How Full Auto AK’s REALLY Work

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/zSchlachter 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
brandon the ak guy told me that you were talking smack behind my back about my weak hands brandon has been scheming all this he's been playing us against each other brandon the ak guy you're dead okay a whiteboard what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers i'm filming remote today because i decided you know i was going to take a vacation for my health but as luck would have it in the airbnb we do have a whiteboard and i always think it's been a while since we did a whiteboard of knowledge video i know some of you guys out there miss it i get requests for them a lot and i get requests for one thing specifically you want to know how full auto aks work don't you squidward yes i'm going to risk the big pp slab from youtube and do a technical breakdown of how full auto aks actually function now i do want to point out this is not a how-to and i am not telling you to do this if you do not have the proper licensure but it is perfectly legal for a manufacturing ffl in the united states with an sot to manufacture post 86 machine guns there's plenty of guides out there on how to do it i just don't want to put that on youtube because well i like my job and you probably wouldn't like federal prison so it should go without saying that this is going to be an educational video only don't try this at home but to be honest with you guys i myself didn't really fully understand how full auto aks worked at least not well enough to do it myself until i started manufacturing them so for all of you die hard ak fanatics out there even though maybe you can't own one it's definitely cool to know how they work about a kalashnikov a few moments later there we go see i still got it but before we get too in the weeds i did want to tell you guys about a new sponsor the channel that i'm really glad to have on board that sponsor is actually a unique opportunity from young americans for liberty they're currently recruiting field staffers to help elect liberty-minded candidates across the country i'm going to put this down before i stab someone in the eye what you'll be doing is helping elect hardcore candidates that are dedicated to preserving the second amendment and the rest of our rights guaranteed to us as americans and the second amendment if you want to be a part of the fight and actually make a difference in our insane political climate in 2020 you can join one of the campaigns going on from september 19th until november 3rd gas is covered housing is completely provided for and you'll be compensated 3 700 bucks for your involvement in the program you're literally getting paid to help protect gun rights versus wayne lapierre that just kind of gets paid if you're interested please click the link in the description and in the pinned comment it helps us out it helps them out and realistically it helps all of us out now what young americans for liberty didn't know when they reached out to me is i actually worked for them while i was in college i did did some work with yl so it's actually kind of funny that they reached out i do think it's actually a great opportunity for you guys and it might actually make a difference so click the link in the description if you're interested let's get back to the machine gun so the auto seer pinhole is known as the third pin or the naughty pin the naughty third hole that can get you in trouble with the government and your wife so first a quick recap just to remind you what everything does on the semi-auto one because this will be important so you have your two axis pins the first one in the rear holds the trigger what this is actually up here is a hook that rocks on this pin that catches the hammer which is what this pin is so when the gun is cycling the bolt carrier moves to the rear and the bolt moves the rear as well so the hammer gets folded downward this direction that's you know downward and it gets caught in the hook of the trigger when you let off the trigger so if the only way it gets caught there is if you let off the trigger why aren't all ak's full auto well for one that wouldn't work you'd probably just have hammer follows and potentially out of battery detonation which that's not good unless you're sick of 2020 as i am in which case debatable but the reason this actually works is because of another part that actually also rotates on this trigger access pin this would be your disconnector it's basically another hook coming from the opposite direction that is uh kind of in a cradle in the middle of the two sides of the trigger itself now you see this tab up there at the top of the hammer when this comes down it catches on that disconnector now the disconnector only engages if the trigger is actually pulled forward that also because it's rocking the same cradle it goes up when the trigger goes back so it only functions to catch the hammer if the trigger is depressed like the trigger's pulled not it needs to get laid so that's what that tab up here is for on the hammer so yeah this is the face that actually strikes the bolt slapping that firing pin on the ass am i right of course when the bolt reciprocates the rear it folds back down and this tab right up here catches on the disconnector so again quick recap