Jim Fuller talks about his favorite AK setups

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Now everyone and their mother is gonna be trying to buy an AK because of Garand Daddy

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully all this excitement over aks will bring more 5.45 mags to the market.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/xj13361987 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jim Fuller never ages.

Also, sounds like Jim is opening a new company?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Jetlaggedz8 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jim Mother Fucking Fuller, good dude super knowledgeable. Sounds like he was bored as fuck at RD before he sold it, hope his new venture is successful.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/IrishSeaMonkey 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think all these AR people asking nooby questions are hilarious. I do hope the hype is good for the American AK market.

Aside from all the PSA I will be purchasing, I can't wait to see what Jim Fuller's next venture is.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/KratomScape 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jim is the man, excited to see what he brings to the market

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Jeagerpanze 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jim Fuller looks like one of those skinny orcs from the 'Lord of The Rings' movies to me.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/BigMac10McMuffin 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know what cheek pad that is and if its any good?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Xelliz 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Laughter] how do that [Music] [Music] blueshift [Music] [Music] [Music] if you've ever tried to load in a cave and you flub the reload go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like in comment comment section is out of control nothing I can do to control you guys I don't expect to do your thing love you guys so much if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest support of the channel right now is Big Daddy unlimited Big Daddy limit is like the Costco the gun world get in there 99 cents for the first month if you're looking for sick bags plaid and gloves we have vertex and of course lax ammunition for all your ammunition needs ladies gentlemen and of course my often forgotten but not by me mq-9 Reaper welcome to the channel today we're talking with a really great guy we have Jim fuller I don't feel like I should have to introduce him but for some younger audience you might not know Jim so much so Jim well he's been around a long time in the industry so I want to say that uh it's really cool to have you because I remember when I was a when I was younger and I was getting the guns I watched videos with you and Travis and Here I am with you on the channel so this is awesome Jim I don't want to take all your thunder can you tell the audience a little bit about yourself and your background how you kind of became the god of a case yes it's true okay my first exposure to it and I just seen what a phenomenal working gun it was you just can't kill him I tried no you can't baby they literally run and I thought it was like it was like not real like awake kids really aren't that reliable but I did a couple reliability tests with a couple guns on this really shitty Lake out in Texas with sons of liberty with a crew and I dude straight up the ako is the only gun that ran through it so there is something to be said there now how do you get into them well mainly because nobody else would work on them really I mean back when I got interested in these things if you think about it early eighties it was most of the gunsmiths at the time were Vietnam veterans yeah he hated this gun oh that's true I mean there was - I walked in a few different stores trying to get work then and I thought I was going to get my butt kicked and I like that there were that was a no-go that told me right there guess I better do it myself and what made you start making guns for people when did that start well when when they started importing parts gets late 90s what parts gets were the importing by the way mostly the old Romanian parts kiss they came in with a whole front end with complete barrel and stuff not like they do now that yeah or they ban the barrels and there were 99 bucks and these were like brand-new guns that were cut up Oh amazing I wish I wish we could go back yeah you know but anyhow those uh those guns were great for building up and learning how to run the guns and kill them in everything so I have to ask you when you first started making aks you start building them up what resources did you have for building any cameras that kind of learn as you go type thing it really was a learn as you go the grunt of time there really wasn't much of an 8k industry here yeah you know there was some people making some good receivers which is really all you needed in a trigger group you know a few us parts to make it 922 are illegal and but there really was no custom stuff there were no barrels being made here no special gas blocks no you know no no this no nothing you know and I mean me this part right here I believe is absolute perfection various stuff it's really good it's hard to beat it it is in many ways I agree my concept was to reform this gun and make it a better gun was work on the front end work on the rear end well other kind of where I focus my efforts and mostly with the gas systems and stuff to make the gun more pleasant to shoot and you know in the early days you know back in back in the eighties nineties eight kazar like 200 bucks that's ridiculous like they're so expensive now - oh yeah I know I try to buy and that's a make it was 200 bucks or probably three grand now easy yeah that's crazy but the nice thing was back