What was your ‘I’ve made a huge mistake’ moment during a D&D game? #1

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hello my sweet warriors of cosmic love and sacred duty thank you for tuning into the stream coming up we're really excited about that and we're gonna jump right into the video but first I just wanted to thank each of you spicy little snickerdoodles for tuning in writing this before the live stream actually happens so hopefully it isn't or wasn't an absolute [ __ ] show you're the best for watching and I love you all so we hit 60 K what the actual [ __ ] that was quick holy [ __ ] thank you all so much soon enough we'll figure out something super awesome to do to celebrate the next major milestone as this community keeps expanding probably another D&D game but perhaps with a twist feel free to weigh in on what you want to see and share your stories in the comments now let's get you rolling what was your I've made a huge mistake moment during a D&D game part one player had a monkey's paw forced on her as a cursed item only someone willing can accept it so you can't just throw it away the player also knew there would react to the phrase I wish even if she wasn't directly holding the paw the player also knew that any wish would be corrupted for five months she had done well and not slipped up until she killed one of her favorite NPCs the party found out that this young cleric NPC has a devil possessing her the devil is psychically linked to the poor girl so the only option is to travel into her mind and help her take control again so they travel into her mind and confront the devil everyone knows they can't kill it without killing the girl DM the devil says I have a proposal you are waging a war against some powerful people you leave this girl to me and I would be a powerful ally paladin how about you bite me DM the devil says we can work something out tell me what you wish for paladin I wish you were dead DM you feel something briefly squirm in your pocket at this point the player instantly realizes what she did and how badly she messed up after several minutes of running around the room swearing DM you see the skies turn red and you feel tremors all around you the devil looks very concerned paladin I know I [ __ ] up but I can still fix this we beat the devil get out of her mind before it collapses and if she's been dead for less than a minute I can bring her back that's the plan after several intense rounds where the world is literally falling apart they kill the devil paladin I scream hey mystic get us out of here DM you feel a wrenching sensation as you are ripped from this world roll a constitution save paladin well I got a 12 DM you slowly come into your own body you don't know how long you have been out for you see the mystic holding the clerics limp unresponsive body paladin I rush over in Castroville 5 DM you finish casting the spell an eternity of silence takes by as it lasts you hear her take a breath and start breathing paladin a check her over DM she appears to be just resting all of her vitals look normal but you have no way to tell how she's doing mentally I was DMing a group that was made up of three new players with one experienced player campaign was a world recovering from a magical apocalypse they were told that in this world they should expect people to react much like people in the real world would so to think about their actions as they would have consequences it was supposed to be a simple light-hearted introduction to gaming and to the campaign they had just arrived in a new city and were looking for work the party comprised of a couple of humans plus two very identifiable humanoids in a racist human city the only job they found was to investigate who kept stealing the city guards uniforms when they were sent to the laundry this gave them an opportunity to explore the city interact with some of the key people in factions in the city and learn how to play the game with very low stakes things were going pretty well the Wizards sat with the laundresses gossiping while he used prestidigitation to clean clothes alongside them the thief contacted beggars and street people asking around for information and getting some information about organized crime a barbarian chatted and drank with the guardsmen the cleric visited the temple district for no apparent reason it tracked where the latest laundry cart was hijacked at a hut on the muddy riverbank the thief investigating the tracks rolled to natural ones in a row so she not only slipped in the mud while checking the tracks but slid down the muddy path into the river she couldn't swim so she had to be rescued between her slide and the party trampling the riverbank all clues were obliterated the party had learned of a rivalry between the City Guard and the army and that the guard got its uniforms from the Army quartermaster out of other leads off they went to investigate at the gates of the army compound they were assigned a cheery young soldier to lead them to the quartermaster quartermaster's office was in the back of a warehouse in the middle of the army compound the friendly flirty guard call me Matteo chatted them up along the way and then bid them farewell he would run some errands and be back in 15 minutes to guide them out a quartermaster had a bunch of sullen clerks with him the party made accusations and threats with nothing to back it up after listening to their blustering quartermaster gestures with his thumb at the door and tells the clerks get rid of them the men get up from their desks cracking their knuckles and laughing the experienced player says finally his Barbarian grabs his battle axe the clerks