What is extremely common, but people think it's rare? - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight ask /oscar etic bye planet reddit what is extremely common but people think it's extremely rare learning something in your 30s that you should have definitely learned much earlier there's a line at Mathilda by the time she was two Matilda had learned what most people learn in their early 30s how to take care of herself I remember a watching Matilda when I was 21 and I thought that FS people learn to properly take care of themselves by nineteen of the latest man this movie is pessimistic four years later after having co-workers with nursing degrees rely on homeopathy to cure the flu watching a mother feed energy drinks to her kids before bed so they would be awake for a late dinner having to explain to a person my own age that shoes can be polished instead of buying a new pair every few months having to show a 20 year old woman how to use a frying pan having a 27 year old man try to stroke a possum because he thought it was a weird looking cat yeah Roald Dahl had it right most people don't learn to look after themselves until their early 30s and even then it's most not all who have hopefully learned by then when I was a teenager I thought people in their twenties definitely had everything figured out because they were older and adults I'm now in my late twenties and still feel like a child just with adult responsibilities absorbing your twin in the womb it's like surprisingly common I now have the strength of a fully grown man and a developing baby i absorbed my twin and tbh we still made a weak person it's not uncommon for people to have three kidneys but until you get a scan for something you won't know I was scanned for kidney stones in the doctor just mentioned in an offhanded way I had three when I questioned him he said it was not unusual but most folks never find out a girl I knew growing up suffered an injury from training for a sport after a few tests to make sure they were not incorrect they determined that she had four kidneys she said she always had stomach but thought it was from training a fake she donated the extras and was significantly happier afterwards I was born with and still have four kidneys gave me issues as a little kid but not so much now Roman coins five dollars on eBay I want one how do I know it's real if it says 50 BC on it best to leave it alone a doctor using Google to help figure out what's wrong with the patients further surgeons using Google mid surgery or phoning a friend for help if surgery edit source friends with many medical residents of varying specialties yup my sister says that's what they learn in med school is how to interpret those search results a lay person might think that they have cancer because they have six stroke nine of the main symptoms the doctor will be able to tell that the three symptoms you are missing are those that are most important to diagnose the illness so you don't have cancer doctors did the same thing before Google it just took longer because they had to consult reference books instead I feel education now more so than ever is not the information you know about how to interpret new information in your trained field don't like our weather just wait a few minutes kamar insert hometown here where we experience all four seasons in a single day week also man my city state has the worst drivers ever every major city is the toughest city to drive in every single one miscarriages I've answered an identical thread before while we're on childbirth and to give a more wholesome spin premature babies surviving used to be a 36 week baby would have a limited chance for survival and in modern times I've seen 26 week babies survive and go on to be perfectly healthy 25 week old preemie hair : 33 years old now hi drug users they're everywhere I thought it was rare until I met a new group of friends who were more regular drug users and it really opened my eyes to how accessible and widespread it is it's scary how easy it is to find drugs anywhere there was a point when I was 15 when it was easier for me to get cocaine than it was to get alcohol a short period granted but it was still very confusing fatal car accidents people are terrified of things that are several orders of magnitude smaller than fatal car accidents to happen but they drive every day without worrying about it I literally work near the crater the terrorists left in New York City but do terror attacks keep me up at night no I'm still thousands of times more likely to get mangled in a five car pileup driving is by far the most dangerous activity most of us engage in and most of us do it every day yep you look at me and see my medical records you will probably assume a mind blew my legs off or something nope I got sideswiped and ran over while cycling to work then I got an infection at the hospital people are scared of these horrible deaths at our air they don't realize they are surrounded by potential death every moment they are on or next to a road with active traffic color blindness edit almost no color blind people see in black and white the most common variant of color blindness dirt anomaly red and green affects everyone in 10 people we can still see colors but in our own special way that is different to normal people I was in an electrical engineering lab my and some random dude are working out our bench and my two friends are working at the other one of the two is known to be color blind now for those of you not in the know resistors an electrical part label their value with colored bands each color represents a number which then represents the value of the part so these two knuckleheads come running over to me pay average this resistor has no colors on it I take a look and respond no guys there are three orange bands apparently neither of them can see that particular shade of orange so it's two guys who I probably colorblind trying to read