then they were so cheap you could screw them up and it didn't matter okay so you're making all these aks and what was the first company to II started making a case the first company yeah like the was the first company that you were under that you that you were making a case for flea I did it all I did it I'm gonna under my own license since okay also seventies Jim fuller yeah and you know prior to that for a couple years guys with bring parts over look at it around in the garage play around build things you know I mean you'll call that build parties and look what you do now stuff you move on you know like I thought it was a better way to make a living and be an electrician I'm kind of tired of it that's that's very true now so for people kind of caught up you know I know you worked at rifle dynamics for a little bit but I hear you might be doing your own I know you did and and so so I heard you sold it and here you're gonna be doing some stuff yeah some stuff anything you could say well you know I mean I was sitting around an RD and you know I was collecting a paycheck and doing whatever they needed yeah that just really wasn't enough for me I wanted to do something else and then a mutual friend of ours yeah mutual friend said hey hey man what are you doing you want to do something cool you know and it's like yes something cool yes I do want to do something cool I can't wait well I know you can't say too much but we'll be we'll be keeping in touch about that and doing some stuff I'm sure very soon but let's talk about where Jim so I asked him to bring out his favorite a case both unique or just because he liked them just a lot and so Jim brought out these two guns actually this one right here I love so much I'm gonna I'm gonna be building it with Jim's helping a little bit here but let's talk about this one right here so I know this is one of your favorites yeah this is a this is what we call me your key it's basically a hybrid between a 105 which is that huh and a seven and a a KS 70 for you which is the little crank okay so you know it's kind of like the best of both of those worlds with a tune front ends with a tune gas system so that can run a suppressor now this doesn't have an adjustable gas block this is heavily tuned so they'll run with the 30 Cal suppressor or with that and it runs very well with both so we shot it both without of course you have less blowback so it's a little bit smoother with the suppressor though a lot of you kids get very violent when you mount a suppressor Jim that's not the case with yours I was pretty impressed with the gas work on that how do you how do you balance the gas system on an a K and there's there's a lot of things that you know most people just say oh they can make a smaller gas port make a bigger gas port there's a lot more to it than that you know I mean Springs piston links piston links well yeah that's another thing you know there's a thing yeah I mean it's you know compression and pressure and stuff you just do whatever you can to make the gun act more like it needs to be suppressed that's incredible yeah that's very cool so why what barrel lengths do you have on this particular image on this model okay and you're running a five four five cracks now so a lot of my audience are probably way more familiar with the enforce that family rifles with the M with the five five six what's the five four five like so they can kind of get really it is I think you'd probably find more accurate five five six in this country just because you have more ammo availability more types of animal yeah the five four five ammo we have here is limited to Russian surplus which is very limited there's not a whole lot of different Florian now the seven and six is that the correct designation that was really plentiful for a while that was like ten nine cents around a forgot me into these guys yeah because it was so cheap for a while and that round is actually pretty potent from what I understand yeah has a pretty good legacy from the time it served in Afghanistan if I'm they have much better stuff now it's it's a pin it's an armor-piercing round classified ass but it's not very good at it okay it has a tendency to tumble like the early five fifteen five five six rounds not bad what's the grandage on those five four five rounds same trusting can you do a heavier grain egde on the five four five rounds generally I wouldn't okay we've seen that people trying to use 69 grains some of the stuff that comes in and it's generally a little bit too long it doesn't feed well okay that's a sixty grain wolf any of the zoo and I'm walking a wolf silver barrel with zoo animals I get it I love it any of those in sixty grain work just fine okay awesome so we have all that going on now we know you've tuned the gas system you're running a surefire 30 Cal can now is there any reason you're running at 30 cows as opposed to a 22 Ken one one thing is back pressure okay it quiets it down enough I mean this is my house doesn't my everything you know so if I ever crap this off in the house yeah I can still hear the next day very nice piece okay quiet but it's not gonna blow my ears out either and it also keeps back pressure off the gun so compared to the 22 Ken exactly interesting but will the 5:45 will be fine going through a 5/6 can okay making sure I'm not about to blow up a gun you know I'm hitting man-sized steel at six and seven hundred yards with this guy me for real nak yeah so I know yeah I hear that all the time the keys aren't accurate so from the ak10 themselves a 1639 will not do that kind of distance no kidding you know I mean it starts going transonic at about 550 and it starts falling apart I was always thought like the heavier rounds withstood wind better so I was assumed it would be better for longer this integration interesting you know that the five four or five doesn't penetrate well okay it's really good on soft tissue yeah I shot a coyote at what