What is the CREEPIEST and most BLOOD CHILLING thing you have experienced (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit

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serious what is the creepiest most blood-chilling thing you or someone you know have ever experienced I was on a 15 hour bus trip from the Yucatan to Chiapas in Mexico with my family it was late at night and after several hours of driving we stopped at a gas station to go the bathroom grab snacks etc it would have been like any other trip however I noticed there was an unusual amount of police when we got back on the bus the driver informed us that the police had received a tip that our bus was being targeted for a robbery by Mexican bandits they would Dischord us we drove and drove for hours up a nauseatingly winding road on the side of a cliff one police truck in front of us and one behind us armed to the nines I was on high alert but after a while I dozed off that was until the bus came to an abrupt stop I remember peering out the front window and seeing a series of large rocks placed strategically across the road everything was dark saved these rocks being illuminated by the bus lights if the police hadn't been there this is what would have went down step 1 bus driver disembarks tries to remove rocks step 2 Mexican bandits kill bus driver or holds hostage step 3 bandits board bus step 4 rob ripe kill I was 17 years old white looking female I'm a halfie and the rest of my family is Mexican or looks full Mexican and even then I knew what would have happened to me kidnapping for ransom would definitely not have been out of the question and ripe aha we were in the middle of nowhere on a bloody ducking Mountain if the police er weren't there would I be here to tell this story probably not when I was 16 my parents went out of town for a weekend it was actually pretty sweet because I got to be king of the castle for the weekend so I get home that Friday night and just stick around Internet video games etc and started watching TV around dusk the way our living room was set up was that there was a set of glass doors right next to the television that looked out to the back porch slash backyard the backyard was surrounded by ivy that grew on a hill around a 45-degree angle so I'm just mindlessly channel-surfing and I see some movement outside at first I just dismiss it thinking it's a bird or a neighborhood cat or something but I then noticed that whatever is moving is way bigger than a bird or a cat I go and put my face near the glass and stare into the backyard and there's some dude just crouching in the ivy looking into the house our eyes meet and he has somewhat of an oh crap moment and bolts out of our yard scared the crap out me so this happened senior year of high school my best friend and I were at her house which was way up in one of the canyons and she had a long windy driveway we had been there all day and her mom had gone out and she and I were supposed to go meet a couple friends in Hollywood that night anyways we had been goofing around all day and watching scary movies at whatnot and we started to get ready her bathroom had one of those his / her double sink deals so she was near one and I was at the other all of a sudden I got the creepiest feeling like all of the hair on my arms stood up and I had this sudden feeling of panic to this day it is the most terrified I have ever been I was putting on eyeliner when it happened and I caught her eye in the mirror and said we need to leave right now I thought she would be like what you're being ridiculous or what-have-you but instead she said I know my blood ran cold when she said it we left so quickly that we just grabbed what was in front of us we booked it out of her house and down the driveway which we weren't supposed to be on b/c her mom had just had it repaved and her car was parked down on the street we rounded the curb in the driveway and there was an SUV parked dead center in the middle of the street without its lights on suddenly the lights turned on full-blast the SUV blared its horn and took off we scrambled the rest of the way down totally ruining the new paving and we're getting into her car and calling the police when her mom pulled up right behind us to this day I do not know if it was a robber or what but the fact that she and I both got the sense of dread at the exact same time creeps me out to no end edit wow I was not expecting so much interest / so many responses to this I haven't had a chance to look at them all yet but look forward to reading / replying this afternoon I will say this though my personal opinion has always been along the lines of what / you / blue and orange 92 said in that whoever was in the SUV was the lookout and he or she flipping on their brights and laying on the horn was to alert whoever else was involved that we were now outside / there had been people in the house etc but we'll obviously never know for sure as we saw no one else and there were no immediate signs of anyone having tried to break in I was Aiden woke up to an explosion of dog barks and screams coming from our backyard then the screams trailing down the street we get outside and my dog is chewing on a bloody shoe and a bit of gym shorts were hanging off the backyard fence we call