Testing The Plastikov

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Gun. Meme. Review.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

RIP 3d printers they are going to get banned now

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/SpaceCowBoy_2 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Idk why he's surprised about the FGC peening with time... happens 100% on 80% lowers that weren't heat treated properly. If it happens to metal it will happen to plastic

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
and I think this thing might be about to fail let's keep running well the day is finally arrived and I'm just gonna tell you one last time just remember you asked for this the plastic off the whole idea behind the plastic off is to create an open-source 3d printable aka receiver that allows people to put together readily available a.k parts kits into the gun at home with I guess minimal tooling or experience now you may recall god it's just over a year ago now we did a video with the 3d printed aka receiver that went well so that maybe was mostly done as a joke that part was never meant to fire we literally just had a 3d for today k receiver from a previous test fit or whatever for whatever reason we had it laying around thought we'd build it shoot it but with 3d printing progressing so much over the last few years and so many people actually trying new stuff and kind of just I don't know doing a lot of more stuff with 3d printed guns we ended up with plastic off which is a legitimate attempt at using 3d printing to make a receiver to put a parts kit together now this isn't going to completely explode like the last one because this actually utilizes a parts kit trunnion so the bolt is the the same for just a hungarian parts kits and AMD 65 which is what the plastic off is built for hungarian trunnion hungarian bolt so all of the lockup is contained within the parts kit the receiver is just kind of the clamshell that clamps everything together hold your part roll group that's a feature so we put the plastic off together yesterday and now I think we are ready to shoot I've got a I got a lot of thoughts on it but let's just go ahead and see if it explodes first that's I think that's gonna be a good starting point so let's rig it up I am going to shoot this thing assuming it survives I think it's gonna survive at the very least a couple rounds we shall find out so let's go do it a practical example of why this is kind of an issue with the bolt carrier being completely captive in this design is that we actually had this one was our fault but it's a number of things could happen cleaning whatever we don't have a firing pin in it right now because we just grabbed the off the off the shelf bolt just gonna send it that was anticlimactic I just grabbed a bolt from the parts kit I don't think I put a firing pin in it yeah because we can't take it out of the rails to take the bolt out and put the firing pin in it service the weapon now we are going to have to completely disassemble this entire receiver pull these rails out and literally [ __ ] rebuild it just so we can get our test fire done yeah you'd have to do the same thing if you wanted to change your furniture put a lower handguard on it put your upper handguard on it replace the gas tube clean your gas tube that's an issue another problem I noticed with this is it could wobble pretty seriously from side to side which isn't a problem until it binds on the rail and literally prevents your gun from firing it's that kind of an issue but just to get our one round test-fire out of this thing just to shoot it once and see what's what we're just gonna throw a firing pin in here it's not going to be retained by the normal pin through the bolt but if it surprised one round we'll go ahead and we'll actually take it apart and put it back in this is just kind of becoming a clutch of a film day but we'll see what happens all right so actual attempt this time plastic Cobb going hot three two one so we only loaded one round in the magazine for that reason yeah well I kicked it out so [ __ ] guess we're taking this apart the ejector is painting already yeah just a little bit put on the edge okay there's something else it's actually painting on the back end too I think from returning to battery so many times and to be fair on this note these rails were actually sent to me by Ivan Patrol the original creator and he did say that these were prototype rails because honestly he was a lot of who was a lot of work to have to make these from scratch it was supposed to be out of like rectangle like tube stock and honestly it's just it was kind of becoming kind of a kludge and he helped us out and something's over but they are prototype rails all right second round see if she cycles and a hammer reset cool yeah she would have been ready to go for another round say what let's load up a couple now let's see what she can do test three see is this a hold open mag no it's not so I just got hung up there at the very end with no obvious signs of it's tearing itself apart we're gonna rip it apart make sure that nothing is coming to pieces and then guess we're getting to the part where I've got to shoot this thing I was looking and I was noticing a very weird wear pattern right here where there's contact you see exposed metal where the lower rail were they bolt travels and I was wondering like what the hell the that of all places I did it slowly I'm realizing once it passes the hammer that's no longer getting that upward push the bolt is trying to rotate because for whatever reason they use metric and using metric over imperial you're actually on standard sizing you're farther away than what the actual dimension should be and the bolt is trying to rotate is what the lower rails do other than just housing the ejector they're actually keeping the bolt from rotating before it gets to the trunnion where it can actually lock up the gun here it's trying to rotate and that's actually what was causing that ejector deformation I was talking about earlier on the backhand is that the both is trying to rotate early and you could see it plain as day try it's contacting the back because it's rotating too early and smacking the back of the ejector which should not be happening so it's I don't know you're actually making it more difficult to source the parts by putting a geometric at least for sure here in the states I think when we looked the the cheapest bit of tubing that was correct for this it was like 60 bucks and then the the Imperial stuff like the stuff that uses the inches I mean that's it's commercially available you can go to Lowe's buy that [ __ ] all righty well time to be a hero this kills me lie to my parents and say I was [ __ ] to death on a gay brothel does cover just popped off that's neat also I should probably put the other ear Pro on for this one okay so I noticed there the last ejection was super lethargic and then the next round after that it appeared oh [ __ ] interesting so I thought the failure was it was a failure to load the next round it was not actually this is a failure in the rail so remember what I was just talking about I was seeing as a problem with that bolt rotating too early that's exactly what just stopped this gun prematurely rotated and if you can zoom in there that bolt is stuck on that back rail this thing's rotating too early hopefully that's not going