hammer is reset ready to go ready to fire you pull the trigger it comes off of that little hook there because it rotates forward and then it releases the hammer which is under you know obviously spring tension or slavic magic whichever you prefer hammer goes forward fires the round bolt reciprocates and moves the hammer back down and it gets caught on the disconnector but only while the trigger is pulled that is why it only fires one round it catches the hammer from doing that again so you let off the trigger it drops from the disconnector which rocks back as you're dropping the trigger and it catches on the hook of the trigger again and now you're in the same place that you started ready to go as soon as you pull the trigger you're past the disconnector so it's gonna fire another round let that hammer go back forward proceed to mag dump into trash let's say you wanted to mag dump into trash a little faster that's where we get into the auto sear now unlike some firearms like the glock and some of the drop in auto series for the ar-15 the auto sear for the ak is actually not a regulated part it is totally fine to own one in fact a lot of parts kits at least they used to uh they would come with the autoseer which is just all kinds of temptation i don't know why they did that why shouldn't i keep it the auto serum looks like this i just drew these parts kind of small because it may shock you to believe this but uh i'm not perfect so your auto seer pinhole is going to be more or less right about here so you got down up down so your front part loops up like that and that is why merely having a full auto auto seer and a third pin in your receiver does not make your gun able to go full auto yet there's one more thing you need actually two more okay i will get to it although to be warned it is still a machine gun uh anything with the auto seer hole drilled i believe is considered to be a machine gun by the atf once a machine gun always a machine gun you drill that hole you're going to jail ironically and kind of [ __ ] up you are now possessing without having done any violent crime a felony that can potentially put you in jail for longer than raping someone they want to throw the book at you and this is the only thing you did up to 10 years in a 250 000 fine frame them so anyway the other thing you have to do to the receiver itself involves the lower rail now if you're not familiar from a top down the ak rails kind of look like this so this is your top rail that's bent inward slightly it's kind of crimped at the top and that's what retains the bolt carrier itself now obviously we're going to assume that this goes for longer in both directions just pointing that out then you have your lower rails that stick out a little bit further and also include your shark fin ejector that is what kicks out the empty pews so you can load more pews back in the chamber now on a semi-auto receiver your right side rail does [ __ ] all well besides from stopping the bolt from rotating prematurely and jamming up your entire gun that's kind of nice but it has an additional function on the full auto which is a slot cut out specifically [Music] for your autoser so this is a bit exaggerated but you will get the idea this the scale on the rails is not one to one but i'm trying to illustrate a point the the top rails actually bend over a little bit and kind of obscure where the slot is for the autos here so i just wanted to show you kind of in a more exaggerated way this slot here is a channel that allows your auto sear to rock back and forth so brandon why does it have to rock in the channel that is directly in the way of the lower rail well hypothetical viewer excellent question that leads me around to that other thing i said that you needed believe it or not most semi-auto aks actually have this still so let's say this is your bulk carrier i have so quasi add about this i really want to add the gas piston but that's no it's wrong time with brandon so this is your bolt carrier for those who don't know this has one job to carry the bolt actually it has like eight jobs but let's make it simple this is the part that has your gas piston on the end charging handle houses the springs etc and also the bolt rotates in a channel called a cam groove inside of here now on top of all those functions it also has another function on the full auto ones which is that tab right there now if you have an ak at home and it was i guess an imported ak or a parts kit built ak go ahead and take it out and take a look at it if you pull your bolt carrier out and you have a channel that loops down kind of like that kind of like it's a sideways state of idaho then you have a full auto ak bolt carrier group congratulations you're going to jail no i'm kidding you're not going to joe at least not for that now on the neutered ones this will not be here they will actually just cut it flush this just goes straight and all that rail there does is uh reinforce it on the bottom side so that the bolt carrier stays in line with the top rail basically it just keeps it moving forward so it doesn't hop out of the gun or do anything stupid but we don't have to worry about cuckolded bolt carriers here so this right here is the little tab that we have and what that does is while this little channel right here i'm just going to color it in black that is a channel