the cops they investigate from the footprints they could see the guide tried every window with my dog following when he got to mine my dog went full attack mode the guy was pickup that night on an unrelated charge but they put two and two together later and charged him my dog allowed them to collect the gym shorts but that shoe was his he was happy and let the cops pet him as much as they elect animal control the next day when they drew a little blood for a rabies test that shoe though was his my mom had a stalker for years she was maybe in early 30s I was about three and my brother was around 1 when this started my dad would leave for work in the morning and as soon as he was gone the calls would start coming in she'd answer the phone and some guy would be saying all this horribly sadistic and sexual things about what he wanted to do to my mom she was beyond frightened and didn't know what to do sometimes the caller would describe what she was wearing it that very Mon nutri described what she was doing my parents were struggling financially so they couldn't just up and move but my mom started spending more and more time at my dad's mother's house when he was away the cops got involved but they couldn't trace the call finally they were able to save up enough money to move I was about 6 by this time the phone number was changed and unlisted in the phone book this was around 1988 when everyone still used landlines my mom never got another scary phone call but she had nightmares about it for years when I was little I remember going into her bedroom in the morning and she would be sobbing into her pillow I didn't understand it at that point but she explained later in life that she'd wake up from a nightmare and just shake and cry a couple months after we had moved the cops informed us that they finally caught the guy it was our next-door neighbor's 19 year old son he had been in the military but was discharged due to their mental illness I guess he was put into some sort of special security home that specializes in mental health the lead investigator said that the son was obsessed with my mother and they found a box in his room full of a bunch of photographs candidly taken of her when she was out in the garden or playing with us kids in the yard it chills me to the bone when I think about it now anything could have happened to my mother when my dad was at work and it'd be too young to help her when my friend's dad was around 17 years old he decided to go camping with about eight or so of his friends this took place in the Wisconsin forest when they got to the site they decided to split up to collect firewood in groups of two and meet back at the site and around 20 minutes one group wasn't back right away and since they were a couple they just assumed they were fornicating in some bushes and cracked a couple jokes about it after around an hour they decided they should probably go look for them and headed off to search in the area they had been collecting wood they saw behind a bush part of the girls bloody shirt and the man's shoes were lying scattered around the scene they quickly rushed back to their car so they could drive to the park rangers office which was about five miles away and report the incident however they found that their gas had been siphoned so they had no choice but to walk on their walk back to the office they saw a semi pass by with one driver and two faces pressed up against the window which they believed were their friends begging for help the two friends were reported missing and have never been found to this day we had a break-in in the home I lived in as a child I was about five or so and I used to come home from school and I would be alone as my sister was at school and my parents were at work the house was at the bottom of a long driveway - with a big-ass yard and a huge Bush with a river behind it so it was kind of isolated one day I came home from school down the driveway as usual went to unlock the gate and noticed that our front door was broken but the gate wasn't as I said I was only five so I wasn't very smart I proceeded to open the gate to go in and as I entered I heard someone slash a few someone's running out the back door I went into the house and saw that the burglars had broken and through a back window and just took everything point of the story is that they were still in the house when I arrived home and when they heard the front gate opening they fled out the back they probably thought it was my dad who is a police officer had they known it was just a five-year-old kid who knows what would have happened to me makes my ducking blood run cold just thinking about it edit for those of you saying they probably wouldn't have done anything to you oh boy you seriously underestimate home burglaries in South Africa edit to my first comment whoever passed 1,000 points yay thanks guys who broke into my house and stole all our stuff I hope each of these points equals one pineapple shoved up your ass in hell I was home for the summer from college and my mother and brother had just headed out for a few day trip to visit colleges this meant I was to take care of my father dad something was clearly wrong but we couldn't tell what he had Parkinson's but it was more than that but we figured I could