[Serious] What's the most horror movie-like experience you've ever had? (R/askreddit)

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serious what's the most horror movie like experience you've ever had so this is a story I don't remember much of but my family told me the details I was 5 years old and going camping with my family and friends there were several families involved who had brought friends so some were acquaintances the whole night there was a guy that was a friend of a friend of my family who was showing a lot of attention to me he was constantly trying to play with me and at first my parents didn't mind but after the repetitive attempt to hang out with me everyone started seeing that it was very odd by the end of the night my dad was completely crap faced he had been drinking the second we got to the campsite so he was passed out in the tent when this was happening this guy decides to make a wooden spear and then come up to me and asked me to go bear hunting with him in the middle of the night me an excited naive five-year-old said yes and he grabbed my hand and started leading me off the campsite all the adults were sitting in a circle around the campfire and not paying much attention they were all pretty drunk but my uncle happened to notice got up and blocked him from me and told me I needed to go to my mom she was mortified after my uncle explained what this guy was trying to do and scooped me up and put me in the tent with my dad my uncle stayed up til the morning with an accent hand to make sure he didn't go near our tent and in the morning my dad basically beat the crap out of him and my whole family packed up her crap and left to this day the only memory I have of this is me walking from the campsite with this guy in the middle of the night it still ducks me up to think of what could have happened to me if my uncle wasn't looking out for my well-being that night my rooms upstairs and I woke up early one morning to various rustling sounds coming from downstairs my mom was at work so the only other one home was my brother but it didn't sound like him I carefully started walking towards the stairs as I hear the sound of pop cans getting knocked into we have a bag of them hanging from basement door I called for my brother twice no answer but the sound stopped the moment I spoke I immediately started thinking that someone had broken into our old basement window and was trying to sneak into the rest of the house the bag of cans Clank together when opening the basement door as I slowly made my way downstairs towards the living room the sound started it sounded like someone was going through our stuff in the kitchen I'm freaking out yet for some reason I'm going closer to the sound with nothing to defend myself like an idiot I reached the living room a hesitantly peek around the corner towards the kitchen and I see cans on the floor the far wall with new marks on it but no person a few steps closer and suddenly a decent-sized bird flew across the room a bird had somehow gotten into our house likely through the chimney and had been causing a ruckus because it couldn't find its way back out it had been flying around the room knocking into things and more than once into the kitchen window there was bird poop and I think a little blood something orange Ishod trailing all down the window and on the sink it took us an hour to finally get the bird out of the house so yeah thought I was going to be murdered was actually a bird ramming itself into a window my friend and I were out for a walk one night we were freshmen in high school so it was quite a while ago it wasn't late about 8:30 but since it was winter it was dark a car started up behind us gave us a jolt but didn't worry about it a minute or so later we realized that the car was creeping behind us slowly we looked back in the car stopped we started to freak a bit I was saying what do we do over and over and my friend finally yelled run we took off as fast as we could and we could hear the car accelerate behind us we swerved across the road and jumped over some bushes and started running across people's front lawns all while screaming for someone to help us a few houses down someone opened their door so we started heading towards them the car jumped the curb and we made it in that contest in time they called 9-1-1 but of course the car was long gone by the time the cops showed my dad came and picked us up it was probably just some [ __ ] who thought it was funny to scare us I learned what fight-or-flight truly means Lowell my adrenaline was so high that I didn't stop shaking for like 30 minutes this crap happened to me when I was 12 I was with my sister and my best friend we used to walk up to the now CVS store it was a quarter mile if that in our neighborhood was very safe lots of old folks lived here when we were walking home we were on the street before the street my house was on an old car think old Lincoln slash Buicks was behind us there was a man probably in his 20s and a woman the same age inside the man was driving then they got behind us and started chasing us not fast enough to hit us but enough to send us ducking running we booked it to my house and jumped the fence my house was on a small hill they just kept driving and laughing I was 12 when I felt what it was like to think I might be killed by another person for no reason it's terrifying always been nervous to walk at night since my incident I have one although I'm relating it to the prompt because of my reaction not necessarily the experience I was home alone and not expecting anyone I think I was cleaning the house expecting it to be put on the market it was totally empty no furniture I was upstairs in the master bedroom vacuuming the carpet I was moving backwards with the vacuum and out of the corner of my eye I saw a person moving towards me about to touch me I screamed bloody murder and my body flooded with adrenaline just totally dumped I think my hair stood on end and I turned to confront the attacker and realized my old mirror was on the wall since that time I've