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Sweet baby Jesus the thumbnail alone

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Danthemannnnn2 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

What Brandon's username I would like to thank him

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nobleb650 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I may just be a cursed gun fetishist but there’s an appeal here

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/urbandeadthrowaway2 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
dude it's time to film cursed gun images but where's brandon hello anybody here there's cars here the shower running well the door's open leave me alone dude are you okay i don't want to do it we need a video for monday not going come on you can bring the bottle with you really my body is ready what is up you youtube mother lovers that's right you don't get sexy today you're you're not sexy today because you're making me do another cursed gun images so uh if i have to do this then you lose the sexy until next video but yes we are here for another installment of cursed gun images let's boogie so these are going to be cursed gun images that we've either found somewhere on the internet or you guys have sent in through the reddit or hashtag cursegunimages on instagram without further ado peter patter let's get at her alright so we're starting off strong we've got our uh looks to be bolt action pipe pistol here with some sort of really that pistol grip is kind of backwards trying to go with like a leia luger style blaster i think oh god i just realized what this actually is this makes this so much worse i think they just taped uh like a 22 bolt action uh receiver i guess from a barreled action to a romanian dong i legitimately think that's what they did i think they hacked the [ __ ] out of a romanian dong like the dong foregrip on an ak that i don't have back there anymore if you're unfamiliar with the enigma that is the romanian dong uh here you go it's the lower handguard on some of the romanian guns that have this well it's uh it's a dong apparently i have an 80 pistol frame in my hand now who knew all right time to make like my x's and swipe left so on first glance i didn't actually see anything wrong with this until i looked a little bit closer this hurts me particularly as you could maybe tell but it's really not the revolver itself that i have an issue with it's the fact that they put a bunch of ak barrel components all over the front like there is a chopped ak front sight block at the end with a ak gas block and part of a gas tube leading all the way back to the frame leading me to ask is this a gas-operated revolver and if so why it's not it's not you'd be funneling gas directly into your cylinder which is not a good idea basically instead of working the action you'd be sending fire back where your bullets are which i guess in a way makes this extraordinarily cursed it's a revolver except every time you fire the opposite round down on the bottom also fires and just kind of gets fire shot at it until it blows up although i don't think that'll be a problem on this one because i'm pretty sure it's airsoft moving on this one actually sent over to me by kite and defense one of the guys that's working on the guy working on the reproduction pp19 uh bison bizone however the hell you say that the pp gun something that was apparently sent to his inbox i'm assuming um the fleshlight bison the the magazine is uh it is actually oddly flashlight shaped although if you take that suppressor off and you flip it upside down it's pretty much just pointing the the weapon right into your scrotum as you're using this device i don't want to think too hard in the logistics of this moving on actually no i kind of do want to think about the logistics because if you kept the can on and you still flipped it but before you did that you fired like 10 rounds or something like that uh it might actually just be the perfect warmth to just be like a ball cupper kinda i'm sorry oh god we're going to hell all right moving on oh boy so kalashnabran i think the worst part about this is that it actually looks entirely functional like at first glance i just thought it was another like kind of just weird mashup but ah there's some effort into this and it looks just the trigger linkage i think it probably follows the other side up the side of the receiver um i think this works so if you're unfamiliar the brand is the british light machine gun that you know famously has the the 303 big ass uh 20 round i think magazine that just sits on the top of the gun and the the iron sights are offset from the magazine the ak as you might have been able to see has the magazine on the bottom where it belongs this just looks like they were able to flip the ak upside down put i love how they kept actually they kept the sights on the bottom they kept the rear sight on the bottom and just added they welded the top part of a rear sight next to the mag on top it's [ __ ] wonderful and they also flipped around the front sight so that's a preston pin barrel component they just pressed it 880 degrees on the opposite side and just [ __ ] they just sent it i'm impressed i i can't even hate on this one that dust cover pistol grip i'm sure is stable as hell and you know the stock being completely upside down on that angle i'm sure that'll last a good while i don't know like this is a full scent this is this was effort this is effort put into this one dare i say it's a blurs gun image actually forgive me mikhail for i have sinned i kind of want one of these now tell you what if this video hits a million views i'm gonna do it we'll do a whole video i could see that title now kalashna brenn i think we could make that work i know you guys are thinking last cursed gun images video you said that if it got x many views i think it was a million views uh then it would we would release the tactical bean holder file the tactical bean holder it's a cup holder for beans i just want to let you know i'm 100 still going to do that i just lost the file that is not something i ever expected to have to find against so i will find it and i will release it i don't know where you are but i will find you and i will release you well speaking of releasing files this is the 3d printed frame for the walder ppk uh from the dead disc guys as you can see it's a bit unconventional and just awful it does work though um and and i i love that they thought to include the broom handle mauser pistol grip for that that's particularly why god doesn't talk to us anymore i just love for christ's sake that they use the ppk and left the makarov out of this which by the way i am getting sent the new revised rails for the plastica v2 so that will be coming up soon and uh i i believe it's going to look a little bit better than this probably not by much but a little bit speaking of leaving the makarov out of this what the [ __ ] ivan so i've been getting sent this for a few months now and to be honest i've looked at this probably eight different times six of which well inebriated and i still can't figure it out i believe the intention here was to turn a police pistol the macro of pm uh that holds eight rounds into an open bolt machine gun why because [ __ ] them that's why complete with the bent sheet metal upper and the bent sheet metal little fore grip up front because that ins incredible 9x18 recoil that