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what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers yes I'm still alive as most of you saw I did come down with the rota but to be honest I I think I beat it fairly quickly I think I was not in like three or four ish days so it really wasn't a huge deal three out of ten need a better plague next time but I'm not out of the woods yet because I have to react through a video that you guys have been flooding my DMS with ever since it came out there was a new video from Forgotten weapons called the worst day K I have ever seen of course I watched it immediately and true to the video's name yeah that is probably one of the worst a case I have ever seen but as soon as it was posted you guys flooded my comments you flooded all of like on Instagram and everything just asking me to react to this video so here we go but first crack a white claw I'm not pretty sure this is the be-all end-all cure to the rona either that or the Ronin just hits 8k guys differently huh maybe if you just pickle all of your internal organs first the virus has nothing black on - all right I'm gonna go and stop talking about that before we lose all of our monetization speaking of not having monetization I just want to give a quick shout-out to our sponsor for this video sportsmen guy they've been a huge support of the channel to pass they really helped us out on a couple of occasions cuz their let's face it will link this pumps with the channel but they're a great resource for all sorts of outdoorsy stuff like guns ammunition military surplus guns ammunition got some kind of cool stuff coming up with sportsman's guy here in the future I'm excited to continue to partner with them if you want to check them out go ahead and check the link in the description and/or the pin comment or you can go ahead and check out the site take care of the guys who take care of us so anyways I'm dumb procrastinating let's go this rifle first came to my attention when someone decided to try firing it I was watching and the entire gas block assembly went down range yeah that's not good that's supposed to be attached I think the most horrific example of gunsmithing I've ever seen in my life let me show you by outward appearances this is a 5.56 millimeter version of an aks 47 you print cop all right so right off the bat you can already tell some shits not right with this gun from the pancake rivets to that massive gap in the furniture the lack of pins holding the front sight gas block combo on which clearly Rocketman off the front of the [ __ ] gun but what really hurts is that as bad as this is about to get this parts kit is an actual crank parts kit the the dust cover the the roof site block hinge block the combo block you can tell since this is a real crimp kit that somebody for whatever reason chambered in 556 but those kids are not cheap these kids go for like 2 grand when you can find them these are these are really expensive gifts so for somebody to butcher this one in particular hurts me worse than a traditionally [ __ ] a K all right I'm sorry I'm done interrupting take it away gun Jesus the first bad sign Pro mag you'll cut that they didn't bother to install the latch to hold the stock that's supposed to be the rivet hole for it so close it's not a it's not a rivet necessarily it's a it's a little small pin I wish I had my crank with me I show you guys but it's it's a little pin that retains there's a little wire spring that holds the latch in place that grabs that stock when it folds it pins through the bottom of the receiver and actually goes into a hole at the very bottom of the front trunnion that is there to kind of retain it unless you don't [ __ ] have one in which case you know perfect that's supposed to be a little catch oh the stock in place but that's really the least of this thing's problems rivets look that's nice those rivets look like somebody just dropped a little bit of just melted solder into the holes for the rivets were supposed to be that's impressively bad we're less like this this is not a proper rivet this is definitely not a proper rivet that's more like a pin on this side we're really no better this is just useless and horrible this one looks kind of like a nail and that one's actually like that's bit that means there's one rivet on this side at least that's gonna hold the rail running in place not quite sorry and so there are multiple different kind of rivets on a you know you've got short rivets you get the long rivets you get swell neck rivets the non swell neck rivets the one he's talking about right there is the top rivet on the rear trunnion of a I think a four point five millimeter side fault it really doesn't matter four point five millimeter five point five millimeter it's the same thing in Reverse the rivets the short rivets on an ADK don't go all the way through so it's just little it pops out maybe like half an inch and then you crush it and then it crushes that piece of the trunnion to the receiver and you know you got a nice form dome on one side and then the crushed flat on the other that one that he's pointing out in particular unfortunately is a long rivet which means it goes all the way through the gun so it starts on one side and there's just like a drilled hole that goes through the entire trunnion and out the other side and so it goes through the receiver in both places and then you crush the other side and usually you either crush it completely flat like the modern 100-series style or you a cup it and so you have to good form domes on both sides or at least that's the plan so no I don't think there's any good rivets on this side cuz that rivet goes all the way through it's the same rivet that looked like the drip of solder so yeah somehow this gun is even worse than you thought it's a Christmas miracle really selector lever notches yeah we'll just cut those in there with a cut-off wheel from a dremel tool gone Smith some of you are done Smith sand can already see what the problem is here those of you who are not these