People who've claimed to encounter a humanoid,extraterrestrial, Bigfoot what's your story?

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serious people who've claimed to encounter a humanoid whether that be extraterrestrial Bigfoot or whatever what's your story this one's from my girlfriend when I was a child around the age of six perhaps younger I used to visit my uncle's house on occasion with my mum and Nan each time I was there I'd go to my uncle's bedroom to look at the mummy then laid on his bed that's what I thought it was seeing an adult woman that seemed to look like they were wrapped up in bandages or some material my uncle was the kind that would tease you or wind you up so I never believed it was real just something he'd rigged to scare me each time I went to his house I would drag my mom or my nan into that room to show them and frustratingly each and every time they became not to be able to see a very obvious mummy laid out on the bed it got to the point one day after dragging my mum and dad to my uncle's room and them not believing me that after they left I stayed to watch the mummy lay in the bed I stayed in the doorway the furthest I would ever go with the side of the bed facing me and glared as angrily as a little girl could at the woman in the bed then it sat up and turned to face me I froze it was when the things started to get off the bed towards me that I discovered my legs again and ran years later my nan took me and a friend to my uncle's house to dog-sit while he was away it just so happened that his bedroom was where we would be having our sleepover the room had been changed and there was no mummy this time around but retelling the story was enough to freak us both out for the night though it didn't stop us from sleeping my mum and none can recall me asking about the bandaged woman in the bed and other weird things I had seen and experienced as a child but no one else had experienced the mummy in that house this happened when I was 7 I grew up on the military base we lived in the PM cues not entirely sure of the age of the houses but our basement did have a bomb shelter in it so I had just broken my leg and my dad moved my bed to the living room and set up my computer so I could play Buzz Aldrin's raced to space whenever I wanted to I was also given a frying pan and a pot if I ever needed anything in the middle of a night so it's God knows what time and I'm woken up by a sound I look around and don't really see anything until I noticed a hand peer out the entranceway to the living room I immediately look at the TV to see if I can see a reflection I do it looks like a man my father's build and height but the uniform is wrong my father a few times was called and deployed on moment's notice I could just tell this was a world war 2 uniform so I freaked out I grabbed the frying pan and pit and began slamming them together as hard as I could the figure in the TV just walks away into the dining room and then turned to the kitchen from what I could tell just as he turns my father is already in the living room asking what's wrong I replied someone's in the house he immediately goes for his baseball bat and starts searching the house and checking the locks in the windows then gets on the phone and calls the MPS and before I know it he and the neighbors and the MPs are outside securing the whole damn neighborhood they never found anyone and I've never had a similar experience since then I was seven or eight years old and visiting my paternal grandparents with the rest of the family they live deep in the woods and I always hated it there it felt like something was always watching and was always eerily quiet like not even crickets chirping my little brother and I shared a bed in one room on the ground floor my brother would sleep at one end his head against a window slash wall and I would be on the other facing the window on this particular morning I woke up first the Sun was brilliant making the room gold through the curtains and there a silhouette against the window was a deer with the biggest rack of antlers I had ever seen it was right there like almost pressed against the window in profile I stared in awe and that is when it changed in one smooth movement it reared up on its hind legs and it was no longer a deer but a man there were only two men in the area my grandfather and my dad and it was clearly neither not sure if that made it better or worse grandfather was very built for his age dad had a gut this silhouette was clearly younger muscular but not in thee like a brick way my grandfather was it exude 'add strength and scared the hell out of me it started to the side for a moment and then strode off with purpose I don't know what I saw I want to believe it was just the groggy mind of a half awake it but I remember the fear slicing into me I remember the feeling of something being out there I saw a humanoid something in the woods outside my childhood home this was Beryl northern Wisconsin and I was 14 up until that day I had zero fear of the woods I spent most of my time out there exploring and feared nothing my parents had a lousy marriage and fought a lot and I felt more at home outside than in the house on hot nights I take a sleeping bag and sleep on the roof of an old shack on our property I saw bears I saw wolves they were always more afraid of me than me them I didn't believe in ghosts Bigfoot demons or even God I only got lost out there once when dark fell sooner than I expected I stayed calm found the North Star and knew that if I continued south I'd eventually come across the old railroad tracks near my house even the thought of spending