distance probably about 35 yards and hit a broadside and damn near cut him in half not bad so now there's a couple things to the a caso because you know so much about it I have to have so I've heard a lot of things about aks about their magazines being a particularly good part of them you just do to the design what is it about the design of the a Kmag that just makes it so reliable well the one thing they're they're actually pretty expensive to make if we try to copies in this country these would be really expensive really it's a fallen or format and then they have steel and steel liners in here steel liner around the top steel locking lugs steel locking lug on the back steel going all the way down the back okay and all this is molded inside the polymer oh it's an expensive process to make these you know well that makes sense and I mean there's a lot of American companies like X Tech has been it's just been doing a pretty good job of doing this I could do it Matt and the Russians though I mean they've been making the stuff forever and they've really got it this stuff is bomb from I mean you know these visa this is actually a true black which is the same thing as that one man yeah yeah it's just black instead of purple I love the plum mags why are they plum color by the way Russian magic will say that so Jim when it comes to building an 8k you know I know a lot of people build them in their you know home build them you know a lot can go wrong so I've heard a lot of people say with an aka you know there they can be made so cheaply but I think a lot of people fail to understand that when they were made in Russia there's a lot of the infrastructure required to support that so you sure to make the rifle but to actually have the machinery necessary it's quite a bit correct yeah you know we often tell people it's more like waxing the thing than gunsmithing I've heard that yeah and it is it's very complicated to build because you need a lot of special tooling I mean most guys can take an ar-15 parts cobbled together yes yeah this kitchen table with a couple of tools and make a gun out it's easy yeah and not with an 8k you need special tools and you need you need knowledge and stuff to put it together we've got rivets going in right right you know wild you know I mean I went to airframe school when I was younger so I kind of had a background in it so okay helpful for me when I started doing it but riveting is the way these things should be built and it's the the the the rough thing with the aka is it's such a brilliant design yeah we built poorly and still work just not as well it's not as well so you know in this country when people started building them they were finding all kinds of ways to put these together that weren't right but they were working you know but these guys were only shooting a few hundred rounds for them and never breaking them you know yeah that makes sense a couple thousand rounds down the line and things start shearing off and cracking and I think you've seen that with a lot of aks coming out with certain companies where they'll be fine the first couple hundred rounds but people have done longevity testing they found that many lurgy issues there oh no kidding okay see there's three there's three parts in the ATA the bolt the bolt and the bolt the bolt carrier and the trunnion which should be made out of forged metal okay which is very expensive to do oh yeah so a lot of the companies trying to create the a K here have gone different directions with that castings milling out of billet whatever they could do and some of it has not been successful you know yeah I really truly believe it needs to be a forged piece of metal to do it and there's some people knocking on the door of that right now I'm gonna be looking at some of it you're pretty soon because I'm we need that in America are you teasing me too much I want to see this up now when it comes to your design right here can you talk a little bit about what furniture you have on there well this is actually a Krebbs handguard is modified to work with an ultimate very cool okay so we've always used the ultimate because it mounts the scope low gives you plenty of rail room for just about anything and I've never really needed much else besides that of course you know all that run is a red dot in a flashlight for sure if you wanted to put a peck on here you can find some way to do it easy enough now with with the 8k is one thing that's kind of interesting on them is they get super hot super fast compared to like the ar-15 family rifles so I think Haley said it best like you got a Michael Jack and I get like a glove is that a you Greenworks that's fair you know I saw you doing the magwell grip I felt like a total [ __ ] I was reaching up and grabbing this thing and I was like burning the [ __ ] out of my hand no I went ditch I was grabbing the back once you got to the magwell Mike what is you and that's like an older shooting stance I'm like ah yes it's burning the [ __ ] out of me that that doesn't make sense the master knows so moving back from the furniture we got an aim point dot on there awesome so right here we have a Creek site correct so what's the difference between a regular 8k site well there's two reasons we chose this top cover in this block block I could shorten up the front end and get a full length handguard on it okay but also with this top cover the the rear side is moved back about four inches okay so what that does is it gives you a sight radius that's almost the same length as a full-size 8k it's awesome so if you're using your irons you know if your red dot goes bad you got a pretty damn good set irons on here that's not too bad now safeties I've seen some very badly done safeties on a case now yours are very smooth they feel good I found out a lot of a case like how to do it maybe a little bit now you have monster fingers like you're reaching right up and you're getting those so you're you