handle him this is when I came to realize something in his broken mind hated me with a passion he wouldn't listen to anything I said now I admit I was pissed off so I wasn't doing a terrific job but even simple things like getting him food was an hour-long ordeal that ended with us shouting this last time I called mama on the house phone because at least he'd listened to her I gave him one phone and I was on another yelling at each other through it even though we were five feet apart poor mom trying to referee from a few hundred miles away finally dad hangs up his phone and hands it to me oh he's done thank God I think but then he tries to take the still active phone from my hand which I refused and that's when it happens it gives me chills to this day a change came over him it was subtle but he stood slightly straighter it was like for a moment someone else was in his body he stared at me and in the most calm cold voice I have ever heard said I'm going to kill you there was no emotion behind it there was no energy he said at his fact I was stunned mom heard it over the phone as I stood there paralyzed her voice broke through in a whisper key run I threw the phone at dad rounded the corner and grabbed my keys my car screamed out of the driveway it was pure animal instinct for me at that point I had to run because if I stayed there dad didn't really remember what happened he was confused as to why I was suddenly gone I have no idea what went on in his head at that moment but I stared into something back there I have posted this twice before but figured it fits perfectly here so it bears repeating for my fifth birthday my uncle got me a puppet almost identical to this I was a big pee-wee fan and loved it at first in my room I had bunk beds and I slept on the bottom bunk and on the top I kept all of my favorite toys and stuffed animals I'd often leave them in really weird formations after having battles and the like but I always remembered to leave certain ones in certain places because they were my favorites namely my Ninja Turtles and peewee a few months after getting this toy though I started to have some really terrible nightmares about it not the are you afraid of the dark kind of early nineties nightmares for kids but truly graphic and horrible dreams where someone had broken into our house and made me watch him torture my sisters and my parents while the doll just laughed scarring crap so I told my parents and they immediately got rid of it this apparently just meant they hid it in the garage since I couldn't see the stuff stored up high anyways a couple of weeks later I woke up and all my Ninja Turtles were on the floor confusing but maybe I shook the bed a bunch in my sleep a few days after this my older sister woke my parents up screaming about a dream she'd just had it was nearly identical to the dream I had told them about but I know she'd never heard about it my parents knew as well and my mother looked genuinely horrified I got screamed at for telling my sister about such horrible things but once it became clear that I really hadn't told her my mom looked even more worried I watched her go into the garage grab Pete we put him in a trash bag and put him in the dumpster for years I'd wake up and my stuffed animals would be in really odd places in places I know I hadn't left them in places I never would have left them I was obsessed when I was 12 I found the peewee toy in a box in the garage my mom said my dad must have come home seen it in the trash and pulled it out he doesn't remember ever doing that he swears he didn't even know she threw it away let alone try to pull it out TL DR 5th birthday present might have been a possessed or cursed puppet it also seemingly hated my Ninja Turtles I used to take care of a developmentally disabled man in a community protection program he had to be kept away from people because of his sudden violent outbursts his parents were rich and bought an old farmhouse on 10 acres or so about four miles out of town so that he could be away from the public and not forced into a psych ward for four years I worked there on a 56 hour shift coming on Sunday evening and leave Wednesday afternoon there were two of us on these shifts and we were both supposed to be there the entire 56 hours but because we were the most senior trainers on staff we'd take turns going home on 1/2 of the nights after three years of being in that house I had become comfortable with it despite it being so isolated and overall kind of creepy I would always stay up and watch TV until around midnight my client was always locked in his room around 8:00 p.m. one night about 12:15 a.m. I turned the TV off and pulled the covers over myself to try and get some sleep on the nastiest futon ever there was one window in a staff room and it faced the back of the property and was about six feet off the ground I had just started drifting to sleep when I heard the most blood-curdling woman's scream from right outside the window I popped up so fast that I nearly lost consciousness and had to steady myself in the doorway while the scream continued and then faded away I grabbed a flashlight from the laundry room and threw open the back door illuminating the area outside the window and there was nothing I ran along the perimeter of