What is the most useless magical item you've ever given your party? #4

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the sponsor of today's video is reroll co but more on them later what is the most useless magical item you've ever given to your party part 4 if you have a useless item you want us to know about put it in the comments below trust me we're always reading them I gave my players a stone of purpose the purpose of this stone is to tell the last person who touched it its purpose telepathically this led to an endless circle of this stone telling the Barbarian the purpose of this stone is to inform the last person that touched it that the purpose of this stone is to and so on and so on the Barbarian began chucking the stone at everyone he hated the big bad evil guy the barkeep this stone was beamed at so many people and the Barbarian just scooped the stone back into his bag of holding and after he did so to avoid touching it cursing the person who was last smacked with it with an endless voice in their mind stating the purpose of this stone is to inform that the last person that touched it that the purpose of this stone is to until the Barbarian decides to throw it at the next person who angers him I love it so much hey everyone brian here bringing you today's sponsor re-roll co many of us in the world want to see our D&D characters come to life in a variety of art styles but not all of us are good at drawing fortunately our friends at re-roll are here to help reroll is a character building app that allows you to build your D&D character in an 8-bit pixel art style using the fifth edition SRD content while giving them a name a brief biography items that you can customize yourself pets and much more with a growing selection of new races and other ways to customize your character this app just keeps on giving the best part is that it works on web browsers as well as iOS and Android so desktop users you got in baby I've been playing with it for about an hour or so myself making characters for future games but there is one that you might recognize from a certain D&D stream we did yep that's Gregor number 22 the half-orc barbarian and hath played me thrill Armour with his long pipe welcome to the 8-bit pixel world eh old pal anyway make sure to check out reroll and if you do be sure to show us your creations as we'd love to see them now let's get right back into the meat and taters of this video shall we I recently gave my players a mug enchanted with a vocation magic that they took to be identified the wizard student who cast identify on it was an immature boy who begged for one of them to drink from it without explanation the cleric caved and agreed they found out it was the mug of Moaning a mug that when you drank from it would moan and sigh like it was really enjoying the whole experience the ring of frogs told this one a few different times it'll always be one of my favorites RDM got tired of us constantly asking for some unique magical item so he ended up giving us a ring of frogs when activated it would create a 1d force small useless frog with no attacks that had a low enough in / Wiz that using them as remote cameras through spells was useless so we got creative there was a lot of things we did with those frogs we threw them at people as a distraction we cast spells on them we even modified a crossbow to launch frogs then enlarge the pass that shot making a frog cannon we cast explosive rune on them we had an explosive frog cannon it was glorious my DM had a SHOP full of Kiros that only cost one Gold and among the items were several decks of cards some weapons and a box of Tears my character purchased a deck of cards with only one card in it and my friend bought a weapon called acts of lightning which strangely seemed to do nothing special while my friend was sleeping I drew the card had to roll a d100 got a 46 and a lightning bolt shot out and hit my friend the card was a homebrew item that had the same effect as a wand of wonder so my 46 mented cast lightning bolt which would have dealt eight d6 to my level 2 friend needless to say my DM changed the axe of attract lightning to reduce incoming lightning damage to one point so I didn't accidentally fry my friend to a crisp before we could turn in our first mission the box of tears was just an enchanted box that would always be full of freshly chopped onions and people nearby had to pass a concise row or start crying every time it was opened Dragonborn fighter played by my friend who fancies himself as a comedian he the PC was constantly flirting with everything around him I'm talking everything mostly because in session zero I made the mistake of telling them that they could do just about anything as long as the dice favored them a bad idea Dragonborn fighter at last rolled an at 20 when he was flirting with the door not even a full door it was like one of those saloons swinging doors he seduced the door so thoroughly that it gained consciousness and for the rest of the game he had a pair of magic door shields with mean jealous streaks good times good times pillow of building forts a simple unadorned cushion that Wynn left in an enclosed space max of a hundred feet squared so basically ten by ten feet and being given a command word sleep over slowly around 10 minutes or so slowly spawns additional pillows cushions sheets and blankets to convert the space into an impromptu pillow for it had absolutely no stat value but my players still thought each other over the privilege of using it almost every long rest actual hit points were lost in contests and fights to determine who was allowed in the fort that night rod of Ealing a character with a strong accent gave it to them so they thought it was a rod of healing nope when you use it it summons 2d for completely normal eels which just flop on to the ground and most likely die of vacation sister not in water after all the charges are used the rod itself turns into an eel and again flops to the ground and suffocates this is what happens when you complain to the DM that you don't get enough magic items my party was asking me for a magic item for a long time and I had to make something really quickly when they picked up a wizard's cauldron and asked if it's magical in the end I made it a cauldron of [ __ ] when you put any kind of food in it it turns to [ __ ] but if you put [ __ ] in it it turns into any food you want yeah they never bought food rations again after they figured it out every morning someone just took the cauldron behind a bush and brought back breakfast here's my two useless legendary items that even today are told in the world number one the boot in our adventures as an evil party we found the boot the lore said that it had kinda a safe teleport to destination magic Incorporated in reality it kicked so hard that whatever you kicked it went flying cross-country when we