The AK-47 in Call of Duty - Full Breakdown

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Oh my God I love this guy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gayson300 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 11 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was a pretty good video.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/IamTa2oD ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 11 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
what is going on you sexy YouTube mother lovers today we are shamelessly going for klicks by talking about the history of the ak-47 throughout the Call of Duty franchise so in case your social media feeds haven't told you yet call of duty modern warfare is getting a revamp reboot HD makeover I have no idea what the hell they're doing to it but I'm actually personally excited because that was the game that introduced me to the Call of Duty franchise and coincidentally that was also the first game of the Call of Duty franchise that introduced the ak-47 so cars on concerns a match made in heaven so as Axl Rose once said let's make this donkey so right off the bat we start off with call of duty 4 modern warfare now this game was kind of a departure from Call of Duty's World War 2 roots and set place in more of a modern environment in the Middle East of course being set in the Middle East call of duty modern warfare would be remiss if they didn't give the ak-47 center stage as the bad guy gun during campaign of course it was kind of treated like a redheaded stepchild during multiplayer being one of the first guns you've ever unlocked but it got plenty of gun porn moments in the campaign so that didn't stop me from using it pretty much every game when I was in middle school so hey as far as the accuracy of how the ak-47 was portrayed in the game yeah I mean it was pretty pretty spot-on I mean this is definitely something you would see all over the Middle East this is something you do see all over the Middle East ok unsolicited history lesson the reason the ak-47 is so damn prominent and when I say ak-47 by the way for the rest of this video I'm gonna be talking about the AKM just so I get that right off the bat for for everybody in the comments the AKM was the stamp variant of the ak-47 that came about in the early 50s most of what you see called an ak-47 really isn't an ak-47 by true definition a que 47s are gonna be milled most the ones you see out there your stamps so I'm just gonna use those two interchangeably because of popular nomenclature but that is technically wrong so I just want to point that out the reason why the ak-47 variants are so popular in the Middle East is because when Russia invaded Afghanistan pretty much their version of Vietnam they just deposited ak-47s all over the continent so when they were fighting off against the Mujahideen and Sylvester Stallone [Music] you can bet your ass plenty of ak-47s ended up into the hands of the Mujahideen and then we're distributed throughout the Middle East now this is a one-two punch because probably for the next couple decades cheap Chinese a.k variants like the Norinco 's and things like that kept flooding in from the east so it was kind of right in the middle of the east funny enough taking all that into consideration and adding in the fact that they were very easy to train people how to use very easy to disassemble and pretty easy for the rudimentary cave gunsmith to fix that was a smash hit in the Middle East and that's why the a K is so prominent in that area of the also introduced in this game was the ak-74 you or the aks-74u is its official designation as one of the qualms I have about this gun and I have a couple Call of Duty for some reason really likes to put the aks-74u in with the submachine gun category and I know why they do that for game dynamics however it's not a submachine gun submachine gun traditionally is when you have a full auto typically you know carbine length whatever rifle that's chambered in a pistol caliber well the bullets at the ak-74 you or the ak-74 fires is smaller than the 762 that the ak-47 fires it's a 5.4 five by 39 it's still a rifle caliber it's an intermediate cartridge and it's the same length as the 760 by 39 so if you're gonna have the ak-47 in the calibre of assault rifle the ak-74 or the aks-74u should also be an assault rifle that's like saying that a lamborghini aventador is a sports car but a Lamborghini Huracan is an SUV without ragging on Call of Duty for too much here my other qualms with this is that the aks-74u looks absolutely nothing like the real a KS 74 you and I know why and it's kind of embarrassing so if the Lance would be so kind and pull up the image of what the modern warfare aks-74u is right here-ish where are you I don't know it's gonna be like here ish is going to be the aks-74u there now if you notice on this gun compared to the real aks-74u the magazine curve is way more extreme which means that it's a 7 62 by 39 most likely and not a 5 4 5 2 5 4 5 Macker is way less dramatic so this is already a seven six two gun making it not a 74 it has an under folder whereas the real aks-74 has a side folder which I prefer greatly I'm not a big fan of under folding stocks something that's also funny to point out is that this has very very short handguard it's probably shorter than the actual crank with this weird you know polymer handguard and Picatinny rail on the bottom there's a there's a couple little design perks on that oh oh and the other big thing is that it has a milled receiver whereas the real aks-74 has a stamped receiver I don't think they ever made a production aks-74 or ak-74 period at least that would be in the Middle East with a milled receiver so this is kind of interesting alright getting this one out of the way I even made the noise with my mouth I don't know why I did that so this gun here I think the reason why it looks the way it does is because there is an airsoft variant of it out there and I'm pretty sure that the game developers just went to Walmart bought this thing for 50 bucks and modelled it and took that as gold that makes me sad but now that we're done with that we're gonna move on to modern warfare 2 now this game the ak-47 looked just about the same as it did in modern warfare 