D&D players of Reddit, what is the most creative character you've seen someone play as? #2

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dnd players of reddit what is your most creative character you've seen someone play as part two i once kidnapped a player character wizard and replaced them with a high level illusion created by the big bad evil guy the player then had to control the illusion from the perspective of the bbeg pretending to still be a member of the party it was surprisingly effective just as they reached the bbeg they were slowly realizing he wasn't helping much anymore i once played as a necromancer bard on a quest to create the world's greatest dancing zombie music video routine he tried to pitch cthulu to be the headlining act i played with a 100 randomly generated character i had a decent combo of class and race half elf and ranger but my stats were completely dysfunctional for a ranger my worst stats by far were decks and wisdom in fact they were the worst in the group i was the ranger that could do everything a ranger was not supposed to do and nothing that a ranger was actually supposed to do in plain english a monk who fought everything by punching it repeatedly in the dick pathfinder monk with the maneuver master archetype who spammed dirty trick maneuvers the look on the dms face was priceless when they read the rules i tripped the tiger okay yep tiger is now prone i elba dropped the tiger and his fierce fierce dick okay so a regular unarmed strike oh no no no there are rules for that no there aren't i beg to differ huh i guess you can punch the tiger in the dick all the fights went from epic fantasy battles to this monk pocket sanding dick punching and panting his way through every enemy i currently have a character that is a cat the cat speaks common but no one in the party knows it because she prefers to speak cat which means only two members of the party can actually talk to her she's not always super smart once there was a fight in a warehouse and she didn't feel like fighting so she took a nap on one of the stacks and didn't wake up when the stack caught on fire another party member had to rescue her on the other hand she once bit someone's butt so hard she nearly killed them i didn't experience this firsthand but my brother once played as a rogue assassin who had his tongue removed so he couldn't speak an intelligible manner everyone he tried to talk with including party members had to make a role to see if they understood him luckily one of his party members rolled a nat 20 on his first attempt so the dm ruled that they would always be able to understand each other his name was the brown arrow he was an archer that was clumsy and rarely was it range i swear his love for batman got the better of him because he always wanted to acrobatic his way up close but had terrible roles so it was a lot of flopping and crashing through windows his ability as you would assume from his name was to make enemy [ __ ] themselves whenever an arrow would barely miss its mark was a short-lived campaign but man was it a clown fiesta essentially you just made a walking dysentery machine i love it a camel not just any camel but a racing camel named rocket boots we had a party member who was inconsistent about showing up for the games and he showed up in the middle of a short campaign we were running after we had retrieved a stolen racing camel it's hard to say exactly what it was but the guy went ham role playing this camel making camel noises doing camel things it was absolutely hilarious an elf when in reality his character was enroute to a star trek convention when he was whisked away to the dnd universe by a wormhole elves were uncommon in our universe so the party never encountered any living ones and anytime he claimed to be speaking in elvish it was actually klingon centaur ninja now you're thinking large race hooves probably one of the worst combinations of class and race this [ __ ] never gave up on his quest to become the world's best ninja the cards were stacked against but he was played really well it was to piss off the dm specifically for trying to force someone to be a ninja for their campaign but he grew on everyone eventually divine intervention happened the god he worshipped gave him silk raps for his hooves knocked off all the minuses he had this is a secondhand story and i was not part of the party but it was told to me by the dm he used it as an example of sometimes you need to piss off the player to have the most fun a lot of great characters and stories are born with the intention of pissing off the dm gert mad marks dangerous [ __ ] gert mad marks danger veronica a militant seven foot four lesbian armed with a sickle and hammer looking like the unholy offspring of zarya from overwatch and arnold schwarzenegger on a committed mission to bring communism to the improvised dozens of the survivors of england through violence she also did nothing but murder men for every month of the year except for march which was the breeding season during which she'd [ __ ] them first this is bad as a gm it was the first character that honestly made me reconsider my life choices and this was in a game that had willem