parts are supposed to be flush with each other the whole point of putting in rivets is that you tighten things down together and then keep them there these not so much and because they weren't able to get them very close it appears that this top plate ended up being too thick for the rivets so rather than fix the original real whoa I just I'm sorry I got sidetracked I know I'm supposed to be looking at that awful like just awful bucktooth gap between the the rivet heads and the receiver just notice this is a [ __ ] machine gun you ever hear the memes and people talk about the the third hole that's the third pin right there and that's uh that is in Auto sear this this is a machine gun somebody somebody did this to a crank kit that they were building as I'm sure a post dealer sample full auto and they built it like this obviously this gun wasn't inspected closely before it was first fired because well that's where the whole Horror Show started that is not the muzzle end of an ADK barrel holy cow just I I literally I have never seen anything like you ever wonder why God doesn't talk to us anymore I think I'm starting to get clued in now if we pull off the booster I think see that's not kerbin I think someone took some sort of barrel and I don't know exactly what kind but it sure wasn't a proper crank off barrel and they didn't even bother to drill out the holes that are supposed to be used for the two pins that hold the gas block in place those are just solid Jesus Christ so they still used a virgin crank lock like so that that normally when you have a parts kit it's already been demilled from a gun that was built in another country it was cut up and imported over here and rebuild it this was a virgin gas block front sight block combo like the the crank block there you can tell because it hasn't been drilled like let me back this up real quick yeah that hasn't been drilled before that's never had pin so we call it we call it a virgin parts kit because it's never you know it was never penetrated I suppose see how the guy did not even get half of a [ __ ] about attempting to build this the proper way yeah you know he probably didn't even know how to do it to be frank he clearly didn't understand that that has to be a press fit because you know that thing is just horseshoe ring her in around the [ __ ] barrel I'm wondering how this ever fire to be honest because there's not even a proper gas seal I wouldn't imagine you probably don't even have an if it's that [ __ ] loose on the barrel the gas has got to escape from the gas port and go every which direction I'm not sure I genuinely don't know how this could have fired those are just solid and rather than trunk and honestly from the part that's coming up next probably for the best that it didn't get fired a whole lot let's take a closer look inside do we want to en I don't know bolt carriers okay the bolt itself is not okay in order I suspect to headspace this gun they win went in and ground off the back of the locking lugs that you can see they almost took off the beginning of the first serial number digit here that is tremendously dangerous among other things and like a holy cow who does this yeah you know no big deal just grind down your [ __ ] locking lugs they're not important they're just keeping the explosion inside the gun and not in your face I think s why they did that there's not a lot of excuses for doing some [ __ ] like that if I had to guess I think they've already had spaced the barrel they've already pressed in the barrel and drilled and pinned it and then they plan to go put in their bolt and realize that it was too tight and wouldn't close or wouldn't close on a go gauge however like it let's I'm assuming they actually had headspace gauges which at this point is a stretch and in order to make it fit instead of doing it the proper way and you know pressing the barrel back out where it's facing and using an oversized pen and just redrawing no I think they just cut down the back of their locking lugs cuz that's safe now you can lap your locking lugs sometimes to fit that's a little bit more you know advanced just trying to get full contact on all your surfaces when you're when your bolts going into lockup however taking it to a grinding wheel is probably not a good call but we shall press on and look at the rest of the barrel funny cuz that's the only time that barrel has ever had anything properly pressed on yeah he said he's gonna press on it's a pun I'm sorry there we go let's take the handguard retainer off yep sure enough what's supposed to be a nice little clean cut out there for the front handguard is once again ground out with some sort of dremel or Dremel light tool yeah that's supposed to be like a precision mill a little cut there that was clearly again taken to a grinding wheel now I can be a surgeon with a grinding wheel but that's not clearly not an example of that in fact the whole barrel is a bit of a mystery to me here because it's been turned down it's still in the white but it's clearly had lathe work on it here and it's been turned down on a machine this far but then it's been turned down with some sort of like angry either grinding tool out for the last two inches so this is the scary part about Bubba is I believe their power is greater in numbers honestly the barrel work I mean I've obviously seen better work on that that part that he pointed out the lathe part that looks like somebody actually took it to the correct machine I've seen better barrels it doesn't look atrocious clearly it was working but then when Bubba number two got to it I probably got back realised he [ __ ] up the dimension Arry said the wrong dimension or whatever whatever however this happened I feel like we're doing a post-mortem on this damn gun either way guy gets it back and he's like ah [ __ ] it my blocks not gonna fit on it or even worse it could have been the right dimension then he just didn't understand the concept of pressed fitting I don't [ __ ] know I really at this point I'm at a loss remember you guys wanted