What is the Best AK Stock?

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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we are back and today we're actually talking about aks again shocker right there's a lot of guys who are new to the ak platform right now or just guys who've been around that just want to hear my thoughts on the differences between a lot of the common stocks that you can have for the ak the three biggest ones being the solid stock the under folder and the side folder now if you're one of those modern warfare gunsmiths you think the three are pretty darn interchangeable well that's not the case we're gonna jump into why and helping out my sanity during this episode a viewer actually sent in this nifty kydex whiteclaw holster flavor this week is ruby grapefruit all right so the samples that we're going to be using this episode are an slr 107 representing these side folders so we have a solid polymer stock on the side folder which is kind of cheating which is why we also have the kp9 with the skeleton triangle folder representing triangle folder gang now on team under folder we have this century imported 762 under folder stock is a little stiff and i've got that cool guy paracord on it but still nice little sample nice example of what you might see in a gun store shelf and for solid stock we have this beautiful akg done in-house by our builder zach also going to show you the pros and cons of each and just general thoughts about it but first we wanted to thank our friends at big daddy unlimited for making this video possible or really just making it worth our time we could we could have done this either way do you like guns gun accessories ammo nfa items of course you do you're a viewer of the channel do you want them for fan [ __ ] tastic prices why wouldn't you which is why you're going to go down to the link in the description and in the pinned comment and go check out big daddy unlimited the comments section has demanded that i have to tell you big daddy unlimited is like the costco of the gun world bdu is a big help to channels like mine they support a lot of gun industries so if you want to help them out and help us out go ahead and click on that link and that will take you over to their site where you can sign up so big thanks again to big daddy unlimited let's go check out some ak's all right so the first category we're going to go to is uh well folding ability as you can see the fixed dock has none it's fixed that's what that word means so we have here on the back is a rear trunnion tang and what this does it protrudes about ea far onto the back or the the front i guess of the stock and uh where the stock attaches and unless you have something like a magpul zhukov or a bunch of the other aftermarket stock adapters that allow this to fold this thing ain't going anywhere you'll also notice that the receiver is cut straight and there is nothing here except a very nice logo this is also what we would refer to as standard this is a standard cut for a stock so now it's time for our under folder you can see here we also have a relatively straight cut back of the receiver that kind of varies from model to model as far as deploying the stock i'm going to be hitting this button here pressing it in pulling this down folding it out and boom we now have the shoulder thing that goes up we also have paracord on this side for chin weld um i didn't do that i promise to fold it back up all we have to do is press the same button that is locking it in place push this down and it locks just the same this one's a little stiff there we go so with foldability we get a completely flush backside i would say for a 16 inch barrel ak this is uh pretty darn concealable i can actually uh fit this into one of my savior equipment bags that is meant for a lot shorter guns than i could fit a full rifle into so for that sort of thing it's really good uh for a lot of you know the stuff you've seen like end of watch or whatever people have this in cars or whatever so you don't have a big stock i guess that's kind of the purpose what a lot of guys like this sort of stuff for plus it just looks cool there's something very classy about a traditional under folder stock as far as the folding there are some disadvantages though and i'm about to talk about that so here's a traditional xtec magazines a 30 round mag clears it no problem i can deploy the stock as long as i fold that open i can also close the stock so now i have a 40 round assault clip loaded in the gun as you can see this now poses a problem as this will completely hook the stock and if you're trying to fire this folded you can no longer actually deploy a stock and have a stock on your weapon without having to first pull this out and then dropping your stock and putting it back in which case you better not have to fold it because that will not work so if you're only using standard 30 round magazines none of this is a problem for you but if you want to use anything else you're going to have a bad time this also includes drums as you can see there is a fundamental problem with the physics of this gun as the two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time none of these things are a problem if you already have your stock deployed so if you are already slaying bodies fam you're ready to rock and roll you can change these magazines in and out with no problem drums 40 round assault clips use them all day to your heart's desire just don't think you're going to be able to fold this thing up while you still have the magazine in the gun so now we have the 107 fr and this is where we have a difference in the receiver cut as you can see this one is cut at a slight angle where it tapers in at the bottom and it's longer at the top same on the other side it's actually cut in a little bit further to accommodate for this hinge where the side folder closes you also have some cuts in the receiver here this circular and flat at the back for the button where the button pokes out and on this side you have a circular button that starts the fold you also have a rectangular hole here where you install your latch and a corresponding hole at the bottom i personally like these a lot although some complaints i have heard is that if you're carrying it in like this it could get hung up on your gear or whatever because it is folding on the left side which is the side that is closest to your body i've never had a problem with it but that's because i'm not a soldier i just mag dump into trash as far as magazines of course it is not an issue with any magazines that fall below the gun however drums still present a slight problem close but no cigar all right now it's time to talk about comfort and we're back to the classic akm the woodstock is basically the baseline it's uh pretty comfortable in the shoulder a nice surface area here good cheek weld feels very comfortable especially for me my muscle memory is pretty much just set up for an ak so to me feels very natural the loss of folding ability is made up for uh with very good just comfortable feel and as well as a very solid base of which to vibe check your opponents you also have a lot of aftermarket options so pretty much anything made for the standard ak is going to be made for your standard tang here a lot of magpul stuff m4 stock adapters that's your thing even some comb block wire folders like tantal or a lot of the romanian wire folders are made for the solid stock tanks they're actually interchangeable you can get that side folding feature with this plus they can look really pretty moving on to the under folder the feel well it's very wide basically it feels like you have a horseshoe in your shoulder socket that is because you pretty much