cut in the side of the bolt carrier that these top rails right into like i said to keep it in line the bottom of this rides pretty much on the bottom of the uh lower rails so when this goes forward through the receiver i almost drew that to scale with that was subconscious i didn't mean to do that but it works really well for this purpose basically just pretend this is about four inches lower so the hammer will have been caught by the trigger at this point it's moving back forward and when it's just about in battery that little tab will have hit the auto seer can't get forward meaning it's telling the rest of the gun in a time before computers or taxed that the bolt carrier has fully gone forward into battery and we are safe to fire another round now if you're keeping up so far congratulations you're smart if you think this is a little complicated well hang in there because it's going to get worse so now that brings us around to the job of the selector which is that stamp sheet metal piece on the side here kind of i guess shaped like this which on a semi-auto ak uh just is you know either safe all the way up or all the way down caught on a little selector catch here uh is fire safe no killing comrades all the way down maybe a couple jet shits now on the full auto ak there is a position in the middle between safe and semi auto that's of course full auto fun fact i've heard the reason that they did that is so that if you were just a typical conscript carrying an ak on safe and you had contact they didn't want you to blow your load all at once and just do a mag dump into the bushes so if you were in a panic and adrenaline driven you just throw down the the selector just so you could fire your gun automatically put you in the semi-auto position so you'd be more likely to be able to make accurate shots or at least calm down before you dump your combat load out that could be flood lore but that's what i've been told now if we are to rotate this to look at it from the backside so looking at it like if we were the stock looking to the front of the gun from inside you have the stamped part you know that's on the outside goes all the way across and plugs into the other side of the receiver swings down and then comes back up and another reason i will give mikhail kalashnikov a lot of credit is because this is very smart this is able to now do two jobs so when you're in the safe position and this is all the way up this actually blocks this little frankenstein bit this part blocks there's actually kind of more of a tail here on this uh trigger to where it can't walk forward releasing the hammer so that way you can't nd into one of your comrades like nfak but on top of that while being the same part it also this part over here just the left and right side but whatever this side went in the full auto position in the middle allows this to rock up the trigger to rock up and release the hammer but it blocks the disconnector and this is where like if this was a german or swiss gun they would be tempted to make this action like four different parts uh this needs to hit this which levers off of that hits a spring which coils something back around and then allows it to go full auto whereas uh kalashnikov uses a [ __ ] square one thing i like about russian gun design it physically blocks it it's not a complicated mechanism very simple simple is also relative but brandon didn't you just say earlier that if you blocked the disconnector then you would just either be at risk of out of battery detonations or you would just have hammer follows and light strikes and you wouldn't actually fire the gun you just basically make it a jam machine yes i did say that don't use my own words against me that is where the job of the autosphere comes in which is why a lot of countries actually consider it a safety sear as well as an autos here it's actually labeled as a safety sear remember this little tab that little hook there on the front of the hammer when the hammer rotates back that tab lines up with that on the back of the auto sewer which is why that is there when the hammer is fully back meaning the bolt carrier has already cycled it's going to be missing the disconnector but it's going to get hung on the back of the autos here see on a full auto ak your hammer is kind of fighting a two-front war between the disconnector and the auto sear because now it can be stopped from two different sides the only thing that will get this auto sear out of the way of the hammer so it can go do its job and put pews down range is if this is where it comes full circle that tab on the bottom of the bolt carrier rides all the way forward the gun is fully gone into battery and it knocks that auto sear down because it rides in that lower rail knocks it down and out of the way that hook the auto sear tilts down this way gets out of the way of the hammer and it goes forward so the only way the weapon can discharge in full auto theoretically is if the bolt carrier's all the way forward into battery and it is safe to shoot so it's not just an autos here it really isn't it is actually a safety sear this is a sear that is built in to make sure that the gun has a safety that it can't be fired out of battery which means uh for those of you i probably should have explained this earlier so an out of battery detonation is when uh you have a round