What's the most Creative Way you've seen a Cantrip used? #2 (r/MrRipper)

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I once used (with dm permission once I explained what I wanted to achieve) find familiar to inspect a rustling in the bushes while covering a night watch. I had my owl stealth, and observed two changelings who were following us. I then cast Thaumaturgy while speaking through my familiar, convinced the changelings that the presence was the almighty β€œThe Lorax”, and that he is always watching them. I followed them with my familiar to learn where they were heading and find their hideout. From then on my Owl is now called the Lorax.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crazy4cheddar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ive seen a mage use "mage hand" to choke a nearby citizen to death to intimidate a guard. The Barbarian was amazed afterward and said "it must have been a force hand"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ErebosDragon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I used mending to start a small side business when we were in town. I would mainly repair peoples possessions like kids broken toys and ripped work clothes.

My favorite thing was to put on magic shows where I would do things like "accidentally" chop off my finger (fake hand) and blood would come out but then just mend it back. Tah-da!

Most creative was when I wanted a lock on a door or chest to be super secure and break the locking mechanism making it locked but inoperable. Break the key in half and hide them separately. Knock wont open the lock due to it being broke and the key is hard to find.

It would also come in handy when my party found old/damaged gear.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/carlsnakeston πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had a homebrew weapon that is a giant one handed sword so it required a large amount of strength to wield but and had the same damage as a two handed sword but my DM added a little secret into the weapon. The weapon turns cantrips into spells like burning hands turned into a small fireball but used the same damage just turned into ranged, when light is cast the sword becomes a beacon that has a dome of 30ft. Chilling touch consumes the weapon in a thick ice so yeah I thought it was awesome

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Death1691 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Game apparently started with a "then there were none" theme. My character, Liam, was a Babarian/Rogue with a backstory of being basically a freedom fighter gang member whose gang was slaughtered by another gang who had the guard on the payroll, forcing him to flee while near death. Game takes place a few years where he is invited to a party to honor the good he had done in his previous life leading his old gang who protected the people. Others are to be honored as well for achievements.

When we arrive, the host can not join us due to illness and Liam, having high CHA, convinces the reluctant butler to bring him to the host, who he insists on thanking for his hospitality in person. Everyone then has dinner and the elven thief dies from cyanide poisoning in his drink. Insight shows the butler had no clue. Liam then seduces a present female, attractive NPC guest who apparently uses sleeping pills to rest. When they wake up, she's dead. Suspicious, Liam takes the pills and has the butler bring in a few chickens who he shoves a pill down the throat of each. The pills are not the sleeping pills, they're poison. I ask what they look like. "Circle-shaped white pills." How many? "It was a new bottle of 150." k, she took one and I used four on the chickens, so 145.

As everyone is doing their thing, Liam sneaks up to the host's room and easily pick the lock. The "bed-ridden guy to ill to leave his room" is NOT there. Liam looks around and finds a pitcher of water and a bottle of heart meds. How many pills are in the bottle? DM rolled a d20 and said, "17" What do they look like? "Uh, circle-shaped white pills?" Liam dumps the bottle out the window and drops 17 of the "sleeping pills" then crushes and dissolves 3 more in the water. Putting everything back in place, DM had me roll a WIS check to recall how it was placed, thank you my lovely dice and your nat 20. Liam places everything back and leaves, relocking the room as if he never was there. Liam is a CN who since the elf has suspected the old man and does not feel bad about this.

Someone else died from an axe, then everyone starts suspecting each other. BBEG dies in his bed after taking his meds, then chugging water when he started gagging. Then Liam and the Paladin walk out and join forces with a Detective-type Rogue.

Later on, we ended up looking for a mermaid. Long story short... total live action little mermaid rip-off. Paladin and rogue want to buy tickets but Liam convinces to "Just follow my lead." When I made Liam, I rolled three 17s and being human, made those 18. Dex/Con/Cha. Rogue expertise in Intimidation and Deception. Hunted the foreman, joined the circus. Rogue spied as Laborer, Paladin helped with the monsters and beasts. Liam had high performance and started as a performer, but then took over as the animal keeper after getting the NPC fired. Became besties with the BBEG and his second-in-command. Lunches and nightcaps daily. DM forgot that Liam had the sleeping pill bottle of poison with still 125 poison pills in it. Successfully slipped it in the BBEG's drink during a one-on-one meeting to "discuss business." We found the amulet binding the mermaid. Convinced the second-in command that it was a heart attack and that displacer beast was ill and needed to be removed, that I'd kill it in the woods. Then made off into the night with the LN second-in-command made to run a proper circus. Could have finished the quest in a couple weeks in game time, but I might have dragged it out to nearly a few months cause... I might have wanted to keep that Displacer beast I had been taming the whole time. DM was annoyed at me for dismantling her BBEG fight and for a scene where the mermaid may have been acting like a brat and Liam took her out of the water, leaving her defenseless as he carried her over his shoulder, spanking her every time she said something bratty until she swore to listen to him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rane_Edwards πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

