What are the Funniest things you've done in D&D? #1

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dms of reddit what is a very funny thing that your players have done in a game of dungeons and dragons part one my boyfriend is a dm and this is what he has to share kind of stupid but it got the group laughing pretty hard we were in a very serious moment and the fighter was next in terms of being interrogated by guards for the record we all know it's him this guy was ripping ass all night so far can i try to sneak away sure roll a disadvantage since you're basically face to face with three guards first was a 20 and a 19. you know what [ __ ] it you know those beans you had for lunch well when you ripped as a second ago it created a diversion with its smell and you scooby-doo sneaked away when the guards are done choking and are trying to fill their lungs with fresh air they don't notice a damn thing this video is sponsored by adventurers coffee company on one faithful dark and stormy day a few companions working together in a stressful environment simply desired one thing a good cup of coffee these nerds banded together to bring us adventurer's coffee company their aim was to use their past as nerds gamers and outdoorsmen to create themed grinds and beans for all those who enjoyed a hot brew based out of calera alabama they offer brews such as their earthy and smoky dungeons and dark roasts for d d nerds fair maiden base camp and even bean to the future using code mr ripper at checkout nets you a deliciously devilish 10 off your purchases too ain't that a steal of a deal their adventure is just getting started but what about yours with fast delivery and great customer appreciation yours can get started right now you can also follow them on twitter at adventurers cc so this story is part funny for me and part sad for the players it was my first time dming and it was lost minds of fendelver i noticed there was a big pool of water and there was nothing in it so i decided to put an adult black dragon in there when i did this i noticed the big bad evil guy didn't really have a goal so i made him want to meet his father again who was this dragon i made him half dragon half dark elf when the party got into this room they saw some sort of creature just leap out of this water and eat another creature whole and then the party kinda got nervous they had the great idea to then use a potion of water breathing they had and send the barbarian into the water after he got to a certain depth this dragon charged at him and stopped exactly two inches before this barbarian's face with his bright yellow eyes and sharp teeth and said chit chop mate and the heaviest australian british i don't know which it was one of the two axe and i could he and the barbarian had a quick chat before this dragon which the barbarian named jacob swam straight up to the rest of the party and broke the surface of the water and again said chip chop bites and then the session ended they then spent the entire next session just talking with them where many people asked him if he wanted to hear music where he said he only listened to his kids music the following session they returned onto the main goal where they came across the big bad evil guy where the party started to treat him like [ __ ] for the whole damn time even when i dropped hints when neznar the big bad evil guy dropped into this pool of water and revealed his true appearance to the entire party they just felt extremely bad about themselves which i found to be very funny to then attempt to lighten the mood i made it so along the side the constant beating of the waves the workers on the mind can hear both jacob and nesnar singing together in a pirate homebrew campaign my players were being ambushed by merfolk with a siren twist most of the players had fallen overboard the nana the joke name they came up with for their ship that stuck with us the rest of the campaign due to the sirens enchanted songs luring them into the water and were now fighting off the merfolk while trying to stay afloat on the ship there were two players left some merfolk were jumping on to the deck and lunging at them with their coral spears our orc sorcerer had one lunge towards him but didn't dodge in time the siren was now laying atop our badly wounded orc sorcerer noses almost touching the player then decides to headbutt the siren and rolls in that one he grabs her head and thrusts his head pass over her shoulder and now is effectively hugging her she tries to release himself from this weird headlock and stab him with her spear she rolls a three she stabs her spear into the deck and is now stuck and so is she these two continue to flop around on the deck for a few turns both player and npc rolling too badly to be able to do anything the other player on the deck our barbarian tortell's chef who has been firing down at the merfolk in the water with a cannon finally takes pity on the pathetic situation the orc has found himself in she grabs her trusty frying pan and tries to whack the siren off of him nat one she lets go over frying pan as she swings it and it flies over the orcs and mermaid's head and over the railings of the ship in a dramatic scene the tortille screams several curse words in awkward and dramatically jumps overboard after the frying pan leaving her crewmate behind to deal with the siren on his own the player rolled high so she caught the frying pan mid-air and cannon balled into the water below evidently the tortilla chef has her priorities straight the table erupted with laughter at this point and my players still talk about that battle to this day tldr orc source were frolics around on deck with a siren and the total chef proves where her loyalties really lie in one campaign i created a guy named salty's he was really rich and he owned several villages and he talked like typical rich brit and one player custom race fighter barbarian was so stupid that when he talked to him he needed to roll to understand him here's the story i would like to talk to you more but i think i can't talk with you in moments like this sorry i need to go rolling at one you're pretty sure he's insulting you right now what you're doing i grab him i lift him up and i shout what did you say about my mother my party was level 8 at the time they ventured into a city and quickly realized things weren't right and vampires had taken over positions of high power one of the players the barbarian named thug greyhammer split off from the rest of the group to deliver a message to an ally in town never split the party sick i'm gonna ambush him with a vampire spot and turn his character into a vampire oh boy was i wrong when thogg was confronted by the vampire spawn who by the way was a gnome thogg was running in the shadows of the buildings along the road to avoid the heat it was about 5 in the afternoon so the buildings were covering about half the street with shadow anyway the vampire spawn decided to launch itself at thogg biting his leg and scratching him for some decent damage thog then proceeded to grapple this angry chihuahua of a vampire and drag him across the road into what little sunlight there was he then proceeded to body slam the vampire spawn and unarmed bludgeoned this gnome half to death on the side of the road where every bystander could see the combination of barbarian punches and sunlight damage was enough to make the gnome retreat the gnome made his check to escape just barely and began to crawl away his skin