the house and saw nothing I watched the Sun come up the next morning desperately glued to the TV trying to distract myself from what had happened all of the people I worked with were much older than me and there was no good reason to play a prank like that in the middle of January in Eastern Oregon I'm sure there's an explanation but it bothers me to this day I went to see a movie with a friend of mine it was dark when we got out of the movie and she offered me a ride home but it was pretty short walk nice night and I live in really safe town usually so I start to walk home I guess I should mention I'm a woman and a particularly small one about two blocks into my walk I hear yelling and screaming moaning I look in these two guys in hoodies are kicking something but I can't see what because there is this short cement wall blocking my view they shot something not at me and take off in the opposite direction so I run to where they had been that all happened very quickly I get there and there is this homeless man it's really dark but he's obviously hurt badly he has a blanket he was clearly sleeping when these guys came up and attacked him I actually recognized him not by name but it's a small town and I've seen him around he gets up and grabs his blanket and looks around for a minute I try to talk to him but he just can't really talk to me he's quite mentally ill and has now been hit in the head and he's just terrified he takes a couple steps as I'm calling 9-1-1 and ends up under a streetlight his head and face are covered in blood with some dirt caked over it to the point I can't see any skin on his face he's way too spooked to let me try to help I'm explaining to 911 the situation but mostly just begging for an ambulance they want to know about the two guys of course but I didn't see them well and I have this guy bleeding from his head in front of me and then he starts walking I have no way to stop him so I just follow a little bit behind because I don't want be an extra thing that terrifies him but I also need to update 911 where we are we made it like eight blocks before the firetruck intercepted us I am shocked he makes it that far no one else is out 911 keeps wanting me to give a more detailed description which is the one point I lost it a little bit he's the only guy covered in blood walking down street name sorry 9-1-1 operator I cannot describe how relieved I was when the fire truck showed up the police talked to me for a little bit then they left the guy had been transported and the fire truck was gone all of the sudden everyone was gone and I was just standing there on an empty street in the dark I took a step to start to walk home now farther than where I started and decided to call my friend instead she drove back and took me home the guy with the head injury lived the two terrible humans who did that were never caught on April 18th of this year I came home from work and began working on some homework after 30 minutes of homework my intent or my mother's bedroom and began screaming hysterically ordering me to call 911 I was on the line with the operator she asked what the nature of my emergency was I didn't quite know so I entered my mother's bedroom to find her dead of a heart attack and laying face down on the floor wedged between her nightstand in her bed the operator dispatched the paramedics and instructed me on how to perform CPR in order to do so I had to flip my mother onto her back when I grabbed my mother's cold lifeless arm I realized that she couldn't be moved as she was wedged firmly between her bed and her nightstand and rigor mortis had already set in I was unable to flip her over and I had never seen or touched a dead body before after the paramedics came and told me that nothing could be done the medical examiner informed my family that she couldn't be seen as she had been laying on her face for so long it's assumed by my family that she hit her head on the way down as her dentures were on the floor beside her the combination of her head trauma and the fact that she had been dead for many hours had rendered her unviewable as deemed by the officer from the medical examiner's office to answer your question the sight and feeling of my mother's deceased body is the most chilling thing that I have ever seen her memorial is this Sunday edit I really appreciate the condolences and heartfelt messages you've sent me I'm proud to have a great support network outside of the internet full of people who have put themselves out there for me I just started my move into my new home and will be sleeping there for the second time tonight my new home is the spare bedroom of an old music teacher of mine after his daughter and grandson moved out I've been fortunate enough to be offered a room free of charge to live in this is an amazing opportunity especially for a college student whose job only offers 20 hours a week I hope only to be able to repay him for what he and his wife have done for me oh I love these threads I hope this one takes off so I can add it to my collection of saved links as for me the creepiest thing that ever happened was when I was five my mom my sister and I were living in a small trailer in a rural town in Georgia my sister and I went to bed and a little while later my mom followed suit