanted to shoot up or something whatever not the first not the last and I make it a general rule not to piss off junkies before 10 a.m. so I point him towards the bathroom and go about my day he heads in there a few minutes later two men come into the store they look around then at me then towards a car just outside they don't really say anything to me other than a general hey before starting to look around usually we never get customers that early in the morning we often start getting customers around 8 a.m. and business picks up around 9 a.m. one of them heads to the bathroom he tries to open it and it's locked I say nothing they didn't ask me why it was locked or anything I'm not opening my mouth because once again it's before 10 a.m. the two of them leave the guy comes out shortly after he's dressed in much better clothes looks somewhat groomed and even seems to have a better posture he just nods over to me and walks out I've thought this over at least once a day in the 4 years since I had that job it wasn't until the next day that things really stood out to me as being really ducking weird my conclusion is that I watched some sort of spy operation or something because honestly that's what it felt like if these things ever have feelings that is working in the North Georgia Mountains land surveying as my boss and I are wandering through the woods doing what we do both of us become very quiet which is pretty normal for us but everything around us fell silent as well birds no chirp bugs no hump from cicadas or crickets no squirrels rumbling around no sound which both of us knew is not good we are looking at each other and we both fear whispers but we can't tell what words are being said continue walking and clearly we both hear a loud stop we both stop dead in our tracks and say nothing while looking around we notice for probably more that we didn't notice Indian graves we were about to walk on them we packed up for the day and as we loaded the truck the nature noises all came back nothing strange happened when we went to finish the project I have others but just got to today's job site as someone who doesn't believe in ghosts this one continues to baffle me to this day the old' presque isle lighthouse in michigan it was deactivated in the 1800s and story goes that one day despite the fact that no power has been provided to it it began to turn back on every now I believe that it has even now been re registered as a landmark for passing ships so that they know where they are when visibility is low but wait it gets weirder I saw this lighthouse turn on with my very eyes standing on a bridge about a mile away I looked through a pair of binoculars and saw the filament itself burning you could clearly make out the shape of it it was exactly like looking into a low watt bulb however when my friend and I hiked along the coast and made our way to the foot of a thing it was very clearly still off no light was coming on from the inside but we had another person on the bridge his very sweet grandma with the walkie-talkie she swore up and down that it was still on even provided pictures to realist rate I was up close at an angle where I could see that this thing was giving off Sarah light as the Sun had all but gone down completely while someone else was able to take pictures of the bulb still burning clear as day upon hiking back the bulb became brighter and brighter the further away we got until it was at its full glory when we were back at the bridge and the Sun was completely down again I don't believe in ghosts but as someone who likes poking holes in stories like these I do not understand how this could possibly have worked TLDR magic lighthouse defies physics to provide light to passing ships maybe a little late for people to see but it's a ghost story I had just moved into an old house in rural Pennsylvania and it was the definition of creepy large old house with weird floorplan I had a couple experiences in that house at night such as footsteps and touching but the most memorable daytime event was startling the layout of the house had three rooms in a row two rooms connected by a third room that had a door at each end I was sitting on the couch in the middle room when I heard a large bang in the room to my left followed by a large bang on the connecting door then the window opposite me than the other connecting door then finally in the room to my left as if a spooky ghost had run through my house pounding on crap which prompted me to yell out quit banging on crap if it was a ghost he listened no more bangs after that more heard / experience than saw but it still gives me the creeps to think about when I was a kid my family had a family reunion at a big ranch venue on the Guadalupe River Texas looks and feels as old as the hills but it was established in the late 70s so it's not that much older than the house I grew up in I must have been around maybe eight at the time but I vividly remember experiencing really weird cramped the whole weekend started off on the first morning we were there I kept hearing the sound of kids footsteps and voices running around upstairs in the main lodge but my brother and I were some of the only kids there and the others were out at the river I even went so far as to investigate but when I didn't find anyone up there I was so royally freaked out that I refused to go back up until bedtime when I was forced later that day the rest of the family was down at the river but I didn't feel like going there was an old playground with a few slides some of those crap teespring horse toys that are a whiplash waiting to happen and an old metal merry-go-round I was sitting on that merry-go-round watching the river when I heard what sounded like small footsteps running in the grass behind me I turned around to look saw nobody there and the footsteps were gone alright that's creepy but I decided to be brave and stick it out not even two minutes later the footsteps start again running directly at me they sound quick and close together like a child stride it changes from grass to mulch sounds and then I feel the merry-go-round start to shake as if someone were running on it accompanied by a clang clang clang sound of small shoes