German Handguns of World War II

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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we are back out on the range and today i want you to reminisce with me about a time where there were real anti-fascists and they carried garands that's right we're going to be talking about the second world war you know a sequel so terrible that it was almost as bad as the last of us too now you've probably already seen the video that we did on the german machine guns of world war ii you guys really seem to like that [Music] since you guys seem to like that so much we're actually back out on the range this time not with machine guns but german pistols of world war ii let's get started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you ever wonder sometimes if your guns are thinking about you two well while we sit here and try to wait out this rain before we put a bunch of priceless world war ii handguns out in the elements let's go ahead and talk about this week's sponsor that of course being uscca now first-time gun owners are on the rise things are getting super crazy out there and a lot of you are getting ccws so if you're going to be carrying a concealed handgun i definitely recommend signing up with uscca uscca exists to give law-abiding citizens like you the knowledge training and the legal protection that you need to protect your family when you need it the most there's a lot of times you can get caught unprepared kind of like filming a video a day late in the rain and active self defense is not one of them so i definitely recommend setting up with uscca in the link in the description and in the pin comment let's get back to the range you know what [ __ ] this i have an idea your uber is here so an even bigger flex than all the guns that we've got here today i have a box of nine millimeter so as i load this up i'm going to talk a little bit about the gun that we're going to be shooting here first so what i've got kind of sitting here on my lap is a walder p38 now these are some pretty rad looking guns there's a couple of features i wanted to go over that are pretty neat before i do let me unload that so i'm not a [ __ ] idiot so showing clear this is a hammered fire weapon so you've got external hammer there i do have a little bit of a chip here on the black polymer pistol grip it should look more like that so whoops has a double action feature as well with a heavy heavy [ __ ] trigger the magazine release is actually a lot like a makarov i think that's called just the european style of magazine release it's right there on the base of the gun you just pull that and it drops out the barrel design on this is pretty rad so if you can zoom in on this the unlocking mechanism uh the barrel actually moves backward with the slide for the first little bit to unlock it and then the slide moves on and when it goes backwards into the battery forward in the battery it goes forward so this weird geometry on the front of the gun here is actually part of the barrel this is so whack uh i've never really taken a detailed look at this gun before we did this video and uh that really stood out as pretty it's just black all right let's give this a go go cue all pew pew [ __ ] oh pew pew god damn see these always like to tilt down right off the bat there you go handgun technology has come a long way that's going to be a problem [Applause] this is so on brand so thankfully mother nature is starting to cooperate with us a little bit got a little bit more trigger time on the p-38 and determined that this has a completely garbo trigger which small gun not necessarily out of the ballpark i do want to try to figure out if i could shoot this thing with the double action on it just to see god this is 40 [ __ ] pounds but let's give it a little bit more play time [Applause] of course i missed the last shot all right anyway moving on to the luger now moving backward in time a little bit but to something much more iconically world war ii german we have the p08 luger uh the magazine i am loading right now it's kind of cool a little reminiscent of the macrov although i will say this is done far better because it has a checkered button to draw down from instead of like a sharp little uh tab of sheet metal like the macro that basically always splits your thumbnail so both of these of course are chambered in nine millimeter f to my wallet so the p08 luger of course referring to 1908 uh saw its first extensive military use in world war one where it was notorious for getting dirt clogged in the action in the trenches as probably it's less than ideal if you're in a dirty environment it's ridiculously over complicated the ergonomics are completely written and uh i love it because it just looks really neat so the magazine release is much more conventional somehow even though it was released earlier so it's got just a push button here and your magazine has a nice little cool cut there that corresponds to the bottom of the mag well charging handle is this weird knurled bit up here so you pull back on it like this let her go forward and you're ready to commit a war crime [Applause] i'm a much bigger fan of those sites as well it's really nifty because it almost reminds me of mauser sites where it's just kind of that v blade and they correspond corresponded somehow this just it's a way nicer pistol to shoot jesus now i know why they like these all right now we're gonna shoot a can of tomato puree i'd be lying if i told you i knew why olive oil all right that was a lot of fun anyway guys i hope you liked the video if you guys want to see more historic weaponry and stuff like this on the channel we were actually thinking about going back to drive tanks and maybe doing like a russian machine guns of world war ii american machine guns of world war ii i just really like world war ii stuff it's pretty nifty and i know there's a lot of germans in the comments that really appreciated the uh the uh neutral political attention that we're drawing to a lot of the cool technology of the time but now comes the worst part of this entire video i have to go home and clean this anyways guys hope you had a good one please subscribe if you like this sort of thing and remember akg notification squad is a thing and i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video and the rain's coming [Music] back [Music] what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we are back out here for a range video and today i want you to put on uh i was i was trying to think of a line as far as i don't know why i started with a line that i hadn't written yet typically not a good idea since you like that so much today we are back out on the range something kind of special german machine [ __ ] these i was going to say machine pistols but they're not f this is why nobody liked you charging handle is this wheeled weird [ __ ] me that was a terrible jerk
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 973,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, world war 2, WW2, German, pistols, p08 Luger, Walter, p38, Luger, 9mm, c96, Panzer, History, real life
Id: gaUn9oBXeXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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