the night out there didn't bother me the thought of my mom's rage when I didn't come home did so it was summer I had just turned 14 my mom had left my father father worked all the time sister was living on her own once school was out it was me and my cat and this is before the internet or smartphones we lived on a dead-end dirt road and around noon I took my usual stroll than the long driveway to check the mail my cat followed me everywhere and I actually kind of relied on him to give me a heads-up if there was a bear or something close by a bit of movement behind me as I stood at the mailbox made me aware there was something across the road in the trees but there were pesky deer everywhere I heard a loud crash then like something very loudly making its way through the brush it's like every goddamned classic horror story my brain had no capability for the thought of anything paranormal or spooky I simply tucked the mail under my arm and headed into the woods to investigate my cat followed close behind I got about 10 yards in when I noticed what I hadn't noticed before there was no noise nothing it was a beautiful June day and there wasn't a single bird singing no insects no leaves rustling it was absolutely silent at the same time I registered the silence I got that eerie feeling that something was watching me I stopped immediately and started scanning the woods for deer hunters know what I'm talking about when I say you look for the shape of a deer instead of trying to pinpoint them by color that's when I spotted it - brown furry legs the top of it concealed by tree branches I went to sigh with relief when my cat hissed I looked down and he was completely pooped out with his back arched looking at the same thing I was I looked back up and the legs moved not like a deer like a human everything happened at once after that I dropped the mail picked up my cat by the scruff and ran for whatever was out there with me was running after me I have never run so fast in my life I tore up the driveway into the house locked the door and grabbed the phone I called my next-door neighbor who was the ex chief of police and he came over immediately with his pistol he checked out the spot I was in and found nothing I was so hysterical I was in tears he stayed with me until I was able to reach my mom and have her come get me of course they thought I was completely high or delusional I know exactly what I saw and felt it was broad daylight I never felt safe in those woods again and stopped sleeping outside I was hiking up in the Cascades in Oregon I was in a more remote area of the range on the sixth or seventh day on the trail the hair on the back of my neck started standing up I chalked it up to being a mountain lion in the area but the weird thing was the uneasy feeling never left that night is when I heard the howling it wasn't bulls or bears or any other animal I have ever heard the closest thing I could relate it to you is the noises apes and monkeys make this persisted for the next few nights eventually things started rummaging through my campsite naturally I assumed it was a bear or raccoons but then on the eleventh day I woke up in my food bag was removed from the tree something had cut the line through all my food was gone I decided to keep pushing I had four days left till the end of the trail I'm familiar with what I can and can't eat in the area and it could always fish for food the same nightly activities occurred and on the thirteenth night something started throwing rocks at my tent for some reason I lost it I screamed into the darkness for whatever it was to leave me alone hoping it was just some person [ __ ] with me and maybe they'd scream out sorry mate or something instead it grew quiet for the first time in nights nothing could be heard then a scream louder and more vicious than any other night cut through the night then nothing complete and utter silence again despite it being quiet I wasn't able to sleep that night I just waited the next day I continued my hike dead tired just wanting to get out the hair on the back of my neck still standing the forest still quiet I felt like I was being hunted towards the end of the day I had sat down to rest before pushing a few more miles when I saw something tall and large bigger than any man or animal I had seen sliding through the forest not making a noise now yelled at it it turned to look at me I never got a good look at it through the trees and the brush and it was dark but I knew that whatever it was was causing this I threw a rock at it and then pulled my knife this thing just kept staring at me I don't know what kicked in but I no longer felt scared I felt angry and I ran at the thing it ran for me and I chased it into the woods it had long strides and easily outpaced me but I continued the chase after several minutes I gave up and collapsed in exhaustion I rested for a bit before backtracking my way back to my backpack and resting area I was tired and made camp there another night of silence when I woke up the next day and had about ten miles till I was out exhausted hungry mentally drained I made my way out as I got closer and closer to the end of the trail the typical forest noises returned birds bugs mice running through the undergrowth all these noises slowly returned I no longer had this feeling of unease I got to Trails End sat in my car and cried to this day I still pass it off as someone just [ __ ] with me but the way that thing moved in the forest I just don't know I told a park ranger about it and he jokingly said they have a bunch of Bigfoot sightings in area but most likely it was a local [ __ ] with me or my own