what is your scariest encounter with aliens, cryptids,/ unexplainable phenomena? one day ago posted

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warning disturbing content viewer discretion is advised serious people of s credit what is your scariest encounter with the paranormal aliens cryptids and or other unexplainable phenomena posted one day ago this is a little convoluted and I will try my best to make it clear I have never told anyone to paranormal part as feel no one would believe me my father and his brother Gary were lifelong dairy farmers in Wisconsin we live less than two miles apart when needed we would trade help and labor on harvest and planting jobs that demanded it many times dad would send me saying you have to go and help at Gary's eventually I took over our farm and cousin Mike took over from his father Gary Gary passed away 12 years ago and Gary's Widow eventually met a nice man and moved in with him they are both in their late 70s now Mike moved back into the farmhouse Mike sold the dairy herd after Gary died and got a 9 to 5 job I rent his land my dad passed away over six years ago after me taking care of him for 18 years he lived in this house his whole life I sold my dairy herd soon after about a year after dad passed away on an October night Mike started a fire in the wood furnace in the basement and went to bed his sister had just gotten out of a bad relationship and was living there too she got home from her job about midnight and added some wood to the furnace and went to bed as well the story I told everyone when this happened was this I was coming home from looking at equipment for sale across the state I stopped in a nearby city to see a late movie then hit a bar for a few soft drinks then had a meal at a 24-hour restaurant on the way home about 3:00 a.m. I passed by Mike's place in SOL fire coming out the chimney and smoke coming out from the basement door I dialed 9-1-1 with the location and ran into the house yelling for them to get up there was minimal smoke in the upstairs Mike and I went downstairs with a fire extinguisher and found an area about 3 feet square at the base of the chimney where the floor joists were burning we put it out with the extinguisher in some water the fire department arrived in now if the chimney fire no real smoke damage upstairs and minimal repairs to the house but a few more minutes and the fire would have burned up into the kitchen the truth of what happened was this I had gotten home about 10:30 and went to bed now some of this I am not clear on I am not sure if I dreamed it or if it was some sort of apparition close to 3:00 a.m. dad opened the door to my room and turned on the light and said get up you have go help at Gary's I remember saying in the morning he said in his most authoritative voice no right now i sat bolt upright in bed my room door was open in the hallway light was on I tried to dismiss it as imagination but I knew I had turned off that light and shut my door I realized with the adrenaline rush in my lingering doubts I would not get back to sleep so for my peace of mind I decided to get dressed and drive over to check on Mike's place that's when I spotted the chimney fire like I said I never told anyone this because I fear no one would believe me edit yes dead died in this house I heard my voice whispered in my ear it was like 2:00 a.m. and terrifying I suddenly felt just a heavy malicious presence that I had to hide before like a half an hour before I got the courage up to run to my room I was on the computer downstairs eventually like a week later I convinced myself I had just been hearing things then it happened again the same thing a male voice inches from my left ear it didn't happen again after that and I once more forced myself to think I made it up while I believe in paranormal I would prefer to not have that happen thank you very much until about a year later when I casually mentioned it to my mother and she told me she also heard a male voice whispering my name downstairs don't live in that house anymore and while I missed the house itself I do not miss whatever the hell that was Dada heard my voice whispered in my ear it was like 2:00 a.m. and terrifying I suddenly felt just a heavy malicious presence that I had to hide before like a half an hour before I got the courage up to run to my room I was on the computer downstairs eventually like a week later I convinced myself I had just been hearing things then it happened again the same thing a male voice inches from my left ear it didn't happen again after that and I once more forced myself to think made it up while I believe in paranormal I would prefer to not have that happen thank you very much until about a year later when I casually mentioned it to my mother and she told me she also heard a male voice whispering my name downstairs don't live in that house anymore and while I missed the house itself I do not miss whatever the hell that was to begin this happen roughly three weeks ago while traveling back from Winnipeg to the PAS Manitoba Canada me and a friend I'll call G went to Winnipeg for the night back / day travelled there during the evening and came back the following day at 1:00 p.m. the way to Winnipeg was normal took us six hours as usual I've done this trip numerous times as the pie is my hometown which I've recently moved back to from Winnipeg on the way back the first three one back / two hours go by normally I was driving the speed limit most of the time as it was IC + snowing most of the time so we come up to the turnoff where highway 6 turns off onto the 60 at about 4 p.m. at this point the conditions are ideal and the sun's just about at the horizon it was a beautiful sky with a crimson Sun this is where things got really [ __ ] strange the first odd instance happened about 20 minutes on this Highway a red van overtook us right before a right turn and rounded a sharp bend when we came around the bend the van had vanished and it was a long straight high for a bit I thought this was weird but I didn't pay any mind to it nor did I mention it to my friend shortly after this I made a comment about how gorgeous the sky was by this time odds Sun was just cresting the horizon at about 11 o'clock angle by this time