never felt that level of fright adrenaline or physical reaction to a threat this happened to me but it was actually hilarious afterwards I'd gotten up to feed my son in the middle of the night I put him to bed and was going back to bed myself there was a giant figure of a person in the darkness of the living room and I was instantly the most angry I've ever been I'm 5 ' 3 130 pounds at this time and I knew I could take this almost 7 tall person if need be luckily though it was just my new Christmas tree that I forgot about I shook for a long time after that adrenalin rush about a year ago I was going out to dinner with two friends to pass time before my sister and her boyfriend got to my house so that we could all play a board game and drink it was around 7:00 at night during the fall so it was reasonably dark outside while my friends and I were pulling away from my driveway and headed down the street the friend who was driving pulled over to put on a jacket suddenly there was a guy behind the car banging on the back window he was around six feet tall and was wearing all black freaked out we pulled into the street immediately and stared while driving off he was dragging a huge black trash bag behind him we all thought it was scary and odd but forgot about it soon after when we returned to my house a couple hours later my sister and her boyfriend were binding in her room he said that about an hour ago when they got home some person that came out of nowhere was suddenly standing outside of the car with an almost cartoonish Liebig clown mask on and he was holding a bat when my sister's boyfriend saw him he stepped in the glass and the big ducking clown guy started chasing the car for as far as he could we all were well dogging scared by that point and we hadn't told them about the guy who was wearing all black earlier we maybe thought it could be the same person but assumed it was some [ __ ] kid just trying to scare people after a couple hours of drinking and talking and waiting for another friend I got a phone call my friend was at the door which was locked and she said someone was outside with her she seemed scared so we all went to the door to let her in there was another girl with her that no one knew and she was about in her 20s but looked completely out of it I thought maybe my friend decided to bring someone else but as soon as the girl saw all of us she darted away from the front step and ran down the street we all got inside and locked the door again then I turned to ask her who the duck that girl was and what happened turns out that the girl was in the front step trying to open the front door when my friend arrived my friend asked who she was in the girl replied with saying that she knew the people in the house being a little safe my friend asked her to name my sister to see if she really knew the girl choked up and that's when my friend called me although each one of those incidents by themselves aren't terribly scary all of them happening within hours of each other definitely frightened all of us and I'm sure everyone thought that we were going to be murdered that night sorry of the format's weird I'm writing this from my phone and this is my first post but it's safe to say that I've been keeping my doors locked since and I've been keeping an eye out for sketchy people around my house went to explore an abandoned mill in York sheer the building had been abandoned for a long time but there were still some equipment in it whilst exploring my friend and I went down to the basement the air was icy cold and as we wondered we found a satanic Chapel complete with giant pentagram on the flood altar and sheeps skulls freaked us out and we left that building at a run solutely terrified went to see a performance of Pirates of Penzance in the hall of an old building after the show my friend a different friend and I decided to explore the building as most of it was cordoned off we went under barriers and through closed no entry doors the building was unlit and we walked by phone light nokia 3310 town the quarters we looking into the surround rooms some of them were padded the place turned out to be an old mental asylum that was in the process of be renovated we got pretty freaked out but carried on exploring unfortunately for the story nothing weird happened but it felt pretty surreal exploring that place very horror movie like edit not a horror story per se but one that freaked me out I left someone in charge of my flat whilst I went to see my parents for Christmas they had a party that got out of hand and someone's throat got cut not fatally in retaliation someone else kicked the back door and in robbed the place I came back to a devastated flat with bloody handprints on the door and walls with streaks of blood in places and a bloody trail across the floor that place definitely looked like a scene from a horror movie I work as an unarmed security officer in a seedy part of downtown before then I worked in the artsy district of my city at a building that had a safe way attached to it I was the only security officer for this entire building and I have countless stories of drug-addicted homeless people coming at me with used needles this time however I was patrolling the garage and I ran into another homeless guy I'm relatively chill with homeless people especially if they're a regular at the Safeway I believe compassion can make someone's life so much better and help compel them to get help this guy was different though I could smell him from about 30 feet away and he was so disheveled and clearly tripping on something not wanting to set him off I'm a woman wearing a uniform that could be mistaken for a police uniform very easy to do I asked him if he's okay no response he immediately turns around and gives me this deranged stare starting to walk toward me I then feel someone yanked me back a bit and out of this guy's way and the guy beelines for the exit as soon as this happens one of my regular homeless guys had pulled me aside and he was brandishing a machete and staring at the other guy as this left it was