First time commenting on reddit, wanted to share this looney toons nonsense. Mold Earth and Minor Illusion. Dig a 10ft deep hole and keep an illusion of what the terrain looked like before compacting the dirt to make said hole. Also just have a mound of dirt near a doorway and have pre cast the illusion, run through and move the dirt in place afterwards. Any more looney toons that ya'll want to add to that combo?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wolfshadow001 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Recently our group found its way into a sewer beneath the kingdom and after dispatching a bunch of zombies I felt that the large room we were walking into felt a little too big, also only half the party had dark vision so I wanted to help them out. I cast light on a piece of rubble and chucked it into the room illuminating the group of skeletons that were waiting in ambush. Not the first time the DM cursed my name... I may have to start watching for falling rocks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/starfarce1983 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I play a character that has a passive detect magic skill, as well as a feat that lets me make a melee attack as a bonus action as long as my action is a cantrip. So when I was battling a sorcerer who decided to turn invisible, I was able to sense which direction the sorcerer was, send my Magee hand in that direction until it made contact and follow up with a melee attack without disadvantage by stabbing through the hand.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheOnCummingStorm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

We were being chased by a horse of zombies we were overwhelmed the only option was to run. At some point In chase I remembered the artificer had an alchemists jug and had made mayo with it earlier. I knew that mayo was as flammable as gasoline. So he threw the mayo and the wizard fire bolted it creating a wall of flames halting the zombies.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dr_patr1ck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody to part two of what's the most creative way you've seen a cantrip used generated by our lovely users over at our subreddit r mr ripper let's get into the meat and potatoes shall we one time i was playing out of the abyss and i just learned shape water we were in a cave beneath an underground lake and i could hear water dripping from above so i did the logical thing and blew out the ceiling then i used shape water to form a stairway of ice up to the surface of the lake above us the dm just stared at me until he had no choice but to say yep alright it works on the same lake we made a mushroom boat and i used shape water to propel it that's quite ingenious currently in a pathfinder 1e game party of 3 i'm a wizard necromancer we were breaking into the headquarters of a group of bandits but we were a bit too loud we ended up alerting a guard dog in the first room the party quickly hid so he wouldn't be seen but the dog was actively searching for us and he would surely find us so i decided to ask the rogue if i could borrow one of his daggers he handed it over to me and then i cast mae chan to grab the dagger and drop it on the dog's head blade pointing down before actually casting it though i made sure to ask the dm if the dog could even see the spell if his dog mind could even process it the dm answers no he cannot ended up one shotting the dog that didn't understand why there was a floating dagger coming towards him the rogue who is a goblin then ate the corpse i don't play fifth edition much but a wizard friend of mine did a pocket sand 2.0 it was a while back and we were getting our asses handed to us by some monster i can't remember what it was but i remember i was near death and the others weren't faring too well so this wizard who had this sand on him from a joke i made earlier in the campaign i even said oh getting some sand for our next battle little did i know this [ __ ] dude kept it and used gus to blind them so we could all disengage this one is a bit of a stretch but i'd say it still counts since i didn't use a spell slot at all so my character is a mischievous sore lock sorcerer warlock multi-class in the group i'm playing with the party was exploring a small hideout behind a waterfall when the group who owned it started to show up now the place was dark and not all of the party had dark vision so my sore lock had made liberal use of the light can trip to light the place up as we were exploring the bandits show up and spot us inside their hideout i asked the dm what their races are and i'm in luck they're all humans so i have a great idea and use a bit of telepathy with my party telling them all not to move i'm a verdan they have limited telepathy so as soon as the goons start entering the little hideout behind the waterfall i cut all my light spells and the place goes completely pitch black the only light is from the moon and it only illuminates the hallway back out of the room and to the waterfall my sore lock then used minor illusion twice first i used it to make the sound of our group's barbarian shouting run then i used silent image which i can use an eldritch invocation warlock skill to use the spell without a slot the image was of my character running down the hall and out of sight able to be seen by the human since it ran into the moonlight along with that i used minor illusion to make the sound of a large amount of feet running the dm loved the idea but was a bit more than kind to me he didn't even