you're having for all of eight rounds is just you definitely need a four grip on that sucker it's just weird man it's very very strange yeah moving on i know it's the eyes causing this problem but the liver is going to pay for it ah yes i've seen this one before as well a lot of you guys have been sending this one to me and uh you thought that this was going to affect me this trash shovel ak abomination you you really think that this is going to be a problem for me you merely adapted to the curse gun image i was born in it molded by it i did not see a normal rifle until i was a man trash chevrolet k [ __ ] so while i was out of town for the j-max shoot uh this is what the boys in the shop put together get out of my way so her name is olga and basically the story on this broad is uh we have a bin at the shop uh we call the [ __ ] bin or the [ __ ] up parts bin where we just have parts that are [ __ ] up for one reason or the other they can't be put on a customer gun because there's something wrong with them and this is what came out of that so this is entirely built on parts that either needed significant work looked awful whatever that couldn't be used on customer guns the front sight gas block combo is a tantal gas block uh with a half of a chopped front sight block welded onto it barrel is basically just a barrel stub this receiver is a receiver that's actually blown up on me before this stock is it's not a stock it's a shovel the selector was chopped so they riveted and welded on a trigger uh trigger guard selector stop onto the side at the front of it everything is specifically made for this dumpster fire and it's wonderful shovel stock is surprisingly comfy basically what i'm saying is ow basically what i'm saying is you're gonna have to do better than that all right we're getting there this is uh uh what would you call that a flamboyant color scheme on uh some sort of uh mac 10 mac 11 here but what really completes it is the spongebob squarepants fidget spinner in there in the rear that's got to be wonderful i i wonder what that looks like during a mag dump although where did the blue come from in spongebob i guess the the water it looks like a bob the builder assault pistol yeah man back in my day uh we just like were having competitions on who had the coolest themed lunch box kids these days have [ __ ] everything and because it's basically legally required for a cursed gun images video we've gotta queue up thomas the dank engine and this is one that we had saved for cursed gun images but i'm glad it was included because i get sent these a lot so albeit this looks pretty steampunk cursed right kind of terrible it looks it it's this is bad however i'm not gonna call it a cursed gun image and there's actually a reason behind that there's an entire series of guns like this that were prototype guns from a russian gun designer i was going to say a russian gun designer in russia a russian gun designer by the name of irman korobov or german korobov airman corvo i don't know everybody gets really pissed off at my inability to pronunciate things the correct russian way and i don't know if you guys know this or not i don't know if you know this but i don't speak russian anyway homeboy was a weapon developer over at the tula arms plant and he came out with some crazy prototypes you can actually find i think most of them are still available to see at the tula arms museum if you happen to live in russia but they're whack they're really whack he really liked bakelite for some reason which i mean who amongst us doesn't one of them included a triple barrel bullpup which i don't even know how the hell it worked to be honest but it's [ __ ] whack looking it's kind of kind of rad i'm not gonna lie just like a dummy thick ak mag the entire hand guard up front is just ribbed for your pleasure kind of foamed it in on the rear uh but that's okay i love it it looks like the iron sights are part of the stamping just oh this is so bad i keep coming back to that it's just whack anyway you can google that on your own time let's proceed see we're learning together well i mean i knew that but you're you're real i'm i'm a consider this just bonus education from another online lecture from a really cool teacher some of you are watching this video while you're already skipping online school for that we salute you this is actually kind of dope does this work i know it's all like four pixels of this image but [ __ ] it's got the little ruler next to it next to the ammo that looks i think this was confiscated so i i think this might actually function i guess captured from a jail or some [ __ ] like that the cursed staple gun you're trying to staple up new targets the range and you keep punching holes in the target holder not gonna lie i didn't think anything was wrong with this one until i scrolled so according to my comment section i believe it's pronounced show shaw see you are teaching me stuff sure for sure in my opinion these guns kind of always look like [ __ ] so i didn't really see anything wrong with it if you're offended by that means you've never seen one in person yet unless you're french in which case i don't speak oh anyhow upon further inspection i realized something was amiss mostly the fact that there was no shaw here after all that's such a funny word it was indeed a narenko sks that merely self-identified as a showshop and has undergone many botched surgeries to arrive there i found this other photo too apparently this is just kind of a thing that people do i guess if you're larping as a world war one frenchman on a budget here's a tongue twister for you a faux frog with a shitty chocha ivan when i sent you to the walmart to get bushnell scope this is not what i had in mind there's actually a secret russian weapon developed in the uh 1960s just in case those cosmonauts were up to some shady [ __ ] getting a mind of their own they could take him out with a mosin from earth just kind of funny i don't know not really curse just i guess kind of funny you guys are gonna have to do better with the curse gun images i've seen a lot of the same ones seen a lot of crappy photo shots i need the most cursed stuff out there up your game wow from the demented mind of tim burton people say ak guys are weird man this is the sort of [ __ ] that can only come from an ar guy the mag stands for magazine not maggot i didn't think i'd have to specify that but um apparently i do i don't know what it is man the the maggot thing just makes me completely just sick i don't even like to look at that i'm sorry that you have to edit that why do we always end on the gross out ones oh yeah i remember because i don't want to [ __ ] do anymore after that well before i inevitably pass out um if you guys enjoyed the content uh please subscribe and hit the notification bell does help us out a lot if you want to get some merch why wouldn't you go ahead and get that down in the description in the pin comment and i will see you youtube mother lovers in the next video [ __ ] off [Music] time to erase those pesky memories
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 828,253
Rating: 4.9677052 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, cursed Gun images, cursed, gun meme review, meme review, bullpup, the AK guy, Korobov, bean holder, discord, Reddit, cursed images, chauchat, sks
Id: n4HAdj0ZoNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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