on metal didn't even bother to turn around just stood bolt upright and took off like a shot sprinted as hard as I could but I felt something step on the back of my shoe and stop it with enough force that I ran clean out of it didn't stop just kept running sprinted all the way down to the river in a teary panic and told my mom what had happened she didn't believe me and made me go back to pick up my shoe basically had to drag me the whole way because I was absolutely panicked and didn't want to be anywhere near that playground made it through the rest of that day without encountering anything even made it through the night but when I was woken up in the morning for breakfast my brother had already gone downstairs I had been sleeping on the top bunk of a bunk bed but when I started to move I heard small footsteps in the hallway again I quickly went to scramble down the ladder but the ladder started thunking and shaking like someone was climbing up toward me I jumped clear off the side of the bed and sprinted down the stairs but didn't even bother telling anyone that time because I knew they wouldn't believe me went back to that camp back in 2012 on a trip with a buddy of mine and it's been massively updated and modernized by now that ducking playground is still there though and it still gave me the creeps I have a co-worker who claims she has the equivalent of a portal in her house where spirits travel this woman is about as logical as they come so it surprised me that she believed in stuff like that don't get me wrong I'm a huge ghost show fanatic she claims that sometimes they follow her to work I thought nothing of it it was a casual conversation one day I had brought my son to work her him and I were the only people in the store I was standing on the other side of this closed off counter area and to my right I saw a little boy about my son's height with blond hair I saw just a glimpse of the color of his clothes as he passed between one aisle and another I yelled to him to ask what he was doing when he responded he was sitting on a stool on the other side of the closed counter saying he was still playing his video game what was so weird was that in order for him to have gotten to the dial on my right he would have had to come around to the left side of the counter and pass me same to get back to his spot considering the distance from one location to the other was pretty far apart there's no way he could not have made the feet in mere seconds she looked me dead in the eye and said you just saw him didn't you he followed me to work today she then went on to describe the kid in perfect detail without any prior knowledge of what I'd noticed about him edit words and stuff didn't see anything but definitely heard something I was at work one day we have a small department and I was working by myself one weekend it was early afternoon on a Sunday I was sitting in our office when I heard a few very sharp distinct footsteps in the hallway on the hardwood floor alittle ways outside the door it was loud enough to make me sit up pay attention and look out the door for a bit thinking my boss was stopping by or something but I got up to check after a little bit and nobody was there I was also the only one working that day who had a key to the building and all the doors were still locked can't say it was paranormal necessarily but definitely unexplained in hella creepy my boss and co-workers have had similar unexplained experiences and heard strange noises as well like hearing voices seeing figures having heavy magnetic doors open and closed inexplicably with no remote mechanism to do so I've posted this before but I don't mind sharing it again when my sister and I were kids we were out front of our home playing near the mailbox mom and dad were there by the window watching and according to them my mother turned to my father and asked him to bring us inside he shrugged her off but she became more urgent he asked why it was a problem and she suddenly panicked and started heading towards the front door despite being less than a week away from giving birth to our youngest sister he stopped her and stepped outside to call us in and we complied less than a minute later a car came barreling down the street at high speed and struck our mailbox destroying it we would have both been killed instantly my parents have never felt entirely comfortable talking about it my brother a friend and I were all watching TV and my parents room back in the 90s because at the time we didn't have a family TV it was the middle of the day in summer and we were between the ages of 10 to 12 in home alone the door to the bedroom started rattling and it looked like the doorknob was turning small side note when I was younger I thought that putting scotch tape on the doorknob would lock the door it didn't but ever since there was this remnant of my attempt left on the doorknob you could vaguely make out where the strips of tape had been this is how we could see twisting motions while our house was the kind of place where the neighborhood kids would hang out all the time because my parents were abusive they were pretty welcoming and everyone liked my brother we also didn't have a working lock on the front door so we think that maybe one of the other kids in the neighborhood is messing with us we open the door and search the house without finding anyone then we think maybe it's one of the dogs but all the dogs are chilling and not paying us attention we try closing the door with one of us one one side and the other two on the other it still rattles after a couple of seconds being closed we switch on case shenanigans are going on it keeps rattling we ended up just leaving the door open and we weren't bothered anymore but the three of us never did figure out what had been going on as adults we all still remember the experience pretty similarly years and years later I was home alone and sleeping in the middle of the day because my job was a graveyard shift my bedroom door a different room than before starts rattling I wake up shocked and immediately remember the prior instance I opened the door and went back to sleep about 15 years ago I was walking to work around 6:00 a.m. near the ocean in