Best Optic Mounts for AK’s

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what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers that was way better than the first take today I'm gonna be addressing something that I see in my comments section all the time and on internet forums and in gun gun stores gun shops and in the hearts and minds of Fudd's everywhere mounting optics on aks apparently thanks to plenty of years of FUD lore people just don't think you can mount optics to a case for some some reason I swear to God if I have to here you can mount optics to a case one more [ __ ] time I'm gonna commit an act of violence now like I'm not like a random one like a target of one like on those people specifically or can be random I really don't care just basically violent anyhow today we're gonna be going over the different ways that you can mount optics to aks or just you know other general attachments but mostly focusing on like red dots optics you know generally things that help you see where you're doing the shoot e shoots realistically this is something that people have been doing for like half a century now so I have no idea why people still say you can't do that you see it all the time when people compare the a K and the AR they're like yeah well you know I like the a K it's really good reliable blah blah blah but it's not accurate and you can't mount stuff to it's like no where did you [ __ ] hear that is this this is this Call of Duty now are we playing call of duty I sort of God people read a stat sheet from a video game they played in fourth grade and they [ __ ] ingrain it in their mind is actual gun knowledge anyhow before I actually do commit an act of violence let's get to the first one so starting off this is one of my favorite ways of mounting an optic to an a K and the a K that we're using for demo here is actually our prototype AKG warfighter this is a nun that where I've been teasing for a little while but we're probably gonna start going into production on fairly soon we're finally catching up a much other stuff ake a factory getting set up and that hold that whole business but what's exciting about this is that this actually might end up on gun store shelves near you before the end of the year so I'm pretty excited for it anyway the optic mount that we're talking about is something that is probably gonna come standard on these warfighters the ultimate gas tube rail now these have been around for a long time what they are is they are a gas tube replacements so you throw out the normal gas tube that you find on a neikei which - upper handguard would be this little [ __ ] right here little stamp sheet metal that hangs in between the gas block and recite block and you replace it with this machined piece of aluminum that has a Picatinny rail machined into it it's bolted down with two u-bolts that run under the barrel under the lower handguard lock tied it down and this [ __ ] holds zero what I also like about this is that you get a lower one-third Co witness if you're running something like for example the primary arms advanced microdot by the way big thank you to primary arms for sending out this advanced microdot and a couple other things that we'll get to fairly soon I promise I'm working on it my audiences turn this channel into a meme channel so I don't get to shoot a lot anymore what a lower 1/3 code witness means is that while you're looking down the iron sights you can still see through the optic so it does not it's not mutually exclusive you don't have to choose whether or not you're gonna see your irons or you see the dot you can see the dot and on the lower 1/3 of that optic you see your iron sights so you can actually use both if you wanted I see a lot of stuff on the forums about these things getting hot people are worried about you know after mag after mag after mag if they're running a course or something like that these optics they're worried about them cooking I've heard people talk about it I've been running these for a long time I've never had it happen to me it's a valid concern because on the a.k the parts that get the the hottest quickest are the barrel the gas block and the gas tube that's where all the fire is so given that this is one of those parts and it is also literally attached to the other two I can understand the concern but I actually have this on one of the shot machine guns I've got an Ulta mag on the crank we run that quite often that optic has been going strong for like two years three years maybe and we've done Magda Magda Magda after mag dump with that thing we've never had an issue with cooking optics so if I can run that machine gun like hell and not cook the optic I think you're probably gonna be fine running semi-auto even if you're running it hard yeah these things run for about a hundred bucks so they're decently affordable they're not super crazy and you know if you run a nice little primary arms advance microdot those are you know also pretty cheap compared to the pain points and whatnot in the same category so it's it's actually fairly affordable way of mounting and optic to your a que I'm I actually don't get any kickback from ulta Matic by the way I'm done selling this yeah well I do like the ultimate it is not necessarily the most common method of mounting an optic although it's getting more common mostly when you hear about people adding optics to aks you hear about this side rail which is a riveted piece of steel on the side of the receiver that has been used about optics on aks for a very very long time much like the aka itself this is one of the few things made by the Communists that actually seem to work let's say you really want to reach out and touch somebody and see something pretty far this is