have the bandits roll to see if they'd seen through my illusion he stated that me cutting the light and putting the group in darkness was enough on its own to give me advantage he then said that with me using both silent image and minor illusion in such a way the group didn't even try to see into the darkness and just immediately followed my illusion outside we ended up slaughtering the group of five in three rounds after surprising them outside as they searched for my illusion i was playing a multi-class sorcerer fighter in waterdeep dragon heist named char p shooter in one session i asked my jam can i use quickened spell true strike and so he says yes so on my first attack every turn i'd get advantage in another campaign i played a draconic bloodline sorcerer and i used twinned mage hand along with the rest of my party to three stooges some guards recently i was playing a campaign as a tiefling wizard who was adopted by the king of the land she was covering night watch and she noticed something off in the distance she sent her familiar owl out as a scout and it passed a stealth check she then observed through its senses and noticed two changelings i then asked the dm if he would allow me to cast thamaturgy on my owl as i talked through it he allowed it what happened next was my best role-playing moment ever in a booming voice i told them that i saw them and was aware of their presence they then transformed into a male drow and a female high elf and played the whole poor workers act my character responded again using thamaturgy your silly tricks will not work on me for i am a god the god lorax and i am always watching you then they run off towards the area of hiding to get a priest to clear the area of an angry god and i have my owl trail behind so we know where to find them and that was where the session ended tldr my character used her familiar and thermateurgy to create a god the lorax beware the lorax is always watching you [Music] i was playing a bart who was a massive showman as if she was pulled straight off of a late night talk show minor illusion was my most used spell i would constantly use it for such purposes as sitcom noise such as laugh tracks audible gasps and oohs these weren't used a lot but they were used various physical gags such as neon signs sparkly text etc subtitles for party members when they didn't know the language and i did that's really clever my entrance theme the instrumental of the other side from greatest showman which we'd play via a discord pod but i'd sometimes do other songs for appropriate fights a lot of zelda breath of the wild ost was played honestly a lot of fun i was a sorcerer named rafael in eberron and it was the first time i'd ever played a caster i chose presta digitation as one of his can trips not very familiar of what all it could do rafale used it to clean things himself his apartment he mostly used its cleaning and dirtying abilities near the end of our first session in that campaign we were fighting a mob boss and some of his henchmen three of them were in a group closer to raphael while the rest were closer to my party i managed to magic missile one of the three and got a little closer ready to attack now i had mostly played fighters barbarians and monks classes with high ac and typically a decent strength score well i had forgotten that my level 2 sorcerer had a strength of 8 making his modifier negative 1. the bad guy's turn came round and one of them grappled raphael and of course the realization hit me that it would take a miracle to resist one roll later and my sorcerer was grappled unable to break free my turn came around and i had the idea to use the dirtying aspect of presta digitation the idea was that i directed at my grappler's tongue to make it taste so bad he'd let me free the dm had me roll to hit and i was exactly one under his ac being fair but also fun dm ruled that a pile of foul smelling dog poop lands on the bad guy's shoulder one of my party members shot and killed the guy holding raphael and the last one of the three ended up retreating it was my turn again after he turned and ran so raphael picked up some of the dog poop from before and cast magic missile through the poop at the guy running away and killed him the poop had no purpose other than to add flair and to be funny after that the sorcerer thoroughly cleaned the poop off of his hands using you guessed it press the digitation i really loved that can trip this was an advanced second edition game so the way cantrips work is a little different basically can trip is one spell which does not need to be memorized or have slots devoted to it which can produce minor magical effects at the caster's whim the effects produced by the can trip cannot cause damage or replicate any other spell effect so it doesn't get as much use as one might hope or expect it usually gets cast to subtly misdirect or entertain colorful puffs of smoke faint tinkling music a smell wafting in from another direction you know you know etc but recently my party found an interesting way to use that spell one of the characters eramor is gathering ingredients for a fine familiar spell one of the ingredients listed is a vial of druid sweat the party met a druid named sarsa earlier in the campaign as a part of another quest so they trudged up to his camp and inquired as to whether or not they could take some of sars to sweat sarista said he'd be okay with it except he hasn't broken a sweat in years living out in the wilderness all these years has conditioned him to that environment another party member daniel suggested