it's about 4 to 45 so we've been on the highway for 45 minutes this highway take about an hour till you get to the next turnoff which is 10 the final turn off on route to the PAS we drive for the next 20 minutes without words just the radio playing then my friend G made the comment have you noticed there hasn't been any road signage I didn't realise but there was no signs indicating when a turn was coming up nor were there any signs in regards to how far we are from towns and kill meters no signs whatsoever at this point I noticed the Sun hadn't moved an inch in the sky on top of this we haven't seen any other vehicle in a while I thought this was [ __ ] strange man so did my friend unnerved I sped up going between 102 to 140 km/h I started having this overwhelming feeling something was [ __ ] wrong then I noticed another anomaly among the other glaring things that are already making this experience really [ __ ] up all the trees were the same height and the tree line was extremely dense like a wall of trees this was scary cause I then realized the scenery was not at all what it should be where we were should have been a sparse tree line with small ponds and marshland on both sides of the highway we've been on this highway now for two hours now the Sun still hasn't moved still no road signs no traffic and we're not where we should be me and G are stuck on this highway and we're starting to get scared trying to piece together and figure out what the [ __ ] is happening we've both lived our fair share of paranormal FEMA Neman not to mention traumatic experiences at that I've known G my whole life and this experience is undeniably our most terrifying out of nowhere the Sun sets unnaturally fast which takes maybe two minutes we are enveloped in the starkness of a starless night without a moon I am scared G is scared to 25 year old men pretty well shaken and just when the somnus oppressive feeling was unbearable we come to the turnoff out of nowhere three hours we were stuck on that [ __ ] highway that takes barely over an hour to travel but it didn't end there just when I thought we were returning to normality I glanced in the rearview mirror cause I thought for the first time in three hours I'd seen headlights I was wrong in the backseat sitting behind me on the driver's side was a black human silhouette with glowing yellow eyes she and I both saw it I couldn't believe what we were experiencing all of what happened is so unreal and so fantastical sounding but on my life I Pro dot rise what you've read is real and articulated to the best of my ability the next hour and a half were terrifying and mostly said in silence we finally pulled into the posh shortly before midnight we were stuck two and a half hours in some sorts of limbo with unreal anomalies that made no sense and were totally conscious and aware the whole time making note of the time to top it off when we pulled into the PI noticed our gas barely moved we are totally lost on an explanation of what happened I'm posting for any answers or relation of similar experience pretty late I always miss these but here goes I lived in an apartment complex for seven years and experienced a whole lot of weird stuff many with witnesses but the most unnerving was this I was laying in bed just getting comfy I was rolled onto my side facing the wall when I felt someone sit on the bed behind me I thought maybe my mom came in and I turned to look but there was no one I could still feel the dip in the bed the door was closed the light was off I was totally alone I was freaked out so I rolled back over and stared at the wall trying to get the courage to reach over and turn the lamp on well suddenly I feel whatever was sitting there lay down and put an arm around me I felt the pressure of an arm on my side I felt the dip of weight behind me I was too scared to move at that point since I didn't want to turn around and see what was there eventually I fell asleep nothing stranger than usual in the morning I have posted this a few times elsewhere but this is something that will forever stick in my mind I used to go to camp with my dad at a seasonal campground from 2005 to 2007 in upstate NY in the middle of Adirondack forests and about a 20-minute drive from the closest town it is now an agricultural farm and closed for unknown reasons anyway families would bring their campers here and just leave them yearly we were one of those families that did this luckily there were other teens there around this time and we all really hit it off we ranged from 13 to 17 years old within those years this story takes place in the summer of 2006 a few of my camp friends and I were boarded around 1:00 p.m. one day so we decided to hike into the woods that were behind all the campsites we'll call my friends Jen Bridget Helen and Esther there were some well-traveled trails not far in but we had already walked them many times we decided to cut across the trails and go deeper into the woods eventually we end up in an uphill 30 foot wide clearing that had what appeared to be a car to the right in the distance asked her immediately Sprint's to the car and exclaims that it is indeed a very old very rusted and abandoned car the rest of us walked to our very enthusiastic friend I remember feeling something was very off about that car and requested that we all get away from it Astor laughs and jokingly says it could be rigged with bombs Brigitte hit him in the arm and yells at him shut the [ __ ] up get away from that car who knows what could be inside it odd I thought to myself maybe she feels the same way I do we start to walk past the car upward toward what looked like a larger clearing Helen grabbed my right arm and walked beside me seemingly terrified me being about 15 at the time I welcomed her clinging to my arm and really didn't notice her terror as we reach the large clearing the ground flattened directly in front of us there is a pond that is completely still to the left of us there's a yellow two-story house that seems to be abandoned this clearing is completely surrounded by the rest of the woods upon seeing this I remember the feeling of dread washing over me meanwhile Astor and Jen are running toward the house Brigitte Helen and I all called out to them and