do not necessarily the worst ever but you do have to realize because of where the height of the stock is you're not really going to be getting a cheek weld if you did that you'd be looking straight into the recoil back of the recoil spring assembly really at best you're going to be getting kind of a chin weld lower chin weld not the most uncomfortable thing in the world to shoot however you just kind of have to be prepared for what you're getting into when you commit to an under folder kind of like a pitfall actually i don't know why i just said that now the solid stock now on this slr 107 fr i'm cheating a little bit i'm using the polymer stock here and this is pretty much a lot of the same feel as if this were a solid stock so you got some nice surface area here in the rear pretty good cheek weld could be better could be far worse especially for a folder but you still have full folding capability so basically it's all the fun of a folding stock with all of the feel of a solid stock once you get it up into your shoulder this usually isn't what most people think about when i think about a side folder though so one sec it's vit's time [ __ ] so this is a typical triangle folding stock this one is slightly modified because it is meant for the kp uh clash club usa replica of the vichaz to be able to fit over that barrel pin there that's kind of the way this latches since the receiver is slightly shorter than a typical crank or whatever uh side folder you'd have the latch there normally this has always felt really sexy to me still you get good surface area there in the back you get i mean it's a little thinner than a standard stock but it still feels good in the shoulder and i can get well this one's a little bit higher because of the optic but if i was getting down on the irons still get a decent cheek weld also these are just kind of aesthetic as [ __ ] this is probably the part of the video where you're going brandon why are you getting so in-depth into all the pros and cons of each one of these stocks can't i just choose which one i want and then change it later i mean it's not like if i choose one i'm stuck with it well it's funny you say that it is true that uh you can swap uh if you have like a fixed stock or something like that and i wanted it to be a side folder i wanted it to be an under fold or something along those lines i could make that happen but it is a lot less like changing furniture and it is a lot more like a sex change this is what we would call our standard stamped receiver this is where we would have uh two rivets here and then our stock tank sticking out here that is part of the rear trunnion as you see this is completely flush here this receiver can be anything it wants to be when it grows up full of hopes and dreams and hasn't even found out about taxes yet enter the under folder that's a lot of holes so as you can see on this receiver here we have our center hole this is where the the meat of the assembly goes in then we have our two side holes where you know that's where the locking happens have that on both sides and once these are drilled it's a lot harder to undrill them that's why we measure twice and cut once or after six beers just send it but seriously this is one of those things that can be done to standard stamped receivers it is pretty damn intrusive and uh it's gonna be a real [ __ ] to undo at the same time it's really just a bunch of holes uh on this side this side is just a bunch of holes on this side you have these two little wings on the top and bottom that's not true with the side folder this is a receiver that's currently waiting to be de-milled so we can build it up properly but this one right here you can at least see where it is you know cut on the side right there and then on this side it's cut even further again for the hinge and that is a good bit of milling work right there to uh cut this area for the button to protrude and then on the side of course you have that hole plus you have the three rivet holes on this side and three on this side as well this shares practically nothing in common with a standard rear trunnion solid stock ak on top of that you also have to mill the slot up front this nice square slot that's super easy to cut that's of course for your retainer there and your button there on the bottom for where that sticks through when attaches to the bottom of the trunnion on top of all that [ __ ] you also have to buy the appropriate trunnion whether you're going under folder or side folder you have to buy the trunnion the folding stock assembly etc etc it's pain in the ass that's why a lot of times if people want to change we just really advise that you just buy a whole new receiver basically gonna have to rebuild the gun anyway you might as well just spend seventy dollars on a receiver that's already cut for an under folder or a side folder really makes things a whole lot easier it really is that invasive and if you're not good with a welder it's basically [ __ ] impossible there are a couple ways you can kind of budget like there's an adapter i believe for the under folders where you can have a an m4 stock adapter for that but you could still plainly see where it is actually an under folder i think that's what pull on our tactical has on his folder so brandon which stock should i have on my ak well the answer is corny as it is i say all of them if you're an ak fanatic like me you should definitely have one solid stock ak one under folder one side folder just for the halibut [ __ ] you should probably have like five of each aks are kind of like pringles in that way you can never have just one except uh if you throw pringles at a home invader you're going to get raped but realistically if you are trying to decide between the three stock options that's funny between your stock options on your ak if you have a friend that has all three or one friend that has the one that you're looking for definitely recommend trying it out maybe going to the range with it seeing if it's what you like going to your local gun range if they still have anything in stock trying it there really get a good feel for it if that's what you want to buy send it i'm just saying they're all kind of dope should probably have all of them anyway guys i hope you liked this video i hope it uh maybe opened your eyes on a couple of things or if you're somebody who just knew all of this i hope i was entertaining enough for you to make this worthwhile got some cool announcements for the channel as far as future content and whatnot i'm really excited for that so i hope you guys stick around for it subscribe if you haven't already we do educational stuff like this occasionally for the rest of you i guess i will see you on gun meme review coming into this week so as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks guys [Music] you are welcome for that audio the trusty kp9 representing that triangle folder gang yeah let me do that again the kp9 with the triangle folding stock representing that triangle folder gang [ __ ] let me do that again sort of a [ __ ] thank big boy at big daddy unlimited for make video happen do you like guns ammo nfa items gun accessories of course you do let me do that again do you like guns ammo and gun [ __ ] slaps roof that's not how that meme goes never mind i forget i said that moving on to the under folder [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 431,860
Rating: 4.9726129 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, AK stock, akg, Wood, magpul, underfolder, side folder, AK operators union, stock, AKG-47, ak, ak-47, gun meme review, guns, akm
Id: cbPWhDd6kVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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