using kantrip to magically raise his internal body temperature prompting him to sweat it was an interesting and inventive use for the spell and i figured it was in the same vein as some other uses i've seen for it aramora and daniel both had to use the kantrip in this manner to get it to work and they had to keep it up for upwards of 10 minutes before the beads of sweat formed aramore collected the sweat in a bottle and they stopped casting the spell allowing for sarsda's body temperature to normalize i know this isn't structured the same way as a lot of other submissions but it's interesting to me how the concept of a can trip has changed over the years how to heck with the structure i loved that idea and i hope everyone else did too my tabaxi bard garfield he's garfield the cat short and round and hiding in the bushes from goblins the rogue sneaks and kills the goblins and to keep ourselves from being found out i minor illusioned a goblin standing in front of us to replace the one we killed we snuck in successfully but got discovered after some bad sneak rolls our party's rogue broke their lock-picking tools one time and they were trying to get our warlock to let them use his in order to get past a door the warlock wouldn't have any part of this and the two in character were arguing back and forth for way too long i ended up casting friends on the warlock and convinced him to let the rogue use the tools this brought on the reaction why on me from the warlocks player after handing over the tools the two started in character to argue again about the tools i cast friends once again and convinced the warlock to calm down and let it go this resulted in why on me again the arguing stopped after that the first and best time i ever used the friends can trip and people say it's useless this is kantrip adjacent i was playing a dragonborn four elementals monk which gets elemental attunement equivalent of presta digitation essentially causes harmless sensory effects with elements when it came time to introduce him i described how everyone could feel a light breeze coming from his direction swirling dust around his feet and a light mist hung about his person flames danced about the air as he announced choosing a deep gravelly voice i will do my best i'm drac gar the mighty saying more but i don't remember my voice came out sounding like hulk hogan unintentionally and those were his entrance effects i did not intend to portray him like a pro wrestler but it sort of became his thing since you did that as a pro wrestler let me try it again in hulk's voice i'm drac gar the mighty brother [Laughter] hey everyone brian here i hope you liked today's video and narrations within as i had a good laugh throughout if you're new here please consider dropping us a like using your bonus action to subscribe and spreading our little videos out for the world to see as any of the above helps us more than you know if you'd like to keep tabs on what mr ripper is up to or follow him just in case you want to catch one of his streams feel free to follow him on twitter and or join his discord if you'd like to submit your stories to us then head over to r slash mr ripper or leave us a comment below because that's always cool too now if you'd like to know more about being a voice actor here's some wacky voice challenges hear other types of stories read out loud or watch some fun gaming streams you can always check me out on youtube or twitter at brian von va and you can join my discord too for more of that talk as well as positivity stuff as well you can see all the links to both of our social medias in the description below with business talk out of the way i just wanted to check in real quick to make sure everyone's doing all right i've already had a fair few friends who've been struggling lately because of the increasing anxiety about finding work or going to school or just life in general right now in my opinion we're entering the eye of the storm which if you know anything about hurricanes basically means we're at the midway point just hang in there a little longer and i promise all of this is going to be over it will whittle away and with the coming rains it will wash all clean don't worry you're not in this alone either and if you ever need to talk or rant or vent please i encourage you to do so in the comments below or over on my discord because we have a health and positivity channel just for that i always will keep checking on every single one of you as well until everything is clean and clear and when it's all done i'll still be here because i love you guys i want you guys and gals out there to know you're okay that you're worth something to somebody and that i want you to be happy so for me say hi to someone in the comments today be kind to one another and please for me be kind to yourselves too because you're worth all the self-love you can handle never bottle things up or hide how you're feeling okay talk about whatever you want to talk about even if you think it's boring i guarantee you i will not find a darn thing you say boring mundane or stupid i want to hear all about your day about your stories for dnd and pathfinder for everything i want to know how you are doing so for me be safe be happy and remember to tune in because we will see you next time bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 106,502
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Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: NRbV6Ow-8S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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