imagination I do a lot of long hikes but that 15 days was by far the worst I'm going to write this on behalf of my mother who passed away a year ago and saw and heard many things that the average person wouldn't believe to start I live in a farm in a house that was built in the early 1900s to date four people have passed away in the house or near the house my great-great grandma died in a rocking chair my great great grandpa was riding in a wagon down our driveway when his team of horses got spooked and he flew off and broke his neck a hired man's wife fell down our stairs while she was pregnant and hemorrhaged and died and my aunt died in my old bedroom at age two over the years my mother and brother have experienced many spooky things on our property in the early 1980s they both heard footsteps walking up and down our upstairs hallway in the middle of the night my brother was alone once and he was outside doing farm chores in the dark he was maybe 500 feet from our house he had the urge to look over and every single light in the house was on my mom has heard people whispering her name she's heard creaking noises in the house and sounds as if something had fallen big crashes etc my father has been oblivious to everything and has never heard any of it in 2004 my mom went outside to fill our wood stove at about 10 p.m. on her way back to the house she got the feeling that she was being watched as she turned to look to her right she saw this very skinny gray being standing below our house staring over its shoulder at her she got this intense feeling that it wanted her to see it after a few seconds it bolted away from the house she was so freaked out that she sprinted into our house locked the doors and collapsed on the floor in hysterics for years she'd never tell anyone the story this was a particularly interesting experience as in the late 1960s our neighbor just over the hill had gray aliens walk into his barn and actually talked to him it was investigated by some bigshot UFO investigator out of Chicago - I personally had never heard or seen anything in our house until recently over the years friends have come over and saw shadow people in her house or hear the pitter-patter of small dog feet on the floor upstairs as I said earlier my mother passed away a year ago and we have her urn sitting on a table downstairs just below my bedroom for about three months every night I was in the home alone my dad as a trucker so he's gone for a week at a time with a five-day break in between I would hear this pounding noise every 30 seconds coming from somewhere in the walls as I tried to fall asleep I've heard crashing noises and my dog has perked his ears up because of them a lot of people are too freaked out to stay overnight at my house without my dad being there and I'm starting to get that way too I've never shared this with anyone so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense when I was about seven years old I was sitting in my bedroom with my friend Celia we were playing I think we were building with Legos it was late afternoon and our parents were outside the front of the house chatting my bedroom had a window at the side of the house at some point while we were playing I looked up and saw something on the other side of the window I have no idea how to describe this thing and I haven't heard anyone else mentioned anything that sounded similar from the neck down it looked like a person I can't remember what it was wearing but I think it was dressed in a dark blazer the collar was visible so I know it was facing us from the neck up everything started to look very wrong its head was heart-shaped its skin was brown and leathery like the height of an animal but it was slightly translucent and beneath the leathery skin I could see thick pulsing black and dark blue veins there was no face I remember looking at this thing for a moment and it was like my brain and fuzzed over being scared and remember thinking something like no no that's not meant to be there that's not what a person looks like I remember mostly feeling surprised more than scared I don't think I really thought it was real I slowly turned my head to look at Celia and she was doing the same turning her head to look at me I saw her wide eyes and her mouth hanging open and as I realized we could both see this thing the fear clicked in and I thought that's not a person that's not a [ __ ] person what the [ __ ] is that thing that's not a [ __ ] person I remember being paralyzed with shock and fear I wanted to bolt but I couldn't move I suddenly felt really sick like the room was blurry and spinny I don't remember the thing walking away but one moment it was there and the next it was gone Celia and I both stood up wordlessly and walked solemnly outside I remember feeling unnaturally cold wobbly and fragile and a little too thin like you do when you're coming down with the flu we walked to the front of the house and we each grabbed on to a parent and snuggled into them until they finished their conversation Celia and I never talked about it you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 45,990
Rating: 4.8517518 out of 5
Keywords: NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit NoSleep, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, Horror stories, best scary stories, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost, creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, creepypasta stories, paranormal, Reddit scary stories, ask reddit, mr nightmare, mr creeps, creeps
Id: -jK7jKFWspQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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