What is "socially unacceptable" for no reason?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what is considered socially unacceptable for no reason not wanting to hold other ppl s babies just got a drop one you will never be asked to hold another again accepting something that someone offered you this is mostly in the Middle East I think but it's really frustrating for foreigners because a foreigner will never know the correct time to accept an offer if someone offers to buy you dinner there is a very delicate balance of refusing and accepting you have to refuse like four or five times but if you refuse more than that you'll also offend the other person but if you don't refuse it several times adamantly then you look greedy and selfish if they fail to offer it insistently for like four or five times they'll look like they didn't mean the offer and they aren't generous a lot of Middle Easterners are shocked when they come to a Western country and they say something like hey let me pay for this and the other person says oh ok thanks shocked pick a two face it takes a while to get used to the fact that Westerners will just take you up on the offer at first it feels like Westerners are greedy and they want to take advantage of your generosity but that's not the case it's just a different culture and it makes more sense to accept an offer straight up instead of a whole theatre production first but Middle East and people need that theater production to feel everyone's been proper and polite one time a group of us were in a Middle Eastern country and in a way to celebrate our friendship they wanted to put on a show for us this is when I learned a major difference between Western culture and Arab culture see Arabs will keep the show going until their guests leave and Westerners will stay until the end of the show so we had two groups of people becoming increasingly frustrated with each other because the Americans won't leave and let us stop performing was clashing with oMG can they just end the show already I say no it's ok once then when they insist the second time I say ok I'm getting coffee you want one now that's ok no really I'll grab it what do you want ok thanks black please I just hate that I have to buy coffee tomorrow for them and it's a perpetual it's my turn to buy I don't want to spend six dollars every other day on coffee but if I constantly refuse then I'm Viejo I also can get free coffee at work but everyone seems to want to buy their Starbucks or McDonald's or whatever being the first person to get up from your chair when snacks are brought into a beating room there's always that one hero that does it though so others can get in line because I'm scared of looking like I'm starving or like lamb fat people can see that I'm fat whether I stand up first or not edit decided to influence my local meteorological condition eating lunch alone in your car at work it's quiet comfortable and I don't have to make small talk when I'm trying to have so many time out of the office napping at work during my lunch break I don't really need food in the afternoon what I really need is a nap funny part is that I need a nap because of the lunch realizing you're walking the wrong way and then turning around and going back you just stop walking for a second do the thinking motion allows oh I believe I forgot something and then turned back I'm experienced in this playing pretend as an adult without kids involved there is nothing wrong with an adult man building with Legos and setting up an epic adventure within that plays out in his head as something amazing its escapism and very calming even in adults it stimulates the mind to have a self-made adventure where everything is what I want oh man this is exactly what Dungeons & Dragons is for it takes for six grown-ass dude sitting around playing pretend and makes it socially ACC hum so anyway in answer to the O P middle age people playing Dungeons and Dragons if you're gonna sit in the basement pretending to be an elf you might as well do it with friends not answering your own door when there's like a salesman at someone's door they won't want to answer that they will act like no one is home and be really quiet so the person outside the door doesn't hear them but it's your house I could just stare at a Salesman out the window as he rings my bell who cares it's my house I don't have to answer my own door for whatever reason I deem acceptable you came to my house not the other way around my neighbor also came to my house the other day rang my doorbell and I was trying to put my son down for a nap so I didn't go down but then she messaged my wife and was like hey your garage is open I can see someone is home why didn't you answer so then my wife messages me asking why I didn't answer what the dark for whatever reason I choose I had a good one this time but maybe I'm asleep maybe I'm taking a shower or a [ __ ] or in the backyard or maybe I'm scratching my nuts on the couch maybe duck yourself it's my house you took your shot to see if I'd answer and I didn't move on yes a couple of years ago I was really bothered with how many times neighbors