dafoe harvesting stem cells from aborted fetuses to stay young i am so sorry if this story offended anybody but at the same time that is the creepiest and weirdest but most unique [ __ ] story i've ever heard about dnd [ __ ] anywhere i played a human fighter he was a carpenter had a wife and children he was really a kind man so kind in fact he didn't carry a weapon he was non-violent his flaw however was that he had a massive malignant brain tumor pressing on his amygdala since they didn't have cat scans in this universe no one knew that he had inoperable brain cancer whenever our party was in a situation that caused great stress like combat for example my character would slip into a sort of trance and go on a rampage in the battlefield he was absolutely stacked in combat so he would absolutely clean the hell up when it hit the fan the gentle carpenter would turn into a snarling mumbling maniac who royally set it on anyone who dared oppose him he would come out of the trance with no memory of the fighting since he didn't carry a weapon this required some creativity so i made my character a master of improvised weaponry before combat i would ask the dm if there is anything in the room i could lift above my head whatever was nearest was what i would use as a weapon chairs stones dead enemies femur you name it my character was a whirlwind of bottles debris and the occasional small animal oh no a true force to be reckoned with his name was boween the machine rodriguez it wasn't in his backstory he kind of fell into it because of the party and he just leaned into it hard half orc barbarian with int of like six who became convinced he was a paladin of the god corn he meant cord because the sorcerer in the party had the wild magic trait and the magic effects kept aligning with the barbarians goals like one time the barbarian was trying to kill some townsfolk who he was convinced were evil and the wild mage tried to sleep him or something to that effect to prevent him from killing innocent commoners and instead the wild magic shocked both of the townsfolk with a lightning bolt and killed them so to the barbarian he just saw his god smite his enemies it was uncanny how well the player made it work and how often the wild magic rolled in favor of his low intelligence characters seeing signs from god technically not dnd but another fantasy rpg i play with someone who loves making cliche characters and deconstruct them my two favorites of his were those thanatos was a tall and muscular man clad in black leather armor and a black cape a large sword on his back brooding dark mysterious he claimed to have incredible magic powers and most people believed him he was basically your typical min maxing edgelord character the thing is this character really only knew a handful of spells and his only stat above average was charisma which was maxed he basically convinced everyone he was really strong and a mysterious tiniest warrior when he was really a wimp in uh mythomaniac oh and his real name is gilbert doucoin paladins as with most rpgs are warriors fighting for their god one of those gods was solaris goddess of justice fire the sun nobody played one of her paladins because it would just be a boring lawful good warrior except for this player who creates a character named maximilian wolfgang tiberius von nachtenberg what the [ __ ] i hope i pronounced that right our dm was pissed when he heard the name luckily we just called him sir maximilian which was easier maximilian looked like your typical wow paladin oversized hammer included but he was far from lawful good went into lawful stupid territory and played it masterfully maximilian looked for any slight breaking of a law code to inflict a divine punition on the criminal no matter how small the crime it was usually death the thing is he condemned common thieves as much as nobles after we were given a mission to murder someone he derailed the campaign for the better by trying to arrest the king who gave us the mission and ended the session by calling an entire army of solaris followers to take the king's castle transforming an infiltration and murder scenario into an epic siege in battle a noble cultist of chaos officially he is an ambassador officiously he was exiled after eating his son an old shaman by day freedom fighter and terrorist by night another character had a job of arresting said terrorists it was a fun game friend was a hobbit who had the ability to once a day pull anything from his bag which could reasonably fit problem was why does a hobbit have these things naturally he made the character as a kleptomaniac who constantly took everything in sight got us all in a few scruffs along the way tabaxi swamp druid that took magic initiate wizard just to gain access to find familiar and get an ethereal house cat we call her the crazy cat lady concept wise a dwarf rogue who was amassing precious metals and gems so he could have a perfect metal wife crafted for himself gave a nice goal to a neutral character in pathfinder an undyne hunter slash war priest who had an unfortunate set of circumstances he had trained as a druid but set fire to a grove so he then started training with a ranger but accidentally