the ACS s from primary arms I think this is a 6 X 6 X reticle and this is from the angry Hello Kitty optic video we did so that was a heck and miss but I'm going to be mounting it on the warfighter which also comes with side rail because regardless of whether I like the side rail or not because of Rob's keys no rail no sale policy now everybody seems to want them thanks Rob I've never had to do this sideways to show it to the camera before so it's a little awkward for me but basically you just slide it forward it's a little loose tighten this down like that and this is pretty solid so this is the Arsenal SM 13 mountain so with this I'm actually surprised I can see over that primary arms dot I was not expecting that I was not expecting that but I was expecting not to expect something so it doesn't count I can't see the primary arms dot but I can see over it I was a real operator I'd filed down that adjustment that way I could actually see it totally unobstructed but I'm not a tool bag so I'm not gonna do that basically what this allows you to do is it allows you to mount optics to the aka a little bit further back so if you have something like the advanced micro dot does really well on the front end of the gun because you have a lot of eye relief something like this you might want a little closer to your eye to be a little bit more comfortable this allows you to do that without have running into a lot of the problems that some of the earlier dust cover mounts had as far as retaining zero about as well as my credit card balance but the cool part is if you take this optic off you can still see down your iron sights because they have this nice little cutout there that allows you to still see your irons or in this case the optic you have up front because you're a tactical Timmy and a relatively quick detach all you have to do is pull that lever slides right off and you have your normal looking aka again but the number one name in the game it comes to a ke side rails is our s regulate they make some really really good [ __ ] they're one of the only side rails that I know of that is pretty damn modular so you have your your mount there your base and then you can put the actual Picatinny you can determine with allen keys and whatnot where you want it mounted a little further forward a little further back what kind of mounting style you want there's a lot of options with it and Scott's a good dude too so I always like to show him a little bit of love when I can sometimes the firearm industry good people are hard to find so when you do find one you definitely want to try to take care of them and make sure they're doing well this is actually the same mount that we used over on the a k2 to for video when we shot a thousand yards a lot of the mounts that are made for aks aren't exactly meant for super heavy optics like that we were using the u.s. optics b-17 which is a pretty heavy optics pretty heavy duty the only optic mount that we had for the a.k that was able to support a heavy optic like that and still retain 0 was the RS regular mount which honestly surprised pretty much everybody but this is a really rock solid mount so if you're going to go the way of the side rail I cannot recommend artists regulate enough and while I transition to the next thing we're gonna be talking about I think now is a good time to point out the fact that in the last video people were talking [ __ ] about this jean jacket they said it looked like I was auditioning for Brokeback Mountain - they were ragging on me for rockin the Canadian tuxedo so I figured it was worth bringing back for another one because [ __ ] those people which in no decent segue whatsoever brings me over to the next thing we're gonna be talking about which is the SLR rifle works rail so this is a two part of combo what this is is this is a lower handguard and a gas tube rail this is very much like the ultimate the only difference being well it has a lower handguard attached to it but instead of having two bands that go around the barrel this actually goes and bolts down directly to the meet the lower handguard here and so they kind of bind each other together it's pretty tough this is actually the one that we did the surfing on a while back it's a video from the old days in the channel back when I was still pretty skinny fat torture testing doesn't have to be boring and I had short hair those were not good days for me yes but it's actually a concept that was pretty cool and I think I want to come back to it eventually so collage surfing is something I want to bring back but this thing held up like a champ you see all where it's rub down the raw aluminum took all of the coating off of it ship the hell out of it scratch the [ __ ] out of it this thing held zero and actually so did the primary arms advanced micro God I was surprised by that I thought the optic was going to break it did not so a lot of things surprised me about that test primary arms optic I am shocked as hell that that's still on yeah these are very very solid option for mounting optics it also has em lock rail or dick mod if you're so inclined but this is a great option for mounting things like weapon lights or lasers or bipods or [ __ ] ballsack grips I don't know what you tactical timmy's do these days but yeah if you're looking for something a little bit more operator looking on the front end SLR rifle works is a good look and has a nice you know again lower profile that continued rail up top so this next one's a little different so what we have here is the bloated corpse of the two to four Valkyrie I had to rip it apart I had to fix some gassing issues it was running a little hot especially when we put that suppressor on it so I wanted to fix that put a kns piston on it