go off and it's not totally in lock up so if you have a rifle round like a 762 by 39 that the 8k is there's there's all sorts of different ways that people do it high pressure rounds can't be direct blowback they theoretically could but it's not practical and it's really dumb in order to stop it from exploding you need some sort of lockup people do like falling block tilting block this is a gas operated uh rotating bolt mechanism so it actually locks in the trunnion itself so it cannot fire until the gas piston i did a video on this too so if the gun is designed to require lock up which i mean rifle runs you kind of do even on bolt guns you have to lock it up you just manually do it instead of having a gas system that cycles it for you you have to have lockup so an out of battery detonation on a gun like this basically mean that your cartridge is in the chamber it's fully fully supported by the barrel but the bolt has not finished turning meaning that you're not getting full lug contact it's not fully locked it's kind of like jumping off a diving board and trying to hit the pool but instead you hit like 50 pool 50 concrete and you [ __ ] die so all of that pressure that this gun is made to handle is you know the lugs may not be doing so hot this auto sear makes sure that that cannot happen just for you guys who are now worried about semi-auto aks there is another out of battery safety that is on the bolt carrier here that little tail there it actually fits in a recess in the recoil spring assembly but it also serves as an out of battery safety too because the hammer when it goes up if it's going up too early and this isn't fully back uh the bolt when it's in full battery is going to be sticking out like this more or less right under that spot so if it is not fully sticking out that tail will take the hit of the hammer and you'll just have a light strike instead of something potentially far worse so just to recap the difference between the two semi-auto and full auto is that a full auto well a have an auto server but it works in kind of a perfect balance where you have the selector pushing down on the disconnector stopping the hammer from being caught there's nothing stopping this hammer the trigger is now out of the way the uh as long as it's pulled uh the disconnector is out of the way the only thing stopping is the autosphere so it will automatically release without any action of the user other than holding down that trigger it will release every time the bolt carrier goes back forward and will uh it is safe to fire it's actually where you get to rate of fire changes and things if it's slightly if it's you know gassed a little lower it'll run a little bit slower which i personally like you can get into like hammer retarders and uh well the rate reducers as well which are just kind of little piece that hits the hammer a little bit spring-loaded piece that hits the hammer and slows it down i like those as well i like slow mag dumps i'd like to take my time but aside from getting into all of that it's very very straightforward bulk carrier goes into battery releases the hammer hammer goes back it goes forward shoots around bulk carrier goes back this resets to catch the hammer so the hammer stops until the bolt carrier goes back forward and yeah you continue to ride the lightning until either you let your finger off the trigger you run out of ammo or some other third thing i think i was gonna say if you're rifle jams but come on in the immortal words of duke and ashley this [ __ ] just never jams but realistically i think that mostly sums it up i do want to say one more time please educational use only or have the right paperwork or be working for somebody who does all the above there's all sorts of cool ways to get your hands on some cool stuff here but it's not a bad thing to keep in mind just in case you one day get the licenses the uh hughes amendment is repealed and we can actually make new production machine guns legally again as civilians or um 2020 just keeps going the way it's going and nobody gives a [ __ ] anymore because rule of law is completely gone but hey another three anyways guys i greatly appreciate it if you watched all the way through the video and you want to see more stuff like this just let me know in the comments and be sure to subscribe it really does help and if you haven't pressed that notification bell please do it hey i miss you i hate it when you're gone and b it does actually help out the channel quite a lot with analytics the powers that be don't really like gun channels so any boost in the ratings we can get helps a lot also a new ak guy merch available bunker branding i'll put a link to that as well and uh as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] thanks [Music] you know for security's sake i won't tell you what country i'm actually in at the moment but it's funny all the airbnbs here come with their own mulatto ak ain't this place of geographical oddity i also probably could use that for the video
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 367,338
Rating: 4.9768944 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, full auto, white board, white board of knowledge, AK-107, Val, escape from Tarkov, Tarkov
Id: Ewf3LLGYtyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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