have very long fingers I don't like to talk about too much but how do you adjust a safety because I've gotten somewhere they're so tight I'm like sitting there I'm like I'm like easiest way okay it is too tight I made it up just like that it's a piece of spring steel she just bend it away from the receiver Russians it's pretty simple Russians do stuff like that go down check it see where it's at it's too loose and it that easy day you know that's it just folks like that it right where I want that's it and then I've always liked the grip angle on a lot of these kind of more modernized aks they feel so good I think I think we were talking about Travis Haley where it it just puts your finger right where it should be the angle on these ribs just perfect for the trigger when you grab that thing a lot of the other stuff you grab it your finger wound up going them yeah or if it's to rig back and winds up going this way like a weird angle now you're tweaking your trigger finger to get it up there and work the trigger was it becoming a straight like that don't you right there Travis is a master of body mechanics and I think he pointed out pretty well now moving back to the stocks you're using mostly triangular stocks why is that for the most part there rugged viata are they work in just about any position I think they're a little weak in the prone position you and I were talking about the out of the day is kind of hard to get a cheek weld in the prone position but for the most part of me you can bus to school with one of these things you know they are very tough yeah they are they're tough and back in Afghanistan did they they put the bandage and they'd wrap it with return again you know that's pretty cool now what do you have on here so you have these pouches about just this one was actually one of the prototype ones it was made by Jean Higden when he was at high speed gear who makes them now rifle dynamics all these okay cool and then this one right here is another prototype the Gene Mean Gene leather his new company Oh sick I made for me he's doing a leather version I like the leather version quite a bit I think it looks I think it looks pretty good on an ache a so it's kind of nice you know what you do it a cold day you know have a little bit of insulation right here I do like that I think that's a pre-adoption what are the stocks you typically recommend for the a Kay that are that are good you know you can you can do an m4 stock on when you have a triangle folder you're kind of limited to something that can attach to this particular trend yeah than the other ones but there's a lot of products on the market j-mac makes a makes a conversion that'll plug into the it'll plug into the plan and it gives you a to the m4 - yeah the mo cap tube so you can do that or the zenit code they have a couple stocks don't they they do okay as a matter of fact I think we're doing one for yours we are I actually thought I think it feels pretty good of course I'm gonna defer to you on that but I like the ability to adjust the the height of the cheek rest so you can it's a pretty neat is a free stock if you have if you have cheek rest adjustment you obviously have length to pull adjustment but you can also move the pad on here - oh that's very cool yeah so they have like six just an adjustments and - that's so it's a pretty cool stock if you want to really fine-tune a gun for certain purposes that's not bad at all so we have your ATK we've kind of gone through the entire thing there's a smooth shooting platform I really enjoy that quite a bit so you have it because this is your go-to gun this is home defense this is whatever what about this what about you for now what about this bad boy right here why did you bring this one out well this is the 305 it's so what is it 105 so these people might not know because they might get it confused I'll make the SLR 105 is just a 5 4 5 12 and 1/2 inch barrel you know mid length and this is this is basically the standard gun that most especially US use these days oh no kidding this is like this is kind of like their equivalent to like the mark 18 oh it's rose okay I mean they have they have all these other models since these but you talk to any of those guys you look at what they're running they're running one of these interesting they're well proven they work well it's a good length it's just a really good dependable gun and now there's a couple very interesting things going on here so first thing I want to talk about is I see every Russian special operations group using this muscle device what is it why are they using it this is called the four piece flash hider okay and it's actually a pretty good flash hider for one but the other main purpose of it is to put boost back on a gun in the short barrel oh okay that's or 12-time on these guys is that similar to the crank with its conical so it's just increasing the back pressure much like a suppressor baffle correct same thing I know a little bit so you're increasing back pressure now does it need it can it function without it if the guns set up right yeah it will okay you know I mean this will because we ran it with them without ok these right here we're designed for the same thing you don't run a booster on it or take it off or on either way yeah we'll definitely be running this because I think it's a very interesting muzzle device I like to kind of want to use what they're using to see kind of how they have their setup now this entire setup the furniture including the rail dust cover I think everyone wants to know about so well the b33 does cover this is kind of a standard they've been vacant for a long time but some said it go correct exactly okay and it's it's pretty happy the way it's made and I'll put them out or you know everybody keeps saying we're you guys why you have this with you around the red dots like this is a T&E gun yeah we're testing stuff out I just realize that but the thieves you can