1 with the difference that it got some polymer furniture upgrades so they kind of got a two-tone thing going on with this one they introduced a little bit of a side mounted scope rail kind of interesting makes a little bit more sense for optics and this is when it finally got the respect that it deserves because this was the last assault rifle you could unlock in multiplayer so good looking out I agree with this this amount of respect this is this is fine the only complaint I have about this that I didn't address in the last one is that on this particular one in modern warfare 2 the furniture upgrade that they gave vak is like some really cheap furniture that's available for like 50 bucks online so I'll keep polymer so no idea who was using this in this game I really don't remember but they probably shop at Walmart a lot I don't like it jumping ahead a little bit to the future black ops 3 now black ops 3 kind of had a really kind of cool sci-fi take on the aka called the K and 44 some of you may not have known this was an aka variant but it very very clearly favors the aka it's obviously gas piston operated it's got that nice big a K mag there they even went with the fake futuristic bakelite which I really appreciate it was kind of cool this was just a really cool futuristic Terminator esque take on the ak-47 that it was kind of cool creative and I actually give it to the game designers it looks pretty damn cool so not really a lot to say about its future gun doesn't exist don't really know much about it so just thought it was worthy of mentioning right on out I keep doing that why moving on to the game that most Call of Duty fans like to pretend didn't exist infinite warfare a lot of Call of Duty fans like to pretend that this game didn't really exist however the amount of times I was hung over on my friend's couch and played this game because he literally owned no other games for PlayStation I've got a soft spot in my heart and of course when I was playing hungover the only gun I would ever play with was of course the Foulke now this right here is another futuristic take on the a K however it is a little less inspired considering it pretty much is just a direct reproduction of the Elysium a que that make Matt Damon used make Damon really again the future gun can't really rate it for accuracy but yeah okay that's kind of neat is it yeah now moving back over to World War two we have of course the newer Call of Duty World War two now in this game we had an early a que variant the stg44 I'm just [ __ ] with you guys I wanted to see what the comments we're gonna look like moving on now the one other thing I will say about call of duty and the ak-47 is that as much as I enjoyed growing up playing the Call of Duty games it is responsible for one thing that has plagued me long into adulthood which is the accuracy in accuracy myth of the ak-47 at the little accuracy bar on every damn Call of Duty game is probably why 60% of my comments section used to think at one point that the ak-47 was inaccurate it's an urban legend that really won't go away we just built an a que that was capable of shooting a thousand yards you can get those guns pretty accurate as long as they don't have burned-out barrels and everything from being in the Middle East for thirty years haven't God knows how many rounds shot through them so I kinda have to I'm getting a little salty thinking about it I kind of have to fall Call of Duty for that one a little bit cuz I know a lot of us form our early gun opinions for movies and video games but yeah so that that is a myth if you if you didn't know while aks may not be precision old guns you can get them fairly accurate if you take your time they build it right we know that because here at the a keg I that is that's what we do so I had to actually throw in that little plug we didn't write that in script but it just it felt like a natural salesman opportunity so that about wraps up our journey through the ak-47 throughout the Call of Duty franchise thank you guys so much for watching hopefully this was entertaining to you and hopefully you learned something more about the AAA platform when you came here if you didn't learn something more about the AAA Ahn's are you might have learned something new about Call of Duty which I apologize for and on the bright side at least you'll have something to bond with your douchebag grandchildren about the next Thanksgiving I am excited to see how call of duty modern warfare handles the a K and frankly even if it's handled poorly I'm still probably gonna play the [ __ ] out of it if I have time which I don't so anyway thank you guys so much for watching if you like the channel and you want to see more stuff like it or your fan of a K platform anything like that go ahead and smash that subscribe button and of course next video is coming out on Thursday first Thursday of the month been here a while you know what that means gun mean review is coming Goodin even reviews Kuhlman and remember we have officially started up the EKG notification squad so we're giving away random t-shirts little nit annoyance just a k guy stuff to people who leave a comment in the first hour with a hashtag AKG notification squad in it trying to get people to turn on those notification bell icon thing that's down there I don't know how to youtube works I really don't but I know that means more clicks and that means more money for my editor which means he's happier with me and he makes me look better on camera so if you guys could go ahead and do that go ahead and click that bell and leave a comment with hashtag AKG notification squad in it greatly appreciate it and I will see you beautiful [ __ ] okay unsolicited oh okay me me me me me so of course it wasn't valued very high a multi-player didn't stop me from using it all the time when I was in middle school so that sounded horrible holy [ __ ] no that came out very wrong
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 892,988
Rating: 4.9199524 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, vlog, guns, gun, Call of duty, Modern warfare, Trailer, Gaming, CoD, Multiplayer, Ak-74u, Ak74u, Krink, Campaign
Id: LmyBPMc_fvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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