wild I swear I had walked into a b-movie horror at this point long story short I called the cops and gave them the footage they needed but as far as I know nothing ever came of it I think that might have turned out way differently if the regular hadn't been there to back me up I'm very grateful for him he has since gotten emergency housing and a job I'm very proud of him another story for this place after that happened the Safeway started hiring armed security which made my job a lot easier by extension however this situation was different I had gotten a call from parking enforcement about an untagged vehicle in the parking lot and we both went to investigate it was a silver Mazda looked relatively new inside were two people conked out and sleeping I immediately called the police and took a million photos of the vehicle and the people sleeping inside sending them to my boss a retired Chicago PD cop while waiting for the police to arrive they show up it's just this one lady officer in her cruiser and she has an ambulance on standby in case this is a medical matter she shines their flashlights inside to get a good look then knocks on the window to wake them up she tells them to get out of the car the driver kind of fumbles with the car a bit and the car alarm goes off which immediately tells me this thing is stolen seeing as I'm standing in a potential driving path I backed away with the parking enforcement guys that driver suddenly revs the engine it hits the cop as she peels out of the garage all I saw was the cop swear loudly and hop inside her cruiser to follow I then learned that the car was indeed stolen the driver is wanted for grand theft auto and drug charges she ended up getting away but her buddy got arrested the cop is fine by the way that's as much as I know about the situation not long after that I was moved to my current site but long story short a week after I left there was a bomb threat there where the cops killed the suspect involved don't miss the place one bit me and a bunch of my friends went to a cabin called the lost wonder hut in Colorado it's about a seven mile 4x4 drive road to get there off the highway the first three days of camping were amazing but on the last night of our stay on needed to go piss after eating dinner it's stuck in pitch-black outside like you can't see your hand five inches from your face I asked a friend of mine to come with me jokingly but I was lowkey serious we go outside and I started to piss around the corner of the cabin my buddy is surveying the woods around us just looking with a flashlight when he finally points the flashlight towards the woods in front of where I was pissing in something that was tall thin and white with a glow moves quickly to the right about twenty yards away breaking a branch or stick I cut my stream and we both were yelling out of genuine terror running to get back inside once we calmed down we went outside with the rest of our friends looking for it like some real horror movie dumbasses however we never found anything no footprints no tracks and no broken branch I hardly slept that night and still think about it occasionally after three years I woke up in the middle of the night at my apartment to use the restroom which is pretty normal for me as I got back into bed I noticed my dog who was sleeping at the end of the bed was just staring at the door he started freaking me out so I called him over so he could lay down next to me I try to go to sleep when I thought I heard noises coming from the living room so I sit up and start listening it's definitely not in my head there's definitely something coming from the living room I frantically but quietly wake up my boyfriend who's sleeping next to me we both end up getting up and start slowly making our way to the living room we open up the bedroom door and everything's dark still and we hear that it's some woman whispering fairly loudly as we start making our way to the living room it's getting louder and we realize it's definitely in our living room finally we reached the living room and turn on all the lights no one's there but the whispering is still super loud we ended up realizing that somehow my boyfriend's laptop had turned on even though it was closed gone on to twitch streaming website and clicked on some lady who was doing ASMR worst night ever I'm bipolar my fiancee boyfriend at the time and I lived in the woods a year or so ago completely against my preferences I'm from the city and his from well the woods he'd lived there since before we started dating so I sucked it up and moved in knowing it it'd be temporary the first thing I noticed was that his back door which opened out to a super-dense frankly ducking scary wooded area didn't have a lock on it he also had a habit of not locking doors because nothing ever happens out here I was too anxious to get good sleep for almost a month I wasn't taking my medication that entire time period is honestly a blur at this point that all lead up to me having a psychotic episode in which I truly thought I was in some kind of real-life horror movie I don't know how to explain it other than one moment I was fine and the next I was screaming like some thought was implanted into my head that someone was coming to kill me they'd crawled their way across the dirt and leaves and vines between the trees over the creek and they were coming in through the back door to kill me and there wasn't anything I could do about it I paced the house for hours holding my fiance's hockey stick not even one of the kitchen knives a hockey stick like a true horror movie dumbass texted my mom I loved her thought about killing myself before they could get to me obviously none of this was real and was a very important lesson to me that I should take my medication and also never live in some Blair Witch ass woods [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 44,122
Rating: 4.8475428 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Id: 7UVJk7jXj_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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