they're so beefy the way they're mounted you can open and close this thing a lot of times you want it's going to hold zero I think you said you put a low-power variable and you you shot it then you took it off you just put it back on you pop the dust cover off and on and it's holding zero so it seems to be a pretty good solution if I'm if I'm not mistaken it has some tensioning in there yeah the way you know it's attached it's attached with to strut illustrate I like how you pick your leg up it's like a Power Move right well there's also another plate underneath here that attaches it to the back of the rear sight tower and then you come to the new recoil return guide okay forces it down in the back which I mean you cannot yeah I was feeling that thing that's pretty solid I think that's a really important thing in design from Seneca I think that's that's pretty guy I know a lot of US companies have done it very success but I like seeing this coming out of Russia that's cool that they're improving their own weapon that's definitely a very cool thing about it I really like the whole diverse cycle of this the this handguard I really like it's very thin it's like right against the gun you know that's new the guns and echo those who are familiar with their products their older stuff used to be much bigger both here and had rails oh yeah they're huge they were huge and a lot of weight that right there has been slimmed down about as slim as you can make it and it's kind of deceiving because people say oh it's got to be really cheap if it's cut away that much no no it's not an excuse I'm paying for right now I can feel well I like it quite a bit so I think it's this all combined is a very cool I like this quite a bit I'm writing this the triangular saw of course the coolest thing if you hear that that particular one yeah I know some particular ones for a lot of it and always fun I know it's a good gun right there it's a cool story but yeah you know this is I really like this one so you brought it out because this is essentially almost a military clone in many ways pretty much I mean the Special Ops guys probably have the heavier one of this yeah because they haven't done much with it yeah but I've noticed a couple of the guys I know we're testing that real already so I went to got one Q just to find out for myself how well they work and so far I'm really really happy with it I love it so far I guess thing on this the old ones used to have a rail on the top that you would attach a red dot to that you could no longer see your iron sights with a redesigned this upper and you see how low this thing sits it's it's the same height as an ultimate now at first that means you can see your all you can see your iron sights through the bottom of the tube so that works out really good plus the other benefit of that is - you're running a regular gas tube and your automatic is not attached to it so you don't have the heat issues you could use a lesser quality oh cool well that is some lettuce some very cool stuff I really like this one I love that one too I just I got to build this right here that's pretty modern well it's let's that's pretty awesome Jim oh I mean you know I can't thank you enough for coming out here and just taking some time to talk about this and I'm really excited to do some further work for sure in the future I know it's gonna happen yeah a few plans so that's gonna be really awesome maybe we can both agree when it comes to aks like you watch to be trying to reload us and struggle bus right struggle bus compared to what I do at the m4 and the biggest thing is training right we talked about this a lot but like wait for muscle memory that's all exactly whether it comes to build doing builds I know you do build classes right it's that training and them and knowing what to do or to shooting the firearms we got guys like right here we got hey Lisa teacher right my dad so he's out there he's training you guys we got esoteric Darcy Tony Cowden we've got core vision tons of great guys out there we can give you training you can learn from because that's what really matters and you need to go to somebody for a case specific training this is true you know in the early days we used to say we instead of saying it's like don't in for a K yeah yeah because that's what everybody did and you know they tried to apply m4 techniques and muscle memory to the a K and it's a different it's a complete different gun in and I I learned so much from Travis you know watching those old videos that he did and just talking to them about how he manipulates an 8k but it's a different mindset and the way you kind of hold it but that's absolutely very true love it but guys thank you so much for watching a lot more coming the future thank you for being on then brother appreciate you love you guys and me and Jim we've got nothing else for you got anything else Jim no we're good man good okay laughs 2020 last thing for you guys and I think Jim we talked about this listening take some time and listen I think that's really important not a lot of people less than anymore this week take some time I next time you talk to somebody and just sit back and actually listen everyone is always waiting for their turn to talk so the best thing I can say is take your time listen guys thank you so much you know if you've gotten this far at the very end my patreon supporters love you guys you support the channel directly with fellow equipment cameras all that stuff and I can't thank you guys enough guys take care of yourselves we'll see you next video that's right thanks Jim appreciate it buddy love it
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,255,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, jim fuller, ak god, best ak, best ak setup, ak setup, ak47 setup, special forces ak, spec ops ak
Id: aDWpwCiShqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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