would come at my daughter nag and gossip and ask me questions about other neighbors then my mom told me that I don't have to answer the door haven't done Simpson have not been such into other neighbors dramas simps if I'm not expecting someone I just don't answer the door the image I got of you staring as the salesman as he waits at the door made me chuckle pooping in a public bathroom it's not necessarily unacceptable that it's something that always elicits a reaction or discomfort and often disapproval I've definitely heard people loudly exclaim that they could tell someone just took a [ __ ] in the bathroom acting all disgusted I mean they didn't [ __ ] on the floor they went to the proper pooping receptacle it just shouldn't mean anything and shouldn't be worth commenting on people poop in bathrooms if you're in a public bathroom and you didn't know it that's where people poop stop acting surprised when a bathroom smells like people did what people do in bathrooms for a long time I had poop anxiety over this now I'll let my bowels rip so the whole shopping mall feels my mighty Rumble edit row' thanks for all the up votes fellow enlightened [ __ ] e's saying no to something without giving an explanation I got in trouble in school when on a field trip and the guy running it asked me if I wanted to be in charge of running the snack cart getting money et Cie during the break no thank you he looked horrified and I got called rude by my teacher using swings playground equipment as an adult I frickin love going on the swings I'm 30 and it still fascinates me that I can quickly and easily get 1015 feet or higher in the air with some simple leg movement one day I was at a fairly deserted local park on the swings having the time of my life suddenly Karin shows up with her two ankle biters hands on her hips and yells at me what are you doing on there the swings are for the kids not adults my tax dollars paid for these swings and there's no sign saying that I can't so I'll amuse them as much as I damn well please whenever I want how much tax did little Jonathan and little Kimberly pay last year none guess they can't use the swings either edit my poor inbox thank you kind metal giving strangers redheart some more info I'm in BC Canada the swings were not the crappy weak ones but had thick chains and rubber seats I'm sure they were more than capable of holding my 190 pound self I didn't tell Karen to duck off but I did tell her to have a nice day don't let your inner kid die nothing wrong with getting a little high now and then the Chi male killed me how is this unacceptable I'm in my forty's head and still jump off these mother Duggars swing high jump high hope for a soft landing being single some people are okay not being in a relationship for some time and are perfectly happy but other people just don't understand that I sometimes feel like others assume something is wrong with me because I'm not in a relationship that is that no one wants me I'm the only one in my family and friends group who doesn't have a life partner watch daniel schloss jigsaw he brilliantly and hilariously makes the point that most relationships are [ __ ] anyway and it's better to learn to be happy on your own turning down an invitation to go out simply because you'd rather stay home with your pets save money and preserve your mental health in glorious solitude saying no not getting someone a gift when they say that they don't want anything I hate that by illegitimate II don't want anything don't get me a gift if you feel bad get me a card I save all my cards my in-laws do this every Christmas I legitimately don't want anything so I get weird things instead leaving without giving an acceptable song-and-dance about why you are leaving with leaving because you have basically reached your limit with socializing being not a good enough reason people who can stand to be around other people for huge amounts of time more power to you but me I can't do that and I don't want to have to make up an excuse to do so I've recently started to not give reasons why I'm leaving okay I've got to head out no one ever asks but if they did I'd probably be honest my social battery is drained and I need to rest people seem to understand that a lot more nowadays the Irish exit exists for a reason my dude apperently self-defence isn't allowed in schools I guess I just have to accept the beating I say it's better to take a school punishment and show the bully who's he messing with than getting abused for the rest of the years at the school edit not to be that guy but the guy who gave me silver also put a message I thought you might want to see you stay strong a detention punishment is only temporary while abuse lasts a long-ass time totally I wish more parents realized this going out to eat at a restaurant alone like damn people I just want a nice meal that I don't have to cook and wanna enjoy a night out by myself edit change meet a meal didn't notice the typo until 6000 of you people decided to blow my phone up completely agree this also Minds me of my favorite quote from the live-action Grinch movie dinner plans with myself I