Brighton no one was around except me and a woman jogging we both suddenly stopped dead in our tracks as we simultaneously noticed three ducting massive swans just rounding the old brighton pier I swear they were as big as speedboats big or even just freakishly unbelievably huge we both just stood there looking wandering out loud if it was some weird art project or promotionals done until one of the Swan started flapping its wings the movements were simply too lifelike to be animatronics we both just watched them swimming into the open ocean for about 15 minutes before they became too small to see we parted just looking at one another shaking our heads as if we both were thinking no one's ever going to understand / believe what we just saw I've told the story a couple of times since and people have tried to make it off as nothing or explain it away trick of the light / perspective but I guess only myself and that lady will ever understand we saw something truly inexplicable that day I saw a ghost a man in a revolutionary war style uniform and tricorn hat standing at ease in my spare bedroom peering out the window into my backyard it was the middle of the day in the middle of January and I was not the only corporeal human in the apartment it was the day I was moving into my apartment and my friend and I were putting things away we were walking down the hall and I saw him clear as day I turned to my friend who was walking behind me to ask if she'd seen him but she hadn't and when I turned to look again he'd gone we named him Peter and he became a fixture in the apartment guests knew all about him and he was never mean or nasty I'd often hear him pacing the hall between the front door in the bathroom while I was in the shower as if to remind me to lock the door I remember getting out mid shower to lock at once and our good-for-nothing neighbor pounded on the door and vigorously tried the knob a moment later I could hear him shouting yo you got ten bucks it wasn't the first time he'd asked more like demanded money we certainly didn't owe him one morning I was walking down the same hall facing both the guest room in my bedroom my boyfriend at the time was asleep in bed I could see him but as I was approaching the room I heard the distinct sound of his dresser drawer opening moments later I heard all of the fishing rods in his mancave fall over in a clatter but when I opened the door to the room everything was in its right place on another occasion my boyfriend our roommate and I all heard our drying dinner dishes fall into the sink and all over the floor but when we ran into the kitchen everything was just as we'd left it on the drying rack neatly positioned we tried to ask Peter how we could help him pass on but weren't presented with any answers he didn't follow us when we moved to the house next door but I'll always remember him fondly this is the first time I've recalled this and it was from my grandmother's recollection because I didn't notice so my house growing up that a big front room which went through various different uses but at this time it was a lounging room with a couple couches and some decorations there was also a rocking horse by the window this happened around mid afternoon I believe at the time it was my grandmother my brother or sister and myself in the room and we were playing while she was sitting watching us out of nowhere she stands up quickly picks us up and rushes out of the room and closes the door I had no idea why because nothing seemed unusual she told me a little later that while she was watching us she noticed the rocking horse start moving on its own there were no open windows and we weren't next to it I don't really have any explanation for it other than something paranormal but this rocking horse used to belong to a woman who passed away and we believe it could have been her spirit other strange things happened with it until we threw it away and never had anything happened in the house again I am pretty sure that people who go camping a lot will agree with me that forest at night is a pretty creepy place lots of sounds you couldn't connect to any animal I usually dismiss them as wind or weird echo but about five years ago I went camping in Southern Alps and I set my tent just inside the tree line after about two days of being there and exploring the nature hiking and doing a bit of caving I started to feel like something was around me not like following me but that something was all around I thought I was just tired and dehydrated but when the night fell on the third day and I was laying in my tent I started to hear branches breaking and leaves moving really unnaturally it's quite common for branches to break under their own weight or because they were rotten but when I woke up and checked the trees there were marks on them at about 15 foot high not just one tree but a lot of them on the five trees around my tent there were also scratchings at the same height I was pretty scared at that point because I have no idea if some local was playing a prank on me or there was something more sinister going on I had a knife to defend myself but I quickly packed nonetheless being a 5 foot woman that barely weighs 120 pounds I wasn't going to take any chances I checked the trees and floor for the last time and there were no footprints or any disturbed foliage which meant that what came on trees didn't touch the ground even once after I started heading back to the valley I heard this noise like a deer mixed with a man's voice it was so creepy i legit started running downhill I didn't look back once and even though I am not religious I grasped my crucifix that grandma gave so hard my palms started to bleed you have no idea how crafty and ducked up the whole situation was in the worst thing of all no one believed me after asking the locals if there were people living up there or if there was ever anything shady going on they ignored me and started to avoid eye-contact you
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Views: 190,652
Rating: 4.8797159 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: gpF7KsRfqH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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