established our evil empire our wizard reverse-engineered made a bunch of them grabbed a bunch of disposable goblins gave them a helmet with cute wings on them and voila fast communication system and established number two the ever filled barrel my DM happens to start more campaigns than change his underwear so they are always really short in protest I started to make carbon copies of the same character in protest bomb the strong and fair or big stupid fighter if you like it bob has an amazing story but it's for another day one day Bob had an at one on a sense motive to detect [ __ ] story a bard told him the legendary beer shark if you cut his stomach and use it to line a barrel with it whatever liquid you put in it will turn into the best beer you will ever have Bob firmly believed that story so much that across several iterations and dozens of campaigns Bob ended up tracking down a creature that by his own willpower started to exist killed it made several barrels and then retired to be an innkeeper of course with the best beer anybody will ever have might have been a reply and about the ring of teleportation the most useless and useful magic item I've made is the buff jacket of three enigmas take a trench coat make all its pockets act as bags of holding with near infinite storage and make it so that it's been used too much that you're not actually sure what's in there pulling something out of it could get you lint money weapons or a whale the pickpocket was surprised I was given a button for an army one shot we didn't know what it did for a while and at first I thought it would set off the nuke we found unfortunately the party didn't let me test the theory eventually my friend and I were going to enter the enemy base using explosives as a distraction on the wall the explosives didn't initially go off so we decided to press the button and the result nut I was given a damn nut button got a laugh out of us though I have one event once the party was deep inside a mage's tower they found a hidden room inside the main bedroom and inside there was a locked chest once they opened it there were six horns and one long smoking pipe all magical turns out there were six horns of bubbles capable of making bubbles of different colors instead of sound once blown and the pipe was a magical pipe of unlimited smoke a pipe that you can always smoke out of but doesn't have any special smell or taste it's really bland vapor the scent was used by the old wizard that owned the tower for vaping tricks two stories from one item I was DM and party was elf wizard dwarf cleric and halfling rogue well the rogue said his character couldn't grow facial hair and the dwarf would not drop it well a few sessions later I gave the party homebrew item called the necklace of facial hair the item that allowed the wearer to conjure any facial hair well the rogue snatched it right up here's where the fun began the robe would start stealing stuff in broad daylight then run down an alley pull up his cloak grow a large bushy beard and act as a homeless person second story is more involved the party was hired to get rid of a goblin horde in a small mine well through some heavy debate the rogue convinced the cleric to let him sit on her shoulders and threw on a large trench coat and grew a large bushy beard he had the wizard use some prestidigitation to build up the act well when the party walked up to the camp they were confronted by the Goblin guards the robe who could speak goblin demanded to see the chief and rolled well on intimidation and went to him when he got there he commanded that the goblins leave were faced his wrath the chief started laughing and the rogue whispered to the clerk to use inflict wounds that sheath crumbled to his knees and looked like a husk the goblins around looked on in awe the rogue then shouted leave those goblins squashed their breaths as they fled multiple pages of encounters gone because of one stupid magic item fun I gave my party the cup of Luke a cursed goblet that contaminates the drink with a terrible plague rotting the afflicted from inside out well befuddling them into thinking themselves clean if poured into a well it will contaminate a whole town by lighting them into slimy oblivion my party were all lawful good or neutral good paladin's druids and clerics they eventually used the cup as bait for a trap to catch the big bad evil guy a running demon who denying to insource so the whole world in seven loathsome play everyone Brian here if you liked the video then please leave an itty-bitty little thumbs up for us check Jing if you're new here then howdy welcome make sure to subscribe and ring a ling a ding ding that bell on the right so you know always know when we're posting a new video same goes with following us in our respective social media platforms from following Scott me or Dave on Twitter following us all on YouTube trust me there are the two best ones you can follow us on so you can always know what we're up to and be sure to check out our sponsor for the day reroll Co like I always say I always test out the product first so you guys and gals get a genuine reaction and seriously I love things like this I've used things like this all my life and have wanted something that has this much crap in it seriously they have so many things and I'm probably going to be playing with an all night building characters for myself or even my girlfriend so give it a try that out of the way I hope everyone is doing well be sure to check in on your neighbors your friends co-workers families across the world and even your pets between the pandemic and all the violence trust me we need to stay closer than ever at heart using the power of the Internet despite our physical inability to see one another so please for me be sure to check up on your pets on your friends on everyone around you make sure everyone is staying happy and staying safe that they're not going a little too crazy while they're dealing with all of this stuff by themselves let them know that you're still there lend an ear and lend a genuine amount of time don't just say I'll listen and don't listen actually talk to them as for all the people in the comments below that have been commenting and saying all sorts of stuff to us thank you for everything you've been saying I read as much as I can and I reply as often as possible and before I let you go check on your pets too please it's really hot in some areas out there so keep them hydrated keep them indoors and in the shade when possible same goes for you guys and gals too so stay safe be happy and keep looking out for one another and yourself see you next time
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 94,663
Rating: 4.9568381 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: o5h0H2OW0GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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