told them to come back and not go near that house instead they noticed an open window and they both climbed inside as soon as Brigitte saw them doing this she yelled out fine if you two wanted to [ __ ] in some creepy house be my guest her scream seemed to fall flat with no echo almost like it was blocked and couldn't make it to the house it was eerie Brigid finally looked over at Helen and I sounding defeated she said come on let's just go back to camp this place is [ __ ] up we concur and start to head back toward the downwards smaller clearing when we hear what sounds like Jan's scream we look back to see aster and Jan are already out of the house and almost to us they are both wider than freshly bleached sheets and are motioning for us to leave the hike back to camp was pretty uneventful but asked her and Jan refused to tell us what they saw in there aster was still trying to act silly and cool but he kept glancing behind us Jen didn't say a word the entire time we got back to camp and it was 5:30 p.m. it really didn't feel like we were gone for that long whole thing was weird we all agreed we'd meet up later that night after we ate and showered etc later that night around 10:30 p.m. the same group of us all met up near the registration building because it had a light similar to a streetlight we decided to head down into a field that was at the entrance of the campground the dirt road leading from the road back to camp it was a new moon that night and we could see the stars more clearly than ever before it was the brightest I have ever personally seen them we all exchanged spooky stories in that dark field for quite some time for some inexplicable reason all five of us stood up at the same time and began to walk back to the dirt road heading back to camp as we reached the light by the registration office we all then simultaneously turned around and the light above us flickers out we all see a tall bipedal figure moving in the field we were just in it moved across the field quickly and silently chills went up and down my spine and it felt like the cold was trying to reach into my brain itself the figure was darker than darkness itself and appeared to be taller than all of us hunched and almost appeared to have spikes protruding from it in some way we were frozen none of us moved at all until the light above us suddenly came back on the figure was gone but it was unnaturally cold still for a summer night we all ran to our respective camps fast forward to winter 2009 I was telling an ex-girlfriend of mine let's call her kitty about the above story she is the type of girl that says that she's very sensitive to paranormal events and is always intrigued about them as opposed to being afraid most of the time she somehow convinces me that she needs to go to the camp I used to go to but it has been closed and is now that agricultural farm I mentioned above I decided to drive her and I up there one night in my 2000 Buick Century limited mind you this car was a beast and could make it through snow with ease due to a really nice traction control system and winter tires we arrived around 10:30 p.m. and the dirt road isn't plowed out no surprise I wasn't worried and decided to drive in anyway my car's a championed is going through just fine I am passing the registration building and get that same feeling of dread I felt long ago on the day of the house the engine cuts the car's power is gone the car refuses to start I look over at my ex and she's staring straight ahead they're looking at us what the actual [ __ ] I try to start the car again and it starts normally but my traction control is no longer working and the time has been reset to 12 o'clock the car is spinning the tires somehow we are still stuck my headlights were happen to look at the trees and see multiple of the same figures my camp friends and I saw running between the trees in the distance and my blood went cold I yelled [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm getting us the [ __ ] out of here I turned the car off and started again traction control light is gone and I am able to move the car I slam it into reverse and reverse down the dirt road back to the main road that will head back into civilization I slam it and drive on the supercharger and that baby was one of the sweetest and most relieving sounds I had heard that night the drive back has forced on the same side of the road as the camp for pretty much 10 of a 20-mile trip to town my ex is staring out the window out of nowhere she mutters something quietly I tell her I can't hear her and ask if she's alright she doesn't look at me but I am able to make out what she said this time they're following us they want us they're the most evil thing I have ever felt and they want us to go into the house with them I tell her that it's going to be okay and that we'll be safe soon I tell her to stop looking out the window and just focus on clearing her mind we made it back into town and I went into the closest gas station that was open and grabbed water and a snack for both my ex and I I asked the clerk what time it was because both of our phones were dead and I wanted to reset my clock in my car it's currently 349 a.m. you sure her out early I just nodded and paid for my things I brought my ex to my place so she wouldn't get in trouble for getting in so late since she lived with her mom we never spoke of it again and broke up about a month later I have told others about this story and I have had many tell me to bring them there I refused to bring them or even tell them where this place might even be nothing can explain the weird things in that place and I shuddered to this day still thinking about it [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 103,442
Rating: 4.8925772 out of 5
Keywords: AskReddit, NoSleep, r/NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit Confesssions, Reddit NoSleep, r/Confessions, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, TIFU, Best Of AskReddit, Reddit Aliens, Radio TTS, CowBelly, Reddit, reddit stories, r/, ask reddit, reddit, Horror stories, best scary stories, askreddit, ask reddit top posts, top posts, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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