are only planning to toss the characters out at the warehouse so he rolls and gets surprised burying his axe in a clerks chest all hell breaks loose it's the party's first combat they learned the mechanics and in the end the party slays their foe while taking very little damage silence the office is in the back of the warehouse so no alarm had been raised I'm counting the game time as the players loot the bodies 15 game minutes pass and the party hears footsteps they hide on both sides of the door and what a soldier enters the office they grab him and slit his throat to kill him quietly it's Matteo he's at zero hit points and I'm rolling Mateos death save each round the experienced players ordering the other players around you wizard you can read so you check the books for any evidence you thief check for any safe you know priests check the drawers for anything of value my character will look for any hidden city guard uniforms the whole time Matteo's gasping trying to breathe one of the new players the thief is starting to look disturbed Matteo takes his last suffocating breath and dies and the thief says quietly oh crap she realized and she explained to the rest of the party they had just murdered six soldiers and looted their corpses in the middle of the army compound with absolutely no justification after telling the gate guards were going and being extremely easily identified they did manage to leave the army compound and reach the city gates having abandoned everything they weren't carrying before the alarm was raised they talked their way past the gate guards as the barbarian was their drinking buddy they were chased by the army out of the city-state a bounty was placed on their heads so all other city-states in the region were closed to them they were forced out into the frontier and into a very different campaign a local Lord wanted us to look at a cult activity in a particular area that many people had disappeared lately so as the hired adventurer group we went to that place and this place was he cult that worshipped a mad God their God was literally insane every person that says his name out loud needs to make a will save turned out of course they were responsible for the missing people I tried my best to convince them to at least let them to speak with their leader but not only did they not realize that they killed people but they also found it rude that our explanation about the corpse they carry and why it will never wake up after some diplomatic dead ends in failed attempts I decided we needed to use a brute force method so I punched one of them out and threw him on the leaders tent long story short we summoned the local Lord and went the genocide in route a few of the cult members escaped well had bigger and worse plans as well a noble soul was trapped in a mirror the guy who trapped him was actually a servant of this insane God and it caused a hell of a lot of problems thanks to the lucid dreamer feat I can travel in the dream plane easily and when I wanted to speak with my goddess to enter the dream plane I found two of freidy's in close to death forms and a weird-looking powerful angel was in front of me hi I am here representing my lord you I kindly ask you to stay away from my Lord's business and I want you to do something for me my level one pcs were sent to the stores with a chit for some magic items while the quartermaster was getting their stuff the rogue nicked a bunch of magic rings what rapidly became clear later was that he hadn't nicked the index so he had no idea what they did okay I start with ring 1 does it make me resistant to fire well you stick your hand in some flames and no it doesn't lose a hit point I get the others to throw pebbles at me do I seem harder to hit with it on no lose a point from the bruises water breathing can I breathe underwater no you joke lose a hit point ah what other rings are there hmm am i invisible no but on the plus side I can't justify you losing a hit point for that one I know man will control and I control a mammal no but you freak out your horse while trying it bites you lose a hit point and so on for Laughs ring 5 was a ring of instant death and to compensate ring 19 was a 1 charge ring of wishes that [ __ ] ring of instant death became the bane of my life number of ways they used to trick important NPCs into putting on that bloody ring oh and for bonus points a short-lived mistake in Call of Cthulhu ok you successfully summon the shoggoths just out of interest does your character know bind shoggoths find sha goth no oh dear why what's bind shoggoths do well mainly it stops it from doing this hello my savory little empanadas of unconditional love and universal expression thank you for a tuning your spark of consciousness into whatever configuration of silicon glass plastic and metal sits before you if you're new feel free to say hello in the comments if not feel free to still say hello in your comments by the way if you're wondering why I keep referring to you as various foodstuffs it's because you're a snack and you need to hear about it I get a little verklempt sometimes when I think about how grateful I am that you all are with us on this ride and join these stories and sharing yours in the comments y'all really showed up for me the past little while and I just hope we can keep making videos that continue to pepper your life with joy and Wonder as always please sub for not 20s thanks again for watching the stream we'll see you on the next one thanks in love you you [Music]
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 61,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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