to totally kill this s too early we can continue to put them down because honestly I want to see how long this thing goes but with that rails with that rail speck I want to see how how far this thing goes but I mean that that rail issue I noticed it pretty early on I don't know if it's gonna let us keep going so if you're good I'll keep [Applause] [Applause] that's the one that just came out what the [ __ ] yeah I don't think this thing might be about fail let's keep running all right dust cover is just it's it's shy it's not showing up to work today so we're just gonna run this as a [ __ ] convertible hope I don't eat a carrier this is actually partially our fault I hate these these wire folding stocks I mean I have a love for the AMT 65 but this is just kind of inconvenient we didn't have a button for the folder so that's why it's flopping around on that that's not actually the designs fault it's kind of last when it thrown it together that that however is the designs fault all right that was different why didn't that work Oh gnarly okay gun is kill that could have been better let me just say this this is not an attack at 3d printed guns or things like that because I think the technology's cool as hell we use 3d printers all the time I think this is something that theoretically could be done I think the problem here a I want to show what failed so that people doing stuff like this in the future know what to do and know what to look out for but I also I guess the problem with this comes down to why you got to figure out is what you're doing worth doing and is there an easier way to do it I guess because we're coming at this in the heels of this was harder to build in a normal and K it was probably if we bought all the pieces it would have been more expensive to do than an 80% or 8k that are just widely available now and it's just like is 3d printing the answer to this particular problem if you really want to apply 3d printing to building a ghost gun kind of like the the attempt was here why not 3d print a drilling template for like an 80% receiver that way you still end up with a steel receiver properly heat-treated its hundred percent in spec you know just 3d print the jig the c-clamp on it so you know where to drill stuff like that that's see that's an application for 3d printing [ __ ] you something like that is it the proper application for 3d printing in this space plastic off well let's let's do a deep dive let's do a pole post mortem here so there were like three things here that were actively failing and I am I was trying to see what was going to fail first and I was actually kind of it was a surprise to me so what actually killed the gun is in stopped it from functioning is this a hammer pen improvised hammer pen we literally just cut up a drill bit and shoved it in there but it was nice and tight before we made sure everything was you know tight nothing was wobbling around and [ __ ] like that this has been progressively walking the entire time we've been shooting this just the action of the hammer swinging forward and being forcibly reset by the the action of the bolt carrier has been making that egg and walk in the direction that so if you're putting backward rotational force on the hammer it's going to want to can't that pin upward and upward in to the rear which is why it walked upward and to the rear what that did is it allowed this to walk side to side look at that that is a dramatic amount of walk that is [ __ ] insane and so this was able to be pushed to the back and when it tried to reset this most recent time the ears of the hammer are actually preventing the weapon from functioning so your fire control group in the words of Palpatine ironic if our control group the thing that is allowing your gun to fire is actually what stopping it from functioning but no I'm resetting that by hand now pull this back there's our last round that never rejected the bolt rotation issue was kind of crazy so that's where it was stopping when I was having to put it back forward it wasn't a magazine failure or anything like that it was actually rotating and stopping on the back of that ejector because like I said in an attempt to go metric they actually have the sizing wrong and it's allowing the bolt to rotate prematurely it's actually not something that I caught while we were building this there's a lot of [ __ ] that I caught we were building a lot of fitment a lot of stuff that's just oh god that that is a can of worms as a can of worms but it's a bunch of [ __ ] I never would have did it failing I mean I would have thought because you know 3d printed guns and you know a little bit of old-world gunsmithing plastic bad I would have thought that the rear trunnion would have split something with a crack here would have allowed the rear trainer to go Free Willy and put a bolt carrier into my head as actually not what ended up happening it was the fire control group that's a bit of an upset I wouldn't have called that don't take this as discouragement to anybody to try to stop doing stuff like this honestly that's the sort of stuff like doing this and coming out here and showing the issues with it or how people learn and you figure out what's wrong you figure out what you can do better stuff like that so don't take this as like just I'm [ __ ] on it but this this was not ready by any means as it's in its current configuration I have no idea how anyone could get 300 rounds out of it let alone 1,000 yeah it's I have no idea how that would be possible I was blessed I didn't have to spend much in a month today but oh well either way you guys been asking for the plastic off that is now my experience with the plastic off raw unedited we didn't you know do any kind of crazy tricks or anything to it to make it I mean this is just we built it as for the directions and it was its own specs where its downfall but I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you like to see videos like this in the future please let me know we considered we toss around a few ideas like maybe fixing the plastic off like just a few other ways that maybe something like this might be a little bit more feasible or just you know so if you guys want to see something like that please let me know if you don't give a [ __ ] about 3d printing also please let me know and I guess as always I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers video never let it be said that we don't take safety seriously around here I don't know how Eric Mrak that does these well that Mac doesn't fit we have 2x tech magazines that I will not be able to get that in without breaking it another next tech magazine goes right in Oh as I was saying I don't know how Eric from Ivy does the whole kit cuz this has got to be hot as hell with his whole getup it's a good video the full lot of meltdowns good videos to do in the winter for sure okay so that one fits and if it fits it ships if you don't have a retainer pin in your pocket how are you gonna shoot a PSA
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 2,402,001
Rating: 4.8829947 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Plastikov, 3D printing, 3D print, Ender 3, ctrlpew, abs, PLA, receiver, ak, 80%, blanks, 7.62, homemade, diy, build, Parts kit, liberator, Cody Wilson, defense distributed
Id: UdB59FLQ18U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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