can't cancel that again that movie has so many great one-liners showing distaste for one's family in any way shape or form my aunt and uncle have both tried to drown me every time I express my dislike for them I always hear wow I guess you're not very family-orientated that's very heartless of you / I'm sure you don't mean that I sure as hell mean it or just because you're in the same family as me I'm not bound by law to likely want to pretend that I do family members can be a-holes to you and people need to understand that duck my family why is blood so important to some people you shouldn't be obligated to keep toxic people in your life just because you're biologically related refusing generosity it's perfect alright to politely decline even though others would vilify you for being ungrateful and cold edit I am pleasantly surprised to learn everyone's perspectives on this it seems to be different in other countries the world doesn't seem so small right now I was raised to always refuse generosity it's crazy how it varies depending on country family same I was taught that people are only offering to be polite and don't actually want to do what they are offering this one is super cultural in some places calling in sick because it's letting down the team or whatever duck off I'm sick as a dog there's little I accomplish other than feeling like death warmed up so you aren't missing out on much plus I could spread whatever I've got to co-workers then we're all sick edit thanks for the gold kind of strangers if I am sick you shouldn't want me at work because then everyone else will get ducking sick and it ruins productivity in the office the only possible reason for demanding a doctor's note is if you think for some reason I am lying about being sick and considering I'm sick I'm not going to get one because vacu I'm sick so what makes you think I'm leaving the house for a stupid bit of paper and to be clear I'm not talking about you the commenter I'm talking about bosses et Cie at work locations the doctors know thing is such crap you can be sick and not need to go to the doctor why would you spend the money to go to the doctor for them to tell you to go buy some mucinex and rest I was once shamed for missing work for having a miscarriage worst job I've ever had glad to be out of there join our community discord link in description waking up at 11 a.m. or later I'm not lazy my responsibilities are taken care off I stay up late and value my sleep hours I stay up until 6 a.m. and wake up at 2 I'm a self-employed artist and I'm most productive at night even as a kid I always stayed up slept in people assume I'm lazy but I'm not productive at all in the morning so duck fat noise night owls FTW Hey me too I never have felt so validated about my duck top schedule everything I make in the morning is garbage and ends up to be redone when I have my head on straight in the evening there are a ton of rules around clothing that are completely arbitrary nonsense and I don't even just mean workplace dress codes and gendered clothing that are obvious [ __ ] even in casual situations jeans and a flannel shirt are normal but if you wore plaid flannel pajama pants and a denim shirt you would look psychotic that's just an excuse for you to go out to buy groceries and your pajamas and I respect it having fun as an adult fun has no expiration date you don't suddenly no longer qualify for fun and have to live a life off watching the news and drinking coffee the people shame adults for doing fun things in that absolute ducking [ __ ] yes I'm 38 and I enjoy swings jumping on trampolines having a balloon with helium people looks at me like if I'm mad or being childish but when they try it with me they enjoy it too I always get my face painted Royal Adelaide show like a State Fair tick at family-friendly events that say they have a faster painter tick school fundraisers tick it's amazing the amount of people that make a big deal out of it in a 28 year old woman and I get my face painted big deal having more fun than you grumpy ass standing on a roof sometimes why can't I stand on my dang roof it's my business if I break my legs edit nudity is illegal of course I was clothes also no they didn't think I was committing not aliveness what's going on here I feel like there's some deep-rooted tension between you and someone who won't let you stand on your roof like do your neighbours not like it when you stand on your roof no they do not got the cops called on me even though that makes no sense talking to yourself not in a crazy way but just mumbling or thinking out loud walking your cat reminds me when some old man yelled at me and wanted to call the cops because cats not dogs and you can't walk them get a goldfish put it in a fishbowl put the fish bowl in a wagon walk the fish stare old man in the eyes as you do so skipping us as an adult it's unfortunate because it is faster than walking and much more fun than running I had an employee 15 years ago who was walking out of the office the same time I was he was a middle-aged fella with a couple of kids he started skipping I said den why are you skipping he