Training With REAL Russian Operators

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that's me you're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation and who's the angry Russian that's shouting in my ear right now well the answer that we have to go back a little bit sensor T was doing an American tour and I was asked to host a training course right here in Fayetteville North Carolina now Center T is a world-class training organization that teaches civilians and military personnel alike all sorts of skills including the art of the a K the angry Russian that's Dima Dima runs Center D he's currently shouting at me because my footwork sucks but this wasn't just a random verbal result me and just under 20 other students had signed up for this course and this was the sort of thing that we were going to subject ourselves to in order to learn how to properly run the a.k the Russian way okay however Dima is about as authentic as they come meaning the instructions were mostly in Russia thankfully we had the mythical Graham Bates there to translate for us so we pour American English speakers could figure out exactly what was being said and prior to shooting take notice of shooting position where your feet your knees your back your shoulders are and then once again on the weapon prior to shooting Graham Bates was mostly there to translate the in-depth explanations of exactly how we were [ __ ] up it was very clear without a translator that we were [ __ ] it was his job to explain exactly how now the Russian style of training has a little bit of a reputation here in the US for being unsafe this could not be farther from the truth when it came to Dima and the way senator T does things I've actually never seen an instructor in my entire life that focused more on safety objective safety was clearly their number one priority and it was to a degree that I have never seen before in this country if you are hot even with your safety on but your hammer not forward and the trigger totally dead you were in trouble problem problem their emphasis was also very clearly not on speed it was about technique and accuracy which I learned I would like to say quickly but the hard way because if you missed your target you were doing babushkas I was very unclear on whether this meant you shot like a grandmother or you were shooting your grandmother either way you were doing a lot of push-ups the amount of which permis varied from exercise to exercise but I did a lot of push-ups one of the things that was taught with very heavy emphasis with stance where were your feet located how were your shoulders put in relation to each other where was the rifle sitting this is something that I thought I had on relative lockdown as it turns out I was very wrong as we got more and more comfortable with these core concepts they began to teach us a few more advanced techniques things that we will practice even through the another thing covered that is definitely beyond the beginner level as transitioning shoulders and the appropriate footwork that goes with that the handwork that goes with that it is something that is probably outside the comfort zone of most shooters I would say and it was something that I definitely could use a good bit of work on myself [Applause] [Applause] by the end of the day we were all tired but we had learned something new and I think we had all advanced as shooters thank you for a safe day and good training day gather up your stuff mo we did continue to learn more and more advanced things on day 2 of the course however obviously we can't put a lot of it on YouTube for a whole host of reasons the primary one of which being that Center T really doesn't want to post the entire course online for free obviously they still have to make a living at this and of course we're happy to respect that so I was happy to just go through day two allowing the course to kick my ass and realizing that I have a whole lot more to learn and a whole lot more to practice when it comes to the a.k platform so it was a very cool experience for me and I appreciate the senator T folks for allowing me to take the course it was definitely an eye-opener oh and at the end of the course if you are deemed to have completed the class with some degree of competence and nobody else in the course deems you unsafe and they would train with you again you are awarded this patch which that's pretty cool not everybody gets this patch if there are certain things that you just don't do properly or they feel that you're not ready you don't get the patch so if you have this it should be taken as a point of pride and I think a lot of the students did do that and we had a lot of very cool people there at the course taking the class with us I appreciated getting to know every single one of you and of course would be happy to train amongst any single one of you if Senator T ever does come back and we do another course like this so all said and done it was an honor and a privilege to get to train with the center T guys it was an honor and a privilege to get to train with every single one of you that took the course I'm glad I got to meet you and hopefully you all had as good of an experience with this as I did and while I'm at it let me go ahead and thank Fred from saber works 13 for helping kind of put all this together he did phenomenal man and he did a good job with it I really I'm sure I I appreciate your help and I'm sure the center T crew appreciates your help putting all this together as well anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to learn more about Center T click the link in the description I will be happy to send you their way and I will see you sexy mother lovers in the next video thanks
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 2,683,742
Rating: 4.935081 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, vlog, entrepreneur, guns, gun, Center t, Ak operator, Russian, Training, Special forces, Kalashnikov, Dima, Khyber Custom, Rifle Dynamics, Red oktober, Ak-74, North Carolina, Texas, Fayetteville, Las Vegas
Id: A6yeOmpXIvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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