now she's running really good at least she would if I put the gas block back on I forget why I took this apart it's been a while it'll get rebuilt and we're actually giving it away to one of our patreon people because that's one of the cool things that we're doing I don't talk about my patreon a whole lot just because I haven't really been doing a whole lot for it I want to get back into it what we do is it helps us bond cool crazy projects like the a k2 - 4 and at the end we give it away to a random patreon so this one's going out to a patreon patron I don't know if he wants to be shut out in this video or not but I am rebuilding it right now so we can send it out to his FFL but the part I want to talk about is one of the optic mounts that we ran on it this is the Sabre Works Kop this little beauty did not work out so well in the 2 to 4 because like I said pretty much none of them that we had were designed for a heavy-ass optic like a b-17 much less all the way out but kind of like a diving board configuration just it was a pretty challenging optic to work around but the mount itself is one of the coolest ideas I've ever seen as far as modernizing the a.k without being too intrusive what this does is this replaces your rear sight block if you're not intimately familiar with the a K this is your rear sight blocks what it looks like so it just kind of is a straight up replacement presses on to the barrel pins and you have this mounting platform now what can you mount on it one of my favorites is this t2 style mount so this is again for mounting things like the aim point t2 or also directly the primary arms Advanced Micro dot you know I'm just going to go ahead and put a little link in the description for the primary arms advanced micro dot I've been talking about it a whole lot and might as well give primary some love because they send me a lot of love as well and optics not that love isn't important but optics are slightly more useful but the cool part about the Kop is that you can actually just unpin this pull this off and put on something else they have scope rails they have Picatinny rail they have all sorts of stuff they even have now if you want to go classic and you don't want to lose the a K look they have a an a K style rear sight leaf which i think is super cool I think they even use a surplus rear sight on it so it just slides in like so pin that [ __ ] through and you have a standard looking a cabe rear sight block that doesn't lose too much of that a K aesthetic while also giving you a lot of options for mounting optics the cool part is that it retains 0/2 so you can actually just swap this out if you want to go from a red dot to a you know an ACOG to a scope to iron sights you can just keep those in a backpack or a fanny pack or a man purse I don't know where you're keeping these but the point is you can swap them out fairly quickly and still retain 0 plus like I mentioned before I always like supporting good people so Fred over at Sabre works 13 awesome dude he is actually one of the ones that was helping out at the a K operator course that you guys saw with Center T so he's he's been a longtime friend and like said when I get a good an opportunity to shout out some good people I always take advantage of it so definitely go show them some love as well see ya long story short there are a shitload of ways that you can mount optics to your Kalashnikov pattern rifle there are a lot that I didn't even cover in this video frankly the t WS dogleg rail that replaces the dust cover is one of them I just don't happen to have any in the shop right now there's just there's a lot of good companies out there that are constantly innovating new ways that you can mount optics to aks and I don't hate all of them which is you know interesting I really don't fall into that whole like you know yet rifle is fine crowd I actually think it's a little annoying sometimes don't get me wrong I hate it when people Baba guns for no reason or they try to make it all tactical like they're about to go on their first [ __ ] Delta mission but I do like it when people release products that make practical advances on the rifle that allow it to fulfill its purpose whatever that may be a little bit better but that's a shockingly rational perspective it's you guys are not gonna let me enjoy that after all this is the internet and we don't do that here but I hope you guys did like this video these are just some of my favorite ways and some of the ways that you know some companies that I like to support and different things but most importantly it shows that you can mount optics to your aka in a lot of ways that are suited to you so shut the [ __ ] up and please stop telling me you can't do it you can do it but that's all I've got for this video so I hope you guys learn something I hope you enjoyed it be sure to give some love down to the people in the pin comment whoever they may be I haven't decided yet I'll have to check that out when I actually wake up and figure out what I'm putting in the description of this video but I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers in the next video on Monday thanks I don't pay for stuff much anymore cuz I'm [ __ ] Gucci like that but I think these things run for about ninety eight bucks retail I can't even say that with a straight face [ __ ] Christ yeah held that a little too long
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,371,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Side rail, scope rail, rob ski, ultimak, Arsenal, SLR Rifleworks, RS Regulate, TWS, dogleg rail, handguard, review, AKG, ALG, Warfighter, Jmac, scope
Id: ITaXWlhrSgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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