around 11:00 p.m. my mom heard me calling out mama mama she checked the bedroom and didn't see me in there she knew I sleep walked so she started checking the rest of the trailer she didn't find me anywhere and I had stopped calling her she had checked under furniture in closets in appliances I like to hide in the dryer at that age in the kitchen cabinets she eventually found me standing outside on the front porch in my underwear she never figured out how I got outside as the front and back doors were locked by the handle and by chain locks the windows were shut and we're a type that can only be shut from the inside I feel like this will get buried but when I was in primary school this old man used to work on the playground he'd just monitor the children and make sure everything was okay he'd always invite me over for dinner and used to talk about his wife who was at home waiting for him to get back he used to tell me about his dogs and say that I could feed them treats if I met them I used to begged my mom to let me go to his house and she would always outright refuse I was bummed because his house sounded fun and I wanted to meet his ducks but my mom's word was the law so I got over it he somehow found out my address and sent me a Christmas card one year fast forward to when I'm in secondary school and his name is all over the paper sentenced for raping a six-year-old girl it also turned out that his wife had died years ago I was only eight when I knew him but I still remember what he looked like it I'll always be glad that my mom was so protective when I was a freshman in high school my cousin was huge into jock in the army and was admitted to West Point however he was shot and killed the winter of his senior year in high school and was buried in army service dress fast forward to that summer I was attending encampment as part of Civil Air Patrol which is like a week-long basic training for new cadets at graduation we were all standing on the parade field in the 90 degree Virginia summer heat when suddenly I felt ice cold I looked across the field to the bleachers where our parents were sitting and standing in front of the bleachers was a pale white figure in full army service dress clearly blocking the view of quite a few people for the whole ceremony nobody else was standing and nobody asked him to sit even though there were also many people in uniform sitting down I kept my eye on the figure the whole time which stood completely still at parade rest the entirety that I could see it but after the pass and review was complete and we returned to our spots on the field the figure was gone after the ceremony was over I asked everyone in my flight if they had seen the figure and everyone said they didn't see anyone by the description to this day I am 100 percent sure it was my cousin coming back one last time to see me off posted this before to a similar s credit question but have two more to add I saw a man get shot pretty much point-blank in the face in early 2000s I was in a bar in Moscow waiting for a friend chatting with a bartender I hear a commotion next to me as I see a guy take a step back whip out a gun pointed a guy's face and pull a trigger the guy just slimmed and hit the floor and that's when I saw blood immediate ringing in the ears screams and folks froze as we thought this guy will continue shooting turns out the guy was in the police force and shot this guy's he was part of some sort of a gang who have murdered another cop from his station I was around 10 very early 90s we've just moved to Moscow from a small town in Siberia and bought new furniture turns out the furniture store forgot one of the items and said that someone will drop it off tomorrow not uncommon in Russia kids were ok being home alone even at 10 so I am at home after school went to dudes knock on the door carrying a box saying that they are from the furniture store they were not I got tied up and roughed up and they robbed the house clean but left me alive I was able to identify one of them a year later while the other one was killed in a car accident karma equals [ __ ] the first guy got 7 years of hard labor and I am sure has been releasing silent farts from the first day they're also Moscow 93 when Yeltsin decided to fire upon the duma just the amount of dead people laid out to be identified by their relatives wailing mothers and wives the smell of burnt rubber and crackling glass under feet what struck me the most was how there would be a janitor next to some bigwig politicians laying there side-by-side with her head propped up on the brick Hall equal in death that one scared me for a while as of course my friend and I snuck out without our parents knowing I guess the lesson learned there was that at the end of the game all chess pieces go into the same box TL DR saw a guy get shot point-blank in the face been tied up and roughed up by two Chechnyan dudes who robbed her apartment front and center as a kid during the 93 push tanks small arms fire dead folks being laid out to be identified
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 740,925
Rating: 4.8800807 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: oDVR86z5kX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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