colored bands on pops fun times 'we had by all my husband is colorblind and he builds motorcycles as a hobby the pot he hates his electrical wiring he often calls me out to the garage and asks me what color s the wires are takes a bit of tape and labels them with the word for the color s talent as an artist growing up adults and authority figures throughout my life propped up my natural drawing abilities is extremely rare and something that was fundamentally special I never felt it really was because I always knew so many awesome artists who I considered way better than me and now of course when we look at all the beautiful creative stuff people make and host online across the world it's clear just how common my specific talents are this goes for anything how many buskers have gone viral because they have such beautiful voices and are singing in a subway station or on a street corner often they sound better than the ones who make it in the music industry the gatekeepers of a lot of industries have tricked us into thinking that talent is rare and precious so they can market it I believe it's precious yet incredibly common talent may not be rare but the work ethic required to hone it and then sell it as a career ease talent may not be rare but the work ethic required to hone it and then sell it as a career ease also the ability to market search regardless of what people say the chances of you meeting the right people getting on a label etc are exponentially higher if you live in LA or NY if you are a talented singer living in Missouri the chances of it happening are a lot lower amicable divorces you are not just going to pull into the drive one day to find all your [ __ ] on the front lawn my parents got divorced 20 years ago but continued to live together because they had three young children under 10 they started dating each other again like three years ago though it's kind of weird seeing my parents be affectionate with one another that's a very responsible decision your parents made I know a lot of divorced people who were not nearly as conscious about the good of their kids a fluke it's really the most common fish in the ocean if you go fishing for a fluke chances are you'll find one describing yourself as crazy and fun anyone who describes themself as weird or spontaneous or crazy is probably the most boring person ever all they are legitimately crazy and play it off as being quirky based on dating apps girls being foodies and loving travel and loving dogs more than people if you can't handle me at my pizza you don't deserve me at my potato blue-eyes White Dragon but there are only three in the world you're a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck scoliosis I told someone that I have scoliosis and then told him that it was actually really common he didn't believe me until his friend who also has scoliosis and I told him how common it was with how common it is you'd think a doctor would be better at saying someone has it had it's pretty damn obvious that someone has it with me my waistline is on a funny angle and my waist is way more concave on the left side than the right being creative and introverted and special more people have told me they are introverted than people have told me they are extroverted maybe it's just hip these days I used to think I was introverted until someone told me I was the extroverted she explained it to me as it's where you get your energy I've always loved being around people and find I do gain energy from interacting with my friends and coworkers I think my misconception of the concept was the fact that I've always been a shy individual and tend to not speak out even when in with people I know very well but when I think back to my childhood being described by teachers as quietest kid in class loudest kid on the playground and to how I am now I see what my friend meant when she explained the definitions thinking you're a genius sorry haters and losers but my IQ is one of the highest my IQ is twenty stroked twenty sinkholes they're common where the rock below the land surface is limestone carbonate rock salt beds or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by groundwater circulating through them feeling like the world is against you and thinking you aren't good enough it's funny how both thinking you aren't good enough and thinking you're a genius or on this thread I think I'm [ __ ] but still better than everyone else that make any sense : join our community discord link in description people talking about their kid like oh he's already doing this or they already know how to insert verb more than likely your kids learning at a very average speed so many parents seem to think their kid is so ahead of their age I used to think that crap of my nephews growing up my sister is so much older than me that my first nephews are more like younger siblings but then they grew up to be normal dumb busses certain kids hit developmental milestones faster than others but if the stragglers can catch up and surpass them later it really means nothing I've got a new kid and it seems like he's growing and learning so quickly at every dr visit i look at the height weight charts and he's always been within 2% of the 50th percentile almost exactly average every time if you didn't get that information though i can completely see why people would feel that way edit spelling death issues in pregnancy stuff that that will kill the mother is way more common than people think miscarriage is extremely common in the first trimester so much so that often women didn't even know they were pregnant just thought they were late $2 bills I look this up thinking it would be less than a deuce the breakdown as of 2017 is 12 point 1 billion dollars one bills 1.2 billion dollars two bills 3.0 billion dollars five bills 2.0 billion dollars ten bills nine point two billion dollars 20 bills one point seven billion dollars 50 bills 12.5 billion dollars 100 