burned from the sun and his face and chest partially crushed he hit the shade and finally healed for 10 hp thug got off the ground walked over grabbed the gnome by his shirt then dragged him back into the sunlight where he punched the vampire a few more times before the sun finally disintegrated the vampire spawn scattering the dust all around thogg was only at like half health because of his rage this quickly earned him the nickname [ __ ] boiler and no bystanders dare report him to the guard in fear of suffering the same fate as that now pile of ashes all in all it was amazingly fun and the whole combat lasted like one minute in game but by god did he have amazing roles and ruthless ferocity never changed thogg [ __ ] boiler grey hammer they were level 3 trying to save a town being invaded by dragon cultists and an adult dragon pre-written module they got to a burning church with about half the town's folk in it and saw a very large cultist patrol pass by once the bard disguised self and went up to the four non-patrolling cultists and asked them to move to the front rolled super low two times and couldn't get them to move then the party just like left like walked away from a burning church full of villagers and tried to return to the mayor empty-handed so anyways we scrapped that campaign and started a new pre-written one where i said in character creation you are adventurers you all want to be adventurers you will seek adventure players were working with a homebrew demi-goddess to write a song to summon a dead god they plan to use as evidence to convince a group of people that their church has been infiltrated and converted by a cult to help they grab the gnome from the black market who played an accordion the gnome pissed off the demi-goddess so she shoved him into his own accordion moments later the players are called into a meeting with the king as you enter the king's chambers you are greeted with the sounds of bells wind chimes and a court of various races who bow to you in greeting hey wizard look a gnome the wizard and all players break down laughing is there something funny about me being a gnome oh [ __ ] is that the king uh-huh in our second campaign we had one new player who was in the first two combat encounters rolled really well and in character started to become incredibly arrogant believing that the party was holding her back at second level she broke away from the group to chase down a gnome who she suspected of being involved involved with what after catching him she attempted to hit him with ice knife i rolled a 16 plus five that hits for damage i roll if it's a ranged spell attack at five foot you have disadvantage naturally she rolled a one i don't do critical misses but i do describe the player's incompetence as she cockily reached out her hand and cast the spell she drops the material component water drop and then ice knife plops into the ground between them everyone is already laughing at this including her before our wizard chimes in doesn't ice knife explode a quick check from the rules confirms it does 2d6 damage on a failed deck save to anyone within 5 feet hit or miss rolls are made the gnome got a 16 and our druid got a 14 one below her own spell saving throw she laughs having only taken 2 damage and still having 12 hp left she rolls 2 6s i describe as the ice knife in the dirt between them explodes in their faces the unarmed elderly gnome standing at a whopping three and a half foot tall ducks to the ground easily avoiding it as our druid is pierced by a dozen shards of ice getting knocked unconscious thankfully she passed her death saves as the party who she left behind didn't think to check up on her progress and found her half an hour later unconscious in an alley way missing her coin purse which had been taken by the gnome sadly she is still a lone wolf who doesn't play well with the party 25 sessions later made a magical shotgun dealt 53 damage to a wyvern in one turn using only a first level spell and several uses of a can trip to prepare it the wizard and warlock had been scheming this since the campaign was first announced i will openly admit now i allowed it to be cool but have warned them they can't do it again because it relied on the fact that the wizard had misread one of the spells involved but basically the wizard had in the previous town asked if he could get a bucket with a loop welded on the bottom i knew this was related to the shotgun which they hinted at but not yet properly explained when combat initiated with the wyvern they were under leveled for it because i knew of the shotgun and wanted to see it the warlock immediately started casting magic stone on each of her turns imbuing three stones with magical properties so they deal one d6 plus her spell casting modifier when thrown with the wizard connecting the bucket to a rope and waiting for the wyvern to get closer it got closer than he would have liked sooner than he would have liked so he launched the shotgun they put all magic stones nine at the time in the bucket firmly attached one end of the rope to the loop on the bucket and cast catapult on the bucket launching it at the wyvern's face it stopped short two feet before launching every single one of those rocks at the wyvern 9 d6 27 damage in one hit did nearly half its damage and that's when it tried to flee hey everyone brian here if you liked today's video then how about leaving us a big thumbs up if you're a new viewer then hey welcome to the party pal use your 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because not only have they been our very first sponsor but they've been loyal friends and great people since day one we honestly can't recommend them enough and we just want them to get the love they deserve check the description for all their info and our personal discount code on their site business talk is now dead and out of the way i hope everyone here has been doing well and that the last few weeks or days of august is at least perking up for a lot of you i know a lot of crap's been happening in the world lately so here's hoping it's getting better for you personally what have you been doing this month overall by the way what have you achieved for some of your goals of the month what what's been going down let me know in the comments below i do read them by the way and even though i don't always respond because i'm a bit asocial and swamped with comments i do at least like all of your comments as much as i can trust me i will read through everything and i will at least give you a like to acknowledge the fact that someone gave a damn enough to read it so remember folks even if you don't feel like responding to somebody else please like their comments at least let them know that you read it and that they're actively not just talking to the ether because at least in my book you're not you're all here to me and i love all of you so who knows at least you might make someone smile by liking their comment even if you don't respond to it trust me it might sound silly to some of you but one like even a like on a comment can make someone laugh smile or even cry with happiness next time bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 74,689
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Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, DnDStories, DnD, DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: oRdBmdumLd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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