killed his animal companions after he destroyed a dam and flooded a basin he got kicked out and traveled with a hedge mage then showed up one day in town with a chicken under one arm named friendier and wound up espousing the glory of a god of knowledge no one ever guessed that he was evil or questioned why there was only one accidentally in his backstory i've seen and played some creative ones a cleric who didn't know he was a cleric he just thought he was a farmer who was very religious and lucky a psionic centaur a hard-boiled spell-casting detective a dual-class healer-slash-thief who would pick pockets as he theatrically healed people a jester who was actively working against the party in plain sight a para-elemental mage who focused on smoke and had all sorts of smoke-related spells we had a player play a necromancer called bone daddy his life ambition was to build a benign society of skeletons we had to change up a few rules to accommodate him but he basically spent every day every minute making skeletons the party would be fighting and he would just be making skeletons the party would look for [ __ ] to do in town or gather information he'd just be making skeletons every single combat interaction was handled by can trips since he just made skeletons the entire time while the rest of the party went carousing between sessions he'd be gathering bones and making skeletons when the party needed his skeletons the most they couldn't help because apparently they were skeleton lumberjacks skeleton bakers and skeleton fishermen eventually we had the feeling that he wasn't playing the same game as we were he ended the game with a peaceful skeleton village of 100 people before everybody died a bard who didn't know he had magic powers while performing the lead in a play lore specific robin hood his character took a serious blow to the head and came to believe he was actually robin hood he ran off into a remote lumber town to live in the forest and recruit people into his gang to fight the evil sheriff sheriff of woodhurst is actually a pretty nice guy and robin hood is pretty much considered a crazy egotistical hermit who lives in the woods and plays pranks on the sheriff anyway his boisterous speeches manifest his bard spells but he doesn't realize it's magic and just thinks that he is just that awesome but the characters meet session two players were sent by the bard college to find him and it provided something more interesting than everyone bumps into each other in a tavern hey everybody brian here wishing all of you a good morning a good afternoon evening or night and i'm hoping that everybody out there is staying safe and that your days are going well regardless of the chaotic state this world is currently in and trust me i know the world is messed up for a lot of us out there and for one reason or another it can cause a lot of stress for all of us believe me i know but only by being good to ourselves and good folk to everybody out there can we really get the quote-unquote good ending so to speak this goes for every facet in life from financial to physical mental and everything in between remember life is a rare and precious and valuable thing something to be cherished by all even you yeah you the listener the nerdy guy or gal out there listening you matter and i want you to know it from the cats and dogs you love to the plants you tend to in the garden to your neighbor and your family you all of you you matter as do those you love regardless if they're your feline friend or that tree that you and your father or grandfather or whatever planted out in the back garden 10 20 30 40 years ago all of you deserve the happiness in this world and the love in this world and i mean that from the bottom of my freaking heart okay so in the comments below and this is just from me in the comments below say hi to someone new today because you never know what it might do for someone else or for yourself you could make a new friend or make someone's day just a little bit better because someone acknowledged them and said hi or someone acknowledged you and said hi back you never know remember the old days where we had pen pals i barely missed that era and i still wish that we could have pen pals today but most people use email or something else but anyway speaking of comments if you'd like to ever share a story with us to do with dnd pathfinder any tabletop rpg or game in general you're welcome to do so in the comments below or in our subreddit link's always going to be in the description and if you're new here welcome we invite you to subscribe and to like the video as we're always trying to work our butts off here to give you good boys and girls the smiles and laughs and tears and sometimes fears you need to get through the day depending on the story it might be kind of spooky ooh we don't know anyway with that all said please be safe be happy and we will see you next time bye for now you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 177,726
Rating: 4.9310575 out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny, critical role
Id: aaUqBnhAo28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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