this alright I never planned on making this video there is a gas port in it which appears to be indexed properly this just doesn't make a lot of sense to me like ah sorry I'm kind of at a loss for words here I don't know what it's almost like one person started this project badly and another person finished it worse if we look at the the markings on the receiver it is actually in a point two to three millimeter while I've got the parts out we'll take a look here oh that is [ __ ] atrocious you can even see I a what appears to be where whatever view they were as they're crushing tool for crushing the back of that rivet missed and hit the trunnion and they just smash through the side of the trunnion and then they just pancake that rivet completely flat which I I mean I guess to be fair it it should be relatively solid but just looks heinous Jesus the inside of that rivet is not at all hammered down like the outside of that one looks okay but that's because clearly okay here let me pause this is a really good opportunity to show you guys what I was talking about earlier with that that long rivet as you can see on the two up front here you can see they only protrude a little bit in and then the back ends are crushed flush and that's what keeps that part of the trunnion attached to the receiver the longer rivet is not like that so the long rivet the one rivet head that Ian gave them credit for actually that was the preformed head and it just goes all the way through that area of the root runyan there as you can see it's all solid and then it goes out the other side where they I don't know molested it with a with a steel hammer like the outside of that one looks okay but that's because clearly like when you get a rivet it comes with one side nicely domed and you put that through and then you're supposed to hammer the other side into a similar don't press it they put the nice one on the outside there and the crap ones on the inside this is what they did that one's kind of crummy at both ends we can't really get a good view down on the inside of these I'm genuinely curious what they use for rivets on these because some of these do some of these are they look like decent rivets like a que builder style rivets or at least something close a table really finished so these these look pretty in the white but the other one I d-did like pretty much nailed it looks like a ah damnit he nailed it because it looks like a nail I'll shut up unfortunately unfortunately like you don't need to see more of this I don't really have any particularly philosophical ending for this video just this this gun is literally so awful in so many ways and it's so many levels that I've never I've never seen something this bad I've truly never seen something this bad oh okay yeah though that was that I don't necessarily know it was the worst 8k I've ever seen but it's definitely out there stephannie top 3 I've seen some pretty heinous builds in my time unfortunately and yeah that that is definitely that is top top 3 so I'll say this if the owner of that gun is watching this video or if anybody knows the actual owner of that poor poor poor a.k please get in touch with me we will fix this gun for free I can't save all the bad ATK's out there but I can try damn it really this is just a pretty heinous example especially because it's built on such a nice kit that is really a nice cranked kit especially 5 for 5 kids becoming more and more rare that's just a travesty so it's it's a great kit you built it as an SBR as a machine gun no legitimately if anybody does know how to get in contact with the owner of this gun if you would like it repaired then you haven't cast it into the fire yet please please get in touch we will we will fix this gun for free see hopefully this story has a happy ending oh alright anyways guys as you can tell I'm clearly feeling a lot better I'm good to go ready to go for another gun me review on Thursday things are trucking along maybe when my doctor clears me I will be able to be back in the shop and working on cool new stuff cool new projects and ya know I'm excited I'm glad talk to you guys this proof of life see see my phone says Sunday June 28th so proof of life I am still here I was an old white cloth that was an old white clutter so no my desperately two days nice anyway guys I guess this kind of falls in the cursed gun images category I don't really know why you guys wanted to see you guys wanted to see this video really bad so I I was I was I was gonna say happy to do it but it was mildly unpleasant but I'm really hoping I get to fix that or crank get her to stretch her legs again as a properly built machine gun but before I go if you want to head on over to the B channel we've been uploading a lot of content from our trip down to drive tanks an ox ranch it was fantastic you want to see me shoot a flamethrower and a minigun in the same video you can head on over to the V channels a lot of behind the scenes stuff there as axe starting to take off a little bit profile photo - you guys will like that but I think that just about wraps up everything we're gonna do for today so well as always I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers in the next video [Music] all right I'm gonna go ahead and stop talk about that before we lose all of our monetization I can't talk today must have been those five breakfast man Moses we got some stool we've got some cool stuff coming up with sports pants kind I'd kind of be kind of interesting to see oh [ __ ] come on I can do this I promise got some kind of stew
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,039,780
Rating: 4.9168978 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, forgotten weapons, Ian, worst AK, cursed, cursed gun images, gun meme review, reaction, Krink, gunsmith, AK builder, worst AK ever, demolition ranch, Kentucky ballistics, Sportsman’s guide, gun builder reacts, corridor crew, vfx artists
Id: gxu5RGO_eJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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