responded when's the last time you skipped it feels great Dennis lived in a better dimension than many of us be the change you want to see I will join you running everywhere instead of walking when I see someone running that looks like they shouldn't be not wearing running gear I admittedly do assume suspicion college campus is the one place this doesn't look out of place edit 30-plus people have already commented about airports as well we get it my dad gets super offended when I put my elbows on the table I still don't know why edit for those of you wondering of its cause my dad was beaten from not having table manners no while my grandpa was a drunk he didn't beat his children plus my dad puts his elbows on the table and doesn't reprimand anyone but me he flicks or hits my elbows of the table when I do it I always thought this was a stupid rule that made dining more difficult and therefore I tended to ignore it depending on the setting however one day I put my elbows on a table that had a central pedestal instead of four legs and spilled everyone's drinks I instantly thought about how that rule makes sense now that I know why but I think the better rule would be don't put your weight on the table until you are certain of its strength and stability similarly don't sit on tables that unfold without making sure they are not going to dump you on your ass not that I have personal experience with that of course laying down in public edit out of all the replies nobody has mentioned the way to fix this a pillow simply bust out a pillow and then you get half as many weird looks source likes to lay if you lie down on the floor in McDonald's you get to meet the manager context and location is key here are you in the middle of the street in the park on the grass on a shop floor or somewhere else people wouldn't generally expect someone to be lying down hopping on one leg everywhere you go thank you talking about the money you make your salary I've talked about salary with coworkers a few times in my career a couple times I found out I was underpaid I asked for more money on my next review and was given what I asked sometimes companies overpay new hires when they are desperate for somebody good the worst thing that can happen is their best most experienced employees find out about it salary secrecy is always beneficial to the company never to the employee so true someone told me at my old company giant food multinational that they were told by HR that they could be terminated or written up for discussing salary I was livid when I heard that according to a recent post on reddit apparently it's not okay for a man to show affection toward his son also hats indoors no one has given me a valid reason why I need to tell students to take their hats off can confirm my dad hasn't hugged me or told me he loves me since I was like eight not cause he doesn't it's just like something he never does so now it's too awkward to start 40 plus mail at a playground yes I have no partner yes that's my six-year-old kid having a blast no I'm not a pedo but thank you for your questions and passive glares which one's yours I don't know yet just browsing wearing a surgical mask when you are sick to prevent giving the illness to others it's socially acceptable in Japan it's even encouraged I wore a surgical mask to school because I was sick I'm also Japanese but live in the US and got reported to the principal's office immediately : ladies can call their friends have girlfriends but a man absolutely not cannot call his friends his boyfriends that's not fair my best buddy refers to me as his heterosexual life mate that one's okay by me let my boys hug and have feelings damn it wearing the same clothes two days in a row I'm from the states and I visited Italy when I was a teenager it was so weird to me at the time that people there will the same clothes a few days in a row but now I think why not if the clothes are dirty or smelly they're still good to wear wait that's a thing I wear my clothes two three days in a row but then again I live in Europe where it's cold and I almost don't sweat didn't know that was a thing sometimes I need to adjust my dorm it's unacceptable depending on the location and what you're wearing it's easier to change the position of your dong when wearing a hoodie I'm a grown man and I love flowers not even masculine flowers I have an orchid collection standing backwards in an elevator my GF stood backwards in the elevator for the Space Needle just staring at me because she is super afraid of heights I knew why but she looked like a crazy serial killer for sure thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: what is considered unacceptable for no reason, askreddit, r/askreddit, what is considered socially unacceptable for no reason? r/askreddit, ask reddit, what is considered socially unacceptable for no reason? (r/askreddit), best of reddit, reddit, subreddit, top posts, askreddit funny, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, tz reddit, sir reddit
Id: aoOj3JA_jSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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