bills so they're the rarest of the denominations under $100 but still 1.2 billion bills about 3% of those in circulation ain't nothing some bars use $2 bills and $0.50 coins as their gimmick double yolks you need to stop posting him 100 percent my mother found seven yolks in an egg before finding three or four is quite common edit three or four because three four was misunderstood by a few to uses whatever that poster 7uq if it happens again it might not be rare that it's pretty neat poverty those who aren't in poverty generally can't recognize when someone is poor edit words I live near an extremely poor area surrounded by extremely rich areas the amount of people in the rich areas who just don't understand poor people is insane they live like ten minutes up a major road from them and rarely interact with them some of the religious groups go to work in the poor areas but they are the exception knowing more than one language I grew up where knowing two languages was the norm and many people knew three or four in my linguistics class I learned that about 70% of the world is raised speaking more than one language more no lingual ISM is actually fairly unusual makes sense the u.s. is a large and fairly secluded country and one of only two bordering countries also uses English as a primary language in many other places especially your there's lots of countries with different languages in a relatively small area so it makes sense that you would need to know the languages of the surrounding countries it's kind of like if all the US states spoke a different language you would need to learn the languages of the surrounding states if you ever wanted to travel or move any significant distance nice people that's probably the first time I've read this on the internet most people that I've met and known have been nice good people but whenever I go to the Internet everyone are suddenly a-holes edit to clarify I do realize that many people that you meet are just being polite because it's the norm but I'm also under the impression that most people want to do good in this world instead of bad maybe this differs from where you're from where you live which culture you belong to et Cie etc but even then I still think that most people aren't out to hurt you going into labor without your water breaking as a sign of the start it's absent and like 85% of the cases in TV shows they always make it seem like the way to know when the baby's coming don't put all your money on that rare symptom four-leaf clover find any random patch of clover and look for a few minutes you'll find a few for sure I used to find them by the dozens in seventh grade outside my school now I don't find many at all even when I look I now think it was something about the clover patches on that hill a leprechaun lived there having more than two nipples it's around one out of every 18 people my boyfriend has four nipples I think he's part dog he sheds on the furniture too tumors you are more likely to get one than not not all of them are cancerous but yeah hospital infections underreported my best buddy went to the hospital for minor surgery and wound up with something called CF killed him but the death certificate says heart failure DIF can go to hell you literally [ __ ] yourself to death I caught a five times in a year and dropped to 69 pounds I was 17 it was hell didn't die but Shirley wanted to people who answered this thread with Diamonds or $2 bills for your information diamonds have been said nine times already counter 252 edit apparently I should also start making a counter for $2 bills edit to man you people really love your diamonds edit 3 congratulations you slash Saint too low you're the 100th person to talk about diamonds here have a cookie edit 4 I'm starting to think that creating and trying to keep up the counter was a mistake edit 5 now that this thread is dead 252 as the final total STDs most of the sex having population has HPV I think I read a figure of 70% or something like that from CDC without remembering exactly the figure was over half meaning over half of us have or have had this [ __ ] but no one thinks it's them everyone would have you believe that they get tested for everything which tells you they are lying because you can't just go in and test for everything reddit gold edit 10 hours later and 9.5 hours after you slash Elga cunningham it worked thank you kind stranger tttt nice try it worked Wow millionaires people who have a net worth of 1 million dollars dollars it's more or less middle class in this area of the US yep according to CNBC currently about 8 percent of US adults have a household net worth of a million the vast majority of them are so-called 401 K millionaires not stock traders or CEOs kelpies hiding in the nearby lake Harry Potter first editions most first edition Harry Potter's aren't valuable at all you need very specific printings of the first editions for any real collectible value the most valuable are the very first copies of the Sorcerer's Stone in the Philosopher's Stone UK the rest pretty much aren't worth anything how often someone wants to duck you or how close you come to dying everyday without realizing it if you only knew the answers to either you'll probably go insane one of those only applies to attractive people well yeah it's common knowledge that ogres are practically immortal people with moderate political views in general most people don't swallow their own side's [ __ ] wholesale but it can be hard to tell when all media tends to magnify the dip shits and polarize the masses thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, reddit and chill, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit reading, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question, reddit on tap
Id: ph28Khh00UQ
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Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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